GTA V is on sale for 15 bucks on steam.
Is it worth buying if I've never played it?
GTA V is on sale for 15 bucks on steam
pirate it
Kek that Webm
But yes it is OP. It's a solid game
Nobody cares about your eceleb. Stop trying to be funny and spamming Yea Forums with your shit threads
It's a bit a disappointment, the story is pretty shit, the multiplayer is grindy as hell.
For $15 its worth it though.
>the story is pretty shit
how does it compare to 4?
I hated the PS2 trilogy and I thought the game was pretty good. I know a lot of old fans dont like it.
>how does it compare to 4?
It doesn't.
it can't be THAT bad...
It's better than 4, don't listen to neo-Yea Forums. Just watch how they'll respond by linking that one Crowbcat video even though he himself admitted that the omitted all the things that 5 actually does better than 4 and that he regrets the title of the video. You're talking to genuine underaged drones around here who are unable to think for themselves.
That said it's a shitty game but still better than 4.
For $15, yeah probably. But keep in mind that multiplayer is generally worthless and you can get story mode via yo ho ho.
There's 5 GTA games on the PS2.
no, pirate it.
game has no content.
Yeah, rip off the developers who spent five years of their lives making this game. What a good person you are.
There were 3 games that launched on the system and 2 PSP ports. Nobody considers 1998 Metal Gear Solid "A PC Game" because a PC version exists.
the story and characters are what I liked the most about 4.
if those things suck in 5 is it at least a better sandbox than 4? driving/flying and doing stunts felt great in 4 but if they are better in 5 then I could justify getting it. maybe.
It's alright. I never finished it because the story and characters aren't all that interesting enough but I still got good amount of hours out of it. Multiplayer is pretty trash though. Heists are fun but there's only like 4 of them.
Yes. best GTA so far. Also triggers hipsters that believe the devoid of content GTAIV is better.
Basically everything about the character gameplay is surpassed by 4.
>cops behavior and driving
>movement, covers, and parkouring
>picking up items
>shooting items from NPCs
If you liked the story and characters in 4 you will like the story and characters in 5. The writing is very similar.
do you have proof of ANY of this
sounds like a lot of nonsense
That GTA IV video has a lot of it.
Stuff's been posted plausibly hundreds of times. If you're this new, then lurk more.
I got tired of it before Trevor becomes available as playing character. Will play again someday.
Oh look, I can cherrypick too!
I don't care what some stupid ecelebs said in a video, 5 is garbage and vastly inferior to 4. If you like 5 better, then you're probably neo Yea Forums that you claim others are, or you're just underage in general with V being your first game ever
Why reward someone who makes a bad product?
The appealing to lowest common denominator discussion points from these types of threads is garbage. Die.
>having this strongly of an opinion about GTA 4 and 5, the most mainstream games of all time
Sorry but it's pretty clear who's the zoomer around here.
That's right, how DARE anyone think 5 is in any way better than 4, truly a beloved classic by passionate gamers all over the world!
You have to go back you pathetic child.
this video legit just convinced me to buy the game. thanks!
Jokes on you, liking any GTA after SA is the true neo-Yea Forums taste.
>Just shut up and consume product
>consume consume consume
I don't even care about GTA that much but even I can tell that there's barely a difference between 4 and 5.
using your own insecurities as insults rarely ever works, m8
it just makes it look like you got a weird thing for shemales
It's worth it if you never played it. Single player is pretty good. Read; if you played the others the story is better on those.
Still worth a playthrough especially if it's on sale.
If you want to try online I have two pieces of advice for you.
First, find an active crew. It makes it so much more enjoyable. Even better if you have friends who want to play it with you or already play it.
Second, prepare to grind. As in grinding enough money to buy an MC/CEO/Bunker/Nightclub/etc. building/construction so you can earn more money so you can finally buy the cars and stuff you want. If you don't buy those money makers first your grind will be even longer. Once you have them you make money while you do other stuff ingame, I average about 3 mil a week just doing stuff ingame with friends and then spending 30-40 minutes selling all the products from my companies.
Another option is to grind Bogdan over and over with a friend. You have to know what you are doing though but it's basically 2-4 mil an hour depending on how good you guys are.
The base multiplayer is decent, custom maps is where the fun is at, especially with a crew or friends.
Nigga, don't let these brainlets fool you. Everyone enjoys GTA V in one form or another.
Keep in mind these nigglets played the game for at least 50 hours before reeeeeeeing about how the story sucked and multiplayer is grindy.
Just pay a russian hacker to drop money for GTA online and it'll be the most fun sandbox multiplayer out there.
I sometimes just drive around to take in the sights.
GTA V is one of my most played games but i spent most of that time in online. Nowadays online is full of so much bullshit overpowered stuff that it's kinda boring if you're just going around on your own cause some guy in a flying motorbike will come and shoot missiles at you then zoom off faster than any of the normal vehicles can go. The only way to compete is to buy shark cards or grind out enough slow money makers to unlock the big money makers and then grind those out until you have enough money to match the people who have been grinding for years to get the most OP shit. I think GTA V is one of the best made games i've ever played, it's really impressively well done for the most part, but I'm not sure I'll play online again which just leaves me with the single player. The single player missions are frustrating to do more than once and I hate the main characters but I still had a good time in single player. The world is still a fun sandbox outside of the missions so i'd recommend playing through the story once and then seeing what fun you can have.
SP is pretty fun desu, took me around 100h to 100% it, for $15 it's a steal even after 4 years
>I sometimes just drive around to take in the sights.
This mindset is exactly what killed sandbox games. Faggots who just want to "omg look at all the sights" instead of needing actual content
Shut the fuck up RLMedditor.
Based. However after playing rdr2 I can't stand gta 5 shooting. Feels like paintball.
Lmao strawman fag
Literally cannot deny that the amount of content is so large its considered bloated.
I'm just saying that even if you get bored after 100+ hours of JUST multiplayer content (heists, races, crazy platforming tracks, stupid ass grinding missions), there's always just driving around to admire the detailed scenery.
Literally the only thing you can criticise about the map details is lack of interiors. Every street has unique store and building designs, too bad brainlets usually stare at the GPS and miss everything.
Go play any Piranha Bytes game
If it's a bad product, why would you play it?
late night cruising with your daemon
gunning down suckas with a sawed off
chasin nerds with your hatchet
well worth the $15
Because I can
Single player is alright, multiplayer can be fun til you have to grind for anything good
Just dont buy any of the ingame trash. If you dont want to grind just download some hacks to give yourself money so you arent spending weeks playing trash games just to do the heists that are some of the better parts of gta online
Devs don't get royalties you're just paying the publisher, one of the scummiest publishers in the business. It's still the most profitable game possibly ever, the devs aren't starving either way.
>scummiest publisher
yeah nah that would be EA or Activision
>there are worse publishers now buy our game goy
How do you die from that short of a fall? In this game you can bellyflop off a space station in a car and you'll land just fine if you land it rightside up.
>melee weapon system introduced on bikes
I forgot that they did that.
It might have been cool if everyone wasn't tank or a fucking flying motorcycle with rocket launchers.
The power creep on GTAO is a mess
zoom zoom
gta v was my first gta
played through the rest of the series after it
kinda pissed i started with it because playing the rest of the games made me realize how dogshit it is
terrible story, meh shooting, boring driving
only thing it really has is graphics, character abilities, and cool environment (though the world is disappointing because you cant enter like any buildings unlike gta iv where you can)
it tried to be good at everything but just ended up being mediocre at everything
overall my fav now is gta iv for the awesome story, bleak yet silly world, and sweet combat with my 2nd fav as vice city for the unique god tier setting and that amazing old gta driving to a sweet soundtrack
oh, and gtao is degenerate garbage
>le born in the wrong generation
Not him but what's wrong with young people liking old games? You want them to be tasteless fortnite faggots?
Yes, that's better than being the kind of tasteless faggot who likes GTA 4 over any of the classic ones and feels superior becauseo f it
>Yes, that's better
No it's not you contrarian faggot.
>feels superior becauseo f it
Where does his post says that "he feels superior"? because of it?
>it's only bragging about how much better than everyone else you are if you literally say the words "I am better than everyone else"
how do i do all that physics stuff on youtube. spawning a dumptrumk to runover an army of pedestrians? just a mod?
Stop posting.
i'm not even either of those people and think you're being insufferable
sobor your emotions
lol smashfag is dead
t. underageb&s
I really enjoyed Michael's story
The city and map of GTAV is really comfy to me and I enjoy driving around and listening to the radio
The multiplayer got old really fast because there's so many loading screens and it's frankly not worth the effort without friends
Definitely worth a play
buy it and dont listen to retarded boomers, the story is one of the best in gta so far, gameplay and driving are good as well
People who were 10 when gta 4 came out are now 21.
Except this is about people playing GTA5 first and then going back to play the old ones and somehow preferring 4 over SA and VC
Fucking faggots
The HD GTA games are completely soulless. Prove me wrong
V's map is without a doubt the worst in the series, Anything outside LS is a waste of time and space
the story in characters in 5 we're better than 4, but I'm also biased against new york.
Anyways the stuntwork and driving is TONS more fun in 5 than 4 impo. 4 tried to hard to be realistic, 5 kept that most of that realism and added a speedier arcade feel (akin to their roots).
You need to calm down. Have you taken your vitamins today?
Vitamins do nothing about temper
The power creep in GTAO is why I wish GTAO weapons were introduced in GTAV instead of being locked behind. Fuck Rockstar.
People who were 12 years old when GTAV came out are now 18.
>Except this is about people playing GTA5 first
Some people are not interested in series. They pick up late. There are shitton of adult people who never played Final Fantasy or Zelda.
Of course they are going to start with the latest one if they decide to try it.
>and then going back to play the old ones and somehow preferring 4 over SA and VC
Fucking faggots
I could understand why contempt in picking 4 over SA, but VC? 4 is straight upgrade over VC gameplay-wise.
Yes yes, atmosphere is amazing, but gameplay is really dated. SA is shits all over VC gameplay-wise too and in general i think it has the most complex gameplay mechanics, but GTA4 compensates removed RPG elements with improved phycis, realistic animations and overall increase in graphics.
I like GTA4, equally to SA and VC. I understand why young people prefer it. To some there is a limit of "dated-ness" they can tolerate.
For example i like old nes games and it's pixel graphics, but i can't stand old atari and amiga games because of their blocky super basic graphics.
I think they are very dated, but there are some 50 years old dude who probably thinks that we are all dumb graphics fags and NES SUCKS AND IT'S FOR KIDS ATARI RULES WOO-HOO
Same thing for zoomers.
In 30 years they will cry in nostalgia for Mincraft and say something "now that's was a game, young'ns nowadays are stuck with gatcha-game-as-a-service shit"
Worth it for 15 bucks sure. Anything over that eh
If you buy it i recommend you also get a $5 mod menu and use it to rank up and give yourself a few billion cash. It's pretty hard to get busted doing this, especially if you're just doing it to yourself (the modders that get busted are usually giving away or selling money).
I don't play it but my brother has like 3k hours in it and he loves it. He plays with a crew, they pretty much just mess around and occasionally play custom games together.
>If you buy it i recommend you also get a $5 mod menu
>paying for hacks
Haven't played GTA V, did they really remove the parkour elements? Why?
>4 is straight upgrade over VC gameplay-wise
>gameplay is really dated
>SA is shits all over VC gameplay-wise too
>realistic animations and overall increase in graphics
Jesus christ
>and amiga games
Uhh, just checked and graphics for amiga games looks actually pretty good, on par with sega genesis.
I totally forgot.
>being retarded
>expressing it publicly
Care to provide some arguments or you you just going to post quotes from my post with reaction images?
GTA4 has swimming, advanced destruction, internet and pcs, advanced ragdoll physics.
SA has some of the things i've mentioned above AND rpg elements, gang wars, planes, diving, basic conversations with Pedestrians
1 person understands
>"Old white men teaching young black bull how to replace them"-theme
>Missions are good to great, what you expect from new GTA game
>Sidemissions are fun, but lack the territory wars of SA. Or collecting monies for businesses etc to make you feel like you're taking over.
>The businesses/garages etc isn't worth shit, all the money you make is useless seeing as you don't spend it until the game is already over
>Worst radio of all games so far
>Multiplayer is fun with friends, terrible with randos. Grindy as fuck if you want to get best gear(or just buy a hacked account from a russian)
>Forced to use R* DRM launcher, buggy shit that gets hacked by russians every 5 minutes
It's easy worth the 15, adjust your expectations and play it laid back with a controller on your own terms.
pic unrelated
>>"Old white men teaching young black bull how to replace them"-theme
What the fuck is wrong with you? You sound like a latent cuck yourself.
There was not a single thing that was implying anything about bulls, replacement, etc
>"Don't like cucks? You must be a cuck!"
America fuck yeah!
Do people still play stunt races? Those were about the only real enjoyment I got out of the MP, but they were really fun.
you are all uncultured zoomers if you don't think GTA2 is one of the best GTA games
Nah. I do have a thing for traps though. Trannies are disgusting though.
It was just GTA with more GAY and less SOUL.
GTA also had the best theme song of all the games:
So nice try crypto-zoomer, you didn't even have pubes by the time GTA 3 came out.
GTA3 is a step down in every regard from GTA2 besides "muh camera"
for singleplayer, yes
but for the love of god, dont play multiplayer
why didn't he leave?
Some shitters are very persistent and will try an attempt to kill you back just for one (1) single revenge kill before leaving. The average player of this game are retarded monkeys who can only use a no-brainer flying bike, literally just lock on and press to shoot and let those missiles do the work.