Steam now has lgbt tags

>Steam now has lgbt tags
always knew steam was gay

Attached: steam-lgbt.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Perfect to add to my filter next to anime, story-rich and female protagonist

steam's tags are all user submitted you retard. fags sadly exist and so do their "games".
what do you expect steam to ban games with homosexual content or something?

plus this is a good thing because you can filter the gay shit tagged stuff to never show up

Post 'em

Attached: Capture.png (694x294, 21K)

>no female protagonist


Attached: images.png (441x333, 10K)

To be fair, Valve is pretty much based out of Seattle. It's to be expected.

Just tag them as pandering to a current year fad then.

gaymers... rise the fuck up

It's fine
Yea Forums will follow up soon...

That gay shit was getting on my nerves.

i'm glad sites are doing this now, it makes it a lot easier to filter out attention whores and awful games

>gaben finally let me filter out all the faggotware

Don't have a problem with pixel art games inherently, and while "Female Protagonist" having its own tag at all flies in the face of genuine feminism, I don't have a problem with that either, as long as the game isn't obnoxious about it.
Looking at it now, I really should add visual novels to the list of tags to exclude.

Attached: Tags.png (704x291, 27K)

Yea Forums has been gay as fuck since 2006+7

hmm yup he based

Anyone else feel this shit just serves to further cement the fact that gays are "different" in people's minds? In that sense its accomplishing the exact opposite of what they want it to.

Anyone with half a brain sees the irony of outing yourself away from the 'norm' when trying to become accepted, which obviously means anyone involved won't see it and continue on anyway.

>Another user who got meme'd into homosexuality

neither story-rich nor female protagonist warrant getting filtered.

Keep projecting faggot.

Learn what projection means, you pozzed brain

>widdle faggot needs big nigger man filter so he doesnt wet his pants

Based GabeN

Attached: 1561631191834.jpg (1125x1115, 95K)

Attached: Trannys btfo.jpg (511x222, 12K)

Ty based Gaben for marking trash


every girl i've dated since 2011 or so, we've been all about me being a small white sissy and girls into fisting my ass and fucking XL bad dragon dildos and bbc bs. the big toys are more for me than for them, desu.


VG characters have been trans since DOOM.
Romero Said Trans Rights too!

Attached: Kazzooie rights.png (804x428, 29K)

why are there so many leddit poltards here?
if you dont like anime go back
also nothing wrong with female protag, you're missing on some good games
or are you all projecting fags that cant stand the sight of women

you sound like the one projecting

name good games with female protagonists

fag detected
I heard nier automata is good
Bayo is decent, some Tomb rider games are good

Freedom Planet's pretty good if you're into that sort of platformer, and turn off the 'story'.

i went tranny and let my gf fuck me dressing up as 2b in `17

Attached: 2b.jpg (622x1764, 112K)

i've been obsessed with getting anal fucked for the last two+ years and haven't been able to fing employment because of it. fuck sissy hypno bs, sam hyde was rite, it was pozzed as shit even back in 2015.