Is Conker's Bad Fur Day actually a good game?
Is Conker's Bad Fur Day actually a good game?
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It's alright but it's overrated as fuck
it's okay
It's to Banjo what Family Guy is to the Simpsons
Its medocore linear platformer with matrix and saving private Ryan references
I can't figure out if it's juvenile MTV audience trash or some avante garde masterpiece.
It's an avant garde juvenile Mtv audience trash masterpiece
It's trashy fun.
It's stupid as fuck but it has "soul"
I dont know
Its enjoyable because of the script but the gameplay kind of sucks
I honestly don't remember the main story, but it had some of the best multiplayer modes of the time.
Story mode was A L R I G H T
The real fun was the multiplayer.
no. for starters they pushed the N64 to its limits, so the game is a sluggish mess and performance frequently tanks
the humour is retarded and only memorable for being a slightly crass N64 game. the voices are also obnoxious and grating.
the gameplay sucks dick too. it clearly wasn't the focus at all. standard platformer busywork.
It feels more like a tech demo than an actual game. It's honestly not fun to play, but can be fun to watch.
>hiding under the frying pan as caveman so the guy playing dino cant get us
>barebones platforming
>shit vehicle sections
>awkward shooting sections in tight corridors with awful camera angles
>very linear, best parts are setpieces
The main game is actually pretty garbage in terms of gameplay. The multiplayer is fine.
Are people really shitting on the gameplay? It was a solid 5th gen platformer that you could tell the developers had a lot of fun making.
i spent 20 minutes trying to get past the spinning blades in the pipe only to be sent back because i didn’t have enough money. no fuck this shit.
It’s dated as fuck, but enjoyable
It was a good comedy game, reminded me of bugs bunny.
>Tfw whacked caveman's head so dino would get them instead of me
it's really British
>It was a solid 5th gen platformer
the platforming is the worst part
>less moves than mario and banjo
>amount of times you platform to get past something can be counted on one hand
>literally spend most of the time running along paths and activating levers
It had waaaaaay more variety in gameplay than either of those games
tell me with a straight face that steering fangy, riding the surfboard, pressing B to hit a thing and take it to a spot three times (cheese and sweet corn), or walking slowly alongside rodent was fun
What about flying as a bat?
Shooting zombies?
The entire D-Day Tediz level?
The bank heist?
It's very good.
It's not great or perfect.
It's not mediocre or forgettable.
It's very good.
The story is bare bones and would not be thought of twice today had it not been raunchy in a satirical way; this was rare at the time, especially on a Nintendo platform.
The main game mechanics are what you would expect from a platformer made by Rare with some polish in places and in need of some in others.
The multiplayer is a nice addition with plenty of fun to be had.
It's very good.
>flying as a bat
with a gimped moveset with one objective repeated thrice like most things. locked in one location.
>shooting zombies
was fun until the key part
>the entire D-Day Tediz level
rodent was a big chunk of that. then there's the clunky tank you had to keep getting out of and the bazooka escape is awful
>the bank heist
pic related
I'd rather all that shit than an entire game of "run around and jump on things to collect stars/whatever"
I thought me and my older bro were the only ones who did this
>I'd rather have simplistic as fuck spectacle with no substance
might wanna try god of war
>I want to do the exact same thing over and over again for 10 hours
But why?
This guy gets it
>he says this when conker has you do every unique thing more than once then starts recycling them later in the game
they actually fooled you by just coating shit
I bet you think recolors in JRPGs are extensive content
It certainly has more variety than "explore empty level until you find a collectible/ repeat until you have enough collectibles to see the end credits"
I too make up retarded, overly reductionist statements about games I've never played
>implying that isn't an accurate description
>shitting on Mario 64 and Banjo to defend CBFD
Now that's legit contrarianism right there.
There's a reason autistic people flock to Mario 64
>explore empty level until you find a collectible/ repeat until you have enough collectibles to see the end credits
That's Conker.
This song is solid as af though
Granted Mario 64 is less autistic than the Mario's that followed.
Fuck the stupid bat section
>literally spend most of the time running along paths and activating levers
star fox adventures was like this too.
Most of it is actually really unfun to play. I'd honestly just say to watch a playthrough of the singleplayer instead. Multiplayer is pretty good though.
This. Even the devs couldn't be arsed to finish it.
I feel like Perfect dark/Golden Eye, Banjo Kazooi, and Donkey Kong Country the only notable rare franchises desu.
It's like bootleg Banjo with funny writing.