Last thread got deleted for some reason

Last thread got deleted for some reason.
Post video game comics and funnies

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Other urls found in this thread:

>killing kids for being californians
Brickthrow is a literal psychopath. Makes sense he's a pedo too.


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Anyone got the actual version?

incelthrow is secretly babyfucker shmorky

Post hehesilly


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Nice /pol/ thread we have here

Snoys cant take it

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Based Stonetoss poster.
Cucked Antifa tranny.


He couldnt be a pedofile... he hates gays?

but hate speech is free speech, does this guy not get it?

There are a fuckton of male pedos molesting little girls

majority of pedophiles loves cunny

He's not a pedo.

40% of his punchlines are the same

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Shmorky is a tranny tho
Half of Stonetoss comics these days are dabbing on disgusting trannies.

He's satirizing the libcucks who want to make it illegal to burn gay pride flags.

You forgot this.

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What is this comic even about? Or is it just a joke about the boomer christfags who say Jesus doesn't consent?

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The joke is that women are sluts and Stonetoss would make a good husbamd

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imagine being too stupid to understand a stonetoss comic
this ain't exactly high bow stuff here

Pedophile? More like Pebblephile!

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this he's an ebephile, its not the same

because people were getting mad it was devoted entirely on stonetosses 13 year old girlfriend instead of discussing the comic

>Lovecraft is still alive
>Disney is still alive
>Mel makes anything worthwhile these days

I don't think he understands that it's not about the content, which is also bigoted anyways so his point is moot.

hit or miss but as of late his comics haven gotten good.

>Stonetoss would make a good husband

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only point he has is lovecraft and it's accidental

>Hit or miss
I guess they never hit, huh?

I like that his defense to being called a bigot is to just go "yeah well they are too"

Also who the fuck shares Stonetoss comics like this.

Post a funny one then. Or post the Bitcoin one.

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No idea why everyone keeps saying Jesus was a refugee, Mary and Joseph returned to Bethlehem on Rome's orders to partake in a empire wise census

wonder why all pedophiles draw in the same art style. maybe there's something with their brains that should be looked at it to find the connection.

>bad, infringement of personal rights
>ok since the child consented

funny he kept this one up after the redpanels rebrand, since the whole reason he did that was about his rant on age of consent

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>gay marriage is equal to human sacrifice

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Didn't Mary and Joseph travel within Judea when fleeing? In a modern context wouldn't that be like moving to a different city as opposed to emigrating to another country?

Stoney needs to get off /pol/ and go outside

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nigga, you just fell for shill 101, those are basic tactics, ffs

Tifa’s tits aren’t censored nor is it Sony’s fault you fucking virgin ingrate

I like stonetoss by the sole fact that it always riles the antipol tranny faction of Yea Forums.

I mean look at . he made this offtopic thread on Yea Forums about a /pol/ webcomic artist he doesn't like, which it says a lot of who is really shitting up Yea Forums with political garbage.


I kek'd softly

>UH you know you can't just enjoy a comic or find it funny if the artist is a pedophile.....

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paedophile detected

Yup, it was all Rome, so akin to going from Maine to New Hampshire

I didn't make this thread, I'm just laughing at what a retard the dude is. You could have checked IP count for the thread, dummy.

>people making bigoted statements separate from their work is the same as making bigoted works
I mean Lovecraft is the exception there but why do half of his comics involve some sort of strawman or false equivalency?

Pedo detected

Not surprising. Right-wing political discourse is 90% projection these days. Almost everything they accuse their enemies of doing is something they do much, much worse.

a lot of normies share stonetoss, it's created a lot of angry leftists who edit his shit with really awful edits

>dude being a pedophile is okay!

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the counter didnt go up...

>who is really shitting up Yea Forums with political garbage
it's both of you

stonetoss really makes the redditors mad

>half his comics
Its way more than that

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look at the amount of samefagging in here trying to call him a pedo lmao, how absolutely bootyblasted they are

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The pedo defense force showing up ITT is proof

That's r/antifastonetoss.
It only makes twitter trannies upset, so it's fine by me.

yeah, it kinda remind of left-wing people who hate lolis but they turn out to be real pedohiles

>Fucking stop letting immigrants in illegally
>RW equivalent: ????

>Stonetoss would make a good husbamd

epic post friend xD

>guy who made thread
>guy who calls him out
You are just as bad m8

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>counter didn't go up so guy must be OP
shit I guess 30 posts are actually OP then

Shitty edits aren't necessary when he comes off as a retard 80 to 90% of the time

>happy consecutive pride month

Based rational user calling out the shitflinger concern trolls on both sides

I'm willing to bet you made the thread judging by your autism.

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man fuck the trannies here in Yea Forums it's not funny anymore

Not wanting white flight cuckifornians in your state is perfectly reasonable for nearly any reason but stonetoss is reddit tier garbage

wash down the taste of pedonazitoss comics with a actually good comic made by a decent human being

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savage and redpilled

;-; gamers need to rise up, man...

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why do lefties have the need to write down a entire fucking bible to make a joke or get their point accross

jesus fuck

the point is they don't realize why memes work, creating something out of anger always shows and becomes something of no organic value

It's fun because this was predicted a century ago.

I said almost everything. Immigration is one of the few things I think they have right, even if they're completely heartless about it.

Guns too. I have a small arsenal in San Fran and I feel like I'm isolated from the rest of this city

I assumed the Stonetoss guy would be a young urbanite based on the gay artstyle but he actually sounds like a 40 year-old Texan, the archetypal conservative.
Just wanted to share.

not funny and very not so well made shitpost

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the left can't meme

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think again m8, get dabbed on

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>setting the age of consent to 0
Based as fuck

>killing kids for being californians
Where's the error in stepping on a baby roach before it can grow?

>people are forced to bake gay cakes
I don't get this one. Is it about some specific bakery event that /pol/ now tried to extrapolate onto society at large or something?


>literally workshopped in archived /pol/ thread
>people pretend they don't know and think it's real

Well considering you accused me of being the OP you already got dabbed on, dumb fuck. I don't believe you anyways.

Are Stonetoss and Shmorky the same person?

Companies don't have personal rights. If you personally don't want to bake that cake, pass it off to another employee and hope the boss doesn't reprimand you for it.

I fucking love how the left always ends up fearing saying the name of what they hate like it's fucking harry potter voldemort tier.

where do you think you are, thinking that PEDO or NAZI is an insult?

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trannies btfo

please post better comics with less text so it's easier to edit them into attacks on sony and nintendo

thanks user

[citation needed]

Nah, I would say 40% at most

yeah, at the same time they cry about discrimination of whites and fail to understand discrimination laws in it's most basic form or the legal agreement you enter with the state when acquiring a business license

The people trying to quote the bible don't actually read it or believe in the faith at all, but think they can try using your faith to make you do what they want

Yeah, some big supreme court case. Similar to how you can't deny service for being black, the argument was you couldn't for being gay.

this one was good. Is it an edit?

its about abortion you stupid fuck

its about how a woman loses their value the more partners they have

The joke is that most self respecting men don't want to settle down with a woman who spent her prime years just whoring around

half of /pol/ is now qlarp immigrant boomers who can't into memes lol, not exactly a profound statement

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>stonetoss is said 15 times in this thread alone
>t-they're afraid to say it

They're making fun of his retarded name change because the comic wasn't always called stonetoss. It was originally repdanels until he went on an insane twitter rant about the age of consent and he needed to "rebrand"

But the bakery won that case

But /pol/ made that comic.


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>king nigger
yeah because making fun of peoples name means you fear them

Anecdotal, but no girl I've met has cared that I'm a virgin. They only care about confidence.

Pedo has always been an insult. Weren't you here when Yea Forums would troll pedos by pretending to be underage girls in chatrooms?

I never called you OP u bootyblasted ugly tranny incel, do you lack even BASIC comprehension?

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no they didn't lol

Not that I dont believe you but pics? I would like a laugh.

Its a rule on the Antifa reddit page that you're not allowed to use the name of the comic.
Just so you know where these people come from.
still ongoing

it was literally overtuned and retried and is STILL ongoig, nice try, funny how all Trump victories are still in a holding pattern yet retards act like they won

this one always gets all the roasties and trannies seething, well done.

nobody wants a girl who's had sex, but every girl has sex for no reason

So where are the funny video game comics?

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user, are you okay? The bakery literally won that case. They didnt have to bake the cake.

no they didn't, it got overturned and re-opened

>Vidya comics
>On Yea Forums
Not anymore.

It's not surprise that a large chunk of anti/pol/fags are redditors.

They also crosspost the content from r/gamingcirclejerk to here.



What is their reasoning?

Post CP

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Exactly, because the bakery won the case.

This is some facebook-tier dumbassery, my man. You can't reconsider an ongoing case.

why the left can't meme

Video games?

>le slippery slope

They technically won the case. The supreme court sided in their favor by saying that the gay couple led a harassment campaign against the bakery, but they never actually said that the bakery doesn't have to bake gay cakes in the future

when u kill nigs lmao bottom text

infinity chan Yea Forums literally got gassed because of cheese pizza flooding the board and glow in the dark niggers everywhere
Yea Forums used to have a loli board ffs, pedobear is one of our earliest fucking memes


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But most Trump voters currently on Yea Forums came from reddit aswell. Fucking hell, just look at /pol/ right now.

not everyone here browses /pol/ on a daily basis like you faggot.

The punch line is he shot him over a minor thing. It's like I'm really back in 2004 humor!

Doesn't mean they weren't pedos themselves. Old Yea Forums was loaded with pizza.

self hatred is a common trait for trannies

>muh "muh slippery slope"

Yes I know that. It is just that I found it hilariously hypociritcal to complain about /pol/ bringing redditors when you are also a redditor and a election tourist yourself.

They dont want to "advertise" Stonetoss' website, but thats all the end up doing anyway, since his artystyle is distinct enough.

don't mind him he just learned about 4chins like a month ago and wants to stick it to all the mean incels lmaoo

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>bro im not a nazi im just larping
>but gays are going to rape kids and dog marriage is coming
Reminder not to od on redpills

kill yourselves you nazi fucks

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>now its legal to have oral sex with animals in canada
kill yourself ignorant faggot

Disney's still a company ran by reactionary shitheads. They make some stuff I enjoy and some of it even has somewhat positive messages, in an inoffensive, neoliberal way, but the company is pure cancer. Not for the reasons rightists think but still.

>we don't want to advertise him
>but let's work together to make lame edits of his comics that both have a distinct style and will instantly give anyone who image searches it the source name
Geeze, seething as fuck

>but gays are going to rape kids and dog marriage is coming
Where's the lie?

>gays are going to rape kids

>Yea Forums
>not babyfuckers

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>he thought this thread was about video game comics
Oh my sweet summer child

Bro its just a larp xD

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The immigrants tell the guy with the gun that they're "Americans" too, and when he asks "what state" they answer "California" which is what leads him to open fire on them.

Why do you 8/leftypol/ trannies always stick out like a sore thumb?

Wait why are people saying boulder launch is a pedophile?

gays do rape kids

t. gay, was big squeezed when younger

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stop reasoning with illiterated newfags that don't realize that they are sitting on the pedo hotspot of the internet

>all these browns
Makes you think.

>more diverse than any left wing movement


did u rike it

That's dumb. Sleeping with a lot of people usually indicates that you're attractive and likeable or at least charismatic. Not sleeping with anyone implies the opposite. And I say that as a virgin.

>someone made this and thought it was an epic own
Holy shit now that is absolutely pathetic.

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>not a single white person here

proof or it didn't happen


where are the video games?


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on top of that it's not even funny, proving right

Girls like virgin guys if they're hot. It's cute to them and it gives them a boost of confidence since they know they'll impress you no matter what.

wouldn't be gay if i didn't, but i will say it kind of defeats the purpose of finding out for yourself as a teenager

what happened to his arms?

traded for resources

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>TFW it was a bubble and the market was heavily manipulated before crashing hard

Locks and keys, nigga.

want a picture of my asshole booboo?

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this is mildly funny but France really isn't like that.

Is this the kind of "pedo" where you're upset that all men prefer 16 and 17 year old girls?



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Its worth like 9k right now.
The only way you lost money is if you're a literal retard who bought high and sold low.

that one got me

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It's just NEET socialist faggots who have literally nothing better to do attacking him because he has the wrong politics. These dudes actually made a sub leddit just to post their terrible unfunny edits of his comics. Really a good example of how the internet so often is a bad influence on people who are mentally ill and can be really harmful when someone who isn't completely stable gets access to it.

Try 13 year old.
He's a pedo.

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>strawman or false equivalency
Welcome to political comics. Both sides do it and they're both retarded. They're not trying to convert anybody or make a point, they're just trying to jerk each other off over how right they are and how stupid the others are.


Why does she only have one big leg

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This artist has been doing much, much more since posting that art. You should venture into /tg/ some time and see for yourself.

why are you being racist against your great great grandparents, bigot

>reddit quarantines r/the_donald
>off topic political shitposting on Yea Forums increases exponentially

really makes you think

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13 isnt pedo
pedos like prepubescent kids

If that was really how things worked everyone would stay a virgin

Sounds based.


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but france doenst look like that.
are americans really that uneducated?

You saying Emma Watson didn't look her best at 13?

Can someone post more lefty comics? I want some dose of cringe and "magical thinking"

>13 isnt pedo


Woah man so epic lol HAHA the good ol’ days right? So epic and edgy!!

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thread was made by an anti/pol/ tranny


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What does quarantined mean?

It's a mermaid tail

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>i only have sex with girls out of peer pressure
holy cow you low-test beta fagets

>ugh using words properly is so cringe

this thread was made by the upset tranny brigade, go cry to gook about it

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I have come to post Yea Forums comics.

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Why do you rightist retards think insulting someone's masculinity is still an effective comeback? All that that shows is that you lack confidence in your own.

but 13-14 is the prime age.

whats wrong with you, antipol nigger? you sound like a preacher.

I never actually tried out any tabletop games or whatever /tg/ talks about. Is it worth getting into nowadays?

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go be a cringey zoomer somewhere else lmao, do you even know who THAD is?


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It means reddit is joining forces with google to prevent another trump disaster happening with the power of corporate censorship.

pebblehurler can suck a fat one, but 13 isn't pedo.

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>Am 6'3
>But actually sorta relate to Grog
Every fucking time.
I love myself some elf breeding but still. The whole thing lasts longer if it's vanilla anyways.

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nigga that's not a comeback, it's a label, ur a big gross and ugly fag

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and these people tell you to hate fags

Well I mean everyone is cool with Michael Jackson again

can't access it on mobile or some shit, and it warns you "this is bad and evil"
also can't archive any of its pages

Actually, i insult trannies like you because you're too manly and will never pass.
Fortunately, all the tranny pills tend to make you sterile, so you've failed as a man as well as a woman.

My favorite part about these types of people is that they think they are counterculture when every multinational corporation supports their politics. So disconnected from reality.

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Or just giving him a dumb name is just funny and the fact that you're offended on pebble pusher behalf makes it funnier, cope

It means it won't show up on the main page. You have to search it specifically (and click a disclaimer first to browse it). At least that's how it worked for r/incest. what, I like masturbating to incest stories

yeah just pirate the books and if it needs miniatures just use like green army men, fucking giving any of those companies money

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and you should!
shouldn't have been a queer dickless fagggot so u could take the cunny pill :))))

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>treating fags as fags is hate
a bloo bloo bloo
cringey faggot

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Happened to /r/911truth a while back

why do you group me up with pedophiles only because Im pointing out that france doesnt look like bagdad?

Terraforming Mars is boardgaming kino. But don't fall for the steam version, it hasno expansions and lacks basic critical features like drafting.

If you want to start from an old classic, try Agricola.

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tabletop games are just games where you do everything manually and actually still have to read the manual

That's because they don't know how to write Belgium

It spiked up to $20K out of nowhere then crashed down to nothing and is only just now coming back up
The original spike was heavy market manipulation

what is this shit?

when u do that all u do is jewstar yourself for us as a normalfag lolol

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Stonetoss's comics are legitmately funny and he's got a great sense of humor

it's a shame 99% of the time his shit isn't even ironic, but is just straight up /pol/tard crap.

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Based and truthpilled
Also you'd have quads if it weren't for the filter

>killing kids

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Fags should unironically be tortured and killed.

ever been to the ET? it's swarming with gyppos. gotta keep your hands on your pockets any time you're out and about over there lest some nigger try to grab your shit

>not a bombed out goat village
could have fooled me user

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>france doesnt look like bagdad
You can't fool me pedo scum

It means the subforum has nothing illegal on it, and it doesn't break any of leddit's rules, but tbey don't like it so they're going to make it as difficult as possible to go there with outright removing it.


Fuck no
Assuming something like D&D unless you have a group of 3-4 friends 100% commited to a campaign that you like both in and out of the game all you'll do is waste your time and money as well as breed resentment for the people you're playing with
t. DM'd for over a decade before it became a drain on my time for people who didn't give a shit either way
As for other stuff, card games and miniature wargames are p2w as fuck and unless you and the people you play with are constantly spending money on new decks/armies your games get stale quick

>he's a pedo too
wtf I love stonetoss now

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>When your friend hasn't messaged you to play in days then messages you while you're jerking off

is a retarded double standard
what you should really do is improve yourself both physically and mentally and only have sex with the person you intend to start a family with
anything else is wrong

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stonetoss is just nu-assigned male

No, unlike you I'm not ashamed of being a man.

post the fucking tranos snap

Yes that's the joke.

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>consenting adults getting married will lead to children, who cannot consent, having sex with adults

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What the actual fuck, this feels like a joke gone out of hand.

How the fuck is being interested in teenagers the same as being interested in children. Did you people not go through puberty?
Did you never develop sexually as a teen something all humans do.
Teens being interested in another is not pedophilia no matter how much your feelings tell you otherwise.

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any tabletop of worth requires other people, 4 total is the minimum for any meaningful play and it's quite difficult to find that many willing to do it in the long run

>is a retarded double standard
Its only retarded when you dont know how many issues vaginas have with bacterias.

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did assigned male kill himself?? i haven't seen any of their comics pop up in awhile :^(

StoneToss StoneToss StoneToss StoneToss StoneToss StoneToss

Sp00ki enough for you?

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Double standard means the treatment of two similar things (men&women) is different. That other user said "locks and keys", meaning he argues women and men are in fact NOT similar. I'm not taking any side. I'm just clarifying.

Or you could read the thread like a non-80 iq nigger

>kills kids
>is a pedo

I feel like that's counterproductive.

someone the only good stonetoss comics are the bike one and any tranny one

What year is this meme from?

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t. americans

It's called a joke. A joke doesn't have to be a meme.

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almost like it's horseshit b8

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say it aint so

>killing kids for being californians
there is literally LICHURALLY nothing wrong with that


Could have a necrophilia fetish too desu

I think the premise is that hes a refugee because he came from Heaven, which was outside of that country.

It really doesn't hold up because his mortal form was born under Mary and thus countable as a dependant or child. He also was not fleeing anything, he was sent to tell the inhabitants a message, so rmissary work technically. Further, there are no laws about being shot into a woman's womb to be born human, at best he would be a extragovernmental extraterrestrial parasite he for an unpaid labor stint.

They weren't fleeing anything. They were going to bethleham to be counted in the census. On a side note, King David was cursed for actually running a census once. I never understood why that was a thing.

California is objectively the most American state. It has the largest landmass and the most Americans.

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if enjoying something made by a pedophile makes you a pedophile, most people in the west are pedophiles
you are a pedophile
most hollywood movies and tv shows were made by actual child raping pedophiles, not some guy who jerks off to cartoons

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you know Quasimodo predicted this

4 is optimal for great many board games, but 3 is fine. 2 is too little, with 5+ it gets difficult to find good games and downtime and overall duration becomes an issue.

Don't look at rpgs right away, they're time sinks. There's plenty of very good board games lasting 2-4h coming out all the time. Voyages of Marco Polo, Great Western Trail, Macao, Nations, Feast for Odin to name few.

could be an average demonic cultist

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No it's because the conflate jesus with moses and are actually retarded

Yeah, centuries of philosophers had determined that you can't separate the artist from the art.

>mfw I read the double nigger bubble first

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>Mel about to drop the political equivalent of the nagasaki bomb on the kikes with his sequel to passion of the christ

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That guy is literally a fucking nazi actually fuck him I don't mind right wing folk but he is a genuine Hitler lover

i'm almost certain that this is bait but in case it's not, can you only post this foaming mouthed unfunny, untrue redit garbage?

>multiple images expressing the same joke, that only people in the cultural know would understand
it's a meme, google the definition of a meme

Man, this one is old.
Now Nomura is into breast reduction.

>west coast spics and niggers
The only niggermericans are from cleveland or something

Attached: airman.jpg (567x3487, 631K)

Sorry I don't speak mong

What makes me laugh is righties say the liberal fags eat their own and then conveniently ignore the fact that everywhere in California outside of LGay and the Gay Area (as well as the other two "big" cities no one cares about) is conservative as fuck
It's like they've never heard of Jefferson

i don't get it

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absolutely based

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Post more Stonetoss.

It also produces the most of America's food and makes the most of America's money too, right?

>one of the least hard metals ever
what did they mean by this

how is this any way funny you utter brainlet?

Attached: 1518243572741.png (686x732, 15K)

Should you guys be browsing Yea Forums? There are two cunny threads right now.

>all those words
>the only point in this comic is I AM SILLY

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Hitler isn't alive so I can plaster Nazi memorabilia everywhere?

Based autist

>implying i'm not doing both

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Go dilate your surgical scar, tranny

lmao these fucking people act like porn is acceptable behavior at all

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Yeah that's why it's been 0:0:255 for literally ever. Because it's super 255:0:0

your music sucks boomer

Attached: disgusting.png (645x4889, 360K)

Yes to the food one. Not sure about the money one. Depends on what metric you're talking about.

is this an edit?

It's okay that you don't get the joke, bro.

Attached: nyuck nyuck nyuck.jpg (625x790, 104K)

If you have to post your alt-right garbage on Yea Forums, atleast post funny comics and not shit made by an incel that accidentally is funny sometimes and has to blatant strawmans 80% of the time because he and his fans are fucking retards.

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look who's talking

i dont care about your shitty joke
your music just isnt good

I will not go

Quake Champions died because it was built on a shitty outsourced engine. Imagine making a competitive shooter that doesn't even have anti cheat.

It's still strange that even Internet memes have political alignments now. It feels like not too long ago when memes were just "LE EPIC 2012 9GAG MAYMAYS TRUE STORY XD" shit.

California is an arid wasteland that has to redirect water from surrounding states just to produce a pathetic amount of crops.
It might produce the lowest amount of food, next to Delaware.

>autistic meltdown intensifies

It's okay that you don't get it. It was before your time.

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I am

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It does help people get human interactions in.

It's like you don't understand how representative democracy works or something
New York is the exact same way

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Never gets old

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>ok since the child consented

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Fuck rockchuck

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You have a lot of confidence in an opinion you pulled out of your ass.

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Somebody post those OH NO comics, they were genuinely good.

tell that to the cunny fags

Attached: fookin elves.png (532x2308, 91K)

Why do you keep lying on the internet?

i need a sword/shield edit with wooloo

Pic not related?

meanwhile, an actually funny racist comic

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loving children consensually is different from trannies feeding them delusions and pills to stunt their brains

Read up on California Prop 187 and Prop 8, which PASSED until a fucking liberal judge struck them down anyways.

That's actually a pretty clever subversion.

Attached: knigga.jpg (1252x4151, 863K)

Children can't consent you filthy pedo. You can make a child "consent" to anything without him/her understanding the consequences

Attached: a fate worse than death.png (1238x352, 205K)

Northern California irrigates itself from snowpack in the Sierras, and that's where most of the farmland is located
Southern California gets its water via the aqueduct system and most of it goes into the cities

>its okay when I fuck them
back to /poltv/ pedo

Attached: such is life in the zone.jpg (531x2000, 158K)
RockThrow fags btfo

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>you set our people back hundreds of years
not like that makes a difference
niggers have been living in mud huts for tens of thousands of years
what's a few hundred years

don't bother asking that tard to read, he thinks every state has a big meeting to decide their political alignment

>There's a limit to the number of reports you can do over a time period

FUCK OFF YOU MOD NIGGERS. I'll report it as something illegal so you're forced to check to make sure it ain't CP.

And yet 90% of the shitposting is the usual buzzword salad from angry trannies.

Really jiggles the old niggles.

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jewish feminists raised the age of consent to prevent kids from making autonomous decisions so they grow up dependent to a leader figure (the NWO) to lead them.

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good taste

Why should we be afraid of Muslim men coming over when there are far more White right-wing men and they all have the same values, IQ and personality of Muslim men?

this one is actually funny

Attached: advice.jpg (545x353, 70K)

13 is pedo
14 is hebe
18 is ephebo

Attached: images (9).jpg (559x549, 122K)

lol enjoy your ban

every fucking time

Attached: 1539952028134.jpg (480x272, 20K)

>FUCK OFF YOU MOD NIGGERS. I'll report it as something illegal so you're forced to check to make sure it ain't CP.
I do that all the time, only got a 24 hour ban once for it
Gotta make those fatties earn their hotpocket

>13 is pedo
>14 is hebe

KYS Abdullah.

below 13 is pedo

>yeah, at the same time they cry about discrimination of whites and fail to understand discrimination laws in it's most basic form or the legal agreement you enter with the state when acquiring a business license
It's the law therefore you should shut up and be a good slave.

References alone aren't a joke

>trannies screeching about stonetoss on Yea Forums

Yeah I think it's time to move on. Shame I don't know where to go.

Attached: the original.jpg (741x592, 100K)

>by value

>tfw I remember playing Ace of Spades with Yea Forums back when it was the popular FOTM on here, before Jagex brought it

You might be slow

Pedo isn't defined by age.

stonetoss is ok


go back

Memes are cruel and/or indifferent, liberalism is empathetic by definition

>mind control controls the mind
w o a h

Where is the strawman?

>Children in cages

Yeah because leaving them with literal child traffickers who use them thinking it will give them free passage into the US (because it does when Democrats are in charge) is such a great idea you triple faggot.

>People aren't allowed to react to propaganda meant to foment genocide against them

White men are very very very weak.

Japan looked it up.

Attached: 1560684498500.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

>I'm a big gay retard who doesn't know what I'm talking about
lol kill yourself

What do these JS JS and JK stand for?

Go dilate and get the fuck off my website.

>Yeah because leaving them with literal child traffickers

You intentionally only go to websites that you know will feed you talking points about scary imm'grunts and now you think you know what you are talking about.

You torture kids because you are a deranged racist, not in order to solve a problem.

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no u

because they confuse shitty living conditions in a stable due to everything being overcrowded with being a refugee.

that's retarded as fuck

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Everyone calm down and have some coffee.

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Why do you assume I'm white you tranny fuck.

I am cis, male, straight and White.

Attached: 38d.jpg (600x604, 52K)

We are not the ones cutting your dicks off.

>34 minute of seething
I couldn't even watch past the point where he showed off the funny comic


>"With a car, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
Literally every time so far. Goddamn.

Well yeah you'd kill the adults too

It literally is.

People say that whites get insecure over blacked porn, but my fucking god blacks chimp the fuck out over BLEACHED

Because you are weak, whiny and sadistic, therefore a White man.
What's so bad about removing a penis you don't want?

Way to make yourself look even more retarded.

it's funny, but it also is retarded
t. has been to france

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Go suck nigger dick you stupid cuck troll heres another (you).

Seems like I couldn't help save this thread. Oh well. Later dudes. It's nearly 5 am and I'm beat.

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I really, really like this image

(lute solo)

School levels in Japanese.
JS gradeschooler
JC middleschoolers
JK highschoolers

That right pic sure is funny
Whoever made left pic doesnt understand what a joke is.

It literally isn't. All that matters is puberty. You're on Yea Forums, why don't you know this?

good, you should have no problem with masses of illegal immigrants or refugees then

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Tell that to a lawyer.

that is one creepy ass fucker. imagine meeting him in a dark alley, you'd think you ended up in a horror movie

Stonetoss is low effort unfunny shit

Attached: photo_2019-06-21_13-53-15.jpg (1200x380, 79K)

The thread was never going to be about comics, you really were wasting effort
I did see one or two I hadn't before so I appreciate it at least

Spread it far and wide.

Attached: image.jpg (618x878, 80K)

Yeah, becaus then you shouldn't have a problem with tax-cheats either.

>nitpicking statistics without posting any of your own
Go find some statistic that says some other state produces more food by weight or volume or something or shut up.

Ah, alright. No wonder JC looks the best. Nothing beats middle schoolers.

Yeah, I know, but I hope my post at least educates others that not all people in a state think the same way, despite politicians claiming otherwise.

>They only care about confidence.
Which a lot of virgins lack, for obvious reasons.
There's a pretty strong correlation and people end up blaming it on their virginity due to that.

I wouldn't want to cancel the entire country of Switzerland, as that would be very mean

A meme is a mental gene, by definition given by its creator Dawkins. It evolves to better spread, make copies, slightly change to better spread, etc.
These aren't memes. They are image macros. Newfags please rope.

then why are you still a virgin?

I fucking hate them canceling that masterpiece after 2 seasons while fucking Teen Titans Go is apparently 5 seasons in and still going
There truly is no justice in this world

why is the Holocaust in Splatoon again

And that's why we can't have open borders.

Definitely do that user!

Because fuck Octoniggers

as much as i dislike /pol/, you guys make some good memes

Attached: 1477596952825.png (814x764, 886K)

You have good taste.

it scientifically/sociologically/psychologically is

Octokikes are all criminals

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Laws are meant to be broken, you fascist.

If nobody wants to fuck you, they’re not the problem. You are.

>expecting a nuanced statement from a cheap 4 panel comic

why doesn't it explain scientific theories to me while it's at it

the girl on the right looks kinda cute

im taiwanese you nigger

I love this picture man. The Multicultural National Socialist Alliance is going to crush the pussy white only Democratic Progressive retards.

Watch it, user.

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Yeah the idiots fail to realize it's not state vs. state but urban vs. rural
Shit, I went to Texas and it was good ol boys and guns until I got to Houston and there were sex shops and the friend I was staying with was talking about a new BDSM dungeon that had opened up

>the only Asian country to legalize homosexual marriage
Faggus Optimus right here

There is a lot of hatred yes, but most nogs that use IG like that are actual simps who like/post emojis on every black females post for thirsty attention

>this thread

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>being a retardation apologist
I guess you're just paying it forward for your parents

Each day I keep getting surprised by just how many Resetera trannies post here.

i literally told u fags im a fag earlier ITT

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It's called humor, incel

mega cringe with cringesauce on top
laughing at you rn lmao

Angry roasties are always funny

damn the stereotypes are true then
I didn't read the thread because it's full of 80IQ /pol/shit anyway

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i see /pol/ needed a thread dedicated to jerking themselves off after /r/the_donald got quarantined

praise be to rockthrow man

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Somebody posted a plebbit screencap earlier today and they called Yea Forums pozzed
Whatever the Wound Men are doing sadly it might be working

what makes you say that?

>/pol/ now tried to extrapolate onto society at large
It is directly extrapolatable to society, because that's how legal precedent works.

wish we could quarantine them too t.b.h.


>half an hour of coping with the fact that he indeed looks like a fat balding söy boy
B-Blown the f-fuck out indeed h-haha

Thank you rockthrow man

Based user cowering in fear of the almighty wordfilter

Thank you rockthrow man

thank you rockthrow man

It isn't.
You think an 8 year old that undergoes puberty early and develops all those secondary sexual characteristics is still going to appeal to a true pedo just because of their age? And vice versa, that a mentally and physically delayed 15 year old who hasn't hit puberty and looks 7 wouldn't appeal to a pedo?
The only ones who think pedo = anyone under 18 are the clueless masses. If you're here you should know better.

danke,herr rockthrow

i guess it's whites getting insecure about bleached porn

why are some people in this thread scared to say stonetoss

based cringe poster

thanks rockthrow man

based lefty söy boy youtube "celeb" white knight

in my opinion, if it's a straight, committed relationship that the child consents to, it's alright. faggots, trannies and other abusive people shouldn't be allowed around children since all they care about is brainwashing to push a political agenda. Or child sacrifice and abuse, which is awful

same. I just want some sweet vanilla sex with lots of cuddling and kissing but then they want to be choked while taken from behind instead

Too many trannies in this thread.
Is it time for cunnyposting?

all this discussion of age philias is fine, and its correct that their true basis is in biology and not number of years, but what you're all forgetting is that 3D women aren't important

No real interest in it. I don't like being around people in general, and especially not that close. The few sexual encounters I have had didn't really do anything for me.

Children don't understand the concept of consent at all. You could offer them fucking candy before hand and they'd say yes without even thinking

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny, you inbred hillbilly.

"nigger stole my bike" you dunce

memes, how do they work?

I can hear it in my head, yet I haven't watched that cartoon in like ten years at least.

lol incel

never quite understood what his comics have to do with vidya

Nigglet traded a pikachu for a bike.

Fuck off pedofag.