I miss him so much

You can pretend you don't care all you want, but imagine you're in his position, in the spotlight. There's hundreds of thousands, if not millions of internet users judging your every decision, and on top of that you're bi-polar and depressed. You breakdown on stream multiple times. You're ashamed of it. You play it off like it's nothing but it's not.

Depression is no joke. You lose appetite. You feel numb, no emotions but cold. You feel alone even in the biggest crowd. You lose everything and eventually that's it... you lose it.

Only those who are true sociopaths can laugh at a dude who is 20 years old dying young. Very sad. Shame on these fucking unfunny stupid fucking trolls. Imagine being a family member or friend. Imagine that happening to someone you love. Fuck you. Genuinely. Yes I'm fucking mad.

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We don't laugh. We just don't give a fuck.

You have to be 18 years old or older to post here.


Press F to pay respects.

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blah blah blah
Shut the fuck up redditor

>all these literal chimps in these threads chimping on chimps over their black-and-white chimpery

Yes, I'm calling out all you faggots. You're not "edgy" for making fun of suicide, and you're not a "goody-two shoes" for defending a suicide victim. You're all just a bunch of subconcious cucks playing up to the whims of your petty ego alongside the collective subconcious ego-cucks you've raising yourself up with. Morality in the absolute sense does not exist and is just a societal construct to keep you apes in line. You don't need someone or something to tell you what's "good" or "bad" to realize what you truly want

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Maybe you're right OP, instead of Etika dying maybe you should jump off a bridge for being such a spineless fucking loser. Kill yourself zoomer.

I laugh at those who give a fuck.

Nah, I watch legit fighting game channels and streams. Not hypebeast watered down Smash twitch reactions. Grow up.

No one gives a shit about some dead nigger e-celeb.

Hundreds of people kill themselves every day, yet it takes some zoomer e-celeb for you reddit trannies to get emotional over.


Go dilate and fuck off.

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>The same people on Twitter who laughed at his obvious cries for help now pouring out crocodile tears and lists of digits

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>Imagine being a family member or a friend
You were neither faggot. He never even knew or cared about who you are. Celebrity culture is cancer, stop worshipping them.

he was at best a shitty dollar store version of Dashie.

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worthless post

>and lists of digits
You mean like this 8?

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animals adapt to their environment.
this world is becoming colder and more cruel every day, why should it be a surprise that everyone is an unfeeling sociopath nowadays?
why do you think everyone ghosts each other online? nobody gives a fuck about anyone except for themselves

as for you? you're virtue signalling

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I agree, but I also disagree with you making a thread about it. Fuck off.

>Only those who are true sociopaths can laugh at a dude who is 20 years old dying young.
He was 29

Why is this site filed with sociopaths obsessed with trannys and black people. I swear I know so much about trannys because people keep posting shit like the statistic. This etika stuff just got these guys out of the woodworks to shit it up and tell everyone to dilate
tfw idk what that means and I’m too scared to look it up

129 people commit suicide every single day in the United States.

And yet you think his matters because he was famous.

Fuck you OP. A genuine fuck you to you. You're so obsessed with the hero worship, celebrity dick sucking culture of America that this person, who you have never met, spoken to, or interacted with, had some sort of affect on your life?

Literally all his death means to you is you don't get any more content from him to watch. That's it nothing more. So in reality, you're selfish. You're making a big deal of this because you, in your boring, envious life, want more forgettable videos from someone you idolized for nothing more than possibly making you laugh.

Fuck you. Go make your life worth something. Or don't, and die forgotten. Your choice.

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What the fuck kind of name was "Etika?" Wasn't that the name of the girl in Prince of Persia 2008?

Men's mental health issues will never not be a joke and that's a good thing!

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F, thanks for being respectful. Rare to see these days in such an infested wasteland full of manchildren and neckbeards with no empathy and pure edginess.

Not funny.

Grow up & take a reading course.

>Morality in the absolute sense does not exist

I was almost with you, but this is simply not true. Objective morality exists. Otherwise the world would be the purge 24/7.

Oh, the edgelord posts gore, what a surprise! Yikes.

Or maybe not everyone could reach him? Maybe his friends tried?

It doesn't matter, you're missing the point. Also not worshipping, proving a fucking point.

You're right. And it may look like virtue signaling, but maybe I'm trying to make a change. People here need to attempt to look in a mirror, as awful as that may be for some. Words have consequences.

It was mean when he called boogie a cheese drinking fat fuck though

I love how these threads have pretty much the same posts now

He was a criminal that punched a cop

Contrarian opinion: I really don't give a shit that he died. I pondered this situation for a while and did some research, and discovered he had been banned off YouTube and twitch a few times. With waning interest in Smash, I imagine Etika felt immense pressure to popularize himself in some way, which explains his other breakdowns. Since that wasn't enough to restore his fame, the conclusion I came to was that his depression/psychosis caused him to believe becoming an internet martyr would be more actualizing then living his life, and probably gander more exposure. Because of this, I cannot pity him.

Let me know what you guys think. It took me a while to formulate my opinion on this, but I think it's a better opinion then the faggots just saying "glad he's ded lol"

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>Everyone who doesnt virtue signal is a sociopath.
Unironically dilate, and make sure to yank the fucking hairballs out of their too you stupid cunt


I'm literally waiting for this thread to get shut down just to shit on this e-celeb faggot in the new one.

OP is a virtue-signaling reddit-tier tranny.
Join your hero, kill yourself.

I guess that explains the joke that is your existence, then.

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You're not contrarian for not caring. The minority of tourists posting about etika here ad nauseam are either children or bored falseflaggers.



We should destroy the cult that fucked his mind

he should stand as a lesson to the gaming community that clear mental illness is not something to shove off and think as normal

he needed help and none of his gamer friends thought it as fit to give it to him

good just you fucking incels

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Virtue signaling filth.
Yeah, you're a faggot alright.

Haha! Have sex!
Fuck off tranny. Getting emotional over some dead e-celeb. Ridiculous.

not video games for fucking God sake what the fuck are the Jannies doing.

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You need help

I never cared about him and I'm still not laughing, but I will freely admit his behavior up to that point made me feel certain he was just looking for attention again. Honestly all I've taken away from the whole thing is not to brush people off for crying wolf a few times, I trust my gut way too much on this type of thing and if it were someone I actually cared about then I'd be devastated. I will never fucking understand why he did it, but I won't make fun of him either.

Yes youre proving a point that youre obsessed with and defending someone who never gave a shit about you, and that you were obsessed with their persona.
It's a fucking internet celebrity kid, grow up. Save your tears for people that you know and love instead of putting on a show of virtue signalling because youre an indoctrinated child who cant tell reality from fantasy.

I figured. These threads look suspiciously like some of the hilariously cringeworthy twitter posts I got linked earlier. Hope you're having a good day user.

Did I fucking say he matters more than anyone else? No. I'm saying making fun of the dead or saying he deserved it is shitty and you can at least acknowledge the guy had mental issues but despite that he was a decent person.

Also, you make a lot of assumptions in your statement. I don't worship the guy, I fucking only saw a few clips of him but I felt for him. Because i have empathy and have been through similar mental states myself before seeking help. I pity him, not worship him. That's all I ask, look in the mirror and ask yourself why you're so defensive.

>Or don't, and die forgotten. Your choice.

The irony here is interesting. Most of the people on this board will die forgotten. That doesn't really mean anything. None of this discussion means anything. I'm posting this out of basic morality and because I'm bored, that's it. You're taking it really seriously for someone who doesn't care.

Yeah, more exposure even though he's dead. I don't think your last thought makes sense. He was mentally ill, you're overthinking it. He was a victim of his own mind, not someone looking to cash in (Though maybe at first)


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>Only those who are true sociopaths can laugh at a dude who is 20 years old dying young
I'm not even necessarily disagreeing with the rest of your post, but he was nearly fucking 30 (29, to be exact). Get your facts straight before making these types of preachy posts

Imagine doing what you love in life, everybody enjoys your content, you ha e money to find any possible thing you want to do in your life. And then you kill yourself because boohoo im so sad

cope incel

Clearly you care if you're posting in this thread. You seem like the kind of person that no one will care about when you're dead

Literally look up transexual dilation.

I am going to kill myself tonight and I could literally not give a singe fuck about who this person is or why they killed themselves. We all have problems and no one gives a shit unless youre pretty or famous.

>tfw etika said that one of his regrets was that he wouldn’t be able to laugh at the memes about his death



I called it a publicity stunt when he went missing. I still regret that. Sorry, Etika.

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stream it please

>There's hundreds of thousands, if not millions of internet users judging your every decision, and on top of that you're depressed.
>You play it off like it's nothing but it's not.
>Depression is no joke. You lose appetite. You feel numb, no emotions but cold. You feel alone even in the biggest crowd.

No one's going to believe me, but I'm a YouTuber with 2.5 million subscribers, and these words couldn't be more true for me. I feel like I'm going to follow in Etika's footsteps within 12 months. The only thing keeping me alive is the fact that I don't want to die until I've beaten BOTW2.

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>Yeah, more exposure even though he's dead. I don't think your last thought makes sense. He was mentally ill, you're overthinking it.
I don't think so. If he truly lost all will in life and just wanted to die, he wouldn't have posted an eight minute video and scheduled it for a later date. He literally set himself up to be perceived as a martyr. Not many people go out of their way to do that.

That’s all cool reddit man, but it was you and your community that bullied him to death, not Yea Forums, crying about him now is useless and isn’t going to help anything, the ship has sunk, you reddit people betrayed him and he’s dead.


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lol nigga in hell

He threatened suicide multiple times on stream and twitter so, naturally, no-one took his threats seriously. It's quite simply a modern retelling of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf


Who was this game's winner?

*holds breath*

This. Yea Forums USED to not care about e-celebs

This retard was just chillin on a bridge doing a "top kek I'm not really a suicidal but suicide is really a bad thing so please like and subscribe" kind of video and he fell of. Fucking poettry.

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Agreed. OP here, I didn't even think he was going to do it for real.

The lesson is: You aren’t alone.

1. Reach out if you’re hurting.
2. Check in on your friends more.

Team effort.

Missing the point of my post, feel free to re-read what I wrote.

I wasn't even that big of a fan, which is my whole point. But yeah, whatever he was 29. I must have misread his age. Not even a preachy post, but now if you have any sense of morality at all on here you're considered a preachy SJW tranny for having a fucking heart. How sad.



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This game's winner is: Manhattan Bridge
KOs +1
SDs 0
KO'd 0:33


I don't like my bananas today

look at this fucking nigger lmao


Can we please get an e-celeb board?


I swear I see more people obsessed with shitting on this literal who than actually being sad about his death. You schizos need to keep taking your meds.

Who cares what randoms have to say about you? I've been called every name in the book.

Will their approval effect my life in any significant positive fashion?
Have they made a valid judgement of my moral or professional character?

If the answer to both of these is "no", I don't have any emotional energy to spare for their disapproval.

It amuses how garbage these threads are. I just can't stay away

We're all gonna make it, nigger

Thousands of people did and nobody could really blame you considering his behavior up to that point. He turned down help time and time again, he kept acting like a clown, he got dragged away by SWAT screaming about joycons, he talked about "scheduling his next mental breakdown for the 20th" and then he just jumped off a fucking bridge.

Who the fuck has been raiding this board lately?

>Depression is no joke.

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i still don't know who this is

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>that one time when LTG made a tweet worrying about Etika when he was on his earlier mental breakdown

im in the same position as this guy but i'm not a millionaire
also i've never seen anything he's made
why should i give a fuck about some guy who can afford a ferrari killing himself? good

No clue whatsoever who this is, none.

im wondering about this too, it's all so tiresome

Crippling depression.

>killing yourself
Just pour gas and light a match on it, or pull a STAR_ and "end" it with satirical parody and move on.

Try being on the verge of being homeless with no other contacts, friends or even family to help you.
Just do your youtube shit, play some rules but maintain your style, and save money up for comfy living. Live a simple life. You have a dream job, while others need a college degree and 10 years of experience just to end up dying slowly at office jobs for 9 hours a day.

My best friend is bipolar. She's on medication and has been stable for years and has a successful career, is so loving and nice, and I'm incredibly grateful that she's doing well, but I remember when she wasn't. She was so cruel, she said and did horrible things, but it wasn't her. Her life could have taken a very different turn, she could have died. I don't have much to say but I am so sad for those who suffer like my friend, or like Etika or any number of people, an I'm so mad that people are so uncaring that they don't get the help they need, that our world is so cynical and unempathetic...expecting a mentally ill person to behave like a stable person is like expecting someone with broken legs to run. It's just not right.

>implying because you're famous you can't be depressed

The funniest thing about this whole thing is that people like OP were the ones that quite literally pushed him to the edge.
The man was clearly fucked in the head, but nobody cared because they only wanted to see their funny monkey dance. Now that they killed him they're crying these crocodile tears, disgusting.


>i'm a professional neet but i'm so alone :(((
Yeah and plenty of wagies are alone too but most don't go killing themselves. Imagine winning the job lottery and still offing yourself.

That's fine, but internet famous people still get a lot of pressure to entertain/perform and also are judged and hated on constantly, which could make any of us lose it. It's not easy being in the public eye, that's a myth. They may have more money but the rest seems stressful and overrated

This reminds me of mumkey jones. Faggot shit aside. He was in a point in his life where he was gonna kill himself after the breaking bad finale, but for some reason he didn’t. He even says he doesn’t know why he wanted to stay alive afterwards.

We're all just animals with brains. The things you listed, they're just conditions, they're societal things, descriptors of what someone does with their time and the labour they do with their body. But the inside, the brain, it's a constant. If someone cuts your arm off, you lose an arm, it'll hurt regardless of your job or your bank account. If your brain has something so seriously wrong with it that it makes you want to die regardless of your material conditions, it really doesn't matter what's going on in your life. We just have a much easier time understanding physical injury than empathizing with mental illnesses.

>no one believed he was going to kill himself until he actually killed himself

Wow, it's almost as if he should have received help after the first time he said it

I believe he was in a psych ward but the idiots released him, that's the true tragedy, fucking hospitals need to learn to keep patients until they are truly better mentally. Not just release them because they put on a fake smile. What a sham.

He was legitimately crazy and couldn’t think straight from drug abuse. Literally a month before his death a swat team showed up at his house, carried him out and beat up a cop a week later

>it's almost as if
peak onions, he turned down help countless times, repeatedly walked away shortly after being institutionalized

Suicide is the cowards way out.

Everyone has their fair share of problems to deal with; why should the people who took the easy way out get any sympathy? You know that boo-hoo hard life, we're still here dealing with it while they chose to give up. Pathetic.

You want something in life don't expect it to happen on its own.

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nigga he be dead like a day, stfu


The doctors were zoomers that watched him probably.

Not to defend OP but his bloated corpse was drifting around for close to a week.

So his fans are part of the reason he was suicidal? Interesting

just do a flip and we'll be even

quick rundown and highlights on this guy?
i want to empathize but dont know anything about him

>nigger killed himself

haha hes burning in hell

I never heard of this person until he died.
no one cares

only time i've ever chuckled at a ltg meme

Who are you, give a hint

He was a reaction channel, so he just literally chimped out at game trailers for money. He also obviously didn't know much about video games.

okay, so it's been like a week, stfu
how much time you need, nigga
you ain't butt buddies, move on