* walks up pulls down my pante and poopoos on all of this* whatcha gonna do etika boy

* walks up pulls down my pante and poopoos on all of this* whatcha gonna do etika boy

Attached: 1561605545977.jpg (1200x900, 318K)

Etika was literally a nigger known only for SCREAMING AT SMASH BROS :O :O :O :O

That just looks like litter lmao

is new York gentrified now because when i was there in the 90s this shit would've been stolen

Yeah, its murder rate is lower than the national average

Got a chuckle out of me. Also, couldn't these memers build a proper shrine? Looks like a pile of garbage.

This guy ate Twizzlers? What the fuck?

Nothing wrong with twizzlers my mom loves Twizzlers

Why, what's wrong with Twizzlers?

>Those Twizzler packs.
Ah, fuck. That got to me.

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>a nerf gun
>a pokemon card that'll fly away in the breeze

shut up sociopath

literally who

What the fuck indeed. Suicide kinda negated any risk of diabetes.

That F

the fuck happened to him?

he commited suicide


>for not caring about MUH FUNNE SCREAM GUY XD

shit that sucks

is that piss? why is the ground wet?

A hobo peed there

like 20% of the avg american's diet is candy

Joycon boys for life. We love you Etika

yup you're definitely a sociopath

Posterboy of nintendies everywhere, Yea Forums just hates looking in amirror

Nothing, because he's dead hehehe

>it's ok to say nigger when you're dead
No it's not

I just had this idea of some crazy homeless guy finding that Attack on Titan manga and starting some underground Titan hobo cult

>shirt, switch accessories (including a fucking joycon), and amiibos
Those things are going to be gone if they are not already.

>burns nuts on lit candles
You played yourself

It says nigga not nigger

Its sad he killed himself what upsets me most that i bet he regretted jumping as soon as he started falling poor guy probably fought to survive battered and bruised due to the fall

Imagine being a fat lardass coming up and attempts to shit.

>”w-w-watcha gonna d-do?”

Can this happen in real life please? I wanna knock a fedora faggot out.

Yeah try to call a nigger "nigga" and see what they think about it.


I'm half impressed there isn't some kind of loss arrangement in there too. Jesus christ people.

He was also a drunk, probably the reason why he offed himself

Honestly I would go steal all that stuff people left

Thinking about it for a second it was pretty based. We got a real suicide happening, never thought I'd see one so soon.

Wish more youtubers did this.

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>the F on the twizzlers

Attached: 1538221982313.jpg (1375x749, 125K)

yea that was pretty cringe

Why the fuck am I so sad he's gone? It's not like I knew him personally, so why does it hurt?

because you love niggers

I'm indifferent to them, but thanks for the (you), /pol/chan

c o p e


it's okay user, your gf will come home after tyrone is done