Why are lefties protecting the games industry from criticism so much?
Why are lefties protecting the games industry from criticism so much?
>an special
they're being paid to, why else?
plus it has the side benefit of brainwashing morons to become corporate cocksuckers
does the american "Industry" really exist?
even if it exists it only started last gen. i think its practically just some big "community" pretending like "video game industry".
>inb4 obsessed
but seriously, I have only ever seen americans defending corporations
>le left
Guess how I know you're american
If I dislike a movie do i get a refund on the ticket?
if I dislike a book can I return it to the book-store?
If I buy a ticket to a sports game and dont like it do I get a refund?
Video games arent food.
I think it's more like posing as leftists when issues that don't matter are concerned while defending corporations.
>If I dislike a movie do i get a refund on the ticket?
>if I dislike a book can I return it to the book-store?
Fucking of course you can.
And Yes.
>does the american "Industry" really exist
I mean, Atari was founded in America, Microsoft is one of the big 3, Bethesda, EA, and Valve are here. Millions of Indies hail from America.
Video games were created in America.
It's more like critique of any video game just gets you called a manchild or a nazi if you're not a blue checkmark.
>If I dislike a movie do i get a refund on the ticket?
Yes, provided you leave before the movie's over
>if I dislike a book can I return it to the book-store?
Though store policy can differ, generally yes you can return a book to a book store
>If I buy a ticket to a sports game and dont like it do I get a refund?
Actually not sure about this one but probably not, I've only been to like 5 sports games though
>Video games aren't food
Based autist
Its not just about refunds, its about criticism in general. With food, when the food is bad, the kitchen is at fault and usually recognizes it. In gaming when the game is bad, the devs are at fault, but usually they don't recognize that, and instead you have thousands of people online claim that the players are at fault for expecting too much and being big meanies :( .
the american comic industry is exactly the same as the video game industry and its much more sjw driven. its the future of the video game industry. its totally dead.
we need a gordon ramsey for videogame developers, it's gonna be EPIC!
What's the original on this one? Is he dissing windows and praising macs?
It does not. Plenty of games get panned by consumers and critics agree. Anthem, Atlas, Fallout 76, parts of MK11 etc all recent examples. Notice all of these were due to greedy western devs. You just have a victim complex
Why do you ask loaded questions and expect a good faith discussion?
I appreciate them being honest. I haven't played a single EA game since Mass Effect 3, for example.
Ironically, he tried to play Skyrim on his mac. It chugged at about 12 frames per second. It's somewhere on youtube, I think.
games are addicting
you'll see the same "argumentation" about weed, alcohol and nicotin
gamers will defend and consume everything gaming related even if it is not good
>Anthem, Atlas, Fallout 76, parts of MK11
But the controversy only started when blue checkmark critics approved that people could be upset about it. If critics loved Anthem but consumers didn't then those critics would just call people entitled and claim that making games is hard guys :.(
Even during the FO76 controversy within the first week or two of the game's release journalists where literally claiming that it was too early to tell if the game is actually good, and most people listened to them for a time.
You only listed the most egregious examples. What about Wolfenstein TNC or 2? Mostly mediocre games with too many goddamn cutscenes yet criticizing the game will lead to backlash.
Are you forgetting about Gone Home?
>why does the character have a high amount of melanin ?
>why do I have to see girls with dicks?
>why does that character have a homosexual relationship with another?
That's a YIKES.
atari was never as popular as nes or sega consoles. it didnt last long and was like some "toy". indies are more like "fan activity".
valve, xbox and those aaa companies could possibly represent "the industry" but as i mentioned, if so, it only started last gen and the industry is far from "matured".
also the big companies are very similar to marvel, dc, and diamond comic distributors in the comic "industry". they monopolize and dominate anything, and a monopolized industry doesnt work like "industry". it works as some big community. the comic "industry" is much like some closed community full of gatekeepers and moralfags aka sjws.
Kek. /pol/incels BTFO
I complained about a drink I ordered and the manager of the restaurant gave me shit in front of everyone.
they think companies will take their toys away if they criticize them.
so the real reason is that people aren't even aware they can get their money back?
Very accurate
Based. Gamers get shat on and for good reason.