Is Kassandra's game worth 20 bucks? Honestly it looks pretty enough even if only to look at historic Greek placed, and Kassandra is a 10/10.
Is Kassandra's game worth 20 bucks? Honestly it looks pretty enough even if only to look at historic Greek placed...
I'd say so, she is very pretty!
super mario odyssey is a better representation of greek culture
I don't want a representation of Greek culture I just want to look at pretty history Greek places.
I need her in my life.
are all greek girls as qt as Kass?
ugh, too old
its pretty boring open world ubisoft stuff but kassandra is a top tier cutie. I want her to call me a malaka while stomping on my dick
Just pirate it bro
modern greeks look awful after ottoman rape for 4 centuries
I want to trace that vein in her arm with my tongue
You like trannies, stop ingesting microplastics.
just came here to say that this is one of the hottest fem protagonists in gaming history. Bye.
more like ottoman rape for 4 centuries still couldnt did them
*fix them
yes im a phoneposter
Sure, a lot much better. The dna hasn't changed much since the beginning of Greece despite all these populations coming and going.
(google: greek dna science magazine mythical)
>tfw only 35 results of her on r34
So we all agree Kassandra is absurdly hot but how's the game? I'm also curious.
Kass reminds me of old Lara.
>phoneposter and ottoman apologist
who wouldve guessedf
>let the priests purge the last family in the village
>then as i walk away the little girl comes in and says I am a bad girl
>think it was an obvious good/bad decision and i just fucked up picking the rational one
>turns out it wasnt
>dat feel when for all Ubisoft's push to make her the canonical character Kassandra was still chosen by less than 30% of players
I don't understand how, she looks so much more interesting than the male PC
Normalfags can only self-insert.
why would you want to be a woman?
in that setting she would be inferior at pretty much everything and wouldnt fit in
If you play as Kassandra you fuck Natakas who looks like a goblin.If you play as Chadlexios you fuck Neema who looks like a goddess, easy decision.
I wonder if these are the same faggots that get upset by ntr porn in subverse. Unable to self insert...
God imagine being hugged by those arms
>tfw bought this game in the sale
>tfw playing as the dude
Fuck waifufags
Closest we'll ever get to another Xena Warrior Princess game, well till Gods and Monsters next year.
Alexios's game is better
Probably my favorite game of last year.
Anytime this game comes up I feel compelled to warn people that this game is fucking garbage. If you want to play modern AC, play Origins. Odyssey is a fucking mess, it's like the whole game was designed to be as tedious as possible to make you give in to buying microtransactions. It's a soulless husk of a game lacking any kind of creative flair. It's big and the graphics are okay. That's it.
Wait for GOTY for best value.
Reminder that everyone wanted Alexios more than Kassandra.
Of course guys want to roleplay and roam the land banging Greek sluts.
We get it, you're a pedo
>Canon character
>Ending with her in a fucking men's suit
Fucking Ubisoft
Well people spoke and the guy is the canon character now.
No it is not, it is endless grind overbloated with endless shitty side content. The only redeming quality of the game is that you can see Kassandra's crouch easily.
>Is AAA trash worth your attention?
Fuck no. Go outside. Watch paint dry. Have sex. Anything is better.
The dude is not canon
It's not a grind lmao, get good at RPG's nerd.
>Developed by Ubisoft Quebec
No wonder the game is filled with useless shit
>he says that after only 30% of players chose to be the woman
He wasn't intended to be canon but you better believe he is now.
>Kassandra is a 10/10.
body too manly
Considering both the creative director and the novel point to it being Kassandra I doubt they'd go back on that considering how stubborn they are. They still don't believe they did wrong with the Juno thing even after all the backlash and people directly asking them why they did it.
>she looks so much more interesting than the male PC
maybe if you have agp
where do you see it for 20 bucks?
Yeah, the open world is unironically one of the most beautiful and fun spaces to traverse in video games (although I may have gotten more out of it as a greek myth nerd). Plus they did a pretty good job of not making the game feel like too much of an assassin's creed game, which I appreciated.
Fair point and to be honest who in the fuck honestly gives a fuck about the canon of AC after Ezio? (which was when the original writer left as well) I personally just view them as self contained things and don't give much of a shit about connectivity between titles.
I would respect them more for sticking to their guns. Backpedaling is a bitch move.
I got it for free, but it wont run because Ubi is fucking retarded and wont let it run from anything other than your bootdrive.
Kassandra is not the kind of female protagonist you usually see in games. Alexios is just another badass dude with scruffy beard archetype. Visually speaking Kass is way more interesting.
Also what the fuck is agp? I think you meant to say tranny which is the Yea Forums approved way to call people whose opinions you don't agree with
It’s extremely boring and somehow much worse than Origins
Ew she looks like my aunt
Thats a demon trying to trigger me.
In the Kassandra respect I agree with you, but with the Juno respect not at all, the fact they thought they shouldn't focus on it in the games because "No one cares" is one of the dumbest reasons I've ever heard for dropping a plotline you've been building for multiple games. It's like if they showed us Desmond's journey up until Revelations and then decided his death would be in a comic.
I wanna fuck your aunt.
t. gigachad
It's a nice dress up simulator, has a couple of hot outfits, and on PC you can get the premium paid ones with Cheat Engine.
The game itself is eh, very weak opening and a ton of padding, but it's fun if you just want something to sink hours into.
Yeah, if you let the family live, the entire island ends up contaminated.
Youre not gigachad, you probably want to suck his dick though because you are unable to realize that the "female" in OP has masculine features and probably more Testosterone than you. Now go fix yourself faggot.
>Crops a females head onto a males body
(((Western))) game devs in a nutshell
GOD I want her to snu snu me so bad.
>Yeah, if you let the family live, the entire island ends up contaminated.
yeah but when I played it I first thought it was a hard decision. then the girl comes in so I thought they wanted me to fight, because it felt so on the nose that she came in immediately to cry about me taking the easy way out not fighing the priests. then it turns out you save the island
Kassandra is much smaller than pretty much any man in the game, specially compared to Alexios.
It's almost adorable just how small she is.
Please tell me your aunt lives in or around LONDON
The whole Juno thing is lost on me. I'm only arguing on behalf of the kass/alex debacle.
you may not like this. but this is what top performance looks like
>Play origins
>Get to level cap and one-time upgrade all the gear I want
>Play Odyssey, heard cap was 50
>Get to 50 and upgrade my gear
>Ding 51 shortly after
What the FUCK were they thinking. How is reupgrading your gear every level an acceptable design unless you're intentionally trying to get to people to buy resource packs from your microtransaction store. I cheat engined the resources after that. "Stole" the store items too
Lol she is the exact same size and the same animations, it’s fucking lazy. Also the RPG elements are complete trash and the dialogue so badly written
>she is the exact same size
No she isn't.
>the same animations
No they aren't, hell, they said with Unity that the reason they had no female character is because they requiered new animations.
Even their running looks different, where Alexios moves his arms much more and leans forward.
>t. dick-loving futanig
Nigger it’s exactly the same
Imagine all those spears going into her neck at the same time. wouldn't that be horrible and bloody haha
Where's my /olive/ bros at?
its not 20 its 30 dollars
Is that his girlfriend? How could he get such a hot gf and I can't?
I want her boob armor and her cloak.
>Why yes, I would have sex with a cute, strong and muscular female given the opportunity. How could you tell?
Work out some more
Here, a pic with both of them, now go ahead and tell me they are the same.
And don't even imply they have the same animations because, if they had them, Kassandra's entire skeleton rig would be spazzing out all the time.
You are in every single one of these threads, and out of all the wrong in Odyssey, you focus specifically on shit that isn't true. Are you autistic?
I'd really love it if Kassandra slapped the shit out of me
someone care to address where they are seeing it for 20 dollars
>itt everyone is pic related
we /mediterranean/ in this bitch
They literally are the same, look at their fuckibg height.
And this is the first thread I post in you obsessed sperging retard
Either ultra pale or olive for me.
I'm going to buy Kassandras game.
Kassandra made a pretty good Deimos.
please pirate her game user. kassandra is trapped in a shitty p2w game and wants to be free
It's like 22-25 on instantgaming I think
Man she really is cute
>protonDB says borked cause uplay
welp not sure if i should install my legal copy of windows or just find something else to buy everytime i install windows i feel oddly cramped
This height?
>And this is the first thread I post
No it isn't, you are in every thread spouting the exact same shit about her having the same body and animations, specifically those two, while never posting any proof, because the moment you post a video, you can see the animations are different.
You probably rely on the fact that everyone here is too lazy to make a webm of both of them running.
>why yes I love to fuck all colors as long as the woman is hot
It's okay if you're into ancient Greek stuff, but it has similar flaws to most other open world games with gigantic maps, the level scaling is idiotic and the "XP Boost" microtransaction is just ridiculous (there was a mod to unlock it, don't know if it works anymore)
I pirated the game first to see if I would like it. I picked the cutie instead of the dude due to the dude being a shit voice actor.
The story is 100% garbage. Ancient Greece is not as interesting as Egypt. The main characters motivations were fucking garbage compared to bayak in the previous game. The gameplay and rpg system were an improvement but that was not enough for me to like the game. The important parts of a ubisoft game is an interesting world to explore and a fun well written character. The game failed in both. Playing ass creed for gameplay is as stupid as saying you watch a harem anime for the plot. Don't buy it and play origins instead.
Bayak hands down is as good as ezio at times.
>hating on a cute girl
>proceeds to call everyone a tranny
You played yourself, tranny.
Literally the first thread of this garbage game I post in.
The animations are the same and the devs are lazy as fuck.
No, it isn't.
And they are not as lazy as you, considering you don't post proof.
Because there's none.
Don't lie, nerd. That's just a promotional CG from TQIT.
>muh grind
only thing that can be considered grind is the final ship upgrades, even with Mercenary tier bonus it's insanely expensive
the game itself is great if you don't mind Ubisoft open world games filled with enemy camps and bandit caves
>cute girl
>a man with a wig
Does getting your ass pounded hurts?
And killing the mythical monsters because the level of their missions is way too high.
You literally have to grind to most boring copy paste content in order to level up. The open world is filled with nothing of worth to explore, a huge downgrade from Origins which actually had unique locations.
Also the ship combat is a pale shitty version of Black Flag’s.
>"b-b-but it's a man with a wig!"
Imagine unironically being this much of a massive faggot lol!
>no arguments
It's okay just admit you like dick, i won't judge you, you fucking tranny
>Imagine unironically being this much of a massive faggot lol!
The fucking irony
>wanting to be the girl
No he's right a lot of you are being tranny's
>stutter posting
>calls other people faggots
>unique loactions
it had Alexandria, pyramids + Sphynx and that's it, the rest was desert and the small villages
also you explore almost the whole world as you do main quest, unlike Origins, where half of the map was unused
More like Alexios's game, since only a third of the playerbase picked her
This could've been one post. You're projecting so hard it just makes you look like a colossal faggot. Also
>no argument
I never said it was an argument. You did lmfao.
What game has better horse controls, this or Origins
>speaks retarded
>gets called out
holy fuck you really are gay
>wanting to be a girl
Anything you say is pointless as long as you keep doing that.
Have you noticed Alexios is standing closer to the camera? (If not, look at his feet).
All the small locations on the maps were unique and many had small notes and stories etc.
Odyssey threw that away and filled the map with copy pasted MMO tier garbage.
This, low IQ brainlettes assume Odyssey is the better game. It's not.
>he had to make 6 individual posts to look good
You proved my point. I didn't do jack shit but stutter post to make you angry. Seethe harder.
>the times of each post
Stop seething at any time tranny. Perhaps even go back to pedoera.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
>proceeds to prove he is a delusional mentally unstable tranny
can't make this shit up
Superior Mediterranean girl coming through.
Not really. Buy Origins instead which was made by the Black Flag team and it shows.
You weeb faggots already forgot how women look like and what beauty is.
Your opinion worth nothing.
She really looks hot when she’s sweaty and half naked :)
I'm just adding it in because I'm fine with them holding to their guns on some things but others are completely retarded like the Juno thing.
Speaking of Black Flag, is it a good game?
Why does they look like a video game character?
Yea Black flag is great but it depends on what you want out of an AC game? Black flag is more of a pirates game
She looks ugly . No wonder only 30% of the playerbase picked her
Solution to all attention addicts: Lobotomy + sterilization
I want a game where I can sail the seas and look at nice vistas, with some ship combat here and there
Hell yeah it’s probably my favorite of the AC games and the best pirate game ever made
Yep, though the ship isn't as fun as 3's ship (It's just not as hefty, both the heaters and the bracing just feel less impactful) and Edward takes a long time before he finally becomes likable. Seriously, he's just an absolute cunt for like 12 chapters and lets people die just because it's too much effort for him.
Sea dogs 2
Then get Black flag. You gte a nice story and MC too. I'm suprised you haven't already gotten it if that's what you want. Get it on PC so it looks beautiful. Though it's not that great as an assassin game
Do they ever explain in the game how she went from little girl to an unstoppable mercenary?
That’s exactly what you will get.
Also the ending of the game is by far the best in the series.
Mercenary school.
s/he was already training in Sparta, and then spend like 15 years on a small island with nothing to do beside train, kill and fuck local peasants
I want Kassandea to spend all my money and fuck black men!!!
You'll get that. Even when you first get control of Stede's boat you get that.
my wife does not fuck peasants!
>Is Kassandra's game worth 20 bucks?
Does she like horses?
I'm sorry, Alexios did, Kassandra stayed pure
nothing gives me a bigger boner than turning your side to a ship and send a volley of cannonball fire at them. With smoke so thick you can barely see what happened.
thank you, enough lewd lies already have been spread about my wife kassandra and i wont stand for it
What the hell is the point of all that ship combat in Odyssey when it’s completely shit and outmatched by Black Flag
what else would you expect from diverse team of various races, sexual preferenced and gender identitites
I want Kassandra to mating press me
>i'm not getting sucked
Obviously. She's the one who does the sucking.
Fuck I can't choose
Black flag sounds great because ships
Odyssey attracts me the most because of classic Greece
And apparently Origins is underrated
I can't choose
its simple, women dont belong in the battlefield
>"origin is underrated"
>wants to buy ubishits pathetic attempt at making a witcher 3 clone
play as alexios, tsundere kassandra is better.
odyssey is by far the best, black flag ships are cool but the missions are trash, and origins suffers from all the shitty tropes of the series.
Black Flag was fantastic. But two things off the top of my head that annoyed me at the time, the passage of time, sometimes you spend mere seconds between missions and fucking months pass by without any clear transition. And those fucking eavesdrop missions, the story also take some time to kick into gear, a lot of unnecessary fluff unfortunately. But the whole last act is the most emotionally invested I've ever been in the entire series and the ending is bittersweet and perfect.
Edward is a fuckup, a loser and an idiot and he made everyone near him miserable which is why I think many people dislike him, but that's precisely what I like about him, he's flawed, misguided and shortsighted unlike the typical archetypical protagonist and by the time you reach the end you really feel like his character grew and matured during the course of the story.
>odyssey is by far the best
Disregard this worthless post
Just get Odyssey. It's mostly what Origins is, but in Greece.
I love Black Flag but its hard to go back to it after Origins/Odyssey. The movement, freedom of approach in objectives and general world design is much better in the newer games
> the passage of time, sometimes you spend mere seconds between missions and fucking months pass by without any clear transition.
This has been a problem with AssCreed since 2. Even Origins/Odyssey suffer from this to an extent.
Odyssey is much worse than Origins, it was made by the C team and it shows.
Even the graphics are worse.
The thing with Edward is that you play this unlikable guy for such a long time before he finally actually grows. I get that's the point but an enormous majority of the game is having to go through with a bunch of horrible decisions over and over. It does make his realization and coming to terms with his selfishness and stupidity hit much better especially during the drunk scene, but that's how I felt about him for most of the game.
The only thing I don't get is why everyone gets all emotional over the ending when only Mary and Stede were built up at all. Blackbeard is around for maybe three missions, the rest of your "friends" are seen around that much or less, and you never really make a connection with any of them. It does feel emotional, but you really only feel for two, maybe three characters if you count Thatch. The song is great, the visual at the table is great, and Edward with his daughter is great, but the sad feeling they were trying to evoke really doesn't hit me as much as it seems to hit everyone else.
Kassandra has an okay face. Very manly but retains female features.
Her body is a fucking travesty to every woman on the planet. I don't think I've seen a flatter board in my life. There's not a single female curvature on her. No hips, no ass, no breasts. She's a fucking twink with the jaw of Olivia Wilde.
I'll stick to playing as Alexios who atleast looks like his gender. Can I switch the voices to greek or something because I don't want to hear fuckawful voice-acting.
larping as a woman? sure thing tranny
That’s because they just took Alexios model and tweaked it a bit
I know they did. And Ubisoft are fucking monumentally retarded and I wish death upon the libshits there. And I am a libshit myself. I want my video games to remain uninfluenced from the claws of politics.
What, her body shape is distinctly feminine. She has broader shoulders because she is pretty built, but overall you can clearly see the bust and a hourglass figure with more pronounced hips.
I refuse to even consider the words of someone who daily makes "MY WIFE IS KASSANDRA" threads because the bias is fucking oozing.
I think you're confusing me for someone else
>he doesnt make threads for his wife
No I'm not that desperate for attention, faggot.
Damn that boy has nice abs. Hope his dick is big so I can fuck him and show him who's a real woman.
its not for you, its for your waifu
What are some games where I can submit
Holy shit I want her to pin me down and sit on my face
It's pretty fun to be honest but it can get pretty grindy.
It continues the same trend as AC:Origins in that it keeps straying further away from the assassin shit and it's really just a 3rd person action game.
I don't quite like that.
World is awesome to explore though and having your own boat again is pretty neat.
Be kind to her
are u running this on a voodoo gpu dude
That's not how a deltoid works.
Ok that's it.
I'm buying Kassandra's game!
The game needed more mythological boss battles tbhfam.
I didn't play as that manly thot, I played as Chadlexios.
Yes, here's hoping Gods and Monsters is good/decent. Just show us some fucking gameplay.
Origins is a whack version of Odyssey, as is Black Flag, Black Flag setting was garbage and empty.
As someone that has tried all of them.
Played ass creed 2
Play ass creed 4
Play ass creed origins
>bu bu but the gameplay is better in...
Playing an asscreed for the dumb shit gameplay is beyond levels of retarded. The gameplay should never give anyone any sense of gratification. You play them to explore and follow a well written character. Cutie in Odyssey has a horrible shit story that makes her as relatable as a fucking 13 year old child. The games mentioned above have the best characters in The series.
Greek Keanu Reeves?
You mad Odyssey took a shit on Origin's sales?
>Gods and Monsters
Looks like a mobile game and has that puke inducing fortnite artstyle.
Who the fuck cares about that retarded ubishill?
Not him but
>giving a fuck about sales numbers as a indication of quality.
It's the greatest tragedy of our time user...
Mad? sorry boyo. Desert locations in games? overdone and boring. And while the ship combat in Black Flag was great, it was the ONLY great thing about playing it. Fighting was worse, and the setting was worse. Nobody wants to look at repeat carribean shanty towns, no thanks.
She isn't. Alexios has better voice acting and writing.
Assassins Creed 3 and Black Flag were step downs for the series in terms of locations. AC always needs aesthetic and massive monuments and buildings to climb. Setting AC in American locations and primitive neggar villages was the WORSE decision in the history of AC.
>Alexios has better voice acting
Hopefully the Viking one developed by the Origins team will be a return to form.
>Odyssey is soulless
>But buy Origins instead the game with the most soulless protagonist since Connor.
He is when it comes to being humorous, he's basically Ezio.
Oh god, shanty villages again, ugh.
There is one good thing that can come out of AC Vikings though, just imagine how much /pol/ when whine when they discover the lead protagonist is female and that there will be Viking trannies and gay sex. :3
Kassandra is great and the game is a lto of fun, also fairly challenging on nightmare difficulty or whtaever they call the hardest. I really loved the game and I don't even like older ass creed.
This isn't even assassin's creed anymore, man. It should be called something else.
It's a great game. Fun combat, huge ass open world and sea battles are back.
And it's real purrdy too
And that's a good thing.
Do mods exist to turn Kassandra into a woman?
based originsposter
And that's a good thing, the AC formula was getting stale, hence the introduced ship combat. People were tired of the same old assassin bullshit. They needed to become something more.
well the original AC was supposed to be a prince of persia spinoff.
Classic ubisoft. They spend a bunch of time making a great game, then squeeze it dry for all its worth in yearly releases, slowly accumilating all the new ideas in their games until its a grey blob.
POP SOT took a few years, then WW and T2T was spat out in a rush.
AC and AC2 took a while to cook up, then they rushed brotherhood, revelations and AC3 out and then just made it a yearly franchise.
it still has the "do tower viewpoint, do the miniquests spread around, go to next tower" system in place.
it's alright yeah
the gameplay is simple but fun, and kassandra is likable and gorgeous
i played about 40 hours and enjoyed it but felt done with it after that
stop posting feminist shit, post the male character faggots. there were no female greek warriors
>being straight
>in greece
what the fuck?
She just stole a Glass Bow from Tamriel what the fuck
>It was secretly all strong independent women in power and men are all bad and dumb
>also if you play as a guy you are constantly pressured into gayness
Also this. I downloaded the cheat engine just to get around the boring ass grind and skip the generic sidequests altogether.
Really highlights just how fucking generic this franchise has become.
At least odyssey had some semblance of authenticity to the world.
This just feels like a 3d model for you to walk around it with copy pasted assets.
greeks were fags tho
The difficulty ruined it for me.
The parry move is completely overpowered and trivialises every humanoid enemy, but on the hardest difficulty a lot of enemies (especially mercenaries) have gargantuan HP pools, making fights drag on forever. Parry, combo, parry, combo, special move, parry, combo...
Basically the PC is a god straight from the get-go.
Fun parts: dismantling forts in systematic fashion. (but if you mess up you're unstoppable, so the risk factor is nonexistant.)
I can't fucking wrap my head around character motivations in this game. It seems completely isolated to individual quests/ """""""""decisions"""""""" so it ends up feeling completely random.
Looks like a man in drag.
It's a very boring world. The coolest parts, the monster quests, are few and far between. The overall story kind of sucks.
Poison is so OP in Odyssey that I had a poison build before I stopped playing the game due to updates breaking shit
I'm sure there were assassins before Kassandra.
wtf, this cant be true. It must be immaculate conception.
Anyone saying Origins has a better story clearly forgot the last quarter of the game
>Aya needs to be louder, angrier, and be more capable than Bayek
>And whenever Aya isn't on screen, characters should be asking
>"Where's Aya?"
And don't get me fucking started on the elephant chase scene.
And Odyssey’s story has nothing of worth at all and an even worse garbage ending
>Playing video games for the story
>Playing Asscreed for the gameplay
So were Vikings, they literally would rape other men and castrate them lol. Loki himself changed into women frequently and fucked a horse, lul. So much for hardcore manly Norse.
even with cheat engine to cut out the inserted grind that pushes you towards their micro transactions, the game gets old real quick for an rpg. still its one of the best ass creeds. the setting in particular is really nice. just an absurd amount of meaningless sidequests that you have to do in order to stay leveled in that broken system.
So what I can gather is Odyssey is not worth getting in the sale right now correct? I bought it and reading through this thread I'm seriously on the edge of refunding it.
>Playing AssCreed at fucking all
t. seething shitskin mutt
Thor was also a crossdresser. Scandinavians were all for gender and LGBT rights even back then lmao.
name one thing that isn't based about those things.
game is totally worth it for $20. My advice to you is to never pick up timed quests (the ones with hourglass) because they're the worst part of the game. Kassandra will give you plenty boners
How bad is the rpg padding in this game? Can you complete it in 10 hours like the other ass creed games?
Nothing if you're from the Rhine, they were always sick and twisted in the head. Modern ones are no different, see: Scat porn, kek.
I've never played Assassins Creed before but I like the setting this game is in, is it worth playing?
No way, it’s extremely filled with padding.
Took me like 60 hours because missions are level gated and you have to grind MMO tier busy work to move the shitty uninteresting main quests forward
Not really because it doesn’t feel like ancient Greece at all. The world is filled with weird copy paste “content” and it’s kind of ugly to look at. They made the world too damn big without enough details
Sounds like Assred to me.
Fuck, man, that's a shame because I like the ass creed games as mediocre as they are. But with other games on sale and a hugeback log that I already have, I can't waste my time with that shit. God Damn it ubisoft.
>all Ubisoft's push to make her the canonical character
What the hell did they do besides state she was the canon choice? You join the Olympics as part of the main quest and there is 0 added dialogue to explain why Kass is allowed to, Alexios doesn't have that problem
Open world Ubi games are worth about that price so sure.
Greeks didn't care as long as you still bred offspring. Except if you were a bottom, then you're inferior and weak.
Can't you fuck a horse in this game?
Whom is the semen demon?
How many fucking "le ebin first assassin" are they going to introduce exactly?
>inferior at pretty much everything and wouldnt fit in
that's basically all of Yea Forums in real life though
What's the present day storyline this time? Is Desmond back?
No, some snooty muslim chick who's gotta prove to those templars that she's a strong independant woman. Thankfully you can skip the dialogue and run straight back to the animus
>Greek warrior
Lmao so this is the power of historical revisionism
Norse Mythology is all oral folklore that got transcribed hundreds of years after they converted to Christianity. Thor being a crossdresser is literally some faggot viking's headcanon
Well the Odyssey team is making that Gods & Monsters abortion, so hopefully Ubisoft will let AC be historically accurate again
okay medboy
Actually it's theorized that the Norse were even MORE degenerate before christianization and that the christians straight up PG-13th their whole mythology and literature.
its getting a bit hot in here
A 10/10 tranny
sure is
is she okay?
I'm Asian lol. Why do you act as if people don't value the creation of western civilization over some glorified pirates? Your own Swedish museum has a goddamn Poseidon statue infront of it, not a Thor one, kek.
She's fine.
Thread went limp fast.
Is everyone fapping to vore now?
Everyone on Yea Forums is gay. If you wanted us to fap, you should've posted alexios.
>Actually it's theorized
much like it's theorized that they secretly had a bunch of muslims there
The shitty tacked on RPG elemnets drag the game down, and the world is empty and boring to explore.
You can still have to some dumb fun with it though.
Some retarded comic. Alexios is more canon though considering he was the first character made during development and the large majority of players picked him.
I'm 30 hours in as Kassandra and wish I started as Alexios.
Not only that, she is also extremely intelligent and made an animus much better than the white scientists of Abstergo
>Is everyone fapping to vore now?
that is what /d/ is for
/d/ is for dicks.
I wish Assassins creed just fucking died. This series is fucking nothing like it used to be and for the worst.
>I’m Asian
Yikes tiny dicked slant eye, your opinion is worthless.
>reading Yea Forums
how about you play it and make up your own opinion faggot, Yea Forums is garbage
Just wnating a quick answer without the shit posting, which game is better?
Surely this cannot be good for her health.
As someone who's playing odyssey now, I never felt a need to use a cheatengine on origins but with odyssey I installed it after two days.
> Confronting the Monger
> Hetera want him dead, all of them stabbing him
> My only other option is to kill him myself
> "Eh, I'll let them do what they want, not bloody my own hands"
> Much later in Sparta
> Figure out Lagos is being manipulated by the cult
> Try to talk him out of it
> Fucker says he knows about what I did to the Monger (???) and attacks me
> I saved the fucks family and he just throws his life away because I let the people of Korinth kill the Monger instead of me
Who wrote this shit and why aren't they fired
Origins without a doubt.
I enjoyed exploring the world and took a million screen shots in photo mode.
Odyssey I tried to just get it over with and didn’t take a single picture because I was bored out of my mind.
Because from the sounds of it the grind is real and will take more than a few hours to get going, with the refund window being so small I can't risk that so I'm gathering opinions from people who have experience with the game good or bad and weighing the options between those and my own desire to play the game and its cost. We can't all turn off our brain like you lad.
>a vase is gameplay
>take an actual artifcat from the british museum
>change it for "inclusivity"
fucking leafs man trying to clap each other on the back as much as possible
>social justice bullshit
Looks like I'm refunding.
Anyone that complains about grind in Origins/Odyssey is a fucking idiot trying to rush through the game. I finished Origins in 60 hours, Odyssey in 70, and never felt the need to grind at any point. Just doing sidequests gives you enough XP to overlevel your character. This is a big game that wants you to explore its map, and rightly punishes you for not doing so because you bought the wrong fucking type of game.
vore fag, kys
The fact that you freaks are waifufagging a fucking AssCreed character now is beyond pathetic. It looks like a fucking tranny in game.
It’s pretty fun, good weapon types and armor sets even if half of them are reskins. They also give you an option to use hints to find quest locations instead of just giving you a marker but it’s annoying af when they give you a notification when your close and you have to use your bird to find it but other than that exploring can be pretty fun without markers. Spent like 40 minutes exploring an entire state before finding my objective but it was still fun to look for where it exactly was.
>pretending things like this matter
Bro, I've played Odyssey for over 100 hours, and I still feel pressured to buy the microtransactions. Having to upgrade individual armor pieces every five levels or so is a garbage system.
Problem is that the side quests and exploring are garbage in Odyssey. A huge downgrade from Origins
So starting to feel that Origins is the way to go over Odyssey?
It is.
Made by the better Ubisoft team too.
It doesn't just need to be historically accurate, it has to go back to what Unity was trying to do. Buildings you can enter, proper stealth, multiple ways of assassinating someone, tons of customization options for your character, and so on. Right now it's just an action RPG which is really disappointing after having played Unity and seeing how much they improved from Black Flag and Rogue on the gameplay front. They redid virtually everything for the better.
Origins is the more focused experience and lets you feel more like an actual assassin, plus the man character is more relatable
Odyssey is really, really padded with generic "go here and steal this" or "go here and kill this guy" missions with only a handful of interesting ones. It's extremely repetitive and the playable character is sort of bland, but I guess they're meant to be shaped by your choices, except not a lot of them matter. The gameplay is also terribly balanced and whether you go assassin, warrior, or archer style, you will eventually break the game over your knee.
That said, I think the setting of Odyssey is FAR more beautiful than Egypt is in Origins.
Both of them shove the Isu shit down your throat, though.
I prefer Odyssey because of the setting and the boat. And you can decide how you want to end certain quests and that's pretty nice too.
>the setting of Odyssey is FAR more beautiful than Egypt is in Origins.
That’s just not true. I played them back to back and was surprised how worse Odyssey looked even with all graphic options maxed.
it's called personal taste you fucking asparagus
>objectively worse graphical fidelity, art direction and attention to detail
>I think it looks better!
Well you might need to get your sight checked out
That's just like your opinion, user.
>Odyssey doesn’t even have kino assassination scenes
Yep, odyssey looks very generic and repetitive.
>What the hell did they do besides state she was the canon choice?
The novel is meant to be the canonical events of the story to ground what choices are and aren't canon. Kass is the main character of the novel, not Alexios. That's not counting the creative director stating Kass is the canonical MC.
It's pretty clear that this is a "girlpower" game.