How are you holding up, Yea Forums?

How are you holding up, Yea Forums?

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I had a hard life

I want this board to finally die, please god tell m the great secret to leaving

I'm doing alright. Bummed that I'll never see Etika react to something or say something unironically motivating again. Dealing with some turbulence with my gf but we're working through it. Lately been going up and down a lot, struggling with motivation, feel like I've plateaud with things i care about right now and have grown lazier in some respects.

Really want to be making people around the world happy with my work. It will take some time. Right now my community is small but those people at least are happy. I have much more work to do still.

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I was hoping for animal crossing this summer. I mean there’s probably a good reason it got so delayed but damn man I can’t wait that long I need my nigga barold

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Not good. Struggling to sleep every other night, this n that.

user had a hard life. He needs some time to rest.

Found out my dead father wasn’t dead. He started babbling conspiracy theories and suddenly die. Last thing he said to me this is good isn’t?


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Did Sniper Wolf like Otacon back, or was he just projecting?

Bad, need to go to the hospital but health insurance is fucking around with me at the moment. Just want to tell you fuckers are the best and don't let shit posters tell you otherwise, live your life without regrets and take care of yourself.

better then a certin black man.

Who here has an imaginary world they’ve been working on for over 5 years? I know sure I do.

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I'm amazed how many NPCs have come to dominate this board. We've actually come to the point where people are shilling for trash like Steam and its shit DRM because they're that triggered by Epic. Sad!
Also, I've just finished AC: Origins and it was amazing. I'm considering buying Odyssey when it's on sale, but it seems like everything about it is worse, especially the abysmal voice acting.

ive been working on a sci fi story since i was in middle school. im 33 now. its still shit.

well, keep at it user. Whatever it is you are doing, it sounds like you enjoy it at the very least. that's more than many can ask for.

I feel you so hard, user. I have the same problem, except I'm about to turn 27. Every day I think that I will eventually end up dying of heart disease in 20 years without ever having published a single thing.


>actually plays Ass Creed
>actually BUYS Ass Creed
>calls other people NPCs

I provide primary care to my grandmother. She's 92 and I've done it for 5 years. In that time she's had cancer, two bad falls, and a slew of other issues.

A cousin flew out and tried to accuse me of stealing my grandmother's medication and spent three days trying to convince my grandma that I'm abusing her, because she wants control of my grandma's estate.

She was successful in getting my mentally degraded 92 year old grandma to accuse me of abusing her.

I recorded part of the conversation when she accused me of stealing medication. It's illegal to do that in this state without telling her. I don't care.

The rest of the family refused to get involved to defend me because they "don't want a fight" so I've disowned my family.

So, I'm not doing well.

Yes? They're amazing games, and the historical recreations alone are worth the price of entry. I'd gladly support historical games of any kind (except Paradox's jewy shit).

I'm okay. I just graduated and am trying to move to the bay. My gf and I are kind of going through a rough patch right now, and it's completely my fault. I'm worried about becoming lonely once I move. I don't think I'm fit to handle the pressures of real life, of working and surviving and what not. I'm very lucky to have the friends I have here, but god knows what's gonna happen once I move and get a job. But I can't complain I guess.

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The only way I can go to sleep now it by imagining myself in it and letting my dreams take over

MGS4 is second best MGS game after MGS2

Don't even @ me

I've been thinking about billy recently
I want revenge on the bastard who took him, but the boss wouldn't have wanted that
he knows revenge won't replace the phantom pain
I won't forget him, he's a diamond

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Does anyone else still feel like a fucking kid? In a bad way? I honestly thought there was going to somehow be this magical transitionary period in your twenties where you could take full responsibilty and you suddenly know how to go to college and fix a car and stuff. But now I'm 29 and I still feel as helpless as I was 13 years ago, only now I hardly have any friends or loved ones to keep my immaturity and irresponsibility in check. I have to force myself to grow up now and do it all alone

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