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Lol buy PC parts made in Taiwan instead they a different country technically

trump sucks the jew cock

based, fuck consoles

Jew cock > chink chode

He just made a bunch of negotiations that favor Palestinian tho. Rapture in July 3rd tho anti christ born July 4th this could all just be chaos inducing propaganda tho. Either way buy some bullets this week!

Fuck off, you braindead boomer

>Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft support using abusive labor from Foxconn to make their consoles

But I thought these were "socially progressive" companies that cared about SJW issues?

Phoneposters sucks and my 4 says so

But then, they're not economically left. The social justice warriors support slavery as long as it's diverse enough, so people who pander to them can get away with anything.

This would only affect the physical games while digital prices would stay the same?

Of course not.

Why would they stay the same, you fucking idiot

Why would digital prices rack up too if that's not being produced in China?

Holy shit you're dumb. Digital prices have always been higher than physical because they want you to buy physical

because jews will find any reason to increase prices

>But I thought these were "socially progressive" companies that cared about SJW issues?
unless you're a californian liberal, you are a nazi and should be enslaved and killed

>console gaming
you deserve it

based, fuck consoles
imagine investing in a platform made to treat you like sheep


It would seem rather silly for all three of them to try and oppose this only for them to be like "well the physical games are expensive now, might as well rack up the digital prices too".

wtf why wont chinese make my consoles for 1 cent per hour?

who cares. only amerimutts and chinks are gonna suffer from this. snoy might sell ps5 at higher prices worldwide but thats only good. ps5 will sell like shit and they totally deserve it.

Funny how these progressive corporations are opposed to the fair treatment of workers when it hits their bottom line.

based trump
get fucked normies

wtf I can't exploit workers rights anymore?! DRUUUUUMPPPPFFFZZZ!!!!

Has he done anything good yet?

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Isn't this implying that China was the one who's making video games affordable for everyone all along?

Two out of those three companies are Japanese.

Trump has a hardon for hating the Japanese. He will take it in his stride and MAGA supporters will back him all the way.

Japan was the China of the '80s. Every politician was talking about Japan the way they are talking about China now.

You mean making games as cheap as possible with all the milking tactics possible? They only are good at knock off products thus only will be making knock off games, just like their movies. Every Chinese game is either a diablo or pubg ripoff.

Nope. No wall, no jobs, no healthcare, Hillary still free. He played you all like a fiddle.

Are you fucking kidding me? I am cursed for living in eastern europe where a game costs about 1/8th of the monthly salary and a game console can costs even more than that, and the fact that our currency value is dropping so fucking hard that euros are increasingly becoming more expensive. Now you're telling me they'll become even more expensive? Fuck this I'm getting a new hobby.

Companies only started using China in the 5th gen

Based boomer.

Why is the article making it seem like these companies are taking a "stand" against trump for anything other than monetary gain ? They don't give a shit about anything other than the flow of money like any other company . If the president was a level 4 transgender nonwhite amputee they would still complain if tariffs were impacting the bottom line.

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Why the fuck would you have pressing facilities in China when it's supposed to be an all automated process?

Let's say the leaks about PS5/XBOX 2 are real, and Sony/Microsoft sell the consoles at loss, let's say a price of 550$ at release, with this tariffs the price goes to 650$ at least. and no games.

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>Show boat tariffs as a dick waving contest
>middle class has to pay more for shit
>a few years later everything goes back to normal trade wise and the tariffs prove to be a waste of time and poor people's money

Unironically fuck Trump and his bootlickers.

>tarifs will lose us money
>plz dont, we'll make people angry about us losing money if you dont
Is this newsworthy?

yeah. funny thing is, he definitely still believes snoy is a japanese company lol. technically it is but it isnt operated like that. its a total amerimutt sjw company.

so it will be interesting.

You're reading way too much into this. The article says nothing against Trump, just that they're advising that Trump looks at his tariffs and considers their position.
Go outside and breathe.

It takes such little effort to be an iPhone poster without revealing yourself.

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I'll be long dead before the chink menace ever becomes a problem, my video games are more important to me. Fuck you, and fuck your kike loving president for raising the cost of my games. I unironically hope he loses in 2020.

maybe you're right. no sense getting worked up over dumb shit

Axe is the savior of melee


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>ruining soi consoles and fucking with resetera trannies
The proof is the whole thread. How can one man be this absolutely based?

I don't think people realize how boring games would be if PC was the only platform. But why would they I guess.

>vets can now decide their own healthcare
>Korean war is officially over
>Under his administration, the unemployment rate is at it's lowest in nearly 50 years
>More factories are opening up in America
>Mexico is now actually helped out at the border like they should've been doing since the fucking 80s
I don't think BLUMPF is a fantastic president, but saying that he's done nothing good is fucking ridiculous. I'm not sure if I'll be voting for him in 2020, but I wouldn't personally consider him a bad president, opinions of him as an individual aside.

>boo hoo I can't buy my cheap plastic shit from Walmart and my wife's sons gonna need a new iPhone soon
Literally grow up anything worth while will just be made elsewhere and raising the prices of this shit will hurt walmarts bottom line thus less overall plastic waste. Anyone who cares about this shit is a consumerist pig

>Get in line nerd swirlys started 20 minutes ago
You're gonna vote for some gun grabbing Democrat because some rich faggot is attacking a communist nation of bugs? Move out.

Just move to PC, problem solved

Tbh, eastern euro EU parts should have different prices on steam, probably same could be said for southern europe. Games used to be cheaper when all of it was still CDs (though a lot of them were in Russian language and that sucked).

The only way to take down the chinese menace is bombs and bullets

>obamacare still in effect, still driving people into massive debt
>korean war still on table, started two new wars
>unemployment ballooning out of control as more factories and businesses shut down and flee america due to trumps inability to manage the economy
>highest illegal immigration numbers in american history
>can't find a cent to help americans but can find $38b a year for israel
at least he's "owning the libs" as you say

Boohoo the corrupt companies get to shell out more for their child labour made cheap products they make in china.

It shouldn't be that surprising that no one here cares because no one here plays games anymore.

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Still better than voting for dems

But half the things you posted aren't true.

Well, they can start employing people in other countries. Preferably ones that don't treat their people like insects.

Companies don't have to do shit other than raise prices of the goods they make with Chinese slave labor. Like always, consumers like the Trumptards who voted for this bullshit are the ones who will have to suffer.

What 2 new wars?
>Iran hehehe
Iran has been a hot spot for over 40 years it's not cause Donald hates brown people. Hillary would've went to war there too she has MIC money too.
The only reason immigration is up is because the borders gonna be locked up soon so everyone looking for a better life or to sell drugs is just trying to get in quickly. It was steady under Obama because only criminals illegally immigrate and criminals work with plans and they had no worry about Obama closing the border.

> guys more illegals means Trumps plan is working

The delusion of Trumptards

ALL corporations are very right leaning unless it's a public statement. Even if you were born and raised a libtard, if you start a business you're going to drop all your beliefs if you want to make a single profit.

100% of those things are true.

About time they started commiting more cash to their favorite past time
>t. PC-User

Death to America.

What do you want the guards to do? Shoot them? I do and I'm a Democrat amazing you've been so brainwashed by politics that you think a humanitarian crisis is a partisan issue. That the dems are the good guys for ignoring and even denying the border crisis when all other things ignore it contributes to human trafficking

>Exploiting SJWs for money
Makes ya think

>highest illegal immigration numbers in american history

False. Highest illegal immigration was in the year 2000 with 1.6 million illegals arrested.

>unemployment ballooning out of control

I don't know where the fuck you got this one.

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Raw propoganda demeaning the very simple concept that if a person has to spend more money on a product because of government decisions, the government is doing a poor job.

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>Move out.
Unfortunately, if these companies decide to raise prices, it could fuck over people in other countries too. I'd love nothing more than to have you mutts pay double than what you pay now because of your kike loving politicians. But sadly, your economies are tied to ours. So yes, bring in all the gun taking democrats if it leads to lower prices in other places. Why the fuck would I care about you subhuman mongrels and your second amendments rights?

>Licks Trump cock
>I'm a Democrat

You withdrawn from your opioids right now or something?

Why are american women so obsessed with abortion?

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>t. No guns

Based corporations!

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based magatard voting against his own interests

>Licks Trumps cock
>The Truth
You know sometimes political movements have 1 name but they really go by other things. The Democrats of 1959 were infinitely more racist than the Republicans of 1959. I don't like things like Jim Crowe Laws so I would be a Republican than year. 1966 I would've been banging hippie pussy and doing drugs since we just got rid of racism now thanks to a Democat. I would've of voted for Reagan or Bush because of how they treated Unions. But we live in 2019 now. I vote for the best candidate because worse case we take them out with out guns. I wouldn't vote for Jesus if he wanted my guns so why would I vote for a bunch of degenerative faggots to take my guns?
>hurrr hurr hurr trumptard ar15 here comes the drone strike
Irrelevant but I know the NRA lobbing and the Auto bans done by Reagan were a direct response to the Black Panthers arming themselves and telling other liberals to do the same. Anyone who supports gun control or as they say "common sense gun laws" is a racist unamerican commie and they can eat the shit off the boot they lick

*wouldn't of

They've been brainwashed by universities into believing fetuses are part of their vaginas and even if they weren't, the hypothetical potential death of a single woman justifies millions of murders.

At its core, they think being a woman makes them God. They have the power to create life and destroy it at their whim, just like God.

yuropoor here, what's obamacare exactly? just a form of healthcare?


Mandatory health insurance. Not only is it priced well beyond peoples ability to afford it, you get fined if you don't have it. Trump said he'd get rid of it within his first year, it's still in place and destroying people.

It's a public funded alternative to privatized insurance. The idea is for enough people to join for it to have enough market share to bring down drug prices. The issue is doctors like making money so some just drop coverage for Obamacare patients because they didn't wanna change. So it's ultimately insurance that isn't accepted everywhere that's worse than the one almost any job offers you instead. It's good its helping some people tho

free/reduced taxpayer-imposed healthcare for literally anything, including self-imposed diseases like obesity, high blood pressure from salt/sugar intake/smoking/etc et al. nigger shit for not taking care of yourself.


It was thrown out by a federal judge though, and Trump is fighting to uphold the ruling.

>well beyond peoples ability to afford it
Fifty bucks a month?

>gaming is a medical disorder
>free government xanax and food stamps to buy adderall thanks to Obamacare and such.
It is 100% gaming related

Yeah a price hike.
Call me when they actually give a normal price in Europe first instead of fucking us over by giving us the same price as Americans

Herion is a helluva drug

More like thousands.

No it wasn't. His ruling didn't remove it, it's still there and Trump is supporting it fully despite his lies about repealing it.

Based Trump was a PC gamer all along!

Average of $321 per month for individuals and $833 for families.

Honestly, I don't mind paying more.

Fuck China and it's stupid censorship stick that unharmonious chat room deep in your skeleton butt Poo.

SJW and leftism is fake bullshit

>Trump is supporting it fully

Oh, I get it, this is one of those "alternative facts" isn't it?

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Trump can made tariffs for Japan?

The console parts are made in china. Nintendo already moved switch production out of China I'd imagine Sony would do the same unless they are too poor, because Microsoft will be getting any parts they were gonna get from China from elsewhere for cheaper (if possible). Otherwise the PS5 will see ballooned prices vs the xbox

And yet nothing has happened. In fact, he's once against flipped on his policies and is now in 100% full continued support of bleeding the American public with Obamacare because he's too stupid to come up with something better.

Can't have his rich buddies becoming poor now, can he? Can he?

>Trump has a hardon for hating the Japanese.
well he has something in common with the liberals then
liberals absolutely hate japan and anything japanese
same with china

Black panthers were based, tho. More so than contemporary larpers crying about having their rights under attack without doing anything to protect them, that's for sure.

>live in east europe
>not a console reject
>piracy is legal

vote with your wallet, retard

I get it now. Until Obamacare is gone, Trump is a liar because he said he would get rid of it. Just like how Obama is a liar because he said he would close Guantanamo Bay, but never actually succeeded.

Nice strawman, but no one believes that. It's just that women have, and should keep the right to decide for themselves what to do if they get knocked up. Call it a murder if you want, it doesn't change the fact that there is no moral obligation whatsoever to carry a pregnancy to its term if someone doesn't want to do so, Christfags be fucked.

>no moral
Stop the bait anytime retard

Obama was a liar. Doesn't mean that Trump isn't.

This isn't against his own interests, goods being more expensive in the short term is worth the lack of chinese dominance long term.

If you say "fuck the Christfags", you eliminate all moral obligations. Let me know how that works out for you.

>vets can now decide their own healthcare
Crazy how he passed that in 2014, when he wasn't even in office.

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>we'll pay more now so we can pay less in future
When have prices ever dropped after such a situation? Never. Enjoy your $200 video games.

>Call it a murder if you want, it doesn't change the fact that there is no moral obligation
>you have no moral obligation to not murder

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>there's no morality outside of my apocalyptic death cult
Thousands of years of western philosophy dating from way before Christianity are disagreeing with you, smooth brained idiots.

>muh racism
>muh boots
Racism and bootlicking are the most american things next to cuckolding.

>letting some children be born inside of disfunctional families is moral
Are you gonna be adopting all of those children to help them escape a miserable life of suffering, ponyfag? Didn't think so.

3 years isn't long term. any new president can just undo it.

You're retardedly oversimplifying the situation. The idea is you stop the mass outsourcing of industry and other things before its beyond the point of no return, and build up domestic industry which earns people more money and decreases the prices of domestic alternatives. If you want things like environmental protections to work you need this.

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The tariffs are actually retarded. I'm a string player and my set of strings which I have to replace every 6 months normally retail for about $120. With the tariffs they will now retail at about $246. I'm already a starving artist, give me a fucking break.

I've tried explaining it to many people. I think consoles are expensive in the US with their 60$ games. I couldn't imagine how expensive they are to get I'm some countries where their markets are much smaller or even worse their products are overpriced

>consoletards suffer

I'm stating facts you don't want to acknowledge. Trump just fucked the economy for decades to come, just like he raped the rural retards and farmers that voted for him.


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Yeah and buzzword spurting faggotry is more European than Futbol

Without outsourcing the production consumerism and american society would collapse. People just couldnt tolerate 300-500% price hikes and formerly dirt cheap products like clothing and electronics suddenly becoming luxury goods.

>no parents
>better off dead
>t. Girl with daddy issues
Who are you to decide that spawn killing is better for an individual than life as an orphan. Why do you sluts think you're God? With this logic conquering Africa and slaughtering all its people is okay since they weren't gonna put factories their anyways.

Spineless faggots, fuck off back to your reddit refugee center /pol/

>he doesn't think it's going to raise the prices on the parts he has to replace every few years
laugh at the zoomer

Unironically best post

How? Literally nothing anyone actaully needs comes from China. The only people suffering are retards with toys

When exactly is the point of no return?

Your larping is so bad that you objectively should have been aborted, kek

>be poor
>vote for rich guy who wants to lower taxes for rich people
>state is now hemorrhaging money that could be used to help the poor
I don't really get it.

Thats why you have domestic alternatives or import from friendly countries who don't seek your demise. Ideally you would end le epic keynes consumer cancer but that won't happen so i'd settle for not setting the chinks up to rule the world in 50 years.
>address basis of your statement
>bro shut up drumpftard you didn't address it.

Good quality PC parts aren't made in China consoletard they are made in The US, Taiwan, Korea and Japan and many other countries

>consumer goods, electronics, car parts, raw materials, bulk metal goods, beauty products, clothing and so on


>trump fucks you over vidia games
>fuck off to trump central
Mhhh no sweetie

It helps no one to be reductive.

You literally didn't.

>they aren't made in china, they're made in china china and china

Shouldn't you be busy impregnating every single woman you see, then extracting all sperm cells that didn't impregnate from their wombs and pumping them into other women who have yet to be impregnated?
Shouldn't you also be busy harvesting your own organs, and those of every one you see, to save those people waiting for an organ transplantation?

Knowing how much me and the boys have been fucking your mother it's amazing you didn't get aborted. I know many orphans, they would rather be alive then dead. Literally any that would rather be dead can just kill themselves, it's their choice to make not yours. Literally a violation of your inalienable rights.

Only faggots disagree

>price wont come down
they will given alternative source of production like i literally said