Run out of system space

>run out of system space
>buy and insert new SD card
>no way to transfer games from system memory to SD

if i want to clear the space, my only option is to archive(delete) and then redownload fucking everything.
it was easy as fuck to transfer pics tho.

Attached: sandisk_sdsqxbo_128g_ancza_microsd_128gb_f_nintendo_switch_1546615281000_1364999.jpg (345x345, 20K)

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Did you check settings

It's really fucking annoying how many basic data management features the Switch is missing, like folders. At least if your internet isn't shit you can just redownload your games overnight.

Just leave the games in system memory then. With external storage all the downloads will go there by default.

>Switch $300
>Pro Controller $70
>MicroSD $40
>Replacement Joycons $70
>Case $30

This whole console is microtransactions.

>fucking everything
which can't be a whole lot given the 4GB internal memory

You're just going to forget that every other console is this way?

add games, online, pro controller charger, screen protector, joystick protector, joycon protector, a clip, payload loader, dlc, and other shit
check settins menu faggot

No, I cant think of any this bad.

I guess you had to buy memory cards in fifth and sixth gen but that's one small purchase.

>Replacement Joycons $70
I kekked, but I've had my Switch since launch, played heavily, and my joyconboiz are fine. Apart from some of the matte texture being worn away due to my Gamer Sweat™. People just need to take better care of their stuff. Animals...

Don't forget the cost for a TV, or the electricity bill while you are at it.

but it's not.
The PS4 and XB1 comes with everything it needs for less than a Switch.

Dont forgot
>replacement charger 25$
>extra dock 60$
>games 60$
>color case replacement 20$
>glass protection screen 15$
>dinner at IHop 30$
>extra detergent 20$


>memory cards
>one small purchase
lmao, look at this zoomer
Memory cards were always expensive as fuck before SD became the standard.
Especially Sony hard stupidly overpriced memory cards. Fuck Sony.

>thread is about nintendo
>b-but sony!!!
every single time

Attached: 1532789884342.jpg (164x96, 8K)

>putting up with this shit just ao you can play bing bing wahoo
the absolute state of burgers lmao

Attached: 03b562e30427bc62e7864741da3cda1237241375545fc9c70800536f1167d002.gif (1336x1358, 2.34M)

I bought one PS2 memory card when Resident Evil Outbreak came out (I had a Gamecube up to this point) it was 20 dollars. Hardly the end of the world.

Joycon drifting is way to common for somthing that costs 70 dollars


Attached: 1548150709882.png (600x1404, 454K)

>google "transfer games from system memory to SD"
Literally first result:

>joy con replacement with d-pad 40$
>Online Sub 20$
>game cart case 12$
>hori table stand 25$
>Uber ride to the airport. 45$
>extra power bank 35$
>Hotel mini bar 5$ per mini drink

why waste money on that SD when the samsung 128gb is better and cheaper?

Attached: firefox_s0KSd6GZyJ.png (571x462, 176K)

seethe ameretard

How much? I need to get an ad card

Because nintendo preys on retards. My family used to use my prime account before they got their own, and my brother was going to pay double the cost for a nintendo branded micro sd. We ended up switching to a real one and got him double the storage and still saved money compared to the Nintendo one

>have decent internet
>never get lag in fightans
>usually sub 10ms in other games
>try playing smash online
>at least 5 seconds delay on every action

Nintendo is the least competente company at the moment, they might not be completely evil like EA but goddamn it are they retarded, nintendo online is the biggest scam.

>$40 for a micro SD
You can get 120GB for less than $20 and I seriously doubt you'd need more than that unless you hoarded games like a retard.

Not sure if this is the thread to ask but does anyone know if games bought digitally on the switch run better or worse than the physical copy in anyway?

>no way to transfer games from system memory to SD
but that's wrong

Do other consoles allow games to be moved to other storage devices? I only game on PC these days and this isn't something that's possible on Windows at least with most games.

Nintendie couldn't come up with some meme technology like Memegick gate?

>empty bottles so I can pee in them

Fucking nintendo what a scam

Improved load times in most titles but not by much

>bing bing wahoo brand micro SD

>microsd being anywhere near $40

there isnt anything in the settings you fucking retard

please point out the exact option that moves your game from System to SD card. oh wait it doesnt fucking exist

You could kludge it with most PC games via symlinks

>negative thread about switch
>hijacked by snoy consolewars niggers
>*outrageous clams about how bad nintendo is*
"but snoy has that same problem"

You forgot deodorant the biggest enemy of the Nintendo fan

look on amazon, they often have sales these days
i got a 512gb one for $99

You don't understand what you posted, do you?
>The Switch has a secondary delete option called “archiving,” which deletes a game’s data, but leaves its icon in your library.
This is what OP's complaining about; you still have to go online and redownload the whole game. There's no option that simply copy-pastes the game's data from internal storage to your microSD card.

>$150 for upgraded eMMC
>still waiting on switch pro

Attached: switch 256gb emmc.jpg (1280x960, 119K)

Was looking for a good charging station for controllers. Any recommendations?

can you even fucking read?
did you even open your article at all?

pic related from your link;
"If you have already downloaded games onto your Nintendo Switch system memory and you want to transfer them to your microSD card, you'll have to jump through a few hoops.
It's not quite as easy astransferring a screenshot, but you can follow along below, and I'll show you how it's done!"
"SelectArchive Software.


PressHome buttonto go back to your Home screen. It's on the right Joy-Con underneath the thumbstick.

Select thearchived gamefrom your Home screen.


aka exactly what i fucking said in OP

Attached: Screenshot_20190627-061435_Google Play services.jpg (910x1040, 222K)

for me its emunand, the best switch solution

lol, this makes it impossible to hack my man

How fucking reckless do you retards have to be to break the joycons or the dock?

you must not have played many games. some saves took up a whole card.

burden of proof is on you my dude.
post pics

Yea Forums filled with literal children

Let's not forget that every disc based console came with internal storage before sony started the memory card shit.

it was true when i got my card but that was a long time ago. it was exactly like OP said, you have to archive and redownload. luckily i only had 1 game on there.

I bought a switch a year ago and right joycon started drifting 6 months later. It is really fucking annoying now. I should call nintendo and ask for a new one.

>Tfw you bought a switch
Man this shit is a scam, i have to buy food so i dont die and my switch goes unused, how do you guys do it?

i make money through fraud

Is it me or do micro sd cards corrupt really fucking easily?

I hustle nigga fuck yo 9-5 nigga like me in the streets keeping it real white boi

Did you even try to use your PC to transfer your shit?

Oh shit tyrone its the mufuckin cops dip out nigga DIP THE FUCK OUT NIG

Should have bought physical, like anyone that isn't retarded did.

it's really not

Do they not have SD cards in your third world shithole?

there is almost no reason to go physical on switch.
the only plus is being able to sell your game for a few when your done,

>Mother board $300
>Gpu $600
>ssd $80
>Ram $120
>Gaming mouse $100
>Gaming keyboard $100
>Gaming headset $70
>Monthly isp bill $70

Wooow this whole system is microtransactions

>100+ dollar Nintendo brand SD that costs 20 bucks

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes OP.

i didnt buy it you nigger. i never said i bought it and even if i did, it wouldnt effect my inability to transfer my god damned games

>Switch $300
>Magic NS 20$
works with any controller
You people always say you don't play it portable anyways
Who doesn't have old microsds around?
>Replacement Joycons

My 256GB µSD card is filled to the brim already with half my game library archived.
Can't wait for less than $50 1TB card, although i don't even know if the switch would support it.

Switch supports up to 2tb sd cards

So would you say that I should buy a game digitally every time over physical? Or is that slight improvement is so negligible it really does not matter?

I wish we had the ability to arange our games manually like we could the past three generations. I want to make my library look nice, and alphebatizing them alone just doesn't cut it.

you have do this if you hack your console

You mean like the switch?

Not worth it, but thanks.

I'm getting evicted

pay rent

i sctually meant to say "you can do this". its most def worth it my man, bans arent enforcable anymore now hat you can emummc

To late, they want two months worth for me to stay I just dont have it

At least you can still play your Switch if you're homeless, just charge it at McDonalds or random outdoor outlets

No. Why do you hackfags always come across like you're pushing a pyramid scheme? I know you think you're helping people, but what you're really doing is trying to convince other people to steal like you do, and you're going to pay for that one way or another.

i have never stolen a game.
I hacked my 3ds to play out of region games because nintendo was retarded.
I hacked my switch to get functionality that wasnt there as well as linux usage.
I hacked my phone to remove all the bloat and so that I could have root access and a cfw
and so on the story goes.

Fair enough. Sorry for making that assumption, but most people around here who push hacking Nintendo consoles specifically think they're cyberpunks raging against the machine by pirating. Though I still don't believe you that there is no downside to hacking a Switch. Will I be able to play Mario Maker 2 online and with no risk? I doubt it.

if you want to go online wih a game you own, while reaaranging studf youll get banned but then youll just undo the ban basically. or you can use the custom servers (i dont think unhacked an do this)

I like to have the official experience. If I ever hack a Switch, it will be if I have an extra one, but I don't really know why I would.

you literally do it on an emummc, its as if the switch was never hacked

>pushing a pyramid scheme by trying to get you free stuff and actually avoid the real pyramid scheme: Nintendo
has it really reached this point

Trying to cockblock exploiters from being all like "bro, u don't even have to buy games anymore. I can just lend u my SD card and you'll be able to play everything I own physically xDD"

And of course, there's always the eBayer's and Craigslisters

>Here for sale I have a 1TB micro SD card holding 9 Nintendo Switch games
>that'll be $99 bux pls

Nintendo is too smart for dumbasses. I'm sure the engineers foresaw this before the system was even officially created.

I bought mine at launch. The joycon drift is real and very annoying. It’s a shame.

>think I paid 80 some dollars for my sandisk 256 gigs a few years ago for the switch
>it's like 40 dollars now

>$30 dinner
Rich ass

I mean that’s how it works with tech. You could a nice SD card for this year’s standards at $80 and it will probably drop down to $40 in a few years as well.

nah not really how it works. also nintendo are the biggest bunch of retards when it comes to security
>ds had virtually no cart protection
>dsi was broken in a week
>3ds uses the same crypto as the wiiu
>3ds can enter recovery mode with a magnet, which bypasses all security checks
>3ds gets every exploit patched again and again and again but more keep appearing
>switch uses old hardware revisiom which already had a known vulnerability
>the ipatched version still gets hacked anyway


Basically. Even when you read criticism that a game is loading slow, the fix 99% of the time is to hard reboot the console because some games have like memory leaks or something.

>Spending that much for a Gpu

Attached: 59878948456.png (600x610, 565K)

Fuck off.