World of Warcraft - Patch 8.2+

Where were you when you found out factions are being merged next expansion?

Looks like leakfag was telling the truth.

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Other urls found in this thread:

mating press

Is she cumming? Why is her dick so small?
What is the point? Forums(lol)

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I am so fucking glad I haven't given blizzard money for like 5 years

You missed out in Legion. Greatest point WoW has been at since WotLK. Now 9.0 is going to beat even Legion with the faction merge, level squish and prestige classes.

>STILL no horsecock gf

Attached: ryan-gosling-blade-runner.jpg (10000x8857, 3.06M)

>factions are being merged next expansion?
Scuse me what?

Too much faction imbalance. BFA is the last salute to the faction conflict (outside of semi-non canon warmode pvp and BGs).

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

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RP will be interesting at least

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I really like how Thrall says “Garrosh.” I don’t know why.

give me the tldr
why should I believe this

Do you own research, nigger. You have all the resources you need to make your own decision.

>Tfw you commissioned art of your futa character getting fucked by a big dicked Draenei

cursed image

Draenei are ugly.

Attached: Shirley3.png (750x938, 461K)

But they have fat horse cocks. Though I also have art of Goblins fucking her too, and orcs.

Then link them faggot

gross pic OP
Dicks does not belong with boobs. You are below human. Stop getting drunk in your fetishes, you degenerate.

Which ones specifically?

I'll Red Bull (You). Someone leaked details to people, who then spread those leaks across multiple WoW websites.

Gobbos and orcs

I'm a lesbian so fuck you

Can you post it?
All of them.

Sounds good to me

No more considering half the races off limits for a guild alt, everyone's recruitment pool widens and raid groups get a lot more diverse in a good way

Alright Again, keep in mind this features a lot of futa, so if you don't like that you probably shouldn't even bother. Also it is Western art, and some of the images are a bit old now. Enough excuses though: Hope you anons like it

Western art is the only art.
Good arts

Attached: Paladin.jpg (780x1023, 133K)

Thanks user, I have a lot more too, but I'll refrain from posting them on here because of the contents. If you want to see more, feel free to add me on discord. Francisca Valero#8977

I'd so toss my human warlock RP toon into a Horde guild. RPing with other Alliance people is boring.

I'd do the same with my human rogue if she didn't want to kill half of the Horde at this point.

>because of the contents
Why am I suddenly afraid? What is it?

Nothing, its just some more hardcore stuff and I don't want to piss the jannies off even more. I am pretty heavily against vore, gore, or anything like that

if you like dicks you aren't a lesbian but it's ok you can lick my sweaty balls bb


Attached: noname55.webm (682x574, 2.18M)

Since the next expansion is like 90% likely to merge factions, post 'em for your RP main

Attached: raceblank.png (635x599, 19K)

Just post a link and delete it within 5 minutes if you have to. Jannies don't care about links with warnings. If they're fine with dick licks like you posted they're fine with more hardcore stuff so long as it isn't illegal. I post links all the time.

kill yourself

Attached: race1.png (635x599, 21K)

I just refrain from it because some of it contains visible horsecocks, and besides I already posted my discord. You can just ask for a link and then remove me if you like.

I'm sorry user didn't spoonfeed everything to you at your demand

>post leaks
>why should i believe them?
Cool so they're fake, got it.

You were given 15 links/citations. No one is going to do your homework for you, newfag.

Project harder

If you knew dick about 8.2, even just through osmosis, you'd know that the leak was proven right. Its right there. You can fucking READ it. You even have videos of e-celebs reading it for you zoomie.

>NoName55 is pretty much the only competent SFM animator out there
Feels bad man. He keeps pushing his OC warlock.

Don't even try with him he's clearly retarded

That is really good shit, user.

I need to get into shilling for WoW porn.

In what way?


>all this worgen x Jaina porn and he doesn't even use Greymane for it.

This is a crime


I'm a porn artist, it could be nice to start doing WoW commissions.

I actually quite like your art user, and I might be interested in commissioning you to draw my futa OC, the one posted earlier in the thread

They're cute, should DM me the details of what you want on pixiv.

Oh nice, saw one of your pics last night and quite liked, so cool.


Sure, I sent you a DM, I am pretty sure. Not used to using pixiv for anything more than browsing.

>Thrall and Jaina act like it was the horde and the alliance alone that defended Hyjal
Why are WoW night elves such a shadow of their former selves? I understand the bit about them falling out of favor with nature at least, thus the dark trolls and furbolgs etc leaving them

split factions should have ended in wotlk
how many fucking times can alliance and niggers fight each other to death then suddenly stop to team up and be best friends to save the world only to start fighting to the death again? shits been old for 10+ years already.

kill yourself

Why should he?

Lets do it at the same time

Zoomer with shitty opinions. Wotlk was the beginning of the end and legion sucked

Lewd I like it

good. forcing players to be unable to play with their friends because of faction was retarded
also: shoehorning muh exactly two sides to everything into the story and level design was hurting both


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Need more foot worship SFM stuff.
Footjobs are nice but I need more feet.

Will you draw male pandaren?

I don't like furry stuff, but I might draw a thicc girl pandaren if cute.

>janny deletes my SFW foot webm but not the other one of Jaina

Keep up the good work buddy doing it for free.

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Sounds like a wishlist of crap from various sites including Yea Forums and reddit. Why should anyone believe any of it?

Because 8.2 confirmed it.


What, was this originally posted before anything about 8.2 went on PTR?

I wanna fuck a night elf

I wanna fuck a pandaren (male)

>Greatest point WoW has been at since WotLK.
You mean pre-Siege MoP?

Yeah. The story spoilers were confirmed and the stuff datamined goes with it.

I want a night elf to fuck me

>All that crap under Blizzard the Company
Why would you work on a game that you yourself wouldn't want to play?

why sylvanas want to burn thunderbluff?

Because the cows are harboring known traitors.

Is it true that there's a cutscene showing Jaina getting GREENED?

Money and 'benefits' that tie your right to healthcare to a private entity, it owns you now.

Is Azeroth as a titan hot or not tho?

>Playable Sethrak would've been the only reason I would come back to this dumpster fire of a """"game""""
>Confirmed not to be playable
Thank fuck I don't have to waste my time and money on blizz garbage now that I don't have any reason to do so.

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>split factions should have ended in wotlk
Yeah it should had ended at the then height of their tensions

TBC was the beginning of the end.

What was this link? I missed it.

Attached: TBC.png (2485x1384, 3.91M)

>"tbc didn't have world pvp"
This is how you tell when someone is a zoomer who never played tbc.

Draenei are the only good alliance race because of all the porn. besides dwarfs being cool as fuck.

The faction merge has been talked about for years

There was leaks saying the expansion after Legion would have it

Gimme a link bro.

No it wasn't
there is 50 reasons that leak was 100% fake, but most notably he spelt some words in british english, when Blizzard is in california

Oops, meant to reply to OP

>flying didn't hinder world pvp at level cap
>projecting this hard
Draenei are fugly though.
Which words were in British English?

Thats the dumbest fucking reason i've heard in my life.

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I can't wait for Sylvanas to be humiliated by a cis white male

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>until vol'jin all warchiefs had been orcs
What a stupid fucking statement. Until Vol'jin, there had been all of two fucking warchiefs

I'm banned from /vg/ for mocking the 'MALE HUMIES' poster on /wowg/ for a few more days so until then enjoy the real WoW leak

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Every farming spot and daily quest zone had regular world pvp, again you would know this if you had actually played.

>Thrall invented the Horde

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Thrall literally founded the current Horde, yes

>Every farming spot and daily quest zone
Oh yeah so the no life faggots got to see PvP that's nice for them
Clearly never played Classic

What the fuck are you talking about? What does "no life faggots" have to do with anything?
I'm talking about tbc you fucking zoomer.

>I'm caught!
>z-zoom! zoom! z-zoomie! z-z-zoom!!!

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The new cinematic looks awful.

>confused classic for tbc
Sure sounds like a zoomer to me.

Sounds somewhat believable

Thank god blizzard used this amazing patch to finally put the bullet in ff14s head. Just look at this absolute garbage of a story

Compared to this fucking masterpiece that is literally art.

Blizzard can't create anything except solid gold that will satisfy millions.

I can't even stomach looking at that anime crap.

Because Nelves are now Alliance.
It's also ridiculous because the Alliance of wc3 had nothing to do with the Alliance of WoW and was destroyed in the nuking of Theramore thanks to Jaina.

It's the same fucking Horde culture of the wc1/wc2 Horde, except that they tossed the demon part away. They even named their capital ORGRIMMAR.

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>WoW doing so badly that players need to escape into feel-good leaks to be able to stomach the game

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There's many hordes. The old horde isn't the same as the true horde which isn't the same as the fel horde which isn't the same as the iron horde which is sorta the same as the fel iron horde. And none of those are the playable horde

>haha your so dum
>but that Yea Forums leak is so real, diablo 4 is totally an fps!

Attached: Vice.png (559x399, 140K)

Different leaks dumbass. The real leak only talks about WoW. The fake leak stole content from the real leak and claimed to know EVERYTHING about EVERY Blizzard product in production which is fucking retarded.

TLDR: Guy makes retarded, absurd claims, but everyone thinks they're true because he allegedly accurately leaked 8.2. No evidence has been presented supporting this, however.

If someone on WoW has LGBT+ on their profile doesn't that just mean they're a tranny since why would a homo say they're a part of that group

Assumi is hot asf
How is that a problem?

Heels are the worst

gayest post on the entire board right now

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Imagine actually enjoying artifact power and legendary grinding, what a loser

Most of his shit is animal porn

the only real leak is the level 70 shadowlands one, all else are obviously fake

What leak is that?

>pvp with no factions
I still like pvp systems from lineage 2 and korean mmos much more than factions garbage in wow. Everyone can attack everyone, but if you kill someone who is not defending you are flagged as PK and lose items if you die while flagged and everyone can attack flagged chatacter with no repercussions. For me factions is literally worst thing in wow.

what is this?

So what happened to the new factions idea with one side being the chosen of the old gods and the others who refused the gift on the other side?

That's going to be the case in 8.3 in Nya'lotha which will be the first 'testing ground'/prologue to the merged factions thing.

Fucking kill yourself discord tranny, holy yikes
