How come modern games aren't scary?

How come modern games aren't scary?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Same reason old games aren't.

That's not scary. Nigga is just too cool for human bullshit

>the bearchad stride
Gives literally no fucks.

>sir bearington

Holy shit it’s Banjo.

Modern games hold your hand too much to be scary.

He's trying to pose as a human so the food inside the bus comes out to greet him.

Attached: mycresta.gif (240x180, 528K)

>Nigga is just too cool for human bullshit
>literally copying humans
he wants to assimilate into our society so he can fuck ur mom

Attached: Bear walk.webm (398x720, 1.98M)

Why does it seem like he's making fun of us?
>"look at me I'm a retarded human mehmehmeh"

>why hello, fellow humans

Is that a grizzly bear

>Hey hey Boo-boo, I see that over there there is a pic-a-nic basket

>all those fucking mudslimes

Attached: 1401589120582.jpg (258x195, 11K)

Bears don't hunt large mammals unless very hungry. They also really don't like the taste of human flesh, we're pretty shit.
They do however, steal so he's probably gonna try to get on the buss and rob all the kids of their candy.

Attached: bear eating.webm (500x500, 1.87M)


Sleepless night? Post scary shit.

Attached: scp-3127.png (768x964, 209K)

>see someone walk past your window
>probably those god damn kids again
>go outside to give them what for
>be devoured by bear

They rely too much on forced jumpscares instead of psychological horror

Welcome to russia, 15% muslim out of a 144 million population, do the math.

>can walk on two legs despite being a four legged animal
>can climb up shit fast like a cat
>they're apparently good swimmers too

I don't fuck with bears cause unless you're in the air, you're gonna die if they want you dead.

Birth defect?

is this guy in a fucking tent filming a bear?

a black bear wouldn't devour you unless you gave it a reason.

>500 decibels
wouldn't that fucking kill everyone

Lost his paw to a bear trap.
Ended up being killed by a hunter a few months after he was an internet sensation so they could have the glory of killing him

Attached: Bear.png (591x514, 424K)

there is nothing scary about SCP shit


I think sound design is generally better but for me the clarity of HD graphics removes the tension that blurry PS2 games and CRTs created when you couldn't fully make out what monsters and environments looked like

Mr. Bus Driver, please open the door for this bi-pedal passenger.

Attached: Bus Rider.jpg (1600x1200, 156K)

Attached: 1552359343702.webm (406x720, 2.9M)

>I have never read the SCP wiki

That sounds like something a bear would type desu

Depends on the game really. One of the biggest reasons is that the horror genre of vidya is flooded by cheaply made games that entirely focus on jumpscares. Everyone is looking to create let's player bait using base Unity assets. Triple A horror games, or even ones that aren't made by a single guy in one night, are few and far between. We get a big horror game once in a blue moon, the last being REmake 2. So when so many horror games are cheaply made and focus on just making a quick buck off of Youtube idiots, it's hard to see what is good.

The other reason modern games aren't as good is due to a larger emphasis on jumpscares and "experiences" over proper games. Compare the first Penumbra game to Soma. Both made by the same developers, but done so at different points in time. Penumbra had a shit ton of puzzles, combat that was so clunky it was only a last resort, lots of items you could run out of causing some panic, and a constant sense death was near with enemies and the environment being deadly. Switch to Soma and you have a incredibly hyper linear, story-focused experience that plays with larger ideas of existential horror, utilizing monsters and the environment really only to fuel further thought into the topics discussed. Hell, there isn't even an inventory much less any combat or mechanics. While I consider Soma to be fantastic, it's a very poor horror game due to the lack of actual gameplay putting control on the player, and thus creating terror in feeling helpless/powerless/unprepared.

There are lots of stand outs currently. Darkwoods is a fucking phenomenal horror game that is on par with Silent Hill 2's atmosphere in my opinion. Hell, even Five Nights at Freddy's was originally incredibly atmospheric and terrifying, the sound design is beautifully done with creative use of "monsters" you don't see in games much. But over time people want to focus on providing cheap scares for views, or a bigger story at the cost of actual horror.

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Is that meant to be scary?
Bears can walk on their hind legs, you know. Do you have an inner-city education?

Nah he's right, black bears are pussies, they'd rather run than fight. A brown/grizzly bear knows you can't hurt it, so it won't hesitate to come over and smoosh you.

That's why some people don't want SH1 to be remade, just ported to PC. The PS1 graphics sometimes help the atmosphere.

Yeah, I shouldn't have bothered looking him up, however there is some videos that don't get posted here if you're interested, his name was "Pedals"

>reading SCP wiki

I think some old guy killed an emaciated black bear with a pocket knife not too long ago.

weird flex but ok

Was this written by a nine year old?

Have sex.

fuck man

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I feel bad for the bear i hope he's ok

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Black bears (which can also be brownish) are total bros and won't fuck with you. Brown bears, wo are a lot bigger, will fuck you up like a hare.


Attached: Bear gets hit in the nuts.webm (720x480, 2.63M)


Nah man, black bears would never hurt a human, go ahead and pet one, we're pretty chill

yes i believe 500 decibels is loud enough to be heard by every thing on the planet, as well as basically kill everyone due to shock waves alone, and if there is a survivor, they would be deaf

>inb4 someone post that shake that bear webm

>Black bears (which can also be brownish) are total bros and won't fuck with you.
I believe you fellow Human

There goes that plan if a bear ever decides to come after me. Playing dead and being swatted ten feet in the air, is now #1.

It was way back in 03 and this particular bear was starving.

A guy once told me
>"lol bears are slow and clumsy, that's why they hunt for fish and berries"

>mfw I see this shit

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You already know all the tricks to being scared. There is nothing left.

When people swear up and down they saw something like a skinwalker dart through the woods it's probably just freaks of nature like this, the way he moves is uncanny

Sir Bearington?

>Having a phobia for bears
lmao pathetic.

Attached: Bear climb.webm (272x480, 2.64M)

I heard that black bears aren't bros, but cowards

do not post shit like this asshole.

because they rely on jump scares.
But it seems vr can change that.

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That guy wanted you dead.
Wear some bells when out in the woods, all bears and I mean all will be less likely to kill you if they know your exact location.

This never fails to make me laugh, poor guy.

How come modern games aren't clean?

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Because they're not part of the rat genus.


Dear God. These bears, they seem... Smart than the average bear...

That's not Russia

Is this the newest season of Venture Bros?

He seems like a good boi, would gib handouts.


Cant escape the fucking vermin can we

'Ey, Boo-boo!

For any anons doubting black bear passiveness see this webm, if it was a grizzly it would've tore his spine out of his asshole

Bears are based

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or baersed, if you will

Alien Isolation is pretty heckin scary

May be a hunting blind.

Tranny/ fag shit is pretty scary user.

>pic related, it's me and my bitch

Name 3 games that are legitimately scary

>or baersed, if you will
i will not.

T. Bear


Rats are confirmed to be better than Smash players at maintain a level of hygiene.

the fuck is this nigga doin

afraid of monsters
silent hill
jackie chan

I had heard the post 1000 entries were trash, but holy shit.

Bears aren't actually good pets to keep with dogs as they're very introverted animals and like calm, usually low amount of social activity.
They like to play, but they like to sleep and sit a lot more.

They see me walkin'
They hatin'

>Hallo hooman.
>Ok bye hooman.

why do bears have faces that look strangely similar to dog faces?
plus the noses, whats up with that?

Attached: sugar rush.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

fucking kek

It's an efficient shape for what both animals are trying to do.

Same reason hyenas or wolves do, it's simply a convenient evolutionary form. Just like our nose slits are convenient.

seals look a bit similar too. distant common ancestor i guess.

Attached: sealion-03[1].jpg (1400x700, 82K)

>Shitty nature
>Brown bear
>large non-native population
>shitty busses
looks like russia

that boy's ready for some fortnite squads

Pfft. Faggot. God made them that way.

>late night bear thread
I missed these.

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That would've destroyed his balls. Not just a transient injury but nut destruc

>falling for an obvious joke entry

God made evolution because he's a big ol smartypants who can plan ahead.

what are you asking for this again?

Shut up spacejin

Do bears shitpost on the internet too?

They are classified as caniforms.

Caniform literally means "dog like" in latin.

The last 30 seconds of the camera operator's life

They're evolutionarily very close to each other.

Attached: caniforms.png (310x811, 526K)

More like they killed him out of mercy. He never would've survived the winter.

Black bears will literally eat you if you play dead. A brown bear will not

If a bear makes a shitpost on the internet, but the viewcount of the thread doesn't go up, did the bear shitpost at all?

Want me to really blow your mind

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SCP has some great articles, even if the website has gone to shit.

Reminder that deadly animals like bears, lions, sharks, etc. will generally not actually attack humans, even though they could kill and eat us with ease.
The simple reason is just that we aren't what they eat. Now if their desparate, or if one of their young is nearby, or something like that, sure, but that goes for any animal.
A doe will fucking gore you if her fawns are nearby, for instance.

I dont get why humans are so afraid of bears, they're such gentle giants even if we get a little hungry for some meat sometimes.


Yes, that's what I said. Black bears are pussies, don't play dead, stand up and shout at them, they'll run away. Don't shout at a brown bear, they will fuck your shit, play dead. Did you not understand my post?

Attached: Bear icecream.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

Not really

Because major game companies only allow for major profitable releases. And since Silent Hill was one of the only few profitable franchises that went belly up due to Konami's retarded plans no one has the balls to create a decent horror based game with an actual budget.

Honestly VR is probably the future of horror based games with releases like RE7, Until Dawn Blood Rush, and Persistance. VR seems to stick to only a few genres right now and horror happens to be one of them


How does that make it better?

>A doe will fucking gore you if her fawns are nearby, for instance.
But the one I'm interested in is her.

>Whatcha buying stranger

Attached: Kwaaak Trinkets Yes Pretty Trinkets.webm (752x582, 2.93M)

based. Thanks for the kek

Attached: Bear electric deer.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

> distant common ancestor i guess.
Evolutionists believe that everything shares a common ancestor.

If you believe in evolution, you literally believe you're related to a potato.

There is no scientific proof of macro evolution, it's not verifiable, it's not proven, and there's not even good evidence of it.

Lining up fossils of similar looking animals and claiming that one must've evolved into the other, is not proof of anything, but it's some of the best """evidence""" of evolution.

You don't know the origin of the universe

You don't know the origin of life

And you have absolutely no proof that a single celled organism turned into all lfie on Earth through random genetic mutation

Hereditary genetic mutation is random, beneficial mutations are exceptionally rare too. The thought that an asexually reproducing organism could form sexual reproduction through random genetic mutation is nonsense.

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that bear straight styling on those humans
he's making fun of them he's trolling them
animals are as emotionally aware and intelligent as humans
practial jokes are emotional expressions

Bears have actual dick bones btw.

SCP is fanfic-tier cringe written by literal teenagers

>A doe will fucking gore you
Does don't have antlers you dope

Bears chase down elk and are known to be able to decapitate a moose in one swipe. Your friend is a retard.

I'll suplex a doe ass bitch

Attached: Bear vs Birdshot.webm (610x720, 517K)



>that's what I said
>didn't say anything like that at all

Attached: ashthinking.png (237x275, 73K)

come user,take a seat,it is time to talk about your mental illness

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Had to be an eye shot to get that sort of affect with birdshot. Poor bear.

That's not gonna stop her

They don't use antlers, they stab the shit out of you with their hooves.

No you won't.

Anybody got that weird comic about that guy scaring the bear with a can full of change telling the bear he loves it?

Kek's me everytime

It's almost like that's the ideal face shape for biting and crushing shit

Who hurt you human?

If it makes you feel any better the bear got right back up and continued chasing that leaf.

You okay there buddy?

A bear with a big iron in his hip

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Based, fuck "we" posters

>he doesn't know about pitbulls

Bears are like the monster from a horror movie except they're actually real and walking around in nature. Can smell you from 50 miles away, guns barely phase them, you can't outrun, outswim, or outclimb them to escape, they can rip you in half with a single swipe or bite. They're basically invincible.

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Sincerely wish I could afford a pet bear for me and my dolphin wife.

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>The thought that an asexually reproducing organism could form sexual reproduction through random genetic mutation is nonsense.
You don't know that.

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but why?

well i guess if you believe in the big bang theory then everything is related somehow. but saying distant common ancestor means they're more closely related than humans and a potato, you fucking spastic.

But why?

What's the point of that macabre device?

>If you believe in evolution, you literally believe you're related to a potato (plant).
and how is this a refute?

But why?

Based water dogs

>no evidence of macro evolution
Counterpoint: Domesticated canines
>an estimated 1 million people have been eaten by tigers
>The Champawat Tiger was a Bengal tigress responsible for an estimated 436 deaths in Nepal and the Kumaon area of India

What, he managed to get the power out, but was intimidated by swinging and decided to leave?

elephant seals are freaky

Attached: 4_3_bull_eseal.jpg (960x720, 284K)

i think i remember reading about that bear, apparently he had injured front paws so he learned to walk like that 90% of the time. he was a local celebrity bear there

I got that reference, Gelfling.

Based tiger.

This is pink guy tier shit. How is it supposed to be scary

Pitbulls are murderous shits because they were bred specifically to be as aggressive and strong as possible, not because they want to eat you.

>If you believe in evolution, you literally believe you're related to a potato.
What exaclty is wrong with this?
>There is no scientific proof of macro evolution, it's not verifiable, it's not proven, and there's not even good evidence of it.
The existent of micro-evolution is some pretty fucking good evidence, and we do have a lot of evidence for that.


>And you have absolutely no proof that a single celled organism turned into all lfie on Earth through random genetic mutation
How the fuck else and if you say god you're a bigger mong than I thought. It's simply THE most logical conclusion to why we share 70% of our dna with fucking bobbit worms, that billions of years ago some constantly born and dying species of life evolved the ability to breed to be able to compete better by mashing together the correct chemicals in a random order.

>Over the last five centuries
So what you're saying is, it's extremely, extremely rare.

The origin of sexual reproduction is still unanswered in the scientific community.

In general, the complexities of all life on Earth being the result of completely random genetic mutation at birth, no matter how much time is given, is not possible.

Evolution ONLY works through hereditary genetic mutations that you are born with, and these are completely random.

Beneficial mutations are very rare.

You would have to be born with one of these, and then actually fuck other animals, until the trait becomes common among the population.

This is how evolution is said to work.

Tere is literally zero proof that this process could turn one genus of animal into an entirely different one, causing major changes.

This actually kind of got me, uncanny valley shit like that spooks me the fuck out


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How are skinwalker suppose to eat if humans seemingly have the ability to psychically detect them?

>we share 70% of our dna with fucking bobbit worms


Fucking 16 year old retard.

>guns barely phase them
Depends on the gun. Anything high caliber is going to be effective.

Why can't I telepathically communicate to bears that I just want to pet them.

Attached: thinking bear.jpg (960x960, 194K)

man, pitbulls make me sad
they shouldn't be


Thats why they pray on inuns mostly, if you're three sheets to the wind off mouth wash you can't psychically detect spookums

Phoneposter here, someone describe what’s going on in this webm

Mutations and adaptability are evidence of evolution
Checkmate faggot

>Beneficial mutations are very rare.
That is true, which is why it took billions of years for shit to get to where it is now.

>bears can solve puzzles and open doors

What the fuck are you actually retarded? It's not "completely random", it's adaptation to environment. That's why creatures in caves have no eyesight or pale skin, there's no need for those when it's pitch fucking black 100% of the time. There's an absolute mountain of evidence supporting life evolving around changes in environments.

That's your problem wendigo

Getting attacked by a bear is one of my biggest fears. Theres basically nothing you can do to stop it if it gets ahold of you unless you can choke it to death by shoving your arm down its throat.

Attached: bear summon.webm (1280x720, 2.19M)

It's not psychic, it's just survival instincts, everyone has them. We're intrinsically wary of certain things and can "sense" when something is off or wrong

So by your own admission all creatures come from a single ancestor.
A intelligent designer. Or do you not know the definitions of ancestor? it's not merely biological.

Krakatoa was 180 at point blank, it would probably vaporize everything around it.


For those asking, there was a local bear hassling local deer populations that were at risk in their numbers. They were trying to get the bear to associate deer meat with pain so he stopped eating them.

Cool guess.

You have no way to verify that it is possible, you have no proof, and you don't even have any evidence.

You believe the universe came from nothing

You believe life came from non-life

And then you believe a single celled organism turned into all life on Earth through random genetic mutation

You're the modern day equivalent of someone who believes the Earth is flat because the authorities told them so.

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>it's adaptation to environment.
Imagine actually believing in intelligent evolution. Adaptation happens because they survive the best, this does not mean its more or less efficient for that environment. Vestigial parts is proof that evolution is random shit to see what sticks.

Dumb animeposter

El Rato

You sure don't have a lot of faith in God's competence if you think He couldn't have designed reality in such a way that life would form and evolve over billions of years.

I spent like 2 minutes watching this but I still can't figure out what's going on

How is that different from normal tie-in sci fi magic aka psychic powers?

Big bear walks up to a bus, pulls a nigger through a window and fucks him in the ass while eating the back of his head.

> It's not "completely random", it's adaptation to environment.

Hereditary genetic mutation is random.

The "natural selection" or "adaptation" part is that if the mutation is beneficial, it's more likely to stick around.

An animal does not and can not give birth to an animal with a certain genetic mutation because they think it would be beneficial, retard.

slug would of taken it out.

i'm too tired to read this but you deserve a (You)

So is video games. But here we are

Bear is scratching his back on fence, he grabs on that cable to help himself wiggle and it snaps free from whatever it's tied to and pops his testes like ripe cherries

Based user singlehandedly disproves all of science

>Ranger, turn off my pain inhibitors.

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>You have no way to verify that it is possible, you have no proof, and you don't even have any evidence.
I mean, we have evidence. It's not 100% proof, but it's enough that it's the most likely explanation.
What proof is there of creationism? Please don't mention bananas.

Absolutley fake as fuck
I keep seeing dozens of articles about this guy and they're all wrong. My favorite is he was a corpse for a while that suddenly came back to life.

The real story is the dude is a hardcore addict to the very dangerous drug Krokodil. The end.

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Imagine believing some cosmic being magic'd everything to be now it is. It's not intelligent, it's environmental. Species go extinct because they couldn't adapt. You have zero evidence that argues against this but there's thousands upon thousands of studies, research and evidence in the creatures that exist today that support evolution.

Face it Christfag, you're wrong.

Why didn't they just borrow some of the deer from my shithole state?

>You have no way to verify that it is possible, you have no proof, and you don't even have any evidence.
You are retarded. theories on the origin of life based on evolution are backed by smaller discoveries we do have a lot of evidence for and can logically trace with good assumptions to a grander scale.You are correct that we don't know for sure, and we very well could be wrong, but there is an actual logical base for these theories. What is your opposing thought on the origin of life? If it's God, can you supply any supplemental evidence for that claim?

Where did the universe come from then?

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A lot of animal breeds are kind of fucked, honestly. It is what it is.

wait a min I was always told as a child that bears are terrified of loud sounds so you should always carry a bell or something to make extremely loud sounds to scare em away?

is he holding a selfie stick or something?

You're not fooling anyone bear.

>it's more likely to stick around if the mutation is beneficial

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very sad this thread turned into the designated animal planet thread instead of the designated creepy thread

>Species go extinct because they couldn't adapt
You're still putting way too much intelligence into this. It'd be like saying you lost at a game of chance because you didn't try hard enough.

Some of your best evidence is lining up fossils of similar looking animals and making the complete ASSumption that they evolved into each other.

You believe that horseshoe crabs haven't changed for 400 million years, but humans were fish 400 million years ago.

You have no proof of this nonsense, but you believe it because "science" told you.

>What proof is there of creationism?

The universe and life existing in the first place.

Light existing

Time existing

Human mind

Common sense

A big reason is because story has taken a backseat to jump scares and graphics whoring. Horror games are essentially just adventure games with spooky themes, and if the story isn't good then the scares can't truly get under your skin in the way a good horror game can.

Because it's actually real

Because the fuckers get to breed BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT DEAD
There's tons of evidence that non-beneficial evolutions get past simply because the creature got to fuck and eat enough before it died.

Is that a fucking satanic ritual site or something

>designated creepy thread
Plenty of those fucking things on /x/. Go knock yourself out if you can handle all the tripfags.

you talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded

>Common sense
Alright I'll admit it, you did a good job with this bait chain. Thank you for putting in effort, I see so many "seething/cope/yikes/have sex/dilate" posts these days that bait with effort put into it is always appreciated.

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I think its a stick with a gopro on it

if it's not real, or doesn't even pretend to be real it's not scary. i've read run of the mill ghost stories scarier than anything SCP.

>If you believe in evolution, you literally believe you're related to a potato.
Oh no, what will my fragile ego ever do, I am related to a potato.

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You can destroy indigenous species by introducing foreign species. This is why boats get checked for certain algae in many places. A sidewinder snake would immediately perish in a forest because its evolution adapted it to the desert. This is intelligent design through thousands of years of adaptation.

Semantics. Couldn't, didn't, blah blah blah.

because you grew up.

Yeah instinct exist but how does your version stay different than stupid shit like read minds and float the pizza in the air?

Nigga you need to apply logic and ration not "oh my spider senses are tingling must be a horror from another dimension near.". What do we smell them with our shitty noses? Do we hear them even though the noise is most likely easily replicated or are you pulling your fakeass "paranormal energies" like its anything but fantasy out of your ass?

You carry a bell so that they hear you and will avoid you. Most animals will move along if they hear something coming, a majority of bear attacks happen because some hiker walks right up on Pooh Bear licking his nuts and spooks him
Loud noises won't scare them off when they're in kill mode though. You make yourself seem big and loud to shit like cougars, wolves, and coyotes because if they think you're a threat they'll move along. But bears are big and loud so you'll basically be challenging it to a fight if you do that

>it's an animal thread

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>actually replying to bait and not just posting cool bears

>You believe that horseshoe crabs haven't changed for 400 million years, but humans were fish 400 million years ago.

probably the dumbest statement in this whole thread

Almost like they intelligently evolved to be great at eating and fucking

>hey booboo

Psychic powers are real too. Only precognition, telepathy(read only), and remote viewing though(all of them are officially considered just different forms of remote viewing).

he's looking for picnic baskets

No, autists are pretty shit at eating and fucking.

People get seriously injured all the time to getting hooved after they hit a doe and get out to see if she lived.

>beneficial mutations are exceptionally rare too.
It's a good think there was billions of years to get those. You fucking fool. You moron. We've been studying this shit for what, 200 years? At most? And it's been going on for UNIMAGINABLE eons? And you have the audacity to claim "it's too rare lol"

>nobody posted the bear fucking up a wolf in a zoo
you guys are getting softer

What an absolutely cringey pic. Is this the best SCPs have to offer?

Hell yeah

Attached: angry nog.webm (854x470, 1.82M)

>You're the modern day equivalent of someone who believes the Earth is flat because the authorities told them so.
This baiting anime retard is actually right in this case. Believing that the theory of evolution is historical truth without actually educating yourself about it and being able to legitimately discuss and assess pieces of evidence makes you no better than those who deny it without any strong argument of their own. At the end of the day, if you can't prove a theory for yourself, then you've succumbed to peer pressure.

The human brain can detect lots of things that aren't even "5 senses" related. Pressure changes in the inner ear, tiny uncanny-valley elements of the human face, strange gaits, etc. Do you really think we couldn't detect a creature posing as human in an instant?

>Dude, let me in, I'm a fairy

My bf lives in the Sierra Nevadas so there's plenty of wildlife here. I love being able to hike and do some jogging around the trails but I do have to admit that I'm fucking nervous about ever coming in contact with a bear.

Any body else know this fear?

>Vestigial parts is proof that evolution is random shit to see what sticks.
no it isn't. vestigial parts are generally successful adaptations that are no longer necessary.

they are also surprisingly fast

>You can destroy indigenous species by introducing foreign species.
How is that proof that it's intelligent? If anything it'd mean that the native beings hadn't gotten the random genetic chance that the invaders had.

Look up stabilizing selection and then proceed to kill yourself

Just jump to another tree bro :)

>The universe and life existing in the first place.
Light existing
Time existing
Human mind
None of this is evidence towards creationism
>Common sense
Whelp you got me shitposter-kun, good job.

Attached: 234230982093582.jpg (554x439, 38K)

>"arrest me"

lmao, guess he got what he wanted lol

I'm wondering what animal would, we put a lot of artificial shit on our skin and inside of our body, I doubt animals would find it tasty

Imagine, there's a democrat onboard and he screams "let them in".

Even dirty rats are more clean than smelly smash players.

>Pressure changes in the inner ear
>tiny uncanny-valley elements of the human face
>strange gaits

>Do you really think we couldn't detect a creature posing as human in an instant?
And that's why they're not scary, they're retarded and illogical. No evolutionary sense either.

Because they intelligently adapted to the environment as I've said fifteen times

Basically anything that scavenges I imagine, when you eat decomposing carcasses all day a touch of chemicals won't bother you none

I didn't say anything about paranormal energies you chimp, our instincts and senses were fine tuned over hundreds of thousands of years to be aware of inconsistencies in our immediate vicinity to alert us to potential threats

Anything good?

>that poor mouse


Attached: Planet Earth.jpg (952x839, 70K)

>Banjo on his way to Smash Bros.

Absolute retard.
No our flesh naturally tastes awful, if anything most animals love artificial flavors, plastic tastes sweet, perfume smells fragrant and soap is fatty.

We also reek to high heaven, which is why flies and dogs take such interest in us.

Attached: thordestroysdarkelves.webm (406x650, 1.97M)

evolution and natural selection are two different things smucko

This bear, as a cub, had it's paws damaged by a hunter, so it walks like this. It died recently too. Was a neighborhood celeb.

>stockholm syndrome
Every time

fuckin bears, man

birds are the ultimate bullies

Attached: 1550084299115.jpg (960x720, 68K)

You grew up.

>the webm is real

>make these things cute af
>also make them vicious beasts that can kill with ease

motherfucker looses his shoe he's lucky to be alive

But they didn't? If one species is intelligently adapted to the environment and another enters and not only pushes you out but eats you too how is that not proof that there is no thought into it at all.
And that's not even touching upon the fact that majority of these cases its because the animal has not socially taught eachother that the new thing is dangerous fast enough.

India had a problem where all of their vultures were dying off because of medicine they were using on their cows, which the vultures ate when they died.

This then lead to a spike in the wild dog population, which spread rabies. I can't believe God hasn't nerfed that overpowered fucking disease yet. Literally 100% fatality rate for a contagious diseases, how can anybody think that is sane?

Plastic does not taste sweet what the fuck do you mean
Are you a fucking turtle or some shit

did he dead??

You are genuinely retarded


There's no such thing as intelligent adaptation. An animal does not go somewhere cold and thing "gee I wish I had more fire" and then it's genes change so it's offspring will have more fur.

>I didn't say anything about paranormal energies you chimp
You're literally talking about ghosts and goblins in skinsuits its no different from the classic ooga booga you see everywhere else.


To majority of animals, yes it does.
You're seriously not comparing our extremely unique tastebuds to the majority of animal life on earth are you?

>How come modern games aren't scary?

The art of the unexpected has been lost similar to the lost definition of "horror"

Attached: Tuna.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)


Evolution is impossible! There's no proof!

Attached: moths.jpg (2860x1738, 1.89M)

Attached: 1461304846556.jpg (308x450, 44K)

>Resident Evil 7

Project stargate
Post more spooky stuff like this

Are you expecting me to believe that these things survived extinction just because one day one of their offspring mutated to have almost the same aspect of the guava leaves they inhabit just by (((chance)))?
Intelligent evolution sounds like bullshit aswell, how is that a bug with barely any brain capacity could say "oh shit birds are eating us, we better make our bodies look like a dead stick to confuse them"

Attached: 0c68286961824bf7c8e562d73eb134bd.jpg (556x720, 66K)

why is this thread so full of people 'correcting' people they agree with? I've been following a couple of the conversations here and i've seen someone quote another user to repeat their own argument/claim back at them about fifty times.

thats an aggressive looking ape

I can hear the fucking HmMmMm whine from Dark Crystal.

Humanoid monsters are easier to model?

Attached: cutscene continues into gameplay.webm (480x360, 1.26M)

man tunas are asshole wtf

I dont get it, dude was literally crying, and 3 cops had to surround him?

I can tell from the thumbnail what that webm is and I'm not going to watch it, what kind of fucking retard films that close to a massive python?

It's actually worse.
Since +10 in decibel scale works the same way as +1 in the Richter scale, a sound that is somehow at 500Db would be outputting dozens upon dozens of times more energy than the Earth actually has.
It'd almost certainly shred the world apart due to sheer force.

All the cops move up to keep people back so they don't try and intervene during the arrest
>t. has been to a large protest where people were getting arrested

python food?

Do you know how many insect species there are? Do you know how fast they reproduce? Do you know how long they've been on this planet? Do you know how big Earth is?

Do you really believe there isn't a single insect species that would end up developing camouflage over that time period?

No they most likely started out by one mutation getting slightly flatter than the rest, this creature got some sweet bug pussy and kept fucking. Then it probably kept getting weirder and weirder forms, while the ones that looked the most leaflike survived the better, but obviously not the best.

Now you may say that I'm agreeing with you because the bug intelligently became leaflike in the end but observe the humble beginnings where it didn't. This is most likely the final form of eons of incompetent evolutionary forms and it might completely lose this shape in the long feature.

You don't even understand what god is, truly an ignorant on every subject.

Attached: fuck this shit.jpg (500x326, 46K)

some people develop temporary super-autism when other people say "they evolved to" because that makes it sound like the evolution was directed. Usually it's just a misstatement or semantics.
long video, but its decent at telling how riot squads work

falseflagging kike fuck off

they're predators, it wasn't just going to kill the bird to be a dick but for sustenance.

this might sound gay but sometimes i wonder if we could use lab-grown meat to feed wild predators and stop animals from killing each other too. and i know that predators keep populations under control and have benefits too, but i think there would probably be other ways of dealing with that without resorting to killing.

You climb trees if it's a grizzly. Black bears will fuck off if you bang on a pan

>You don't even understand what god is
Not him but to be fair neither do you. You have no true understanding of a creator if there is one. If you say otherwise you are full of shit or a fundie.

Nose slits?
Are you some kind of reptile?

Cuz you're a big boy now

>lizardman accidentally outed himself on a tibetan throatsinging swapshop
And to think, these people rule the solar system

There's a Dilbert scene about this.

>just because one day one of their offspring mutated to have almost the same aspect of the guava leaves they inhabit just by (((chance)))?
Not one day. Slowly over millions of years. You can't actually imagine how long of a time that is. And neither can I. Which just furthers my point.

Do you think Bears would be so good at their job if they were slow and clumsy?
It takes fucking skill to fish with your bare paws

Our noses are basically slits with some skin and cartilage over it, more like a bats who we are quite close evolutionary.

>tfw you have trouble catching slowly moving objects but an 800lb grizzly can catch a salmon racing through a stream like it's childs play

>You have no way to verify that it is possible, you have no proof, and you don't even have any evidence.

The fact that I can mutate a gene in a rat or a fish to a non-functional form, and then reintroduce a human equivalent of that gene into that mutated rat or fish and thereby rescue their genetic defect is more than proof enough that we diverged from a common ancestor, animetard.

Attached: 1561651654989.jpg (480x360, 10K)


i wanna see

You could say that about a lot of things but that doesn't make them fucking slits you reptile scum

>feeding predators artificially
>permanently cripple them by getting them used to an easy life even as cubs
>prey multiply at exponential rate and tip ecosystem balance
Terrible idea. Even with hunting seasons, we often don't reduce the numbers enough and that's usually for predators, but here you want to hunt prey who multiply even faster, and without killing them no less. Do tell me what you intend to do when you have 3 million deer encroaching on human territories because the wolves are lazy and the woods are too crowded for them all, the remember this applies for every other herbivore on the planet.

Because it's not real you fucking retard.

That shouldn't have got me.

That's pretty gay yeah but also stupid.
You'd create a generation of human dependant retarded animals that would self destruct and break eco systems by removing their checks/balances.
Humans generally need to stop breaking shit with their dumb perspectives of making things "better".
We tend to make them worse and do a shitty job of becoming negligent nannies in the aftermath as a go-to fix.

More animal stuff ignore the retard

Why the fuck am I reading this at night with my curtains open fuck fuck fuck fu

This reads like it was written by a 12 year old

The bone structure and what basically counts makes them a pair of slits.
Or are you some jew with a big pig nose holes?

Like those lizards that only live in acidic caves

El esta aqui

I thought I had more animal stuff but I don't. Here's this instead.

Attached: 1406374921907.webm (540x360, 1.36M)

Are you some kind of disgusting nose hole freak who sees slits in every nose for your disgusting reptile penis to fuck?

that's a fucking war form gangrel BACK AWAY

Attached: giant squid.webm (720x720, 473K)

You're the kind of person who wouldn't notice a dollar going missing from their bank account everyday aren't you?

Because it's that subtle.

Hell, I don't even believe in evolution (as our origin) but I can even grasp the general concept it's putting down.


Attached: Jean-LĂ©on_GĂ©rĂ´me_-_Diogenes_-_Walters_37131.jpg (1800x1322, 3.32M)

Attached: vampire squid2.webm (720x720, 1.11M)

you seem to be the freak with your literal hole where your noses receptors should be?

>guns barely phase them
Even Grizzlys can be killed with a 9mm handgun, obviously not ideal but it works. Better to carry at least .357/10mm

thumbnail looks a bit like a qt anime girl

>Nose receptors
Are you some kind of commie robot?

>tfw you live for hundreds of years.
>tfw a parasite latches onto your eyes and slowly eats them.

Attached: Greenland shark.webm (1280x720, 1.59M)

Wait so if its not a squid what the fuck is it

>Do tell me what you intend to do when you have 3 million deer encroaching on human territories because the wolves are lazy and the woods are too crowded for them all, the remember this applies for every other herbivore on the planet.
birth control for animals

>LEGO and megablocks fit together, that means they must have a common ancestor

You retard, that's just further proof for intelligent design

Attached: sensor fish.webm (1298x720, 2.89M)

I always see fucking Skesis when I see this.

A vampire

Nigga, you could literally just sit still with a small net and you'd catch a salmon in down river
They swim in such a linear path, that it'd be pathetic for an animal with keen senses to not be able to catch one.
except for birds, fishing isn't really a thing of skill or dexterity.
Salmon are also notoriously retarded prey fish so they'll sometimes even jump out of the water right in to some beast's maw

Hell, even a domestic animal like a dog can catch one

It's own thing, it is a mix of squid and octopus. It has a ton of unique traits

You some kind of chinaman?

Its in its own Order in the Cephalopod Class.

Exactly this. Poor dumb retards. They will literally never learn.

You can't just use the same insult, user. That isn't how this works.
Bad form, dude.

This is exactly why no one invites us to parties anymore, CARL!

You some kind of ooga booga china man?

Attached: Chimaera.webm (854x480, 2.31M)

You some kinda yaba daba dood?

he's mocking us

It is absolute shit ever since the furfags took over then let all the degens in. They've even deleted some classics because they weren't PC.

Just think, when you eat canned Tuna, you're eating everything those Tuna ever ate, including people.

Also, ocean posting is cheating.

Attached: Shallow Dock2.webm (900x506, 2.86M)

He was just looking for the man who shot his paw

Ahhhh Kos or as some say, Kosm.

Attached: 1540131884239.png (499x513, 283K)

Can't fool me mr bear

Attached: Bear_at_computer.jpg (428x309, 13K)

Why would God put a gene in a fish, a rat, and a human with similar functions, but with slight variations in genomic code, with important sites for its function being conserved between species and less important sites for its function being less conserved? Why wouldn't God just copy-paste the same gene into all of them? Seems like a lot of work to go out of your way to change the genomic code of the regions that are not important.

Attached: 3B24C218-CFFF-400A-AC0B-A509465CAB2E.jpg (1280x1280, 123K)

dude this FUCKED me up

Are you calling God lazy?

Attached: 1559795925442.png (232x211, 117K)

We don't cotton to strange yaba daba doods with no sense of their own nose.

I give up. Where is the nigger?

>>LEGO and megablocks fit together, that means they must have a common ancestor
Actually a better analogy would be melting down both Legoes and Megablocks to build either more of either one because they are both made of plastic.

I never watched so many bear videos and this mother fuckers are just giant dogs. God is a fucking hack "hurr i made a dog, now i made a red dog, next it's a big dog, water dog and a giant dog, i'm so smart durr". Fucking lazy fuck, can't even make a flying dog this faggot, oh wait, fucking fruit bats are a thing.

>Despite being 13% of the population brown bears commit 50% of the crimes

Now tell me have you ever heard of a white bear stealing?

Attached: download.jpg (299x168, 5K)

>bare paws
I lost where I was goin' with this

He survived like that for years because he was a local 'celebrity' and the people didn't harm him. But once it got out on national media it only took some months until a hunter traveled there and shot him

Attached: 1558690396388.jpg (468x305, 79K)

Attached: 1543466818560.gif (348x234, 944K)

motherfucked looks like he had the longest day at work

>guns barely phase them

get a real gun

irl griefing. Guy still deserves a boot to the ass.

Attached: Polar Bear walk.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

if you have siblings im sure they wish they were related to a potato right about now

Ive killed maybe 8 tarantulas this month. Tired of these fucks.
>inb4 let them live they are good boys
Fuck that. We have tarantula hawks here. I dont need a reason for one to fly on my property endangering my freedom.

Attached: 20190621_083326.jpg (3264x2448, 2.57M)

that dog looks like its mid shitting itself

you do understand that tuna aren't some basic fish right? Their only predators are pretty much people

Based Latsbrah

Attached: 1553150497012.webm (1280x720, 589K)

Fun Fact, Polar Bears are getting GRIZZLY'D cause they're mating with Grizzly bears that are starting to move further north, while Polar Bears are moving more south to actually be on land in summer.

Attached: Grolar.jpg (780x678, 79K)

>all these replies falling for it

Attached: 4EB45341-4DEC-4367-911B-48D784FE8DF9.jpg (982x886, 150K)

Is it weird that the first thing I thought of when I saw this is that it looked like the tarantula was wearing stockings like some kind of hooker?

Sounds like something a skinwalker would say. You aren't feeling anybody, evil spirit.

>and this is our son's room
>he's really fond of writing his horror stories

What the heck just came up for a sniff? Why haven't we turned these into pets yet

>tarantula hawks

Attached: 1342575823274.gif (200x189, 828K)

>being afraid of bears
>not asserting your dominance and stealing their females

Attached: 777cd30107b6a6f368e9ab4027fb06f0.png (1200x1000, 524K)

Is his tie at the cleaners ?

Attached: Good, Better.....jpg (500x500, 42K)

pretty crazy how fucking alien squids/octopi are. makes you wonder what type of shit is in the deep

This is why I was a hunter on WoW when I still played

Post the one of the sperm whale


>How do you do fellow humans.
Maybe you're just old enough to not get spooked that easy? Building tension/dread, giving people an existential chrisis, making them feel sad and jump scares are probably the best way to approach a horror games. Yes, jump scares too, but used rarely, maybe even once and then constantly fake the player out to make him paranoid that it will happen eventaully, even tho it never does again.

Attached: 63.jpg (489x629, 139K)

Attached: 1558588106607.webm (640x480, 1.64M)

lol stfu

Attached: h0EPFYe.jpg (1298x856, 95K)

HE criggle HE creep, he find you You in your SLEEP

how do you kill something like this? i can barely stand squishing smaller insects and the likes so this would drive me insane.

Did somebody say Bears?

Attached: 4459d73ae17f7e941eabd4f099b1d1151530057477_full.png (640x360, 219K)

Haven't seen this in a while. Thanks user.

>know your meme filename
Back to r*ddit

Wait your final refutation is based on that you simply think its nonsense?

You can stab them with a sharp stick

>You climb trees if it's a grizzly
Nope. You're actually fucked if a grizzly really wants you.

the reddit boomers are here lol

you can, they just don't give a fuck what you want

>it's not a squid
>doesn't drink blood

Attached: 1554076949365.png (314x270, 69K)

>" among the most painful of all insects, though the intense pain only lasts about five minutes. One researcher described the pain as "...immediate, excruciating, unrelenting pain that simply shuts down one's ability to do anything, except scream. Mental discipline simply does not work in these situations."
I just stomp em. Cant feel it with shoes really. Either that or i stab em with a tree post.

Attached: 054d436dba0c2e8cf6b10ccba75320f3--tarantula-hawk-yellow-jackets.jpg (236x236, 10K)

The ultimate manlet.

Attached: JoyfulScrawnyAsianpiedstarling.webm (384x480, 1.9M)

Attached: Sperm Whale in the deep.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

i love when people type what they hear in their mind

Squid are alien yet have evolved very similar eyes to primates. They don't havd an optical blind spot however.

I feel woozy.

Attached: Sperm Whale spin.webm (952x720, 3M)

Why won't the guy filming give the poor fellow some wather to finish up?

>Golden Kamuy
What is this and is it good?

the cat was subsequently eaten because it's china and niggas be hungry over there

That was intense

>immediate, excruciating, unrelenting pain that simply shuts down one's ability to do anything, except scream. Mental discipline simply does not work in these situations
Coyote Peterson took that sting no problem.

With his

Looks like 2 or 3 ounces of pure concentrated fuck you.

He's going to swipe their picnic baskets.

Thanks user

the only bears in the sierra nevada are black and brown bears, and they are both pussies that do nothing but eat trash and scavenge

the most dangerous thing in the region are possibly mountain lions, which can and do attack people every year, but usually when they are alone and unaware, and it is extremely (extremely) uncommon these days with the excessive amount of unculled deer population and ranging livestock to be munched on

actually, the truly most dangerous animal in the sierra nevada would be deer ticks, which can carry lyme disease which is no joke

so focus on keeping tick free rather than worrying about bears

sierra nevada is like a natural playground in terms in danger level, it's a joke

Attached: Sperm Whale.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

modern games try o be more scary by being more realistic
scary games scare through fear
Fear isn't real it is just a figment of your imagination
realistic games look so concrete that there is literally no room for interpretation and blanks for us to fill in

You have to fucking stop.

Attached: 1464680190645.jpg (320x320, 62K)

Where? All I saw that got close, was a babuska wrap.

Attached: Babuska Wrap.jpg (1024x576, 85K)

There is no stopping.

Attached: Grouper eats shark.webm (854x480, 2.39M)


Jesus fuck thats really getting me user. Thats my fucking fear, holy fuck I fukcign hate big shit in the ocean goddamnit

Kick his ass

>chinese fishing.webm

>putting your hand near its mouth
Does this nigga know its full of teeth?

>that cat went on to kill 12 birds later that month.


Don't be a speciest, he just wants a ride, bears get tired too.

Attached: 16234661239.png (481x481, 184K)

Does America have any shows about Native American culture? Imagine something like that but with Ainu culture, also there's a huge gold conspiracy.

Attached: file.png (350x400, 63K)

Attached: humpback whale.webm (746x420, 2.82M)

I read this good stuff.

rent free

Attached: Humpback whale at the docks.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

it's good until you realize on thing about it and at that point some of obvious jokes stop being funny

Well, you see, everyone that couldn't detect skinwalkers got killed by skinwalkers. That's why you've inherited a pattern recognition strong enough to suss them out.

In all actuality, the uncanny valley effect was theoretically promoted as an evolutionary response to illness. Being able to glance at someone and think "something's wrong about this person" is a defense mechanism to not stick around someone with a contagion or who is in a dangerously compromised mental state. And the more finely tuned your "this is not a normal person" sense is, the better your chances of surviving are. Simple as that.


If I see the whale is big, then I get a frame of reference for how big the ocean is, it's not just a big blue blur anymore it's 3D space with depth and distance and shit.

I'm not crazy someone here has to know what I mean.

I'm sure there are but I don't know if any.
>there's a huge gold conspiracy
sounds interesting at least

>greetings, trve friends

People can be really shitty about stuff like that. Making a big deal about something totally harmless.

Attached: 1456975909784.gif (125x125, 18K)

y squid hav hedlites

Jesus, this is like those fish tongue parasites. Or any fucking parasites. I guess the moral is that parasites are assholes.

Attached: Humpbacks.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

Eat too much, shit too big. Adults don't fit in a car.

Here's some baby monitor recordings, by the way leave a recorder on in your room at night if you sleep alone and try to see if you can find anything weird while listening to it.

Attached: 82.jpg (479x370, 29K)

I tried to find a video of the warning claxon from g darius but couldn't find it

That goodness for the slow motion replay, I didn't notice the whale the first time at normal speed.

me on the left

filename made me laugh because that's exactly what it looks like

Look how dark blue it gets towards the tail. It's tail looks miles away. What the fuck is this and why am I afraid of it. I'm the same user freaking out about the other ones someone answer my questions goddamn. Nothing scares em anymore expect this ocean shit

If you've ever seen a ferret and a whippet hunt rabbits together you'd think nature had planned for it.


Damn, this webm was real

Attached: Russian Mummy.webm (352x640, 2.31M)

Now just imagine Megalodons still existed

>no western about ex-soldier of legend with injun loli companion vs rogue military regiment vs band of criminals over hidden treasure

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Did he live? How the fuck is he alive without any water or food?

>No evolutionary sense either.
But there's oodles of animals that look like other things.

>set up recorder to catch spoopy shit while you sleep
>it's just a few hours of farts and broken snoring with a box fan in the background

Deer should go extinct, honestly, they serve no purpose other than to be food.

So you'd want a good food source to go extinct?

Attached: AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS.webm (900x540, 2.58M)

Nice try Yogi, you're not swiping my pik-i-nik basket

There's no fucking way that man will continue living. That's fucking insane.

>they serve no purpose other than to be food.
That's a rather important purpose, probably the only purpose of 80% of the animal kingdom is to be food

or maybe scifi creators made aliens look like squids for a reason
you fucking zoomer faggot cunt kys

i'd be amazed if he makes a recovery of some kind jesus christ

Attached: 1536170835276.jpg (842x792, 81K)

>set up recorder to catch the spooky stuff
>hear doors opening down stairs and shuffling in recording
>find out you were robbed

Attached: Save me.png (500x427, 144K)

>t. squid

Bears can eat Coyotes or any other wildlife

The pros of deer are being food, the cons are they trample any smaller animal or child, run into cars (other animals don't this this, or at least not as bad) and eat any plants something more useful could have had.

What happened to him? How do you get in this state?

Attached: Cat (147).jpg (700x700, 46K)

itll get panned to hell from both sides - one for not depicting the past as it really was and the other for not being diverse enough in both characters and staff


reminds me of the nigs in africa banging pots and pans together to scare off lions only for the lions to associate the noise with an easy meal
ringing their own dinner bell

>Team Birb BTFOing team rodent

There's probably some westerns along those lines but in the real old ones if indians show up they're the bad guys for the cowboys to shoot.

What if I socked him one in his smart mouth

whatll fertilize the plants?

they are completely harmless

The first one should have an easy solution
>This is a work of fiction.
Should, anyways. I can't see a solution for the second other than ignoring them. What a sad time we live in.

but...they are

What if it bumps into me

it would be extremely painful

why the fuck would lgbt-types defend muslims?

probably because it looks like it's wearing a cape like the 40s and 50s dracula.

They won't steal your wallet

You're a big guy.

i see you have a sense of justice too

Isn't it really dangerous to be near them since their calls can actually knock you out?

>If you believe in evolution, you literally believe you're related to a potato.
I believe you're a fucking potato

oh shit I forgot about that part
well if you have someone else with you you're probably fine even if you do get knocked out

Yup., that looks like krokodil

>now where did I drop my car keys?

Wow. Its almost like they can edit things on television for brainlets like yourself. Cool!

It's not a TV show you fucktard, it's youtube.

Just think how it was for our early ancestors.

Attached: bear early man.png (893x599, 993K)

The one picture bears don't want you to see

Attached: asd.jpg (640x432, 61K)

Bitch, i study this shit and even i can confirm that evolution is mostly "throwing shit at a wall and see what sticks". Think of all those weird extra stuff you see on animals that does not have any functionality. Look at the ram horns fir example , do you think its smart to have something that will automatically kill you after you get to a certain age?

is that bear a cancer patient?

Note: the bear is likely walking like that because it has an injured front paw. This phenomenon also likely accounts for a great number of supposed bigfoot sightings.

Attached: sns.webm (900x540, 2.95M)

damn. russians are fucking tough

It's just convergence. Still doesn't falsify macro evolution. There are certain species of fish that seem to share a gene for handedness. Could be due to either mechanisms