First PS5 benchmark leaked.
First PS5 benchmark leaked
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>PS5’s Gonzalo APU scored above 20000 points which is very impressive. This is in perspective and compared to the top of the line PC graphics cards.
Too bad itll still aim for resolution over fps. Also
>buying censored games in 2020 A.D.
I dont think so.
>zero proof
There is no fucking way they are selling this under $499. Either they're spreading these fake ass leaks or this is gonna be the most expensive console ever released.
so it's going to be underpowered by the time it launches like every console ever
I seen 2b's ass plenty of times, there was no censor there
Can sony fans only post in cancerous memes?
Yeah im fucked. It will probably over $1000 in my country. Ps4 pro is still over $600 here too
Nier automata was before they started censoring, same with persona.
>he thinks that's SHITSTATION 5
sorry bro, that's clearly the Scarlett
That was pre-pozzery.
Glad to see this 1080ti from 2017 is still a whole third more powerful than the next gen consoles. Can't wait for an upgrade when the PS5 Pro launches
Several issues
The price is going to be ridiculous
Still wont have any games
Just upgrade your PC already and move past this shit. Still cant beleive it is now considered normal to pay for use of online on consoles. This gen was absoloute shite for exclusives, everything was multiplat eventually bar less than a handful of exceptions worth playing.
>Still wont have any games
Bloodbourne 2
Oh user, have you not see the Xbox E3 video on their new project? They mentioned that they realize people don't buy consoles for a single game (meaning exclusives) anymore. Enjoy a generation of just multiplats.
>Wow 2 multiplats and a sequel!
I remember actually console exclusives
>posts game list that wasn’t launch titles
I don't see how an APU in a console format/watt/temp could ever reach this. Obviously it's a dev kit, way overpowered.
So it will barely be able to beat a 4 year old GPU when it comes out
>implying I wouldn't buy any games made after the launch quarter of my console
GTA III came to PC like 6 months later
If it is true, then Xbox scarlett would be insanely powerful than PS5 and PC w/2080. Very doubtful.
>Fire Strike benchmark
Any number in that benchmark doesn't translate well on IRL. Remember, Nvidia's cards tend to have low teraflops, but they outperforms AMD's cards by a landslide.
Actually, if you think about it logically, xbox fucking themselves up this gen has cemented playstation as the winner of the gen and in turn, with massive fanboys and big day 1 customers so they could pull a sell the condole at a loss, make back on games and peripherals.
DS4 was shit quality this gen they must have made loads on those.
>The more things change the more they stay the same.
Everything comes to PC lol
Yes unfortunately. Discussion is beyond them.
No one console is gonna be "more powerful" than the other.
I agree. PC is still the king after all.
Honestly the idea of consoles gunning for power is an absolutely ridiculous idea.
That was 01-02 though, so you had to buy the physical disc and everyone was running toasters.
MGS2 and SH2 too
how could this happen pcbros... the sony faggots are literally getting a super powered PC for 499 US dollars... we're fucking done....
That'll be $599.99 plus 25% import tax plus 10% state dales tax plus tip
Base PS4 isn't even stronger than a 1050 Ti and it cost $399 at launch. This shit will cost $599
Sales tax* fuck
>Still wont have any games
>shite for exclusives
Come on faggot this meme is old. PS4 has all the exclusives and all the best games this gen minus BotW.
They already have shit loads of guarenteed top seller exclusives lined up that will most likely be PS4 and 5 launch games, like ghosts of tushima and tLoU
They're mostly pajeets and spics so many of them are unable to actually hold a conversation in English. It's kinda like the Chinese room proposition except you put in English and get memes as a reply.
it's south americans that mostly
not sure why they do it. maybe buyers remorse or something?
$600 ain't shit, I wipe my ass with $600
have sex
Then why moan about PS5 not having any launch titles when more will come later idiot
The PS4 can't even out perform my athalon II X4 and 660, I have had it since 2012.
Didn't they make a killing this gen? Just sell it at a loss and make the money back through vidya sales like Nintendo does.
>a gpu that costs 3 times as much as a complete console is more powerful
so this is the power of pc gaming
not to mention that with all the optimizations console games can do the ps5 will likely beat the 1080ti in real world performance
>why moan
Because why would I be excited for a console that is a dry desert for 1.5 years
>The price is going to be ridiculous
Why do people repeat this meme? Sony makes billions each month just with the psn alone. Of course they are going to sell their consoles at loss.
Top kek at the idiots who think the next gen will be gtx 1080 tier when the current gen isn't even rx 470 tier.
PS5 will launch at 899$ and I got the 1080 Ti for 500$
>500$ x 3 = 700$
Used 1080tis will be like 350$ in like 2020 lol.
Also Console optimization stopped being a thing like 2 gens ago. All consoles are is an x86 PC now which means they are running the exact same version as PC. Anything a Dev can do to make the game not run like shit I can do in the .ini file. The only games that aren't like this are Sony made games that have engines designed around the consoles limitations. That's like what 15 games?
So it's fucking nothing
How did this thread get so many replies
where do you live?
Ah yes, the self made hypocrite, carry on
holy based
That's nice but how much will gen 1 PS5's bluescreen?
Do you like not enjoy playing videogames or something? You should want good games at launch and afterwards
that actually looks promising. rip my xbone
I think we arrived at the point where higher specs are worthless anyway.
Look at pcfags, they're convincing themselves that having 360fps in 8k changes that much from 120fps 4k.
Anything above that is a fucking placebo.
Wtf that APU has my name
>OMG, the PS5 has high numbers, I don't know what it means, but PC btfo
It's teraflops all over again
>giving a slightest fuck about console specs
but why?
Because it will define the new graphics standard you fucking retard.
Cool graphics are good now where the fuck are the good games?
PS. Graphics have not mattered since the n64 era
they won't utilize it to the fullest anyway
8K is 4x the Pixel Ratio of 4K, just like how 4K was 4x the pixel ratio of 1080p the difference is real and observable and means we will get bigger TVs that don't make the images looked lstretched out. It's not a placebo, calling new technology a placebo is something laggards to do make themselves feel better, I remember when people said not to upgrade past 480p.
Even if this were true, it's just ensuring that the console itself will cost minimum $600. Sony will absolutely not be selling the PS5 at a loss, even if they already made up for the big money they spent on R&D to achieve such performance. Break-even is the minimum for them, and god knows the amount of expensive gimmicks they had to cook up in order to make the Pro 2.0 look desirable. Seriously, you'd have to be a complete normie or brain dead to buy the next console generation.
It most likely will have a From Software exclusive. It just won't be Bloodborne 2.
Why the fuck do people keep begging for Bloodborne 2 in particular? Bloodborne does not need a sequel and will most likely never get one.
Doesn't matter.
What the fuck are you talking about? Currentgen forced games to be downgraded immedialty at its beginning and games ran at 30fps with dips and dynamic resolution.
Shit AI, few NPCs on screen, bad lod, physic, level design, etc. will depend on the power of the next gen.
dum dum consoleboy
They ALWAYS sell their console at loss, even the ps4.
The pricing will depend on the cost of the components in 1 year.
the ps5 is gonna be more powerful than a fucking rtx 2070, yea sure buddy, are consolecucks really this deluded?
Doesn't matter. It's gonna be a soulless console
>believing snoy
LOL, snoyfags really are the most retarded group of people on earth
I mean if they want to run their games at a 4k resolution during more than 5 years it better be.
The ps4 was not sold at a loss. Every article I’ve read was between break-even and small profit. There’s no reason why they’d sell traditional pc architecture at a loss.
/v is full of mutts and zoomers who spam Sony shity wojaks, so i am not surprised.
so my current GPU the 2080 rtx is already more powerful than the console that will be played in 6 years? lmao
Yes it was during its firsts months.
>There’s no reason why they’d sell traditional pc architecture at a loss.
To force people to adopt a ps4 and buy new games? To compete with the xbox being sold at $500?
How do you people fall for this every single generation? I don't fucking understand.
Yes you fat nerd, your $2000 rig will be powerfull than a $500 piece of hardware. Can't believe it.
A name that the average Playstation buyer should find familiar.
Exclusives are crap. You should be glad we have multi-platforms now so you can just buy the platform you like and play on that.
That's the dumbest render I have seen in a while.
Because we already now that zen2 will be powerful.
You’re gonna have to link me the articles, because I’ve never seen them. Also if they changed their pricing inside 6 months, then you can’t consider it being sold at a loss, given the lifespan of the ps4.
The problem is that no exclusives makes a console irrelevant unless you're a normalfag who's scared of computers.
Console spics never learn.
I remember loading my walkmen with final fantasy 7 back in the days. Good times
jesus this is dumb, you think people who know how to render 3D models on a computer would at least have the faintest idea about what technology is possible at the moment
we certainly aren't anywhere close to anti-gravity buttons....
I don't want to get a gaming PC. My computer is for media and development work. I don't want to build another computer for that and I don't want to dual-boot Windows because Windows is garbage.
At that price? Definitely Australia.
>lastest groundbreaking technology
>still runs games at 30fps
The absolute denial of sonegros
>A fucking MAC
Oh god, my sides.
Power is relative. Consoles are mid-range pcs after the switch to x86 instead of unique architecture. This is not going to gen in the next generation.
>$60 usd is too expensive for vidya!!!!
This is sad.
>i have an autistic fear of owning more than 2 pcs
Ok but what about people who aren't mentally ill?
>muh censorship
grow up kiddo
No it's not. You can compare hardware with benchmark. The zen2 is actually a big leap, especially in multithread.
You could just build a hackintosh with a Vega 7 then.
I have a Hackintosh built in 2014 with a 760 GTX. But again, I don't want to dual-boot.
Okay I want sources that aren't Forbes and Eurogamer. I need a website that's not shilled
Use the Mac Version of steam
That doesn't really change the fact that it's mid-range when compared to pcs.
Eh. macOS support is very limited. That's why it's a better choice to just buy a Playstation.
No way this shit is gonna be on the level of 1080ti without costing 600+
Who said the contrary?
How will the trade war effect this console generation?
And where the fuck did you even get that from what I said? I commented how Australia is the only place where the PS4Pro would be inflated to $600, and you spin it to Americans bitching about $60 price tags on games?
Let's not get cocky. It'll be like 22-24fps for every single game, at most, like always
>over 20000
so what? 20001?
Americans can get fucked.
Microsoft love wasting money. I don't get why they wouldn't take a huge loss at selling their new console to garantee themselves the most profitable market in the entertaining industry.
Nintendo don't sell systems at a loss
Or you could just build a pc for around the same price.
>Literally who blog run by Xbox fanboys
Because they hate Americans and by extension Australians because both are former British colonies that have surpassed the pitiful UK in every way. They are just still mad about the fall of the British Empire
Good point why not an exact number? Makes me think this is more fake fanboy hype
If it's anymore powerful than an RTX 2060, it's 100% going to be $600.
>and where the fuck do you get that idea fro-
amerifatties have it good, so stop your crying and jiggling
t. an actual australian living in nsw who has to pay $99 aud rrp (RECOMENDED-RETAIL-PRICE)
Reminder that a next-generation switch would only need 1% of the power of a PS5 to run one of its 120FPS 8K games at 720p 60FPS. Way to back yourself a into a corner, Sony.
Are you Higuain?
Now post the Switch’s benchmark. Let’s see some of those salty Yea Forumsintendo tears
You're only paying $9 USD more though.
Why do people think that nintendo fans buy nintendo consoles because they think it's powerful hardware?
UH OH.....
Nintenbros what are we going to do?? What if nintie goes bankrupt???
We are so far behind bros....
B-but its s-souless and not fun!
>Y-you're only paying $9 USD more though
>he doesn't know how to convert money
$60usd = $85aud
imagine if I could pay $60 aud for a day one game, but thinking isn't your strong point, isn't it? amerilard?
it is souless and not fun
t. pc owner who built his own pc
Holy fuck, I already have a GPU that is better then the PS5's according to this list.
teraflops sound stupid even now. everyone knows what a benchmark is.
Even if it has a shit GPU this is still going to be too expensive for the casualfucks.
Hope you're ready for the death of non-kiddie consoles.
Companies never buy parts at retail price. They get them at bulk which massively lowers cost for AMD.
Then why does it have the PS5 code name?
kek, we all know his this is going to end
Now price your motherboard, ram, cpu, cpu fan, keyboard, and mouse
another 5 years of no games and censoreship
into the trash it goes
the level of delusion is historically high with sonygoys it's unbelievable really
to think that they think it'll somehow outperform a pc while also being cheaper than a pc is absolute insanity and that's not even mentioning how fucking stale gaming is in general, if i didn't use my pc for general tasks and music i probably wouldn't be playing vidya anymore
Same but PC sucks though...?
Depends, rdr2 was 60 on Amazon AU at launch
post clear speccy
>Those specs
Toppest of keks
>was supposedly 1080p, never actually ran games that high.
Sony be lying every new console. Have fun with the Ps4Pro+ and no games
>We are so far behind bros....
Nintendo has been technologically behind for like two decades now.
But AMD is for poorfags, where is Intel or Nvidia?
About fucking time , I hope the new xbox also does this well (if this numbers are real) so i can finally start justifying the OP hardware i got on my PC
Bought new parts since I took that pic since apparently pkeks say it makes the games better but surprise, PC still sucks and sony is this best
Yes Microsoft and Sony are OEM manufacturers like Dell or Asus. They get parts cheaper. Every 100$ you spend they spend like 75$ since they bought millions of the parts upfront. Still only makes a 500$ console beat a 600$ PC lol I like not paying online thank you very much.
That's not your picture lol
rent free
To protect the leaker.
So you have a gtx 1080 and you rather play on your ps4 at 1080 full cinematic 24fps just for fanboyism sake's ?
I believe you. Sony is this best.
I hate pc fags that lie about how cheap it is to build one. Why would i limp onto the pc world when i can buy a brand new console?
>ported from PS3 version missing the extra texture detail and lighting from the PS4 version
The only thing you have is 4K(
>"new" parts
>thinks PC gaming sucks
Why would I ever trust a retard like you?
Sony 24fps is like nintendo 60fps
Retarded, every test you run would be within a variation of 300 points due to margin of error, no matter how hard they try they couldn't prove anything they couldn't prove with the over 20000 score in regards to figuring out the leakers identity
i have a 2080ti so my card is like twice as good as the ps5
Fucking BR renders!
I mean, half of the benchmark scene was censored, so of course it scored that high.
>including the walkman
top kek, this is some god tier bait, saving this for later
hopefully kills them
If there only exists one score then yes. Also, consoles are more consistent than PC's so the margin of error might be even lower.
No idea , the only console i own is a Ps4.
yeah enjoy your 30fps
Im PC+PS4 but jesus dont be retarded
144 is great and it does break the engine in hilarious ways since Kiryu throws people way farther. And isn't that just K2 and 6s engine. I believe the PS3 engine is fine past 60.
What does this prove? That game could be near maxed at 4K on a 350$ RTX 2060. It's literally just another example that Playstation doesn't have very much in terms of exclusive games
missing the extra texture detail and lighting
Didn't this get patched ages ago?
But if only 1 score exists then only like a small handful of devs have kits which means Sony just has to bully them til they crack. The leak itself is enough to get someone fired
dragon engine is a mistake
I thought so lol, regardless there's mods
go dilate and cope
pc gamings days are numbered, no one will ever give a shit about overpriced pieces of junk nvidia puts out when ps5 releases
It is except I really like throwing people into restaurants from the street
You know. Intel and AMD will also be making GPUs in 2020 right? The only reason Nvidia overcharges is cause they make the best GPUs around. Most people are not loyal to any parts manufacturer.
2160x1440@|144hz nigga
To anyone that doesn't know why it's so powerful. The cpu they've designed is for backwards compatibilty in mind.
so ps5 is as powerful as 2015 PC? Thats expected I guess. Hopefully it will run at 60 fps this time around
I really love too
but i hate this 30fps drops , i know i can wait for pc version but fuck waiting year or half for new yakuza game
why this shit cant work good like yakuza 0 or FOTNS
>kiwami 2
cutscenes works 11/10 not even single drop
fighting and heat actions sometimes drops to fucking 5fps
cutscenes now drop fps
combat is perfectly fine now
>PS5 will have a $1000+ tier GPU
>at an affordable price
Who the fuck is going to believe this?
Sony can just sell the GPUs at cost or even at a loss, unlike PC component manufacturers who have to make a profit on each individual GPU sold and whose market is full of greedy bitcoin miners more than willing to pay a premium.
Sony pulls this literally every single time, and their fanboys eat that shit up.
Sony won another generation and there is nothing any of you can do about it.
>1000$ GPU
ask your mommy how much is this
Just because it costs you $1000, it doesn't mean the tech is $1000.
>synthetic benchmarks
yeah, they should just sell the system for $6000 instead. that way only us cool wealthy guys can play it!
The miners do not affect the MSRP is the Retailers who decide to go full Jew .
Dude, just stop. You clearly haven’t played a Nintendo game before
Somewhat unrelated, but would a PC build thread go on Yea Forums or /g/?
I'll enjoy that Bloodborne, god of war, list goes on
theres a pc building general
Its been 4 years since launch
>god of war
Cringe feast .
>List goies on
Unless you are talking about the niche jap games that are the real reason to justify buying a Ps4 if you already own a Decent PC you might have a point .
>someone unironically made this webm
holy shit
>highest ps4 exclusive is a 94
snoyfags made hundreds of "sony won E3 threads", they will literally worship anything sony does.
If you make on on V you'll probably get another build. On G they are just gonna tell you to wait for Navi
Imagine being so poor that you can only afford to buy 1 video game platform, so then you have to come to Yea Forums to shit on the ones you couldn't afford.
Seriously bros, just get a job and buy all the video games. There's no need to act like children.
I would like to see a comparison against a PS4 (not even a pro) with an SSD swap.
god of war is one of the best games that came out the last 20 years you absolute brainlet
Yea Forums is the biggest cancer on Yea Forums, just buy the new console if you like the games or dont buy it if you dont like the games, stop with the console war fagging because you have nother better to do with your lives
They will only ever act like children, they play devices made for kids!
PC just isnt fun
All the real gamers are on PS4
PS4 games are always optimized. PC isnt
PS4 also gets all the games
PS5 is the logical next step for true gamers
Imagine being unable to recognize when you're absolutely assblasted holy shit lmao
literally fuming
There are plenty of 1080p PS3 games tho. All the sports games etc.
PC-PS5-Switch Mini chads ww@?
do people here actually think a sub 500 dollar console can compete with a 1500 dollar pc lol
Which also cost you more than the whole console. And games are better optimized on closed platforms. Also the CPU got a bigger jump than the GPU.
Next gen's gun b gud
Yes PS3 good.
Where are all the true 4K PS4 Pro games?
PS4 Bad.
>sub 30
I'll take my poorly optimized shit then thank you very much
I can't wait to play my super realistic games where the protag climbs up stairs like in real life! Who cares that hitching my horse is the hardest thing to do in the game? Having fun is for literal BABIES
>my 1080ti from two years ago is still stronger than the supposed strongest console out in a year
That's a major yikes from me snoy
Haha consoles are for faggots you all need rope
Nice low end PC
>true 4K
But all of it was upscalled chessboard whatever gimmick bullshit, no "real 4K"
>it wont have loading times, just loading zones
>Imliying I do not own both PC and PS4
I'm just trying to understand why someone with a good PC would rather play on a consola that run games like crap that's all.
You mean native 4k? Again, sports games and indies (and also some last gen ports)
have sex
>And games are better optimized on closed platforms.
>Every game on PS4 was like 30fps or lower excluding CoD, FIFA and esports shit
Top kek
>over 20,000
>not an actual score
Its most likely all complete guesswork.
They dont make the best gpus. The best technology is judged by consumer adoption.
Come back when every high end console have nvidia hardware and the middle mid range and lower is nvidia only.
They only make overpriced junk for rich retards who decorate their shitboxes with leds, no one gives a shit about these people.
Nvidia is literally apple of pc hardware. Except apple actually makes quality products that dont brake. (had two top end nvida gpus burn out on me gt9800 and gtx580).
Theres literally no reason unless you care so much about about a single few games. That you can just emulates in a few years usually. Any money spent on a console could just go towards PC parts and then you improve the 98% of shared multiplats and all the PC exclusives alot more. Idorts are consumerist pigs. Nothing wrong with owning a console but it doesn't make sense to own all of them and a PC, Lots of it will start collecting dust, or you will find yourself forcing yourself to use it
Expect to pay $599 US DORRARS again at a minimum. Might as well just get a PC for a few hundred dollars more.
have some dignity, only leftist coocks buy censored games/movies etc
Calling it lmao
Show me any game that plays at native 4k that the Base PS4 could've have also ran at 4K too
Retard needs to run into a knife
you can do more with a PC though
2080s will be mid range tier by the end of 2021, and they are the price of a macbook pro which is a better investment
Wow, absolutly thrilling gameplay.
I'm pretty sure it's coming like next year
But if I am wrong then yes
In what world does the gtx 1080 cost 1000$?
Next year you'll be able to get it for chump change
PS4 Pro could barely do 4k cunt.
Most were 1440p on a 4k tv.
The base PS4 can't run native 4k. They also never claimed it could. But PS3 can and does and with 4k so can ps4pro and it does.
Imagine being this much of an irrational normie retard as to being involved in your video game hobby so much that you come to a somewhat obscure gaming community to shitpost about video games and YET you still for some retarded reason cant bring yourself to spend 600-700$ on a new very promising console that comes like once in 8 years.
I bet you fucking dumbass upgrade your shitdroid smartpone every two years and buy expensive junk food every day, and surplus clothes and accessories that you don't need.
>somewhat obscure
Yet here you are defending Sony.
I know people who actually believe this, I am trying to either get move to another deparment or just get a new job so I dont have to listen to this drivel being passed around as facts.
If I want to upgrade to a Pro should I just wait for this?
>reverse image search
>receive several results
snoys are so sad
>consumer adoption is what determines the best
>The Prius is better than a Corvette because more people buy them
You're drooling red AMDrone. I'm not some price to performance pussy like you. Nvidia makes good cards sorry you can't flip burgers for 8$ an hour for 2 weeks to afford a good GPU. Literally if AMD made something that beat the 1080ti I would've bought it. I want a good PC that lasts not an RX580 a card that won't be able to do 1080p Ultra 60fps by 2021. If you buy budget you'll always be upgrading to maintain same goes for high end but budget parts are "obsolete" the day they are released vs high end that takes years
>apple products don't break
This is a shitty comparison since apple is an OEM and barely creates their own tech. Nvidia and AMD create new tech to sell to apple. Also apple is a dogshit company that designs their products to fail artificially. Your GPU experience is irrelevant because I've owned 100s of New and used GPUs from both sides and never had any fail on me so I blame the user for it.
That's not what I mean. The base PS4 has to have HDMI 1.4 which can output 2160p 30hz. Meaning the PS4 not playing games at 4k is a software restriction. What I meant was is their any game running at Native 4K that looks graphically impressive like Grand Turismo at 1080p on the PS3 was. I could run binding of Issac at 16k on my PC, doesn't mean I should sell it as a 16K Ready gaming PC.
Only thing that matters to me next gen is if there is huge support for digital copies of previous gen games. It's all I do with my Xbox One X. Mercenaries, Splinter Cell shit, Jedi Academy, Ninja Gaiden, KotOR, ect. I just want more. I'll buy a PS5 if there is PS1/PS2 digital support, and I'll do the same with the next Xbone. I have a PC, and emulation is easy enough, but not for Xbox. Nonexistent.
So basically snoyggers want me to believe that they have $1000 worth of hardware but they will sell it at a loss and somehow make up the difference by selling peripherals/games?
Ok retardos.
You are buying a machine that will not be backwards compatible with your old games. So if you upgrade your pc you are also able to play your older games at much higher resolutions and framerates. Factoring in that you can also emulate things like the wii-u and the switch decently it makes the pc the more utilitarian approach.
>but it's okay when AMD does it!
I don't care about your arbitrary semantics of what constitutes being able means.
In my book, as long as one single game is native 4k it can DO native 4k. Fuck outta here with your brain damage tier arguments.
Where are you from ? are those US dollars ? Because if they are god damn you guys are getting rip off
You sound like a retard. You are asking for something no one but the devs who can run internal tests on these things would know.
It's a meme, 10 series cards are just mostly out of production and aren't for sale directly at good prices. If I went to a store a new 1080ti should be MSRP or (hopefully) less
You're really over complicating this. I already got the answer, 2 games at 4K that aren't lightweight titles.
My PC is still better and I can do literally everything on it. What can you do with a PS5, play video, watch a DVD?
Why are Sony fans so cancerous?
Sure, every fandom has its bad seeds, but Sony fans are just on a whole other level
What is it exactly about Sony that attracts the most horrible people in the world?
>what is mass production
>what is b2b sales
It's appeals to leftist Hollywood culture
>list goes on
not really though also god of war is trash
I don't think you know wtf you are talking about.
>god of war is one of the best games that came out the last 20 years you absolute brainlet
you are either baiting or have garbage taste
Based off the specs of the PS4 Base it could easily run some games at Native 4K it's a resolution nothing is inherently special about the number. I know exactly what I'm talking about
epic strawman
it's everywhere too you fucking europenigger
No it isn't.
Yeah but there is no way to know what a developer would be able to achieve at that resolution, which is what you asked me to show you.
>Steam IS PC
Literally it's not
Women are fucking NOTHING without makeup
apple literally creates their own mobile chips. They also have displays manufactured to their spec. They are as much a manufacturer as amd and nvidia.
Check out their new display. OEM my ass.
Just bought an asus rog strix 1080 for 350, eat shit.
Imagine paying at least 400 dollars for a next gen console to play ports of games from the last gen and shitty tech demos.
>And games are better optimized on closed platforms
is it 2008?
There are like 2 engines left, unity and unreal and the API layer is non-existent with vulkan and dx12.
Consoles have lost what little advantage they had, sorry to break it to you kid
imagine no death stranding running at true 4k with HDR
enjoy your 120fps TN medium low scraps experience
Explain battlefield v on ps4 pro then
can you not read
>unreal and unity
guess what engine dice uses you fucking limp dick faggot
>PS4 games are always optimized.
nice meme
topkekkest I bet it would be prevalent on PS5.
Who the fuck cares?
There are several reasons not to buy sony shit or play on fucking consoles. Power of the machine is only one of them. The dreamcast was undoubtedly the most powerful gaming system when it came out and still failed catastrophically
>inb4 seethe, cope, cringe, unbased and have sex
I fucking hate hype and so should you. When the fuck will you learn to not trust gaming companies and stop preordering shit that might be underwhelming, you fucking retard?
I just bought a PS5 for 200
Yeah this honestly, I think I'll wait to see if they sort their shit out.
your own "exclusives" aren't even optimized let alone third party games
the only "good" ps4 exclusive, bloodborne, runs like a game that some bored hacker managed to backport to ps3.
if i was too poor or stupid or just uninterested in PC for some reason then yeah the ps4 might be a decent replacement, but as it stands it gets used far less than the PC or even switch in my house.
>These posts
>Expecting vidya discussion on Yea Forums
Based retards,trying soo hard to being Dumb when is such a natural talent for you people
americans only thinks about censor things
There are places in the world where minimum wage is $10/day or even less.
thats because unreal and unity are garbage and truly high end games like battlefield and sony first party stuff use engines specifically designed for consoles
My friend has a mid tier pc and he is really into battlefield, but he has to run medium settings for smooth fps that is for 1080p, BF1.
Meanwhile my shitbox runs bfv at silky smooth 60fps in 1800p checkerboarded, high settings, HDR.
PC gaming is SHIT, unless you are very rich and willing to dish out 700$ every three years for upgrades.
it's pretty frightening to see so many people worshiping a fake system that is only a few line of text with so much zeal.
Sounds good so far. Hopefully the trickle down effect leads to better optimization industry wide, especially for PC VR games., however I don't expect to see anything crazy until we're 5 years in.
ahahahahahaha pcfags on suicide watch
>My friend has a mid tier pc and he is really into battlefield, but he has to run medium settings for smooth fps that is for 1080p, BF1.
when BF1 came out i was playing at 60fps/1080p on a PC with 8GB RAM, an i72700 and a R7290x. it was a souped up prebuilt HP desktop.
stop telling lies you dirty poorfag
I don’t have an amazing PC, just a gtx 1070 and i7, but I can run basically any game at 60fps with highest settings, plus you can emulate almost anything pre last gen. PC gaming is way better if you have a decent PC. Meanwhile on my PS4, RDR2 makes my fan go crazy and can’t even get a stable 30fps.
That pic was ran 8 times in the no make up filter you dumb retard.
>creatura needs 8 layers of filters to look like a human
hey new fag
What pc game looks better than rdr on pro and x? No mods allowed. Also, theres no problem with fps on ps pro.
call of the wild
Original no make up picture.
looks very low budget and very low tech and is a hunting simulator also
no thanks, Id rather re read the book with the same name, its really good.
el abominacion...
show your face
>Gonzalo APU
lmao mutt knight triggered
>shot through the heart and you're to blame
>PS5 will have no games (no games)
Fake and gay, it's gonna be barely faster than a GTX 1070
still looks better than the average white man
Nvidia on 7nm+ EUV will destroy that shit in less than a year
Still quite pretty 2bh.
la goblina
nvidia is going bankrupt due to death of pc gaming caused by massive success of ps5
Making mongrels is child abuse.
Imagine how Yea Forums would undergo total meltdown if this benchmark turns out out be true. It will be unprecedented.
post your face and feet
Whether you like it or not, but mongrels are the future. The only way to stop tribalistic behaviors such as wars and discrimination is to erase all native cultures and ethnicities by mixing everyone and everything. And theres literally no way right wing shitters like you can stop this.
based retard yankee
That's pretty fucking sad, BUT the biggest jump this gen is gonna be storage based anyway so whatever.
v is so up to their ass with sony hate that this board will become the richest salt mine of the whole internet
imagine having a 600$ snoy shitbox beating your 2k$ pc while also having more games that are worth playing
>>buying censored games in 2020 A.D.
>visual novels
What a retard.
Can't wait to run all the next gen snoy entertainment experiences at silky smooth 900p24fps!
and you spend 4x times more dumbfuck
So much PCJew cope ITT, scared that the inevitable is happening, PC is about to become irrelevant next to these consoles. All they can do is shout the $599 meme, which is still not even half as expensive as what a comparable PC will cost.
I know 99% of PCJews can only upgrade every 5 years or so, whenever mommy gives them their allowance to do so and the cost is only going to increase the more powerful consoles become. And since you all pirate games anyway more and more devs are ignoring the platform.
It's a sad day to be a PCJew and another great day to be a SonyChad
where have i heard that before
>being poor
This. Their toasters wont be able to handle these games. And when devs really get comfortable with it, they wont even bother trying to port. PC gonna be the pixelshit only platform starting now
>believing Sony after the countless times they've flat-out lied before
you deserve everything that's fed to you, so lap it up, faggot
>imagine thinking you`re rich because you own a $2k paperweight card
You need to buy a new console every gen retard
Here's your (You)
lets get it straight, the only thing pc is good for is piracy and this is the only reason you defend it
no one in their right mind buys 1k$ gpus just to have slightly more frames per second
>2060 tier performance
that's all consoles can muster? kek!
Have sex
i mean it is a californian console
what did you expect
Bend over.
lol cope
worth it for 4k60fps
Good goyim
yeah with dips into the 20s
not your image btw
Gonzalo is my favourite Dragon Ball character, especially when he iconically mention his powerlevel being over 200,00
cope harder :)
Actually if you buy a Playstation + online you're spending more money ;)
No fucking way it's that good. They do the same shit every gen
>1080gtx beating 2070rtx and vega64
this chart makes zero
>1080 = 1080 Ti
>hurrr let me call it a Ti and now it's a BRAND NEW CARD
have sex
>zero proof
>forced memes
goddamn, is the state of console gaming really this desperate
>already less than the next xbox
>another obsessed pclard
The absolute state of this thread
Cool, my PC already scores higher than the PS5 and I built it over a year ago. Looks like another generation of console cucks playing catch up with PC performance.
What games it got?
Depression Quest Remastered
Right now the 1080 ti is more expensive than when they released it initially. You cant use this as an argument, they don't even sell it anymore
Snoyshits will never learn.
Delusional little peasants.
Both PC and consoles will become irrelevant with streaming and as a service shit, reminder that even Snoy is betting on that.
That's real fucking impressive but where are the games?
Do you mean the interactive movies?
>not posting the updated version
>next version
>it's over 9000
left side is cinematic and has soul
I glad because kusony fags falling for bullshots and trailers at E3 and then having to cope with the downgrade will never stop being funny.
How are you shitposting?
They say this every time
What are those fucking meme TFLOPS anyway?
No one uses them in PC GPU benchmarks. Why is that even a thing with consoles?
you're right, the playstation after all is a glorified blu ray movie player