Tried it yet? I almost didn't pick it up after being burnt by Artifact, but since it's free I gave it a go. I'm liking it so far. Extremely comfy game.
Dota Underlords
I've been playing it
I still have no fucking idea what I'm doing, and I get the feeling that my wins and losses are more outside my direct control than in, but I'm willing to see it through. It's got a certain appeal to it.
Maybe it's just that I played DOTA for years, I dunno.
there's still room for improvement, some heroes are clearly missing, there are no animations or voicelines exclusive to this game when Artifact had around 80 hours of pure lore
and the only thing tying this all up together i Goodkind but even then she only has 2 lines of text
Other than that it's a good game
I love the gold interest mechanic where hoarding is encouraged
never played the original mod. havent even had dota installed for four years, but im so fucking hooked on this game.
Play TFT.
>toxicity bans
>p2w mechanics
>hands-free attitude with player communication
>monetization only via cosmetics
>triggers game journos and epic shills
yeah, I think my choice is pretty clear
I just dont get the appeal of this genre. Matches are long as hell and your mostly just watching your guys and hoping for hoping rng works un your favor. I think I could get into it if games were 10-20 minutes though
they are adding a turbo mode soon. also the rng becomes a lot more manageable once you realize it's all only psuedo-rng and you're all drawing from the same hero pool. and to have some self-control and not spend your gold willy-nilly
the only bullshit thing is it selecting which player to fight at random, but im not smart enough to suggest a solution
not even i know what i see in that game
but it just feels right when you read right trough the jackass you're fighting and manage to dominate a round
>the only bullshit thing is it selecting which player to fight at random, but im not smart enough to suggest a solution
rotation that starts from a random player?
Reskin of Auto Chess with minimal changes and some QoL improvements.
Valve are fucking nigger thieves.
idk, sounds pretty based to me
Just cheese everyone with Knights + Trolls.
Good joke, the queue times are horrendous and Riot somehow was unable to handle the traffic despite running one of the most popular multiplayer games in the world.
I think its fun and while the league ip has more people on it, I'd rather just play this one. QoP op.
Brawny, especially Beast master, is pretty bonkers with the one perk that gives them +50 health for every kill they make.
I'm too boomer to understand this genre. I watched some TFT gameplay and even the guy explaining it was all over the place and didn't make sense.
He said he was fighting players but his guys were just fighting minions.
Whats the basic gameplay loop of this genre?
monetization is also only via cosmetics in TFT and regular league?
it's based off of a wc3 custom game mode so it's as boomer as it gets, you were probably confused by riot's garbage can tier UI and art design.
underlords is much more clear about what is going on
I don't play either btw
Imagine if you took a 8-Man Magic the Gathering Draft and combined it with one of those auto-fighter mobile games. You're drafting heroes from a set pool which you share with every other player in the match, placing them on the board in a position that will benefit your composition/deck, and having them fight against other players who are doing the same thing.
Man wc3 really spawned a lot of gems. I wish they'd make a castle fight game..
So it's very tactical. Thanks.
Is there a way to team up with friends, or is it all 1v1? Sounds fun with friends, like Legion td2
>I wish they'd make a castle fight game..
>he doesn't know
tft crushes this game, just check the twitch metrics
this game is dead on release, or rather dead BEFORE release
What? Please tell me
All matches in the genre are 8 player free-for-alls right now but you can queue with friends. Underlords also has a bots mode that lets you turn off the countdown timer and play at your own pace to help learn the game.
Well, the pbe isn't supposed to have a large playerbase.
They finally give you all heros for free in League now?
Knights are broken
Couldnt they come up with a more generic name?
I thought I had fun playing underlords, but after seeing the twitch views turned me off
>not on mobile
Maybe some other time lolbro.
I would if they had a stand alone client, no way am i gonna download lol for this shit
I did. Turns out it has much worse presentation than Underlords. I have to look carefully at things to understand what they are whereas in Underlords I only have to glance at them.
this is untrue. You have to be a shill
How is it untrue? The timer is much smaller and less in your face. The alliances don't show up when you try to drag a hero from the bench to the field. The alliance icons on individual heroes are all the same colour and only have a MINISCULE icon that differs between each other with the alliance like "noble" written next to it. I don't fucking need to READ "noble." When I see a big red square with the arm tensing to display muscle definition I know what it fucking means AS I GLANCE AT IT.
Renamed Auto-chess is still Auto-chess and still garbage
It's 2019 and people still fall for Riot Games.
They have no idea of how to balance their games, what makes you think this one will be different?
This, the valve autochess is more clear with units and how they can benefit with your current team composition on the board and in your stash. Ironically the Dota version of autochess is easier to learn than the league one.
what imaginary world do you live in that you think valve would ever bother hiring viral marketers
This. How can you repeat the same mistakes?
Tiananmen Square
Love how this post doesn't have a response lol.