
>Windows phone
>Lumia Smartphones
>Windows 8
>Project Natal
>Xbox One
>E3 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
>Cortana Smart Voice
>Invoke Cortana Smart Speaker
Irrelevant and vaporware

Why does Microsft keep failing? How are they supposed to win next gen if the consistently fuck up?

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Because, they’re insured.
What the fuck do you think 90% of PC gamers have? Linux? Steam may make Valve a lot of money, but if you think about it, most of the games on there are windows exclusive.
They don’t have to try. They win every time, it sucks they don’t make good games anymore, but it’s the truth.

>Irrelevant and vaporware
Oh, didn't you hear? The US Military snatched it up. It exists, it'll just never release to the public.

They have enough money through Windows to keep failing in every other aspect

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Microsoft is the most valuable company in the world

>His parents
>His sex life

Xbox One didn't fail. It makes a profit.

Cope, Seething Xbro

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They make a ton of money with MS Office (thanks dumb people) and an extra ton of money with Azure and other services. Also, funny enough, Microsoft is one of the main open source software supporters these days. Xbox brand makes a ton of money with the controllers alone.

Windows is irrelevant to their main business of cloud computing and services, Azure is their biggest moneymaker now

It's not and never has been about winning, it's about creating market disturbance. Microsoft has barely ever made a profit through their xbox division. Gaming was and is an electronics industry entertainment threat.

They are good when they sell stuff in America. Otherwise just a talentless uninspired company. They can be a model company of trumps business policy probably

>Project Natal
but its the kinect itself before it even got a name

You are retarded

Bing literally isnt a failure
Xbox one didnt fail
How the fuck can you even fail an e3? That's fucking stupid
Hololens isnt even mass produced or really more than a concept yet.
Cortana shit isnt failing

Why is there this random xbox hate lately. Leave the xbros alone.

I think this is what he meant by lies

>hololens irrelevant when the military is already doing testing with it for use in the airforce

I use bing to farm amazon giftcards

>Windows 10
>Microsoft Office
>Microsoft Azure
>Microsoft Xbox

Huh, well would you look at that. With these 4 successes it washes out all failed projects and makes Microsoft more valuable than Sony and Nintendo combined.

>>Microsoft Xbox
The entire Xbox brand was a money loser

>people thought it was real
it's pretty obvious its all bullshit and it never even came out probly i never gave a shit about the kinect, its was only good for having a cheap mocap camrea for pc

Meanwhile sony
>shuts down all but 3 branches, not making sufficient money on Jack shit except video games, sound equipment and movies despite countless ventures into thousands of other fields

I thought AWS beats them in cloud computing services.


same here

Microsoft Game pass is legit the future of gaming. It's now on PC. Google and Sony are trying to catch up, but downloading a game will always win over the crappy latency ridden stream services they are pushing.

OP absolutely destroyed
he's already butthurt

bing is a great porn search engine

Bing is still around, and if you use duckduckgo you're using Bing.

They are behind the curve with bringing ideas to market and adapting them to consumer use. They suck at marketing too

Wasn't XBox's E3 2018 thing a success? Just a stream of vidya trailers after vidya trailers.
>inb4 how many of them actually came out
I'm talking about the conference itself.

it's pretty even right now iirc. they're the top 2 though.

>Why does Microsft keep failing?
Steve Balmer and Don Matrick

>How are they supposed to win next gen if the consistently fuck up?
Fire Steve Balmer and Don Matrick. Which they have done. Notice how everything started getting better a couple years ago?

Microsoft is one of the four biggest companies in the world you moron.

The consoles are, but the games and especially Xbox live make up for it and more.

microsofts 2019 e3 was also a success. had more people talking about cyberpunk and halo than any other game from E3.

>Counting Windows Phone twice
>Saying Hololens is irrelevant while also bringing up zune and Project Natal
>Cortana, Bing, Xbox One """failure"""
>even mentioning E3

Who the fuck hurt you?

Also, what were you expecting from Hololens? It's a tool for science and media creation, not a fucking gaming platform.

There I took your bait.

>microsofts 2019 e3 was also a success. had more people talking about cyberpunk and halo than any other game from E3.
Do you live under a rock? Or do you just browse Yea Forums 24/7? Their press conference is considered to be disappointig by the majority, and even the staunchest Xbox defenders thought it was weak after Phil said they were going all out this yead. The only thing people remember from that conference was Keanu, and even the Cyberpunk trailer they showed was cinematic trash.

Halo Infinite? Another drawn out, no gameplay trailer that told us little to nothing while showing off 343's new favorite minority Arab character after they dropped Locke. Battletoad reception is lukewarn to negative. Gears 5 gets a cinematic trailer and excitement is absolutely nonexistent.

Everyone agrees that Square Enix and Nintendo had the best shows. SE wins alone for that satisfying FF7 gameplay + coverage, and the Avengers reveal was a bonus. Nintendo had the best mix of gameplay, hype announcements, steady stream trailers, and personality. Hell, even EA was better than Xbox since they showed like 10 minutes of uninterrupted gameplay for Jedi.

Xbox is pathetic, even at their "best".

not microsoft

nobody gave a single shit after the first day because they didn't show fuck all for the second year in a row

Attached: e3 2019 top games.jpg (1242x1650, 1.11M)

>they didn't show fuck all for the second year in a row
They literally showed the game's opening cutscene running in realtime.

He managed to bring PSO2 to the West by himself so he is pretty based:


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>How are they supposed to win next gen
consoles are sold at a loss.
MS will win bcs of software sales now that all their games are on Steam + you could also get GamePass

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Yeah and it was cryptic as all hell again about what is going on and also about as exciting as taking a shit. Not even any exciting new reveals. We already knew about the artstyle change. And Chief floating in space again only to be recovered after his suit was locked down? Yeah, I've already seen this in Halo 3 and Halo 4.

i cant find the other one of these but that one said Halo Infinite is still the shooter that most ppl are looking forward to

unbelievable success
>Windows 10
unbelievable success

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Time to shut the fuck up.

Here you go.

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You forgot

Xbox 360 controller is popular on PC because literally everyone and their moms have one and a 360. Even some Mexicans living in a small village have 360 controllers. No one is going to shell out like a hundred dollars or whatever for Steam Controller when they already have a controller ready to go.

It's eurocuck hours on Yea Forums right now

it couldn't have anything to do with the xbox controller being good and the steam controller being a piece of shit

based Halochads

MS needs to kill Gears though. It's literally dead.


Zune was good. I don't care what any of you faggots say.

360 controller is a piece of shit but it's cheap and readily available so buyers remorse faggots with no better alternatives keep spreading the myth of it being a usable controller

>They literally showed the game's opening cutscene running in realtime.
yeah, fuck all. I doubt that's the opening anyway

probably day 1, no one cares and anything halo related now is waiting for the reach beta on PC

>Another dated CGI trailer

>Redditlands breathing down its neck
Remember when Halo was the undisputed king of shooters? Good job 343i!

Agreed, still annoyed they killed Black Tusk for that shit.

lol meanwhile real people don't give a shit about your game you pathetic marketer

They brought back the Intellimouse at least

People hate success

>Halo is one of the biggest shooter franchises of all time and Infinite is riding on the coat-tail of highly recognizable and profitable brand
>still barely beat Borderlands 3
>DOOM Eternal, another shooter, is still considered game of the show over Halo

Its all money laundering. If they wanted to make an actual top of the line phone with all the bells and whistles for an affordable price, they totally could. All it takes is Copying Samsung and shoving more money into it.

>borderlands that high
this series is still relevant?

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I really like the Xbox One controller. It's so fucking good it makes games with shit ass clunky controls tolerable. It's like a patch for the controls.

>overall vs genre specific
indeed, keep your mouth shut

Well it did find a niche, and every other loot shooter on the market went tits up so people wanting those have no real choice.

About as relevant as Halo. Halo has literally fallen to the level of Borderlands 3, which is facing on-going controversy and doesn't even have thr almost 20 year legacy of Halo. Sad.

If you're not a zoomzoom and you remember the Halo 5 trailers, you'll remember they were a load of shit too.

>Remember when Halo was the undisputed king of shooters?
I never cared, I just loved the campaigns.

Fuck Reach

Apparently, a lot of people still care about Halo it's just competitive fags that bitch about everything but they were always a very small group no one liked since CE back in 2001.

>it's just competitive fags that bitch

Attached: halo 5.png (371x143, 27K)

I forgot Doom existed.

All 343 Halo trailers are trash. What's your point? But Infinite E3 2019 trailer was especially lazy and boring, and at a time when the series actually needs a shock to the heart.

Whoop de doo, Arabs are in Halo now. Good job wasting 8 minutes on a fucking minority. Show gameplay instead, fucking retards. Plenty of games have shown gameplay more than a year from release, like Cyberpunk.

I'm still getting free amazon bucks from bing, seems like a success to me

You know they weren't an option in this poll right?
Halo and Borderlands are both higher than DOOM in this so if DOOM was gone from this one and replaced with Halo, it'd be much higher.

Once again, shut up.

Attached: Most Viewed Games E3 2019.png (1007x800, 76K)

Alzheimers kicking in.

Sales say otherwise plus Halo 5's campaign sucked and that's Halo's bread and butter.

Not my fault it's irrelevant.

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Halo 5 had the lowest sales in Halo history.

This is outdated. Last I checked, FF7R overtook Halo.

t. seething ganoo/laxative user

>rainbow six quarantine
Didn't watch Ubisofts E3, is that just a dlc for siege or is that an entire new game? And if it is a new game is there any info on it being like Vegas?

its a new game. but its with Siege operators and you kill zombies or somehting

It's not irrelevant. It's coming out in 5 months, and it's already had extensive coverage at other events like Quake Con. Of course people are more curious about one of the first confirmed Next Gen games that also happens to be a new Halo for 2020.

into the trash it goes, then.

Actually, the real reason is because a fuckton of people use x360ce to play games using those old shitty ps2 usb controller, so as that program emulates a 360 controller steam detects it as such and you have inflated as fuck numbers

I knew it, I'm pretty sure they liked Reach because it was more like a movie.

That's quite incorrect, it's currently sitting between 10-12 million in sales, Reach is one of the lowest selling Halo games in the series sitting at only 7 million sold, ever wonder why Chief keeps taking back his series, that's because no one wants to play anyone else.

Uh huh, even Metroid is more relevant than Doom.

Will Snoyboys ever realize that Halo Infinite is going to be the best selling Halo game of all time?
It's on Xbone, it's day one on the next gen consoles AND it's on Steam.

Yup, this, plus with a Master Chief campaign, split screen, LAN, and everything at launch it could rival Halo 3 as the best in the series to date.

Xniggies don't buy games, Frank.

It'll sell 10 million on PC alone. Xbox will be ~6-7.

The Snoy tranny pedo shows himself.

Xbox One will be 7 million, Xbox Scarlett will be over 14 million or higher, PC probably 10 million.

It'll struggle to do five million like Halo 5, Frank.


Attached: oh god yes thank you phil I am euphoric.jpg (750x737, 178K)

On Xbox One.
Xbox Scarlett it'll do another 5.
On Steam it'll be 10m.
+ all the people subbing to GamePass.

>Launch game on the Cucklett won't cut into the Xbone's number
Actual Xtranny retard.
>Thinking Steambros are interested in 404i's shit
As above.
>Muh Cuck Pass
And again.

>being this delusional

>Snoy tranny telling anyone to Dilate
Do yourself a favor.

>Halo: Combat Evolved – 6.43 million
>Halo 2 – 8.49 million
>Halo 3 – 11.87 million
>Halo Wars – 2.34 million
>Halo ODST – 6.22 million
>Halo Reach – 9.52 million
>Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary – 2.21 million
>Halo 4 – 8.94 million

That's only North America sales. All sources I've checked state that Halo Reach has sold above 9.5 million. In fact, Reach is one of the best selling Halo games, right after 3. Halo 5's sales numbers have not been disclosed officially, however, Michale Pacter stated that it did about on par with Halo 1-4 which suggests 7-9 million, realistically. It was the worst debuting Halo game in the UK.

And I should've said Halo 5 sold less than all of the other mainline Halos because I forgot there were shitty mobile games and Halo Wars.

*right before 3

Halo Reach only sold 7 million and ODST only sold 5 million neither game never passed up these numbers and had a sales drop in their first year. Halo 5 sold over 10 million copies in 2017 and may have sold 12 million copies by last year.

Also, Halo 3 sold over 14.5 million, the mods should ban you for even posting these numbers. What you thought I wasn't going to know where you got this shit just because you greentext it.

Gears 5 & everything Xbox related getting curb stomped(again)

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>Why does Microsft keep failing?

Same reason Valve does, they have a market monopoly granting them near-infinite guaranteed free money (Valve from Steam, Microsoft from Windows) so they don't have to actually try hard in anything else they do, and as a result, all their shit sucks.
If some other company could release a fully Windows-compatible OS that isn't total shit, Microsoft would be pushed way harder and might come up with actual good products once in a while.

Smashing success so much that they invested in tons of games devs. Gamers win

bro i owned like a third of those things and they were decent
somehow i ended up with somebody's zune too
good times

I had a zune hd and was nice. It getting crushed by ipod has little to do with quality.

Why don't they release actual numbers for Gamepass subscribers then ? We know that PSNow has around 700.000 subscribers ans Sony themselves said that they weren't really trying
The Gamepass model is a moneysink of epic proportions, and it will get worse when you have almost every big publishers launching theu own sub (Ubisoft, Square-Enix, etc)
Isn't that Netflix which had huge sub count and still was never profitable ?

PC = Windows

You dont understand business. That's all. Netflix is a shitty example because they're extremely successful and grew their business to be a giant.