No Megas

>No Megas
>No Z Moves
>No National Dex

Attached: [email protected] (940x620, 601K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>gigamax pokemon have 3 clouds above them to mark how many turns left
It wouldnt surprise me if they made a separate model for every pokemon with 3, 2, 1 and 0 clouds.

They do, user.

After 1000 Lillies anything is possible

Fuck are you two boring

>No Megas
>No Z Moves
Never played past XY, but I thought people hated these?

>no 7's

>>No Megas
>>No Z Moves
Can I get a source on that? I don't predict anything new but I'd expect the already existing ones to be available.

They dont want to balance them with the new lazy "Dynamax" bullshit

> Masuda has expressed a desire to create high quality, expressive Pokémon, rather than focus on bringing every single Pokémon species to Sword and Shield. Masuda also cited considerations like time, the number of workers, and the Switch hardware as constraints on the development process.
I don't even have an image that precisely describes how much of a fucking joke this entire thing is.

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (800x800, 108K)

>no good designs

Attached: scorrbany.png (301x306, 8K)

Yeah, they kept piling up more and more imbalanced bullshit but now that they cannot get away with reusing the 2013 models they suddenly started caring about the balance. Makes sense.

Fucking depressing. Say what you want about them, but megas added new models and unique Z-moves had some nice animations, Gigamax is a lazy ass hackjob in comparison.

>Masuda also cited considerations like time, the number of workers, and the Switch hardware as constraints on the development process.
How does a company that ONLY makes pokemon games not have enough manpower to MAKE a pokemon game? And GF couldn't even make Sun and Moon run right on the fucking 3DSXL, they can't do even basic shit right.

>last good pokemon console game was gale of darkness on gamecube
>hear about new one on switch
>looks like hd gale of darkness with 80% less stuff in the world
Why can't they just make another good console version

gale of darkness was made by a different developer lol

>detailed pokemon
>makes a fast fire bunny
What made previous gen pokemon so good? I've been trying to pin down a reason for years was it the recognizable base animals they used? Were they simply more creative and had more new ideas to work with?

The gamecube games only serve to prove how much better off the series would be if anyone but gamefreak developed it. Niantic doesn't count.

I'm done, bros. This is where I get off.

I don't recall either of these being widely hated. If anything, Megas might have been frowned on for giving out stones to Pokemon that didn't need them, like Garchomp, or Pokemon who are memes even with them, like Audino.

But really why can't we get a pokemin Stadium 3? With an even better minimum mode. Full battles. Holy shit but thatbl would take effort

That explains it

>no megas
>no z moves
>no national dex

Its a mixed bag, people hate the designs or the overpowered nature of it. I always fine with the designs but some really did not need a mega like Salamence or freaking Rayquaza

Maybe you want them gone. But understand they were taken out not for balance, but to cut corners

I wouldn't say better, the gamecube games weren't amazing, but they did at the very least, try.

i don't mind the national dex being missing but the shitty animations and graphics turn me off

I thought they were amazing I liked the shadow pokemon mechanic it made the bond with pokemon more intense

I only care about the fanart.

gay bara wolf incest art turned me on, japs really enjoyed drawing them

>no megas
>no z moves
>no national dex
>but it has wooloo
10/10 game

Attached: D8TnnjfUIAIiRR3.jpg (2000x2000, 693K)

Removes features charges more money for it.
Thanks Game Freak!

>none of the old gimmicks returning

>not liking based megas
>made shitmons viable
>changes everything about a pokemon upon activation including stats, design and ability and sometimes playstyle
>potential for good designs and more dynamic gameplay

I love how suddenly everyone loves Z moves when untile a month ago they were seen as pure cancer.
Still I agree these games are getting more and more disappointing the more news I hear about them.

jesus christ

Attached: BRINGBACKNATDEX.jpg (1134x1131, 141K)

Small indie company. Please understand.

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No, but you get a GACHA GAME! Get hyped, pokemon masters!

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Wow their faces literally look like they have a sword and shield..

He's just full of shit. Or senile. Or both.

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What the fuck?

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you're a faggot

You get this instead.

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Is Dynamax gonna be a separate mode like doubles or will it be in everything like z-moves and mega-evos.

Wow rude

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>>No Megas
>>No Z Moves
>>No National Dex
Just like SM, who cares?

It wasn't Masuda's idea to cut Pokemon. He said he wasn't happy with the idea but he had no choice.

>not posting on /vp/ instead
>caring about z moves
>caring about megas
Ive known gamefreak is lazy for years, and you dumb fucks finally got a clue? Well it only took you until 2019.

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is that dog holding a sword? or is it part of its body

Sorry user. He's right. We're witnessing the death of the series

mommy mommy da new pokeyman gamey ain't exactly like da last one REEEEEEE

Attached: file.png (205x246, 74K)

No, its worse.
Fucking moron

Reminder they bet against Nintendo. They expected to stick to Handhelds and phones

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>fuck megas
>fuck z moves
>i dont care

It's holding. Dunno why it's Zacian that made people ask this when tons of mons hold things.

I haven’t played since Diamond and Pearl and while the new games look like ass those three points are all bonuses to me. There’s too many fucking Pokemon now, I’d prefer a game with only 150ish that’s actually balanced. There’s too many bullshit mechanics now too, I wish they didn’t have that giant shit either.

>>No Megas
>>No Z Moves
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?


>1000 Lillies

>durf let me post this screencap of a discordtard who has no idea what he's talking about

The cloud thing isn't even true. Fucking watch the E3 footage and confirm it yourself.

>expecting any of those things to matter on a genwunner board

Basically, almost every time you see Lillie in a cutscene or just on the map it's a separate model.

The last part describes the Lillies.

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>gamefreak shills

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Fuck off t you faggots. Keep your opinion diarrhea on your own shit board.


>get an S/M rom
>open up with Ohana3DS Rebirth
>get greeted with a shitton of model files
>upon inspection turns out that they're all lillies for every fucking encounter each
You can do it yourself, but I doubt the nintenbabys brain is able to do so.

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>electionfag tries a bit too hard again
Still upset about yesterday?

>no megas
>no z moves

go back to

>seething so much he made an image about not having a source because he couldn't find the source himself

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>There’s too many fucking Pokemon now, I’d prefer a game with only 150ish
No one is forcing you to use any of them though?

>that’s actually balanced.
As if it will actually be balanced.
As if it was ever balanced.

>There’s too many bullshit mechanics now too
No one is forcing you to use any of those mechanics.
3DS games forward are completely braindead easy, you can finish them no problem without ever bothering with megas and z-moves.
>hurr removing mechanics is good
Just buy Let's Go, it's a game made specifically for retarded kantofags such as yourself.

>Yea Forums armchair developers who don't understand how memory management works

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>anonymous Yea Forums posts are a source


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GameFreak is an indie company, so you cant have your expectations too high.
Prease understando

Not really a bad thing, however if you realize why they did it makes things stupid. Pokemon is known for bringing in mechanics and removing them the next game, their reason is usually because it's too much work, they can't figure it out how to add it for the new game system or they completely forget.

In this case it's because they made it so models for dynamax turn 1-3 are all completely different models, because they're tied to the cloud count instead of making the cloud its own thing. So not only are the dynamax different models than the original rather than just upscaling the original model to save space they are using even more space for each turn model. Arcanine is it's own model, dynamax Arcanine is its own model, dynamax Arcanine turn 2 is its own model, etc. This is why they're not adding every pokemon to this version, even though they're just ripped 3DS models that could easily be added. They don't have the space. The pokemon MMO Temtem that is made by indie devs didn't even make this mistake.

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>no more cancer from new gens
>Less bloated Dex with only best Mons
Fucking finally

>memory management
Nintendies never cease to amaze me.

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Fucking retard.

They don't only make Pokémon games

>the 3DS doesn't have RAM because I say so

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I'm not sure what your talking about. I'm trying to excise the cancer that started in /vp/ and metastasized its way here.

This has already been debunked, Dynamaxed mons always have three clouds above their heads.

But what they're doing is inefficient you retard

>faster load times

Pokemon never had and never will care about balance

>gets btfo so badly that he has to immediately strawman
You do you, nintendie, you do you.

Attached: unbelievable.gif (320x215, 1.95M)

Is there anything fucking dumber than having the pokemon look like the title

Is wonder trade back?


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>high quality

why do people keep posting the top part?


>Stakataka wont be surviving the cull

Megas and z moves are cancer, dynamax is a much better gimick
I won't defend anything else about the game though

Seems like its sacrificing versatility and options for a hyper aggressive gimmick. Unless shit lets you get bulky I dont see how three turns of roid rage can really shake things up beyond teams built for that. Imagine the VGC 4v4 format with this shit, that's like 3 turns of Z moves.

>No Megas
Great decision, made for the wrong reasons. Megas were always a bad idea. It's unfair to have specific pokemon that are awarded mega evolutions and others that are left out. Not to mention the design on some were god awful.
The reason they took them out would have been because fitting them in with the other gimmick mechanics would have been too much work for them though, and I don't support laziness
>No Z Moves
Literally who the fuck cares?
>No National Dex
Completely unforgivable.
The slogan for the game is Gotta Catch Em All. People may favour particular ones more than others, but it's total unfair bullshit to pull the rug out from under the ones who liked the more obscure ones (in this case it's not just obscure though, it sounds like many are cut). On top of that, you've been charging some of the fans for the pokemon bank service, only for them to now find out they cannot use it to move their pokemon to the latest game. It should have been a free service to begin with, but as soon as you start charging actual money to use it, it becomes an obligation.
On top of this, they've offered totally disingenuous excuses for as to why they are having no National Dex.
Balancing is not a real reason. Competitive tourneys already use criteria by which people have to select their creatures so that's irrelevant. As for just standard gameplay, it has never truly been properly balanced, so why pretend that it matters now? The fact you are cleaving legacy features like Z moves and Mega evolutions makes it fucking easy to ensure the game is balanced enough not to be an issue.
And the other reason of modelling and so forth is obviously bullshit. As many people have pointed out, the animations and models have been recycled over and over since X&Y for many. They're probably doing that again anyway. Even if it was a lot of work and they were actually going to faithfully recreate 1000 or so models, you can do that.

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>dynamax is a better gimmick
pokemon get big, it do more damage, it blow up when faint. Woooooow such a great and fun gimmick, it's like I'm playing Fallout and used a console command to upscale my character.

Pokemon is the most profitable game franchise in the world. The money this franchise brings in through merchandise alone is enough to hire several other teams to come in and do contract work on creating new models. Talking shit about the size of the GF team and making sure they have a good work/life balance is just pointless. They have the money and resources to put the work in and they are choosing not to.
Yes, at some point very soon there needs to be a permanent solution going forward for pokemon games because there will come a time where it is unrealistic to load 1500/2000 creatures into a game, but this is not them crafting a long-term solution. This is them being lazy and cutting corners. Game Freak need to go.

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>a bunch of guys get together to make their dream autism kaiju catching game
>a bunch of mcdonalds-tier slaves make another yearly rehash

pokemon really is dying, isn't it?

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wat. how would inflated map sizes decrease memory usage?

>used a console command to upscale my character
Too bad GF didn't think of that.

pokemon bank was such a crock of shit. I honestly think it was supposed to be a "outrageous idea" that they would then be made free, and pretend like they saved the day.

I did my part to reject it by spending a some time transferring mon's over with my hacked 3ds for /vp/ players who didn't hack their 3ds's and didn't want to pay a subscription fee

Attached: the purging of the HM slaves.jpg (1000x1142, 236K)

Yes, faster. Efficiency isn't always about space, you retard. Take a programming class.

>Diglett with trAsh hat

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Because loading the map data from one place is faster than loading it from different places.

nintendofag here, you're a fucking idiot

I'll miss my Mega Gardevoir but at least Non Mega'd Gardy has some gimmicks I can do with him.

>No Megas
>No Z Moves
I'm absolutely fine with this. The less gimmicks the better.

>all these retards complaining about dynamax being lazy will suddenly lap it up and ask for more as soon as they announce gigantamax designs

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>smartphone must replace everything
What the fuck is up with this meme? Does anyone with an IQ over 70 seriously think like this?
Phones are for CALLS. Walkmen are for MUSIC. Consoles are for GAMES. Computers are for WORK.
Stop trying to mix them together into an unfixable, very fragile 1000$+ abomination.

>No megas
Not a substantial loss and makes sense from a storytelling perspective since they required region-specific artifacts
>No Z Moves
I'm not disappointed about this in the slightest
>No National Dex
This is the only problem

Gee it's almost like they could've made a new evolution for shitmons to do all of that instead of some digivolving bs.

Attached: Dex.png (232x194, 120K)

it may be faster to load from SD to memory that way (which i imagine is the real reason) but that wouldn't utilize less memory? i guess im getting stuck on a small point but all the same.

>literal who debunks literal who

>much better gimick
what if Pokemon... but BIG
200+ IQ idea

I like how you worded this as if you came up with it, and not as if you're just regurgitating other shit from people that is purely speculation.

>"I thought that in the age of the smartphone no one would carry around a game console"
>I thought that in the age of the smartphone no one would carry around something very similar to a smartphone that's dedicated to running fun games

I'd rather have slower load times than 8gb games.
Seriously, SM are fucking MASSIVE for 3DS games, something else is clearly going on here.

>guy who datamines the games and creates save editors for it
>literal who

lmao, keep believing your literal who anonymous screencaps if it's what keeps your game freak pissing circlejerk alive over actual facts

>It's unfair to have specific pokemon that are awarded mega evolutions and others that are left out
well they stopped adding mega evolutions after omegaruby so how did you expect to have hundreds of pokemons with mega evolutions

too bad you get yet another one instead

It's almost like no one in these threads has actually looked at the code or would even understand it if they did, and they're just spouting garbage they were told and instantly believed because they want to criticise GF for something.

>people complaining about gimmick being lazy will stop complaining if gimmick will not be actually lazy

Attached: 1560162197855.jpg (960x960, 122K)


>guy who datamines the games and creates save editors for it
again, who the fuck is even this person, it's just some rando on twitter. If he was so important he would at least get verified
>lmao, keep believing your literal who anonymous screencaps if it's what keeps your game freak pissing circlejerk alive over actual facts
Calm down Ben Shapiro

>laziness is dicated by whether or not it has le ebin overdesigned form changes instead of how the mechanic itself affects the gameplay

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I am sorry for criticizing our God Masuda.

As opposed to some random post on Yea Forums which is apparently completely credible.

>again, who the fuck is even this person
He's the reason why you can even inject Pokémon in 3DS games, he definitely knows what he is talking about.
Fuck off zoomer.

I didn't say don't criticize. I said don't criticize with information that is absolute horseshit that no one in these threads actually knows.

I'm treating your side of the discussion with more respect than you are, cocksucker.

>user posts how to access the files so anyone can look it up and see if it's true
>instead some random twatter shit gets posted as rebuke

Attached: kk.gif (245x280, 1.3M)

seeing the files is worthless if you still don't understand why the files were made that way.

I hate people like you because I'm upset at the national dex being cut and you make my argument look retarded because you spout total bullshit.

>still not one proper argument made
Keep going, nintendies, my sides thank you for it.

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user, these fags suddenly lap up yokai watch for the sole idea of "overthrowing" Pokémon despite never playing the games. They're just craving for attention since no one outside of this board listens to them.

These are the only redeeming factors of the game though

Yes, you actual retard. Laziness is evaluated based on how much work was put into something. Making pokemon big is objectively a lazier gimmick than previous ones as it requires less work.
We know jackshit about how it actually affects the gameplay so we consider what we know so far.

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Pokémon died six years ago and was replaced with a lookalike

>It's unfair to have specific pokemon that are awarded mega evolutions and others that are left out.
and now charizard is shit again

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The only thing good to come out of Pokémon in past few years is the lewds of the girls and girl mons.

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I currently own X, should I buy Ultra sun/moon?

Oh no. What will I ever do.

>no choice
Yeah right. Fucking bullshit. There is always a goddamn choice and we totally made the wrong choice.
This dude nails it on the head as far as i'm concerned.
tl;dr Pokemon GO made TPC realize that all of the money is found in the mobile markets now, and as a result there's far less incentive for GameFreak to develop a quality game as their endeavors will be outsold by mobile shovelware no matter what.

But SM at least had all of the old Pokemon still in the game.



i really hope sword and shied bombs so that Nintendo can finally shove their foot up Game Freak's ass.

>Consoles are for GAMES, Computers are for WORK

Attached: 1561250200860.gif (333x194, 1.78M)

Nah. Game will sell 16 MILLION
Seethe more twittertranny

>no graphics

The cloud theory is valid considering Lillie x 10000 is a fact. Aswell as million files of the same grass patch. Fuck off dumb apologist

Imagine what those mouth breathers would do when they lose Matsuda due to incompetence. I presume they will all die due to lack of air because he was the only one reminding them to breathe.

twittertrannies love SwSh

It's because the Shield Dog at least has the "shield" integrated with its model, while Sword Dog is just holding the sword. If the Shield Dog was holding the shield just like the Sword Dog is holding the sword (or the opposite), it wouldn't be so polarizing.

It'd be like if you kept Zekrom the same, but Reshiram has a literal jet engine strapped to its back.

Imagine being this much of a faggot

>The apologists' favorite pokémon is a sheep
it's like pottery

I know, and that's the saddest part. Pokemon has some of the biggest wastes of potential of any video game and they have no incentive to improve because the games always sell a lot.

Z moves were busted as fuck as were many megas.

Surely Dynamax will be balanced!

>lol, lets model the same pokemon four times
>there's no room for a national dex now, better cut it

Yea Forums pretending to be smart while needing this shit fed to them with a fucking food analogy lmao

Who gives a shit about competitive pokemon, they were cancer because not every pokemon got in on the action

Dynamax moves set up weather and terrain. It's already fucked beyond belief and will polarize the meta far FAR more than Megas or Z-moves ever did.

Read the thread, gullible retard.

>Making pokemon big is objectively a lazier gimmick
Not if they put more thought into the mechanics, mouth breather.

>b-but we know nothing
We already know it's more than just forme changes but with a new label slapped on.

>No Megas
>No Z Moves
thank god
>No National Dex

haha i don't really know

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literally no evidence of this aside from that one shitpost
criticise things you understand

What do you think the dogs' types will be?
From the get go I'd go for steel/fighting for sword dog and steel/psychic for shield dog, but knowing gamefrak one of them will probably be a dragon.

>meh whatever
2 for 3 ain't bad

>The Switch is gonna be a failure
If it really was going to be one, why not try to be the man who saved the switch with the most profitable IP of all time ? Do they have so little confidence in their brand ?

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It literally doesn't matter because 3DS carts have a fixed storage size. Yes it's bad practice but it doesn't harm performance, it just wastes space on the cart which was never going to be used anyway,

Doesn't stop it from being retarded

Ishihara is literally paid to shill Pokemon and nothing else. If it isn't Pokemon, he doesn't give a shit.

>hey we gotta halt progress to make a bunch of minor optimization and good coding practice changes!!
anyone who has this mindset doesnt know shit about making progress. get the game working first and then go through it with a comb if it's really necessary (which it wasn't in this case).

And so is my pokewaifu but you dont see me complain

>the Switch fails
They can half ass the console games and can focus on mobile games, which make more money according to them.
>the Switch is successful
They actually have to be held to high standards relative to the other games on the platform and they also have to focus on console entries, since Nintendo sees mobile games as secondary.

i'd still fuck her t b h

People will actually defend a pokemon game that doesn't have all pokemon available. What the fuck has this world come to? The whole gimmick is 'gotta catch 'em all'. What now? 'gotta catch only what we let you until we add an expansion that you can buy separately!'?

they don't only make Pokemon games, but people tend to not give a shit about their other games

I prefer this one

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how the fuck can national dex be dlc?
i mean it would work with digital copies of the game but how would cartridges handle that? half of the info stays on the cartridge and half on the console, including half of your pokemon. so you cant just put the cartridge in another console since it will be missing half of the pokemon and content.

>Falcon Blade vs Blockenspiel
who wins??

Said developer got absorbed by GF. The guy who made Shadow Lugia is the SS art director.

he wanted an ebin reddit reply chain

Sword/Shield wouldn't have been good even if it had all of those things.

>We're witnessing the death of the series
Nigga the series has been fucking dying since gen 5. Where the fuck were you 8 years ago when you could have called out Game Freak's bullshit before it was too late?

>It just wastes space on the cart which was never going to be used anyway,


Attached: Mad Rectangle.png (638x475, 399K)

How embarrasing the new mobile game looks better than this.

>generic furry shit again

Lol fuck this series they're not even trying anymore

The scrubbed .cia is still almost a gigabyte less than the 3DS cart's storage capacity of 3.44 gigs. This is including all of the redundant models. Literally just a waste of time to go back and fix it.

>>No Megas
>>No Z Moves
You're telling me they actually did something right for once?