Character design is a 10

>character design is a 10
>game is shit
Why won't good character designers just work for good devs?

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post more

they do though?

Attached: KenSugimoriSEGA.jpg (650x376, 80K)

That Arle is sexy

Lana spelled backwards is ____!


Attached: 57387594_323068628380085_5683618799759410895_n.jpg (779x974, 67K)

I don't understand, post more of what?

Attached: lana spelled backwards is.jpg (1407x2000, 164K)

I want her to step on me

she doesn't weigh very much, it might be a bit pleasant, like one of those Asian massages

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God damn it I want to rape this girl

I want to fuck her feet

guys calm down this is SFW board

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arbok is "snake" spelled backwards

Her feet are definitely sexual and NSFW


>character design is a 10
Pic not related.

This, she looks like a hag which is fine too.

Everyone agreed these characters are a 10.

Attached: elite 4.jpg (1735x1735, 1.83M)

Look how flat she is goddamn

Looks 10 to me, user.

>ywn put your hand down Suiren's dress and fondle her flat chest

Attached: 1512486571006.jpg (620x465, 215K)

>ywn get pinned down by Suiren while she grinds against your cock with her vagina

Attached: 1485669580822.png (645x1260, 440K)