Lol Doom XD!

>lol Doom XD!

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This guy still around?

Lmao dark souls
Lmao not finishing games
Lmao I suck at games despite spending my whole life on them
Lmao naughty swears

Yeah. They sent him to E3 this year so he could avoid making eye contact with developers.

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>makes metaphor about taking it up the arse

first time i've seen him smile

first time ive seen him

Yahtzee is the only eceleb with good taste in games.

first time

He made Undertale his GOTY one year. His taste is incredibly dubious.

I may not agree with a bit of his reviews but I enjoy his content. He even said sheeple like you would sperg because he enjoyed Doom Eternal. Get read faggot.

He shouldn't have gone to E3 for the Escapist. He's purely an entertainer, a humorist and writer. He's not a journalist.

He make a bigger thing about how people would freak out about him sounding hyped for a Zelda game.

I get why he's called No Punctuation, but the jokes fall flat. No sense of timing.

He got a few good questions in like asking the producer of Judgement if he had any concerns with people in the west taking the Yakuza series as how Japan actually is.

i think you saw in the videos how much he regretted that decision

>You can almost feel the upvotes

I liked BotW and I never have been into the series because its controls and general gameplay has always been unappealing until now. Windwaker was the exception but it felt like the tutorial was the whole game and I got bored 3 hours in.

>Red cheek and nose
Alcoholic loser detected

He said his editor made him go.

The only thing wrong with Undertale is the autistic faggot fanbase. Just like how Splatoon is a great game but its fanbase is infested with autism and literal faggots.

They probably have him a fat stack of cash.
Pretty sure The Escapist would post his bail on a murder charge. He's THE ONLY THING that keeps them alive.

I don't understand your post, OP.

>ironic shitposting
>eceleb shit
>AUSTRALIAN eceleb shit
Please go

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Which one's Yahtzee? I suppose that thug throwing up a gang sign. Why am I not surprised.

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That's nowhere near as bad as making Bioshock Infinite his GOTY.

for 2015, you know the year with fucking nothing else

If anything, that makes him more qualified.

What about his Bioshock Infinite GOTY?

The one that isn't Japanese.

It's the bearded bloke you twat

dumb frogposter

You're gonna have to be a little more specific than that.

It was nice having something official saying that everyone past the first few rows at a given conference wasn't cheering.

Well 2013 was a shitty year for gaming. What else could have been GOTY? Wonderful 101? MH3U? I don't think he likes the monhun games which is one thing wrong with his taste.

>John Ramero making a gangster era empire-building/XCOM strategy/character-building choice-focused RPG
>didn't even know about it until Yahtzee's interview
Damn thank god I caught that, and I hardly even watch him any more

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I haven't actually read any of his e3 shit. When did he say that?

Honestly, I like playing a game I've been meaning to catch up on, and then looking up his review and what he thought about it. And let me tell you, this dude is thorough. I can't recall a game I played, looked up, and there wasn't a 5 minute review. Seems like he hits every major game release. I don't take it seriously, it's just a bit of fun. I mean, it's a 5 minute review, afterall.

He fell for fakeout in KI:U.

Thanks lads

>muh angry game reviewer
>takes a shit on every single video game
>"good taste" is boring indie shit and his own projects
Please hang yourself

Who are you quoting?

He still does the exact same thing. At least I'd give him that. Guys from his time like CGR who already don't exist and reviewtechUSA is a click bait professional now. Yatzee is one of the few good video game reviewers these days.

and it's terrible artwork, lame writing, and bad sound effects

Didn't CGR move to Amazon?

Reddit of game critics. Takes an "edgy" and "contrarian" stance against the games industry that is always parroting the exact fucking opinions that are pullulating the internet at the time of the review.
And of course
>orange man bad
in every video
I'm not political and I don't want to hear about any more politics. I'm here for some fucking video games.

They're having him triple time now. He's doing his weekly thing, he has a new biweekly segment about making a game every month, they sent him to E3 while he's expected to do the other 2, then they made a documentary of him at e3 while he's doing the 3 things. How coked up does he have to be to put up with that shit.

bad bait

first time you've been on Yea Forums?

He's cynical and orange man is bad but there's no better alternative. Don't pretend like he is some great president.

I thought Bioshock infinite goty was his greatest sin to Yea Forums?

>orange man bad
this is literally the opinion of the entire world

How come he hasn't started his own channel yet? Why stay with the Escapist?

I'm not, I just told you I'm tired of hearing about it. And from a fucking Australian. Stay out of it, Christ.
Reddit comes here to defend their messiah

Yahtzee is British

What are you talking about? If everyone in the world hated him, he wouldn't be president.

Except for the countries that matter, like Russia, Japan, etc
Western pretentious neoliberal countries full of faggot white people hate him yes

no one outside the u.s. matters

>look Bioshock Infinite is my game of the year :)
Guy is shit as a game critic but I like his chzo mythos adventure games

Lets be real here, he won because his opponent was negligent. He perfectly played the electoral college and Clinton did nothing to counter.

His Dev Dairy series is actually worth watching.
This from a guy who thought he was a tosser for years.

just a few more votes in germany and she would have won

Oh, that's what they were implying. How dumb can you be lmao

Shitty memes aside, this is correct. It's also off-topic so let's agree and leave it at that.

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Of course he'd play orange man bad cards, he lives in commiefornia. I don't really mind though since it's just in and out off tot he next zinger.

>Too dumb to figure out Monster Hunter
>Too dumb to figure out Samus Returns
>Writes like a wannabe Terry Pratchett
>Dropped out of High School
>Married his stalker

DevDiary is a poor man's gamehut

You are not wrong.
Still a step up from
>Lmao multiplayer games are for terrible people.

What I hated about Yahtzee is that his opinion was original as the sequels he claims to dislike.

It got old pretty quick, at least the dev diary series have some content.

And so begins his journey towards mediocrity.

so that's how the story ends in the british version

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tell him to ditch the escapist so i don't have to sift through film robert

Stop bumping this e-celeb shit and let it slide off.

The only good thing about the escapist is Bob.

Those lips look so kissable...

t. Bob

No one fucking likes you blob. Be grateful this British fucboi keeps escapist going so you can sponge off his success.

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I just watched the last few zero punctuation vids and he didn't bring up politics. You people are schizos.

t.failed human

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>Game from major publisher has a light story
WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY THINKING?! WHERE'S THE STORY?! This is the kind of thing holding games back from being real art.
>Indie game has a light story
10/10 GOTY Branston Pickle XD!

Post one example of that happening.

Samus Returns vs. Cuphead.

ever since that annoying know it all faggot arrived I unsubed and stopped deactivating my adblock.
5 cents he won't get from me.

was meant for

You're why he can't be uploaded into a He-Man action figure, so he can have philosophical discussions with a Tickle Me Elmo doll on Venus, which he's earned by being a creepy fascist.

Well I just watched both reviews and not once does he say:
>WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY THINKING?! WHERE'S THE STORY?! This is the kind of thing holding games back from being real art.
>10/10 GOTY Branston Pickle XD!
Please keep your headcanon to yourself next time.

He won because he ran against fucking Hillary Clinton. The RNC could have fielded a monkey and they'd have won.

they pretty much did

Gotta give a guy credit for never changing his formula for 12 years and still going.

He's been running on fumes since 2011.

yahtzee is alright, his 2013/15 GOTY picks were horrendous (undertale over bloodborne) but i think hes funny as hell, and i enjoy watching him rip apart games in his reviews.

He's too superficial of a critic to rip anything apart.


he thinks sarcastically insulting it is dissection

I don't get why he doesn't have Gabe stay up and skype in occasionally if he's just going to skype with escapist losers anyways.