This is what the Japanese are recommending Yea Forums.
Rate 'em.
This is what the Japanese are recommending Yea Forums.
Rate 'em.
Lol, what does it say in the grass simulator section?
japs don't use PCs
wtf is this?
Japanese lol
Grass, japanese meme.
and means grass
Grass aside, those are some good recs.
It's kinda cute how bad their tastes are.
Japanese lolololol=wwwww (w from wara, also looks like ハハハハ (hahahaha))
Lots of it takes up too much space, so it's considered polite to shorten it to 草 which means grass, because it looks like grass.
>PC gaming
good taste
THEY are the reason behind this
>Prey for the Gods
That sheep game looks pretty cute.
Nothing else is that surprising.
>草 which means grass, because it looks like grass.
No it doesn't.
Why then?
ハハハハ looks like grass shortens to 草
JP has absolute shit taste. can't blame them, NPC games are marketed very aggressively
The only two games I've got set to buy are:
* TRON 2.0 @ 2.49: Already got this on physical, might as well get Steam version and be done with it. At current low price, would've preferred lower but can't complain.
* Starcrawlers @ 4.99: Interesting grid-based "dungeon" crawler. Been meaning to get into the Grimrock franchise / genre but their prices have been too prohibitive for me (nowhere near historic low prices). This might just finally scratch the itch & allow me to wait until Grimrock goes back to historic lows.
>mainstream games
>old but gold games
>meme games
>relatively more obscure but still good games
If you told me this was a casual Yea Forums list then I would have believed you.
>Grass simulator
its like Japs are living out some fucking Haiku
literally own all of this on steam except the simulator meme games
>100% Orange Juice
>no Handsome Collection
That's like one of the biggest deals.
Do the japs not play Borderlands?
People like to feel superior to the japs on here for obvious reasons, but they seem to forget that basically no one in japan has played games on PC before
just looks like the normal game recommendations.
Post what I should get
What did they write for stardew valley, did they just say that it's a western harvest moon?
20% meme games, 80% shit everybody has already played.
Wow, thanks Japan.
Pretty much it.
I can trade you Mordheim for something. Add me:
shadow tactics
shovel knight has been cheaper but if you don't mind go for it
Should have gotten both Shadow Tic Tacs and Mutant Year Zero when they were the buy-in games for Humble Monthly.
all these games you can get for free) if interested I can throw links
Oh, actually, I can trade you both Project Highrise and Mordheim City of the Dead.
Who has not played METRO EXODUS here is a link to download the free version with the key
No thanks. I don't owny gift games (why the fuck would I?) so I'd have to buy something just to trade it
>Humble Monthly
Yeah will definitely get those
I don't remember Foxtail so low, on the other side Steam Tactics is very cheap right now so I will give it a try
If i dont use any capacity today does it roll over into tomorrow
草 is short for 草生える. Because wwwww (笑) looks like grass growing.
>so I'd have to buy something just to trade it
Obviously I'm willing to trade for something worth less than both of those games combined. How about Baba Is You? $10 vs the $15 PH and MCotD would cost. The last two guys I traded with today traded me gift copies they bought just for the trade. If you're interested me, add me on Steam. If not, no hard feelings.
if interested I will throw off still games. I have a lot of games with keys. all for free
They were both the buy-in games, which means you knew up front that you would get both Mutant Year Zero and Shadow Tactics. And they were both cheaper than they are right now.
sent you a friend request
dude Tales of Maj'Eyal, also get Endless Legend, Messenger and Dominions
I hear Dominions is only good in MP so I'm kind of wary
TOME is free to play and I've been meaning to check it out for ages to find out whether I like it before I buy the Steam pack. I only played roguelites before so I dunno if I'll like a full-on roguelike
I pirated Dominions, if you like to play Civ and the likes against AI it's fine if not just wait until you have someone to play it with
Kult: Heretic Kingdoms
>Grass Simulator
>liked just cause 2 and 3
>reviews for 4 are total shit
Is it still as bad as people say?
UNDERTARE gets my vote.
Textbook cashgrab.
>surgeon simulator
fuck bossa studios, they don't deserve a dime after axing world's adrift due to funneling funds it got to their other projects
it's just the same game
and with worst performance, or so I've heard
Wtf that's canceled? I remember it was almost done
Bioshock 2 was also a shameless cashgrab, but people still seem to like that.
Should I get a bunch of CK2 DLC for the GoT mod or Dominions 5?
Pirate CK2 DLC, it works even with a legitimate copy of the base game
Don't support modern Paradox
Is that hard to do? I've not had much luck with pirating DLC before.
naw not at all
you download all the DLCs, unpack them in your main folder, and run an activator program
I think you might need an account on that forum to see the links but you can just use a throwaway email for that
if you run into any problems, just ask on /gsg/
no. you can do it user, i believe in you
Why is everything so expensive? I remember picking up games a year ago with the exact same price.
Thanks anons. The Dominions devs deserve the money more any way.
because flash sales stopped existing and also because people will buy any game even if it just has a 20% "discount"
Getting Over It is a legit great game actually
Kinda reminds me of Umihara Kawase minus fish monsters
>2D Survival
I mean, I guess that's quite accurate.
Got $5 in my account, what do you guys recommend?
post link pls
Those slime in Slime Rancher is so cute
>Borderlands 2
Makes sense
>no any other mainstream JRPG
Wait what.
>Grass simulator
>Mother Simulator
It sucks, I will stop buying and just pirate if this continues. This time I'm buying Yakuza and then I'm done.
I'd buy AA2 on Steam. Weird selection of VR Kanojo and Koikatsu right now, inferior games.
>japanese calling games like Neptunia kusoge
>recommend western kusoge instead
absolute nonsense, how many nukes do they need?
>>Borderlands 2
Nuke California instead nep loving retard nugger
There's like 3 kusoge in all these lists and they are listed because they are very short and cheap
Anything else I should get?
>No Fallout 4 or even the previous Fallout entries
>Not even real Skyrim
>It's Skyrim VR
Is Bethesda dead in the east?
Resistance is futile
Fucking kusageemu
Anyone here played Get Even?
Should I get? I was looking for something spooky and similar to Condemned then found it.
PC gaming in Japan is thriving, thanks to Steam getting their steam cards to be sold in the local stores like 7-Eleven.
>Famitsu estimates there are 15 million pc gamers vs 23 million console gamers in Japan. More interesting is it says there was a 50% increase in just one year. That's unbelievable growth if the numbers are accurate.
>Here's another article about a 80% increase in gaming PC sales at one location compared to last year:
I like how hovering over the game tiles now plays a video.
Any lewd games worth getting on Steam?
Look terrible.
Two point hospital
Tales of majeyal
Evenicle maybe?
You are alright JP
>TRON 2.0
good taste
Lucky I got Tron Evolution before it got removed from Steam store.
that's how freedom looks like, nigger
Raimbow Six Siege is 10 bucks, do you guys think it will go any lower?
Is the golf club 2019 worth 19.99?
Never played a Neptunia game before
what's the best one to play?
Bros...Squad or MHW?