Arc of Alchemist coming to Switch with new features

>Arc of Alchemist is coming to Switch on October 10 in Japan for 7,200 yen at retail and 6,400 yen via download, developer Compile Heart announced.

>The action RPG first launched for PlayStation 4 in February in Japan. The PlayStation 4 version is due out this winter in the west.

>The Switch version will include the following new features:

>Control All Party Members – Control all party members, not just Quinn. Freely form your party and enjoy battle and field traversal while operating your favorite character. Whether it is Sharon, who can attack a group of enemies in one swoop from a distance, or Sandra, who specializes in defense, each character has their own unexpected quirks.
>Easier to Play – By adding high-value items that can be converted into money, it is now easier to fully realize your base, making character development easier as well. Some user interface elements have also been adjusted.

Has anyone played this game? How is it? If the western release of both the PS4 and Switch versions will be simultaneous, it'll be an interesting case since the Switch version seems to have significant improvements, being able to control multiple characters sounds huge.

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never heard of it but ok

looks interesting, dont have a switch and dont want to buy ps4 version unless it gets those extra features now

Wasn't this game one of the first to be fucked over by the Snoy ethics committee?

I remember the girl at the top right in the OP pic initially only wearing the black straps covering her nipples without the white top, but I'm not sure it was Snoy censorship or a decision from Compile Heart themselves since I see the game ended up getting a B Cero rating so it must not be heavy on fanservice aside from that character.

>>Control All Party Members – Control all party members, not just Quinn. Freely form your party and enjoy battle and field traversal while operating your favorite character.

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>its actually 3d and not a dungeon crawler shit
western when?

I see Cute and Funny! I buy!

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empty world
>empty world
empty world
>empty world