What kind of level will you be making?
What kind of level will you be making?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll be remaking some Gimmick levels based on Tiny-Huge Island from Mario 64 and Giant Land from SMB3
Probably my favorite gimmick in all Mario Games
A penis shape made from tubes and a bunch of enemies placed randomly ontop of each other with a kaizo block somewhere you'll never find
Nothing, because crappy Mario romhacks with only one level have never been something I've been vaguely interested in.
Combine that with paid online, and even though I have a Switch I couldn't give a fuck about this game.
I hope the new features will offer more for puzzle levels.
Shmup level in the night theme that has the enemies floating around but not the player (I think it's the airship night theme?) that'd make use of the new superball flower, it'd end with a grande finale in the fire clown car.
i dont know
ill probably just get bored 2 minutes into trying to make one, mainly because I dont want to put in the effort. I may try though. Maybe I'll make a castle level or something idk.
Comfy levels
Literally the first level I made when I got Mario Maker on Wii U
If i buy it then probably some shitty levels will be made
Ahahaha, I'm gonna remake Boil the Big Bully, I bet nobody has had that idea yet!
absolutely none at all, that is everyone elses job, i will merely enjoy them
Gonna try recreating my old Mario Maker 1 level that was kinda like pong into a multiplayer version.
Also want to figure out what type of new unusual gimmicky things you can do with it that typically don't happen in 2D Mario games.
I couldn't care less about 2D Mario games, wake me up when they make a 3D Mario Maker game. I only liked Mario from 64 and on
Just go rom hack 64 then.
Vertical, at first. Gonna be using retro for almost all my levels
Cool opinion
I am gonna do wannabe-Iggy lava fights using the seesaw platforms, gonna be fun.
a /comfy/ one
also, doing this for 4-player levels, and otherwise putting them into the most brutal thunderdome-y style situations for them to fight to the death in.
A "what kind of games for this feel" level so that subhuman cock sucking roaches will make a worthless thread about it on this website.
Comfy, huh? What a coincidence...
This. I want to make an aesthetic level in the Mario world snow theme.
Quite a lot of basic levels that would challenge the player instead of 'lets throw everything on screen'.
I have no idea.
Honestly not all that into the actual level creation, but I've been interested a bit in the idea of creating a "pack".
Remaking a kino autoscroll airship level I made on the 3ds that had alternate paths inside a large airship, then choosing to board the top or platform on mini airships at the bottom
The 3ds game was so fucking shit without sharing, not even worth a pirate
Not much of a level creator, but I'd probably start with something traditional, then troll, then kaizo.
Kinda hoping Yea Forums can get together and do some LPCs again.
I'm gonna try making racing levels with the car, I'm curious how well it'll work for co-op levels and if I could just make a shitty Mario Kart knock off
I really hope the voting system doesn't favor eceleb and autolevels like the first game again. You ironically were punished for making levels that tried to feel like a Mario game.
thats not the voting systems fault.
Will this release on midnight in Japan?
or noon in japan and midnight for the US?
Not quite based, but certainly classy.
A Bane level.
tranny levels
I won't. I'll just play what other people do.
auto levels are fun and harmless
I'll mash every single effect into a small area and then have a fuckton of clown carts, bowsers, mushrooms, stars and springs fall down on the player and enjoy the shitshow
i want to make something that feels like an actual level, but is still challenging. i might just take some levels from mario 3/world and change them up.
Im gonna make narrative levels. Im gonna try to make the player truly feel the ludo-narrative dissonance. They'll be looking at their hands and wondering what they did and why the commited such atrocities. They will weep at what they have seen.
The age of Mario-kino-ludo-story-meta experience is upon us.
Kaizo levels
the super expert/expert one are cool to watch, at least some of them
My nigger
the first i would do is recopy one on my own level in SMM1 because it was a very good lev..... oh no, I can't because nintendo delete one of the central mecanic :/
Just recreate it.
>literally doing nothing
One more day, can't wait.
I wanna create purely fun levels, some very good ones
How can auto levels be expert or super expert?
Are you retarded?
You weren't going to be able to do that anyway.
Did you think you could just load up old SMM1 levels in SMM2 or something? They're not porting those levels over to the SMM2 servers.
Dumbass shitposter.
Underground SMW themed level with parts of the level under water
Hey pal, you got burged
can't wait for all the trans rights stages
>boo them all
>report them for political content
>Nintendo deletes them and warns/bans the creators
None because I'm banned.
Maybe I'll get a Switch Mini and keep that as my "Nintendo approved" unit and make a new account.
Not possible. Only forest themes have water level adjustments.
Why weree you banned?
I've been trying to think of an actually fun way to design a level that requires you to keep a red bullet bill homing on you the entire time that you need to get to the flag but I don't know how to let my players know that you shouldn't kill the bullet.
How do you get banned
There are so many fucking safeguards against ANY sort of abusive behavior that if you managed to get banned on a Switch honestly it's probably better that you don't have access to an online service made up of mostly children.
That sucks then
I will make a level where shells get launched by springs and then rapidly go back and forth between two on/off blocks, hitting them at ludicrous speed and making platforms blink in and out rapidly
I made levels that commented on the video game industry.
I will be making these again. Modern Video Gaming: The Return will be my first level.
Name the level “don’t kill bullet”
Why would mario and Luigi wear safety helmets when they literally headbutt bricks and jump over lava during a normal day in nothing but overalls and a soft cap?
Forget the "let players know" part, what was your concept for making sure the level can't be cleared without the red bullet bill?
Also don't they disappear eventually?
If the bullet is on the screen, it doesn't respawn. So it would be a level that is half platforming to avoid fireballs and stuff, not killing your own bullet, and getting to the next zone.
I'd just have the door be in an unreachable place that requires you to jump off a bullet bill
you can brake a brick with your hand or head, but it's better to wear something so it doesnt hurt
Then why not wear a helmet all the time?
Hmm alright.
You might want to look into the uhhh, one of the night themed. I forgot which one, made it so every kind of projectile was slower than normal. Either sky or airship.
Also the levels can have descriptions now, so you can tell people to not kill the bullet in there.
Well hats seemingly give Mario and Luigi powers so the construction helmets give them the ability to build instead of destroy
Wait wait wait. Is it the hats that make the man or the man who makes the hat?
He was a poor plumber in SMB, now he can afford one.
Do On-Off switches persist between sublevels?
I.e. if I turn them on, and then get in a pipe to the sublevel, will they be on in the sublevel too? Or are the ones in the sublevel independent?
there's a storymode level that demonstrates it pretty well by going from a normal underground to an upside underground
This is the one game that I'd buy a switch for, so far. And even then, it's only because of the great times I had sharing stages with people in Yea Forums threads three years ago. I hope some of you are here. You played my stages, I played yours, and we shared insights, criticisms, and joy. I loved sharing the creative process with you all. I may not be able to join you all when this game drops, but I hope you're all still out there, showing us something new, clever, insightful, delightful.
Maybe in a year or two, I'll pick up a switch. And at that time, I can only hope that stage sharing threads will still be lively. Please don't let me down, anons.
Traditional and metroidvania
The builder helmet n stuff is gonna quite the level mechanic. It's gonna be great.
Went online with hacked firmware. I could have very easily avoided it but I'm dumb and I'm probably better off having a dedicated hacked Switch.