post the best game in the world, or I'll eat your souls.
Post the best game in the world, or I'll eat your souls
come at me, i'm fucking ripped
Can there really be a best game in a medium as broad as Video games?
Can you really compare sports games, beat em-ups, bullet hells, movie-games, RPGs, shooters, MMOs and countless other genres? They all play wildly different. Its like comparing Hockey and Golf.
I'm just kidding yes you can.
couldn't remember the greatest game in the world oh nooo
ur fucked mate
The large levels were shit compared to the tight design of the first one. Getting killed across the map due to trial and error is maddening
Just takes a bit of patience, foresight and the shift key.
People wanted more of the first game where you can breeze through levels in 5 seconds because the A.I. is stupid. HM2 did something different.
oh and the main draw is the story for me.
the game
dungeon keeper mobile
Resident evil 4