
Which Kakariko village is the comfiest?

I prefer the N64 depiction, but I understand it may simply be because of childhood nostalgia. I love the music and just running inside the houses exploring.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

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>and just running inside the houses exploring

only fun for the first time.

ALttP has the comfiest layout and design, although I think it would feel comfier in 3D.

That's been done already, sort of

Attached: 250px-Kakariko_Village_South_EntranceALBW.png (250x150, 91K)

uncomfy graphics, though

I disagree, plus the music helps it

That's typically what happens when they make a 2D game 3D. Secret of Mana is one of my favorite games ever, and has been in my top 3 since I first rented it from a Blockbuster.

I was so pumped about the remake for the PS4 and Vita. I've never been so disappointed. I just want the old game on the PS4 now. I got it on the Wii U, but the Wii Classic Pro is not a comfy controller, and I can't use any Wii U controllers to play it.



Why did they fuck up Kakariko village in Twilight Princess so hard?

Such a disappointment, the only thing I really hated about Twilight Princess.

this remix is so chill

I think the Mana Collection is also coming to PS4 in a few months?

Music was good though.

What's wrong with it?

Native Americans.

It didn't cater to his specific tastes so it's "bad".

Ah, guess I should have known.
So nothing?

Only for the Switch as far as I can tell.

I like the Twilight one because it doesn't have Zombies under it (Just implied genocide since it only has ike 3 people living in it now)

I prefer TP personally

>Always pronounced it as Kakariko
>Botw comes out and it's instead pronounced Kakariko
It's so weird when a series does that. For over 20 years I've apparently been saying the word wrong this whole time, and I shudder thinking about what other game words I've been fucking up as well.

Switch Exclusive as it has been when it came out in Japan, though that hardly matters since the those specific roms are floating on the internet already including the new official localization for Trials of Mana.

It's like a weird desert town. It feels like fucking Armadillo from RDR. Not a leaf in sight.

>house full of cursed human-spiders
>graveyard with skinless rapezombies beneath it
>literal evil spirit trapped in well

sure is comfy

Well it is in an entirely different location than the original, which is also like a desert in an old Western

Windfall Island is the comfiest

Oot kakariko makes me feel fuzzy.