Why does everything in this game do so much fucking damage? I have seven full hearts, wearing my strongest, fairy-upgraded armor, and yet anything that's not a Mokoblin is doing like 6 and a half hearts, or just killing me instantly. Plus, my attacks are piss weak. Tell me this has happened to someone else, I legitimately don't understand. I'm just follow the divine beast quests too.
Why does everything in this game do so much fucking damage? I have seven full hearts, wearing my strongest...
Other urls found in this thread:
>there were shitposters that genuinely believed you couldn't die in 1 hit in this game
Yeah, it's kind of killing the game for me right now. I thought 3D Zelda in the past was a little too easy, but this combat where I die in one or two hits while doing chip damage to some enemies combined with the awful feel of melee weapons makes me want to put down the game.
Upgrade your armour, use food buffs, get good at parrying / dodging, and for God's sake get some more heart containers via doing shrines. You need at least 13 to obtain the master sword. You want to get the master sword right?
I think I'm going to just drop the game now honestly. I was fighting the Lynel for the Zora's domain quest and he kept one-shotting me, over and over and over, and it wasn't even fun to fight him. I can admit some shrines and puzzles are fun but I really hate this game's combat, and honestly regret spending the $60 on it ultimately. I wish I could just like it like everybody else but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
Dont be fuckin stupid
You'll eventually get by.
Also stop fighting battles you don't need
learn to dodge into flurry rush. once you understand this lynels and guardian scouts become trivial.
you should also start working on parrying, as it allows you to withstand attacks (such as lynel aoe flame and guardian beam) that you otherwise would not be able to dodge.
1. Do more shrine quests
2. Learn that you shouldn't fight fucking everything. The game isn't really about combat.
3. Make elixirs and shit for tougher battles.
4. I'm assuming you have upgrades from the fairy in Kakariko which aren't exactly great.
5. I'm assuming you're getting shit on by black bois.
You're not really supposed to fight him. You're supposed to sneak around and get the arrows on the trees and shit.
>I have seven full hearts, wearing my strongest, fairy-upgraded armor,
Unlock more Fairy Fountains and upgrade them higher.
>I was fighting the Lynel for the Zora's domain quest and he kept one-shotting me
That's the point, the game is telling you that you aren't yet strong enough to beat these dudes, but eventually you will be able to mop the floor with them easily. You're not supposed to be able to beat the Lynel the first time you encounter it. Joseph the Youtube Man learned this the hard way then whined in his BotW video that he couldn't beat a Lynel 1 hour after he started playing the game
And then there is dude
This dude*
>retardedly run into fights you aren't prepared for with zero forethought
>don't bother looking for other Fairy Fountains, buffing yourself, getting elixirs, fucking anything
>decide to drop the game
You are the problem, not the game.
>get ass kicked
What about the dude that finished the game in 28 mins
>That's the point, the game is telling you that you aren't yet strong enough to beat these dudes,
I fucked the lynel up assoon as I got there my first time. I can't remember how many hearts I had but I'm not an autismo and leisurely travelled to main quests.
I climbed twin peaks straight after plateau. I would have got plenty of shrines before getting to zoras domain, which was the first beast I did.
are you really too stupid to play botw? I know it's a bit harder than the last few games but it's just like a watered down dark souls dodge fest until you can figure out how to physics kill everything.
This guy gets it
so this is your brain on snoy games, wonderful
Has it ever been more obvious that shitposters hadn't actually played the game though? Everyone who played this with a brain attached know's it's baller
>actually unironically being too much of a retarded casual for a zelda game
Git gud.
I went to hyrule castle with 5 hearts and fought some lynel there, it took me hours to beat it because every hit was lethal so I had to learn how to do it without taking any damage from scratch
then it dropped some insanely strong weapons and the game suddenly became a lot easier
does the hard mode they added later fix issues like that
>getting filtered by a zelda game of all things
If you're not getting the message across, is that you are not ready for these encounters. Come back when you've done more shrine quests, use elixirs and be observant (not everything needs to be fought).
>does the hard mode they added later fix issues like that
I have mastered lynel hunting but even I wount take on one without at least 10 hearths and some armor 3 buffs, if you are just collecting arrows then sneak around it, you are wasting your time on them.
ALso, if you really really want to fight them, cook any hearty ingredients with a neutral ingredient to get cheap full recovery meals.
dude is too dumb for an open world game can you imagine
I played the whole game with three hearts my first time through, you have infinite fucking healing, unless something kills you in one hit just pop open the menu and chow down on some meat you have. The real problem you should have with the game is it’s utter mediocrity, none of its mechanics come to together in a meaningful way, it just feels like a bunch of early access features forced into the game to appeal to adhd addled children who need another inconsequential toy to play with every ten minutes or they lose interest.
>seven full hearts
complete more shrines, upgrade your gear, and git fucking good hombre
BotW is easy as fuck not playing on master mode
Either go do something else for now or learn to parry and Flurry Rush
>grinds out one of the harder fights in the game with no equipment
>earns himself the skills to beat most of the game flawlessly
>do these issues get fixed?
You idiots expect too much from an open world game. How about actually challenging yourself and playing fighting games if you're so basically into game balance and challenge.
Just save right before a battle and learn to dodge whatever attack they choose to throw at you for le bullet time. I never had to fight a lynel and you could probably scrap together enough electric arrows to not need to farm them. I have the reflexes of an 80 year so you can probably do it. Not that you have to, the moment you feel obligated to play a game, like it’s your job, is the moment a game becomes shit. Don’t play a game you hate to prove something, because then you’ll be stuck doing it forever, there’s always another game
>I went to hyrule castle with 5 hearts and fought some lynel there
>then it dropped some insanely strong weapons
Bullshit. The Lynels at Hyrule Castle don't drop weapons.
Even master mode isn't that hard as long as you are methodical with how you fight and use your environment, it's only a matter of picking your fights.
Also there's no way he'd have the number of weapons to take down that Lynel if he was as early as he was
>every npc tells you not to fight the lynel
>you do next to no damage to it
>it oneshots you
>quest is to get the arrows not kill the lynel
Do you need the game to blatantly display a huge warning that says don't fight the big lion man to get the hint?
I literally do not understand these kind of posts. I just played this game for the first time and this was literally never a problem in the game for me. The only time I got decimated was by a Lynel in the very beginning at some Colosseum, otherwise nothing ever did all my hp in, even later lynels. I just upgraded my armor at the fairies and had buffs on.
it was either a drop or something in a chest, it's been over 2 years
it really really feels like it was a drop though
I remember breaking almost all of my weapons on it
Putting aside that I didn't figure this out till after, you're supposed to sneak past the Lynel then steal the arrows, then escape by jumping/gliding off the top of the cliff. It will lead you straight back to where the prince is at
After playing through the first time I didn't even bother upgrading my armor the second time around. I just chose an armor set that looked cool and didn't care about set bonuses or anything. I could dodge pretty much everything the game could throw at me then.
If you had 5 hearts and didn't have a retardedly huge stamina gauge there is literally zero chance this actually occured, you physically would not have had the resources to defeat it. Not only would all of your weapons have to break, but you'd need like five times that amount to beat that Lynel with shitty early game weapons. It's literally impossible for your story to be as you say and you are a liar.
liar liar, pants on fire
>The Lynels at Hyrule Castle don't drop weapons.
play the game instead of reading a wiki
>try out master mode
>grab 4 weapons
>try to fight a bokoblin
>break all 4 weapons and he doesn't die
>can't kill enemy by hitting him with a bunch of sticks you found on the floor
Isn't that realism, though?
This, people who unironically defend weapon durability are mentally challenged.
>Link has the Daybreaker shield
Uh oh!
I did. Killed those fuckers repeatedly, no drops.
I had an axe and a torche tho. But lets call it realism and not terrible game design. We all know Zelda is realism over gameplay right?
weapon losing their efficiency when overused instead of breaking and adding a repair system would have been more interesting imo
So you had 4 shit weapons. Good job. Why not wait until you have actually decent weapons or try any kind of strategy? Oh no, I can't just mindlessly mash attack to win, this game is shit! There's like 10 ways to kill Bokoblins that don't involve hitting them with a weapon.
Wow you sure showed me user, all that projecto on was a nice touch too.
So you had one tool that wasn't meant to be used as a weapon and another tool that's just an improvised weapon instead of a real one. That's not "four", nor is it playing smart because you weren't exploiting your environment or multiplying your damage. You can't play Master Mode the same way you do standard and expect to not waste all your weapons.
So you want Dark Souls.
>You're not supposed to be able to beat the Lynel the first time you encounter it.
I did it because it was fun as fuck, I gotta be honest I did like to parry because of skyward sword influence though and lynels are too fucking easy to flurry rush.
If anything the only bad part is that if you lack the weapons to empty his hp the battle is already lost unless you figure you can mount them, something I only did until my first silver Lynel.
Seriously you can even control where they run and get them out of areas where they become stuck, lynels are fun as fuck to mess around with.
Well, this isn't Dark Souls. Not every game is Dark Souls. Especially with the amount of weapons they throw at you here.
This is true for the first couple hours of Master Mode, but it quickly starts to feel as easy as regular mode, apart from that island quest and Trial of the Sword where the health regen is a big issue.
Imagine being too retarded for an open world game.
>tendies unironically defending artificial difficulty
kek so axes don't kill enemies, how did I not think of that? Is that because of realism or amazing game design?
Imagine being so retarded you break multiple weapons because you can't figure out how damage multipliers work.
>I-its a complex feature it isn't lazy
lazy designer's way of making it challenging
why make a deep combat system when you can just have enemies kill the player in two hits lmao
>inb4 b-but muh food buffs
no need for them because it's so easy and cheap to cook tons of food items that each heals you to full, anyway
you are immortal once you realize this.
also: constantly opening a menu to eat breaks the combat's flow, making the already mediocre combat even shittier
What's lazy is being too stupid to figure out a "lazy" mechanic. Congrats, you got filtered by your own incompetence.
>y-you're just dumb its genious game design
kek thanks m8 I'm gettin some good laughs
It's reasonable to have qualms with the durability system and the HP sponges that are the enemies, but complaining that non-weapons don't kill things easily on the hardest difficulty is fucking stupid.
I'm so stupid, its obvious I shouldn't use an axe as a weapon! What an amazing game!
Look at the number it has you complete and total fucking retard, it's not that complicated
>What the hell, the game operates under game logic instead of real life! It's fucking awful
Do you similarly hate the fact that updrafts from a campfire can lift someone up 50m in the air using the equivalent of an umbrella or how there is no impact when you hit water from a tall height?
>trying to fight in a mission that explicitly says to stealth around
you're just as bad as dsp, good job, try paying attention to the game next time
You are not supposed to fight Lynel there.
You have to sneak up and take the arrows.
I found BotW a lot harder than other Zeldas too. But once you upgrage your armor and have a nice stock of weapons and potions it gets a lot easier.
>complaining that you have to run away from literally the first enemy makes you a retard
This isn’t metal gear, the most “stealth” this game has is walking up behind lone or sleeping enemies, or just running around them and hoping they don’t notice. You already have to resort to using bombs in the regular to avoid wasting weapon durability on weak enemies in the main game, I can’t imagine what it’s like on retard mode
You're right. You shouldn't use a Woodcutter's Axe as a weapon. Maybe you should use it to cut wood. Try using a sword as a weapon instead, I hear those work so much better.
Imagine being so bad at videogames that botw is hard
That’s not “game logic” at all though, that’s just artificially inflating enemy health and making an item practically useless, considering you can take down trees with bombs for free
>You already have to resort to using bombs in the regular to avoid wasting weapon durability on weak enemies in the main game,
o I am laffin
>Everyone who played this with a brain attached know's it's baller
Not him but "No!". I dropped it after a while, only thing it did that I liked was the physics, everything else felt like every other open world game and mgs5 did a better job of giving you freedom in how you accomplish your goals.
Nice 9gag meme, explain to me why I should be using my end game weapons on shit tier enemies that all die in one hit?
Because they die in one hit? Or they would if they still existed by then because as you kill more monsters and clear Divine Beasts the monsters level up too, giving you back more endgame weapons.
Why does the actual combat system in this game suck dick?
> to avoid wasting weapon durability on weak enemies in the main game
To what end are you avoiding wasting weapon durability? The game hands out weapons like fucking candy.
It is game logic though. He's complaining that a woodcutters axe isn't killing an enemy, despite the woodcuters axe's primary purpose in-game is specifically for cutting down trees and the such, which is why it has added durability for those specific purposes.
>making an item practically useless, considering you can take down trees with bombs for free
Yes its pretty much useless but that doesn't detract from the fact that he's arguing that it isn't working well for something it wasn't designed to do.
I had over 500+ hours in normal mode before I did hard mode.
In hard mode, i wore the Twilight outfit, and never upgraded it.
Haven't died once yet, and I've completed all the shrines, divine beasts, sidequests, and Champions Ballad content in hard mode.
Git good
>whopping THREE damage
Go away, zoomer scum.
Also you're lying about having played the game. If you're at full HP the game will not let you be one shot by enemies, you will ALWAYS survive on a quarter heart no matter what.
>avoid wasting weapon durability
even at full inventory capacity, you still get pelted with weapons so often that you have to either ignore some loot or drop something from the inventory
durability shouldn't be a concern, especially not in the first portion of the game
>To what end are you avoiding wasting weapon durability? The game hands out weapons like fucking candy.
It hands out shitty boko weapons like candy, which break after only one enemy dies. The moment you start getting good weapons from shrine quests you stop wanting to break them against bokos and moblins because their shitty gear is terrible in comparison to the elemental weapons, royal weapons, and guardian weapons that you've got in your pack.
>Enemy dies
>shitty weapon breaks
>pick up enemies weapon
woah that was difficult. Also, if you actually bothered to engage in combat with enemies you'd notice that they begin scaling the more you kill, so you begin getting better gear.
here's a tip: better weapons don't break as easily as shitty boko or rusty weapons do
pick up a traveler's set to start out with if nothing else, christ, this really isn't hard if you spend any more than about two brain cells thinking about it
Weapon durability is a great casual filter. It's a huge problem if you've played the game for like 10-20 hours (aka just gotten started), and by the time you're in the mid or late game, you'll know full well how not a problem it is when you have to start throwing away awesome fire swords because you already have 4 of them. The only time weapon durability is even slightly a concern after a while is when you go Lynel hunting and after a few Lynels go down you start needing to go get more weapons again.
I have a theory that a good portion of the people who can't get past the durability system are the same people who horde a shit ton of consumables that they never use in turn-based rpgs
>get good
this is all you need.
is this bait, people actually had trouble with that thing? i beat it with 3 hearts, took me like 5 tries maybe to not get hit once
>I'm just follow the divine beast quests too
Don't crit path the main story then retard
>I have a theory that a good portion of the people who can't get past the durability system are the same people who horde a shit ton of consumables that they never use in turn-based rpgs
I'm the guy who hordes consumables and I was fine with the weapon durability system. In Zelda I knew I'd have plenty of opportunities to find new weapons.
>kill enemy
>"your royal claymore has broken!"
>receive in return: dragonbone boko club
Wow thanks game, I'm really glad I didn't skip this encounter
>b-but just use a worse weapon!!
My entire inventory has weapons of that caliber. A """reward""" for doing shrines. Now there is LITERALLY zero (0) reason for me to ever fight enemies that aren't lynels because the "reward" for killing them (their weapons) is worthless to me.
this is the only problem with breakable weapons. you usually lose a good one in exchange for monster parts and a worse weapon. if weapons could be sold for mon or rupees combat would be avoided entierly because fighting in master mode isnt worth it early on.
If something doesn't kill you in one hit you are virtually invulnerable to It, you can literally pause 1 frame after the hit and get your Hearts refilled. That shit is what killed the game for me, whats the point of having Hearts if they are meaningless
At that point just use the fucking royal weapons then. A full health one won't break on a single bokogoblin and you need about 4 for a golden Lynel fight. What the fuck are you saving the weapons for?
> Now there is LITERALLY zero (0) reason for me to ever fight enemies
Monster materials, or just the enjoyment of killing monsters. I can see how you can not enjoy killing monsters when you constantly gimp yourself though.
I really love that aspect of this game early on.
The Lynels and the Guardians were the first enemies in some time to make me feel threatened in a Zelda game, atleast the first few times where I was deperately trying to survive fighting them blind without any help.
Try upgrading the “strong” armor like the knight shit, one hitting shit with sneak attacks, avoiding combat or the most tedious option of gathering defense and hearty foods.
>admitting that the endgame weapons aren't worth it because they break too fast, just use the shitty ones because they're repleneshable
Exactly the problem with the durability system. It makes all the good gear worthless.
Thise champion weapons? Just stash them in your house as trophies.
Master Sword? Don't bother.
Raid Hyrule Castle early or do major tests of strength early or do other sequence breaks for loot? No point.
Explore lategame areas early for cool shrine chests? Not worth it.
As I remember, South Necluda is absolutely covered in hearty truffles and durians. Just go poking around for shrines and you'll soon have an embarrassing amount of full heals at your disposal.
I'm in a similar boat to OP, though not nearly as far in progress. The game feels like it's just a walking and climbing simulator, arrows are overpriced as shit, there doesn't seem to be any incentive to ever fight anything. Not only do all mobs oneshot you ("dude just play frame perfect lmao"), I also fought some shrine guardian thing and my weapons broke before I even got it to half HP. It's like ok, I'm clearly not supposed to fight anything in this game, I'm supposed to just walk and climb and climb and walk farming these shrines. Might as well throw all my weapons off a cliff because they break after 5 hits anyway so why even use them. And apparently after I've walked and climbed and climbed and walked enough and farmed enough shrines I can upgrade things to not get oneshot by everything and then the game becomes easy.
I just don't get this game at all. The shrine puzzles and game physics are impressive though.
>don’t bother with an incredibly strong weapon that regenerates
I agree there should be a way to upgrade equipment, including an endgame goal of unbreaking, but youre grossly over exaggerating how bad the durability is.
The only time I really used the master sword was to cut trees and solve shrine puzzles that involved hitting things, specifically because it regenerated durability
>incredibly strong weapon
>30 dmg
It's one of the weakest in my inventory unless I'm fighting a boss.
>admitting that the endgame weapons aren't worth it because they break too fast
What the fuck are you talking about. Nowhere in that post is that implied unless you think breaking to fast is somehow included when talking about Gold Lynels which have the most health in the game.
I won't argue that the durability system removes a sense of progression in terms of items, nor will I argue that there is no tangible incentive to fight anything, but when it comes to terms of running out of weapons the problem is non-existent past early game, and even then it isn't much of an issue. When it comes to killing enemies being a chore, this is again a non-issue if you actually use the fucking shit the game throws at you in spades instead of saving it for nonexistent encounters.
Why can't the master sword cut away blight? I recognize that this would make some puzzles easy, but isn't that literally the entire point of the master sword?
It bumps up to 60 in areas where you’d actually need the extra damage and is permanently 60 with the dlc. Not that it matters since you can easily get a lynel weapon which is marginally stronger than the mastersword at its best regardless.
It is only at half power.
You don't need a shitload of weapons to kill gold lynels because if you attack them while mounted your weapons take 0 durability damage. Unzip a moblin club and slap it's ass until it's dead.
And yes, the problem with the durability system is that as a consequence of it existing, the only weapons in the game that matter (in practical terms) are boko/moblin clubs and lizalfo boomerangs. These are the only weapons that matter because these are the weapons that the game readily supplies you back in the overworld. If you get a cool weapon from a chest or from fighting a strong enemy (with the single exception of lynel bows), just leave it and keep your stupid club because the cool weapon would be broken after one or two encounters anyway, and you'd be back to using your clubs regardless.
>if you attack them while mounted your weapons take 0 durability damage
I didn't know that, learn something new everyday.
>If you get a cool weapon from a chest or from fighting a strong enemy (with the single exception of lynel bows), just leave it and keep your stupid club because the cool weapon would be broken after one or two encounters anyway, and you'd be back to using your clubs regardless.
I don't understand this mentality. Why not just use the cool weapon if it makes no difference in your example?
Because it's gone after like 3 minutes worth of fighting. Woo.
When your game has zero progression the scaling becomes completely broken. Everything either does a quarter heart of damage or instantly kills you, there's no in between and it's always like that in this shitty, shitty game.
And it's gone after 2 secs of discovering it if you leave it behind. Woo back at you. In your example there is no difference in terms of DPS or practicality, so why leave something new behind?
Is there seriously no dodging in this game besides jumping to the left or right?
>t. faggest faggot
The combat in this game is a fucking joke, it blows my mind how hard they regressed. TP had far more special moves, WW was more flashy, SS had Wii motion controls.
This game has "le side dodge xd" over and over.
If you're going to farm Lynels and Guardians or literally ANY enemy, just do yourself a favor and get
>fully upgraded Ancient armor
>a +15 atk Ancient Battle Axe++ in one of the Major Test of Strength shrines
>and eat a grade 3 attack bonus food (cook four mighty bananas or four mighty porgies with a shard of a dragon's horn for a 30 minute long attack boost)
There, now you can rape literally anything to death in the game in seconds and acquire massive amounts of loot.
what the actual fuck
Because it's supposed to be a reward for completing a quest but it feels almost like a backhanded complement instead.
are they gonna tone down the difficulty in BOTW 2 to adjust for retards like OP?
So you are just leaving it behind out of spite?
bitch i beat him with 4 hearts get good
Please keep me away from games where you can hoard vast amounts of inventory items. It's ruining my life.
Not him but I have the same feeling The system just makes you want to throw your weapons off that cliff because the game keeps telling you STOP USING WEAPONS STOP FIGHTING STOP DOING LITERALLY ANYTHING BUT CLIMBING
So you might as well oblige them.
I really mean it.
Use the environment to kill things. You can drop shit on enemies heads like you're in a Looney Tunes short or Home Alone.
I miss the world reset glitch though. rip
I hope BotW 2 Darknuts make Lynels look weak.
> the game keeps telling you STOP USING WEAPONS STOP FIGHTING
I never got that feeling. For me the games mechanics were heavy on the emphasis to use everything to your advantage, and don't get attached to any item. I constant;y fought enemies in the game and was constantly shifting through a variety of different weapons instead of using the same 3 over and over again.
I hope BotW 2 has Darknuts in it at all. Or ReDeads and Gibdos. Or Bubbles. Or Like Likes. Or FUCKING ANYTHING BESIDES MOBLINS, BOKOS AND LIZALFOS
>tendies unironically defending artificial difficulty
That's what capcomdrones do when people complains about arch tempered monsters and you seems to be ok with it
How the fuck were there not any redeads at all? The whole overworld was littered with ruins and destroyed towns like the one you saw in OOT. The destroyed Hyrule castle town would have been the perfect place to have them
>get stunned by a redead's scream while a guardian rapes your ass
Because that would require interesting enemies with unique abilities and we can't have that in our Ubisoft garbage game devoid of content, after all each of our reskinned clone mobs needs to have a weapon to "reward" you for breaking yours.
Was just doing three heart master mode Eventide, had two balls in and a royal broadsword ready to fuck up the camp where the third is when some asshole yellow chuchus appeared right in front of me while gliding.
If you're this stupid then you're definitely not gonna make it
You know what? Now that I think about it, I remember Zelda 64 having the little roll evasive move that you could do. I'm surprised there's nothing of the like in this Switch game. They tried to copy the From Software Souls games but failed to add a godamn dodge button.
I imagine something will be added in the "work in progress" sequel. Devs currently searching forums trying to get ideas, etc.
>Not only do all mobs oneshot you
Bro actually put on armor
Bros, if I kill Ganon is it true that you can't play in a postgame world? I don't want to autistically complete all shrines and quests before fighting Ganon.
If you don't want to do that shit before fighting him (can't blame you, there is nothing interesting anywhere in the entire botw world) then why do you want to after fighting Ganon?
>For me the games mechanics were heavy on the emphasis to use everything to your advantage, and don't get attached to any item
I felt this way in the early game as well, when the only weapons available to you are comparable to the weapons that the enemies drop. Then it makes sense to use weapons as you see them, drop them, and move on. But after you start exploring areas like Hebra and Death Mountain, and the shrines start giving you weapons that are way better than what your average mob carries, it stops making sense. Why would I blow my great flamesword on this moblin when my only reward is a worse weapon? I'm literally gimping myself.
git gud
Same lol, but I still think the game is garbage.
not him but master mode isnt harder, just more annoying in early game
needing 3 weapons to kill the first enemy in master mode isnt hard, its just retarded
I agree. Whatever director let the weapon durability nonsense push through should be demoted or fired.
At the very least, special / shrine reward weapons should have very high durability and the ability to be repaired. Still, even stronger "repairable" weapons like the Zora spear weren't worth using.
I honestly don't see the issue with unlimited durability, allowing the player to use any weapon, even gimped ones, FOR FUN.
I fully expect the weapon durability mechanics to be addressed in BOTW2. I can't imagine they double down on that almost unequivocally poorly received design choice.
>do hard thing
>get weapon "reward"
>weapon breaks in 5 hits
>go back to using bokor clubs
Wow what a reward bravo BOTW bravo Nintendevs
Not the mention there's never a point in fighting enemies anyway because they don't reward for shit
Being able to repair a broken weapon would be sufficient. Have an additional category in your inventory that acts like a weapon graveyard, create smithies and shit that allow you to repair broken weapons, or for a lesser cost "heal" non-broken weapons back up to max durability
Because I want to know how the story ends before I 100% the game.
Kind of like TES, I do the main quest somewhat early in a first playthrough.
Exactly this. Good post. Succinct.
I wonder why Nintendo hasn't patched BOTW for higher durability, or even try to sell blacksmith DLC. I guess either way, they're admitting fault which makes them look bad and they can't have that.
In the early game you climb everywhere because you're looking for ways to get the drop on enemies and give yourself an advantage.
In the mid-to-late game you're climbing everywhere because you're trying to skip encounters entirely.
I think that says everything that needs to be said about how the durability system effects the game.
The Zelda series was never good and I fully expect this sequel to be garbage as well.
You know Nintendo spends maybe $5 on developing each Zelda game and it shows. Just read this thread.
It’s sad that they won’t focus on better franchises like Kirby or Mario.
lol cope
>nooo we need more bing bing wahoo
Obviously hyperbolic, but I think I understand the sentiment. Fundamentally, I'd like to see Zelda improve rather than die, though.
Honestly, it never ceases to amaze me how many different ways people can describe the durability issue and still be so right.
days since.jpg
After you beat Calamity Ganon, you are returned to Hyrule as if you never entered the castle.
30 hearts is the max, so 7 is hardly anything. Defense is way more important, every point of defense = 1/4th heart damage. You'll soon find that the defense system is extremely imbalanced and even the strongest enemies will do 1/4th heart of damage if they don't have a good weapon. Also you can literally have pages worth of healing items which make the game braindead easy. It's an open world game, you can't just go fight whatever you want and expect to be geared for it.
Hmm, that's disappointing.
>In the mid-to-late game you're climbing everywhere because you're trying to skip encounters entirely.
Yeah, the game offers you the freedom to avoid conflict if you want. But if you don't fight, you're not going to get those precious monster parts to upgrade your armour. The choice - unlike other games - is yours.
I skipped 90% of all encounters and still had enough gear to upgrade my shit all the way to the final fairy, who needed lynel parts. The hard things to get were the lizards.
>I just don't get this game at all.
Its ok. Alot of people don't. The game is really just giving you a single objective: save the princess from the evil castle. Thats it. The whole game is about you figuring out how to do that. The game doesn't hold your hand and tell you what to do and thats what baffles many players.
We don’t need Zelda games. They aren’t original anymore anyway.
Even the “good” ones were just cheap knock-offs
Glad you're not in charge then.
I wouldn’t want to be in charge of a genuinely uninteresting series of games
Neither would I want you in charge. Can't wait for Breath of the Wild 2, which you can't stop from happening.
Welcome to BOTW.
When was the last time you were allowed to keep playing after the story is actually finished and not right before the ending in a Zelda game?
Oracle of Ages/Seasons are the only Zelda games with playable epilogues.
No, what baffles many players is how terrible the general design philosophy stemming from combat mechanics is, how sparsely populated the world is, and how awful the dungeons are. Players are especially dumbfounded because the same series did it better 19 years prior to BOTW release.
So what's the big issue with not being able to play after defeat Ganon, then?
>muh (empty and desolate) open world tho
I had a million times more fun discovering random dungeons and islands in WW than this pathetic LITERALLYFUCKINGNOTHINGINTERESTINGANYWHERE world of BOTW
Not him, but I think the point is that every Zelda game has done it wrong aside from the Oracles. Your question is fundamentally, "if it's always been bad, what's wrong with not changing it?"
Yeah but you can CLIMB and BREAK YOUR WEAPON on that bleak nothingness!
Except there's nothing wrong with not having a playable epilogue, specially when most Zelda games literally can't have one because beating the final boss is supposed to solve almost every problem in the region and would change the world forever, you would basically be forced to explore the 100% of the game as is before the final boss and THEN beat it because otherwise you might be missing stuff
Can’t wait to see that 8.8
I just archived this game on my Switch to make room for Super Mario Maker 2. I think I'd done...maybe two shrines after getting down off the plateau? Everything about it just bothers me. The crafting. The weapons breaking. The horse collecting. The tiny "dungeons" instead of any real ones. To use an old, tired excuse...it's just not muh Zelda. I'm disappointed that they're making a direct sequel to it, because it'll likely double down on all the crap I don't enjoy.
>guys I'm stuck in a totally small and narrow part of a game
>Guys someone help me
>Anons in thread dump advice on you
>Noooo guys I just wanted to complain I think I'm gonna drop the game
This series is actually garbage, what a surprise.
Huh? Pretty sure you can't get oneshot while at full hearts? I could swear that's a mechanic in the game.
You can still die from a single hit if even as little as a quarter of a heart is missing from your total.
The main reason the Oracles had playable epilogues was for ring sidequests and passwords to the other game, which were also part of new sidequests. The game expects you to have left for the other world after saving the first one.
How much are you getting paid?
>beat Ganon
>the ultimate evil has been defeated!
>peace will inevitably return to Hyrule!
>but it will take some time for the magic to fade
>root out monsters wherever you find them
>continue to gain the Sheikah sage's knowledge to better defend the future
Ta-da, you now have an epilogue. Maybe change a piece of dialogue here or there.
I'm on lunch right now but probably more than you
it always hands out better weapons than it took to kill the enemy. kill better enemies and get better weapons. hinoxes are good for this, also the trials of combat, and guardians so you can make ancient stuff. you don't even have to fight the hinoxes to get their weapons, so if you're short that's a great way to get weapons. also there's elemental and other high level weapons lying around all over the place, just north of the gerudo tower there is a whole cave full of useful midgame gear (~ 6 weapons/shields iirc), and the highland tower ? the one ne of hyrule castle has a really nice 2-hander in it. and the giant stump witht the flamberge, and the split hill south of rito with the shock sword, and the frost and fire wands fucking everywhere.
>I had fun with this desolate empty open world but not that desolate, empty open world!
I got all the elemental and high level Royal weapons just by doing shrines, now there is absolutely no reason to bother with hinoxes anymore given that my existing gear is way better than the soldier's broadswords that they carry around. I only bother fighting enemies anymore if I see them carrying shields because guardians destroy them in one hit no matter what.
the game gives away arrows.
protip: arrows that stick to your shield go into inventory when you put away your shield
protip 2: fire arrows won't explode in the rain and will stick to your shield like a regular arrow, and will go into inventory as a fire arrow. after the rain stops you can use them against other enemies.
>because guardians destroy them in one hit no matter what.
Learn what parrying is, you nut.
>Pretty sure you can't get oneshot while at full hearts?
you can though, retard
Sometimes I miss the parry and now I'm out of a shield. So I gather shields.
WW wasn't empty, you fucking nigger. That's the whole point. It was filled with interesting shit everywhere.
I'm loving the game overall, but man the divine beast ganon battles are so fucking bad
You literally cannot. If you have full hearts and get hit, the game will ALWAYS let you live with a quarter heart.
Shitposts like this make it real easy to tell who is only pretending to have played the game. Keep seething, I'm sure your favorite franchise will be as popular as Zelda is one day.
Eh, I'm a big WW fan and while it did have a ton of content there were a lot of throwaway islands in there as well. Only played the GCN so I'm not sure if they changed anything in the remake.
>dropping the game because he cant beat one of the more enjoyable enemies in the game
Quick googling tells me there's supposed to be a damage cap of (max hearts) - 1 in Normal mode, but due to a bug there are some exceptions, i.e. hits registering as two attacks that basically oneshot you despite this.
Its filled with tiny islands that contain nothing but a small group of enemies, a puzzle, and a chest with loot in it. Aka a shrine.
Undershirt is only a mechanic in regular mode. In Master Mode you don't get a second chance without Mipha's Grace or fairies, if an attack will oneshot you and you facetank it you are going to die, even at full health.
you literally can
>muh copypasted monster camps with the same reskinned 5 monsters and copypasted shrines are totally comparable to the wide array of caves, puzzles, questlines and gimmicks of old Zelda games
Why spend 30 to 60 minutes teleporting and running around the map to collect an arsenal of matchstick durability gear? What does that contribute to the experience other than boredom or infuriation?
Furthermore, appreciate the fact that you've needlessly compiled this mental encyclopedia of infinitely-respawning gear. How exactly is unlimited but fragile gear different, more immersive, or enjoyable than simply letting you keep a weapon once you find it?
If this game is all about the freedom to choose, why does the game get to choose what weapons you use (or rather those you don't because they're broken). True freedom would be the Zelda standard unbreakable weapons, thus allowing the players to use any weapon they decide to at any time they decide to.
>copypasted shrines
Every shrine has a unique puzzle
because durabilityfags are fucking retarded. they deliberately gimp themselves by passing up high durability weapons then whine about their shit low durability weapons. then compound this error by avoiding damage-enhancing foods (doubling the damage halves the number of hits needed and effectively doubles the durability) and generally choosing the optimally bad playstyle imaginable.
Im about to play for the first time and I have literally every single compatible amiibo thanks to amiibo stickers. Which amiibo outfit should I use in my playthrough?
>high durability weapons
Oh they break in 6 hits instead of 4? Wow.
At least the tiny islands can look different, unlike the shrines.
The best one
what the hell are you doing that you aren't getting spammed with elemental and royal gear? the stuff is everywhere.
is there some kind of mod that makes weapon unbreakable for cemu ?
You cannot. Here is proof:
At around 17:25 the runner takes a direct hit from a white moblin with endgame weapons, naked, with three hearts. The game allows him to live with a quarter heart when he should be dead.
You are lying about having played the game.
did you try google you fucking retard
>Ganon is dead but the monsters keep resurrecting every few full moons lmao
Yeah it's everywhere as loot in shrines and sidequests. All so you can go out with your cool loot and break it on the first group of bokos you see, for the privilege of getting to use more boko clubs.
>not mixing parts to get an unique one you like or just change between sets after some time and actually spend all the game wearing all outfits
>j-just spend hours managing your inventory to optimize what weapons you do carry vs those you don't because you need to keep track of how many total uses times damage you have across all weapons
>m-make sure to carefully hoard every bit of crafting material and pick every plant you come across so you can find a fire to cook buffs that slightly remedy the aforementioned problem
Breakable weapons are shit.
Crafting is shit.
Are they upgradable ?
I have played the game, you actually can die in one hit. See Also, master mode ignores this cap entirely.
See and , though.
you don't need to. that shit is everywhere and respawns every blood moon. and you can literally loot every hinox you come across without ever fighting him. and lynels always carry high grade stuff and can be beaten with a single fucking stick from the plateau. you do know that goron armor protects you from lynel flame attacks right ? which makes getting on their backs without taking damage absolutely trivial.
>he doesn't know how to boost damage
Or if you can aim, just hitting them in the face with an arrow. This means you can even kill the lynel on the plateau almost as soon as you start the game, long before you get off the plateau for the first time.
>he doesn't know why yiga carry bananas
Tell me
BotW lets you stockpile huge quantities of health regen items, so the only way to make it difficult is to make it so enemies can kill you in few hits.
In earlier Zelda games, it was the opposite. You had limited health and regen items, and the difficulty came from beating the bosses within those constraints. Well, I say difficulty, but in most 3D Zelda games it really hasn't been much of a challenge.
I think a hunger system sort of like in Muramasa might have been a better way of balancing out the cooking system. That game makes it so you can't eat too much food at once, then you have to wait a while, but you can also eat medicine, which is much less effective but can be consumed in unlimited quantities.
You do more damage if you press the attack button harder.
Never, I just guess I assumed it would be a feature because its inspired by Skyrim.
so you've never actually played the game then? it tells you how.
>uses shield surfing as double jump
goddamn, i always feel dumb watching these
Why u have to bully
>You had limited health and regen items, and the difficulty came from beating the bosses within those constraints
Im just starting, Im about to get my first relic item or whatever in the first dungeon
Not him, but I think for a game like this it would be nice to be able to continue exploring the world with a sense of continuity, and maybe even have characters react in some way to the changes. Of course, that might be a lot of work for content most players might not bother with, but I certainly would have spend another couple of hours in the game if that had been the case.
>literally called Mighty Bananas
I actually played the game, for your information. BOTW's crafting was tolerable, and I did make extensive use of strength-enhancing meals, but in general I think crafting is an overused and unsatisfying, tedious mechanic.
BOTW's weapon durability system is completely unforgivable, however, which is how the crafting system even entered the discussion: as a crutch for this failed system.
>Well, I say difficulty, but in most 3D Zelda games it really hasn't been much of a challenge.
This sentence literally came right after that, is it really that hard to read the whole post before responding?
But that user gave you the answer already in >damage-enhancing foods
As for how to make those, you'll just need to pay attention to the discription of ingredients you pick up.
bananas, ancient armor, wild armor are the main ones. afaik the ancient armor bonus is the only one that stacks with bananas, the wild armor bonus doesn't. you can one-shot a black hinox with full damage upgrades.
He just wanted an excuse to post an anime reaction image and get some (You)s.
fyi the mobs go up a level after each divine beast.
>afaik the ancient armor bonus is the only one that stacks with bananas, the wild armor bonus doesn't.
Now I might be mistaken, but I think they might possibly stack, except you don't get anything higher than a level 3 effect in any case. E.g. one piece of the barbarian set plus level 1 from attack food gives you the level 2 bonus?
Not sure if this works.
Either way, yeah, ancient armor is just a x1.8 damage multiplier if ancient weapons are equipped. Throwing and critical hits multiply into that as well, I believe.
Why bother complaining about the system if you then qualify your statement by saying the system doesn't matter because it's easy? Four Vagina's statement is apt, don't get hit and you won't need to heal. Master the combat the game presents and it won't matter if you have a billion hearty simmered fruits or only one blue potion.
you forgot throwing the weapon when it's pulsing and about to break = 2x damage.
this, I wouldnt mind them doing more damage, but the tankyness is kinda annoying. Even white enemies in normal mod are a bit to tanky for my liking. they arent had to deal with, they are just a slog to chip down. I almost always resort to that lighting charge move.
Oh my god, why can't i post things anymore without people immediately assuming I'm taking a side in some kind of debate? I didn't say I dislike either system, I was just trying to have discussion about the differences between BotW and previous games, and how I think BotW could be made better, not fucking astroturfing health regen systems in fucking Zelda.
Is there any reason to play master mode beyond masochism? As in, unlockables, dialogue, item placement? Or is it purely monsters take longer to kill and kill you faster now?
maybe Zelda games were too casual
pretty much. its good once lynels get boring.
more silver and gold monkeys mean more easy gems to harvest
gold lynels drop star fragments too
Lynel is great beating it made me feel so effin badass. Everything is stronger than you. That makes it fun
yeah but by that point you don't really need it
>item placement
Eh, sorta. There are these floating platforms with super strong equipment on them. Not sure if chest/items locations from Normal mode are changed, but I don't think so.
Maybe it's placebo, but I found the bosses (mostly Thunder Blight, really) more challenging.
guys i started playing this game again for my summer vacation
have played it both in normal mode and in master mode
now im playing in normal mode because master is annoying af
im going for the gerudo first so i can clear enemies faster with the power
where the fuck do i get bananas and shrooms consistently ?
wild armor or ancient armor is better ?
You don't have to fight the lynel if you're bad at the game.
The Faron region. Also, lots of durians. Don't know about shrooms.
If you want a lot of bananas, I'd suggest rushing to the ninjas, especially since you're going to the desert first anyway.
please get good at the game user
Then you'll have to acknowledge that Breath of the Wild by default behaves like previous games' Hero Modes, where there are no Recovery Heart drops and you are forced to rely on potions. And even then the hardest difficulties in the series (Hero Mode Cave of Shadows, Master Mode Trial of the Sword, Hero Mode Lightning Round) rely on depriving you of these recoveries and engage with monsters with full risk of severe health loss on combat encounters. Before this you could cut grass to heal back to max. Now you can just pop one of the many durians you cooked for the same effect.
It's not really any different.
gerudo questlines will get you a lifetime supply of bananas
ancient and wild armor are both top tier
you want bananas and durians, separately not together. though if you have enough bananas you really won't need durians.
i dont understand why make only master sword unbreakable ( with cooldown) and not the 4 weapons you get from the ancient beasts
these weapons survived years and years and they break after you use them for 15 minutes
if only there was a way to make weapons unbreakable, or at least these 4 ...
they along with the shield are actually repairable.
Lynels are end game enemies that you aren't really supposed to fight until you've done all the shrines
more like recraftable and they cost a ton
Because the Champions' weapons are not legendary godsblades passed down from ancient times with the power to cut through any darkness. They are special yes, but only insofar as they are the preferred weapons of the Champions.
hijacking the thread.
I've recently got a switch. I'm thorn between those three games:
>zelda BOTW
>smash ultimate
>mario odyssey
Which one should i get in your opinion and why? Knowing that I love the different styles they offer.
Have a Zelda art as my thanks
It's true, that's basically what hero mode does, but you're still framing this like some sort of conflict for no apparent reason, when in fact what you just said isn't incompatible with anything I said previously. Yes, Hero mode in previous games is fundamentally more similar to what BotW is doing. I think it's interesting that they decided to model BotW more on the way they previously conceived of as being difficult, it indicates a reevaluation of their perceived audience.
But legitimately, what is wrong with you? Seek professional help.
I'm not sure why you wouldn't get all three of them, at least eventually, but I'd say if you have actual friends to play multiplayer with go for Smash. Otherwise go for Odyssey. Unless you really, really love open world exploration games. In that case go for Zelda.
you can also cut grass to farm fairies in BotW, at least up to a certain point (I think you can only carry up to 4)
there are 4 fairies. each one can bump your armor one level. after the 4th you should be invincible.
I personally wouldn't get any Smash game past Melee for the single player content. If you want to play mostly multiplayer, perhaps even with friends, go for Ultimate.
As far as BotW is concerned, you, like many other people, may be disappointed with it if you want a more traditional Zelda. It strays from the formula.
It's not exactly a "walking simulator" like some people claim it to be, but just exploring the world still is a large part of the appeal IMO. And if finding a shrine or a Korok seed every now and then aren't enough for you, you might get bored with this.
Can't say much about Odyssey.
arent these giving extra hearts or i m mistaken ?
oh right, the ninja hideout was full of them
>if you have enough bananas you really won't need durians
why is that ?
I'm framing it as a conflict because I had 3 hours of sleep and you seemed to jump into a previous argument with your own opinion that seemingly disregarded additional difficulties as I outlined further. If you honestly were not trying to argue then I apologize, I need to sleep more.
great fairies
Odyssey is too short
Smash is good only on the couch with bros
Acquire proficiency
the bow in this game is completely and utterly broken to the point of trivializing all of the "tough" enemies
Odyssey > Smash > BOTW
Sheikah outfit is most fun, cause it let's you go full sneak king
You know what, that's fair, sleep depravation is a bitch. Have a good one.
bananas multiply damage. deal enough damage fast enough and you don't need hearts. you can also kill a lot more enemies per weapon.
also once you do the yiga mission on the gerudo questline they constantly attack you and carry bananas. so keeping stocked with bananas is trivial after gerudo.
>arent these giving extra hearts or i m mistaken ?
Yes. Not the attack food you were inquiring about, but good to pick up if you go there for bananas anyway.
But +hearts food is utterly broken and arguably very boring if you abuse it.
>(I think you can only carry up to 4)
O ye of amateurish assumption. You can hold up to 3 fairies before the game stops spawning them. But fairies held in your hands do not count as being in your inventory for the sake of the game's checking, so you can go to a fairy fountain (which always has four fairies), hold one of your inventory's three to make four spawn, collect the four to get seven, then warp to another fountain and repeat it by holding five to collect the last four, making your total fairy count 11.
it makes stealing from hinoxes easy. its almost as game breaking as the gerudo bow and ancient armor and bananas.
Eventually I will. But I try to refrain from getting everything in one shot. I had this experience with steam where I have >200 games and barely play anything. I'm the only one with a switch but I don't mind playing fighting game alone.
I don't have access to melee and even never played a smash game before. Thanks for your description of BOTW
alright, why?
smash now other games later
My girlfriend sucks at games and she beat BotW without a problem. What the fuck are you doing that's putting you in ragequit mode?
I would say BotW first because it's the only one out of those that already has a sequel announced, it would suck to be behind when that comes out.
you're not supposed to fight him, you're supposed to take the arrows lying around and get out of there
What is the gerudo bow's gimmick?
Zoom, like the sheikah bow (except sheikah bow is made of wood so it can burn but not conduct electricity)
Maybe i'll get the eshop vouchers offer at 99 for 2 digital games. If I do that i'll go for BOTW and Smash
>What the fuck are you doing that's putting you in ragequit mode?
Getting oneshot by everything I come across
There's still plenty left to do.
The game shows you your % completion on the map screen after you kill Ganon. True 100% is when you find all Koroks, beat all quests, and visit every named area.
here's what annoys me more than the large amounto f damage
>get hit by bokoblin
>knocked off balance
>fly 100 feet through the air
>struggle to stand up
>roll down a hill
why the fuck did the do this? you lose control of your character for like a full minute from a single hit? wtf
BOTW is below-average due to failed design philosophy: origami-durability items and lack of reward for dungeon content, particularly a lack of the standard Zelda arsenal that accrues as you progress.
Smash is ok. Basically the same game you've been playing this game for 17-20 years. The RPG adventure mode was pretty fun for a while, but I personally dropped it after failing a particularly hard node for hours and never picked it back up.
I rated Odyssey the highest because I've never played it and I'm hoping it gives my Switch a reason to exist for a while, and justifies the purchase where the other games haven't. A friend of mine recommended it, aside from poor design in the way of open-world type star collection rather than approachable linearity. As I understand it, something to the effect of, "go to this room, stand on this thing on the ground, and look directly up," with no guiding information to prompt that like how Mario 64 stars are designed around and hinted at by the name of the star as you select the stage. Reminds me of finding Korok seeds in BOTW, actually. Something for the inquisitive nature and time-freedom children have, but makes working adults cringe. But hey, at least your hat doesn't break; that has to count for something.
you aren't even supposed to fight that one.
beating it anyways was one of the most satisfying moments in the game though
ok thanks. you put a lot of thoughts into this.
I literally stocked 3+ defense food, +6 max heart foods for him just because I had no idea about how to dodge. I thought it was something randomly proc'd when you jump and shit. What a fucking idiot I am.. Therefore I killed him by literally wasting every scrappy weapon and arrows in my inventory. But it was truly satisfying, lmao. Also lynel shield was GOAT, along with double hit bow.
>tfw the coloseum Lynel snipes you from 2 floors below
>find all koroks
>find all koroks
what le fug? They literally pop up randomly, you have no chance to find all of them except you walked through the WHOLE map and lifted every rock.
You're also not supposed to find them all, just collect the ones you encounter along your way. Getting them all gives you "Hestu's Gift", a poop-shaped Korok Seed that makes Hestu do his upgrade dance whenever you want him to. It's a joke on an insane and unfeasable completion requirement.
No they're not random. There's actually a lot of clever design in the korok hunting aspect of BotW.
Once you start to learn what all the patterns are for where a korok puzzle is hidden, you get a sense for it and can easily spot likely locations of korok puzzles from miles away by getting onto a high vantage point and looking around, just like you do for shrines.
Stasis helps a lot too, because it highlights all the objects like liftable rocks in bright yellow letting you see them much more easily from a distance.
I never said it was easy to 100% BotW, but that challenge is always there for you to engage with if you want. You have the game forever, right? So why not pick the game back up every now and then to search for more seeds and get closer to 100%? That's the way I look at it.
Breath of the Wild is the game of the decade. The best Zelda game, and one of the best games of all time. AND has a sequel coming.
why doesnt it let you play after klling ganon?
Because they didn't create any postgame content and it would be pointless to wander an empty Hyrule with no more bloodmoon enemy spawns.
You just have to wait for the sequel to get to play in the post-Calamity recovered Hyrule, that's just the way it is.
>no more bloodmoon enemy spawns.
Is there any fucking thing on the planet except boars and centaurs? It's a bit let down. I wish there was more variety in terms of magic weapons and armor.
BOTW wasn't even game of the month I bought it. It may have won some awards, but anything it won was an upset over better 2017 games. Hell, even a 2d platformer, Hollow Knight, had better exploration and reward than BOTW. Div:OS2, Nioh, Nier:A, Cuphead, Horizon, Odyssey...
You can't seriously believe BOTW deserves to be recognized on a generational scale, can you? I guess you're just trying to get the guy excited to play a game, and convincing him of your choice.
Oh, and sequels don't mean anything. I fully expect BOTW2 will improve on the shortcoming its predecessor had, but you don't even need to look past Nintendo with Pokemon to understand how sequels can be utter failures of game design.
Imagine how much cancer would be avoided if shrine reward weapons just simply lasted longer than Bokor clubs
your opinion is shit, reddit spacer
>90% of the world is featureless ocean
Botw is much better than all those games you listed
honestly the combat can be a waste of time. you're wasting your weapons and food. just have fun and explore shit.
>The one korok seed where you have to shoot an apple off a tree so that it matches the two other trees next to it
>In a field filled with apple trees
How the fuck is ANYONE supposed to figure that out?
hollow knight is garbage and metroidvanias are just glorified bad game design. just wanted to point that out
The trees for an apple korok puzzle are always lined up in a row of 3, in a way that no other trees ever are. They're extremely easy to spot.
>You're not really supposed to fight him.
Lmao @ u. The chad way is to fight him fair and square
The one I found was in the middle of any ordinary grove surrounded by trees. And even then, why would I ever consider trees being out of the ordinary, let alone in such a weirdly specific way? It's only easy to spot once you know what to look for.
>Yea Forums actually has trouble in a Zelda game
To balance the fact that you can carry around a shit ton of healing that you can use during pause
>You need at least 13 to obtain the master sword
You know you can just use Hearty meals to bypass that right?
>user, why would you put pineapple on your pizza? owo
based kot
No you can't. The Deku tree even says as much. You need 13 minimum or else the sword won't find you worthy and kill you instead.
>It's only easy to spot once you know what to look for.
Yeah that's the thing. You gotta figure out each type of korok puzzle either through the internet (which I imagine how most people did it), or through the one obscure NPC that gives you a hint about that type of korok puzzle.
I could be wrong but I'm fairly sure there's an NPC hint for every korok puzzle in the game, including that apple one. If you're the type of Zelda player to talk to every NPC in the game then it is conceivable that you could find them all without online help.
imagine being this fucking bad at a Zelda game
You’re supposed to sneak around him you retard.
theyre all really fucking obvious though, unless youre a brainlet
random ice block that sticks out like a sore thumb. what else can you do but melt it?
two sets of blocks that look the same for the most part, with one that you can move. what else are you gonna do but make them match?
random spiral rock pattern with a rock missing? oh look, theres an extra rock over there.
fat tree in the middle of nowhere? oh look theres a stump on top.
Nier is garbage, and Horizon is average. Cuphead is good though.