>3 games
>$180 [(plus tip) + tax]
>for the full game

Why the fuck would you pay >$60 for 1/3 of the game? And then have to wait half a decade to play the second part, and then another half decade after that for the 3rd and final installment of the game?

Why not just release the full game at once and charge you $60 for it?

Oh, here's all the progress and grinding you've done for and the 100% completion you've got for the 1st game. None of this matters now for the 2nd game!

Attached: goodbye_i'm_out.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Because they're treating them as separate games that are full experiences on their own, retard. The original game doesn't suddenly vanish. Just go play that. It's on literally every platform now including your phone.

She looks good in those tights, post more

Would you expect anything else from squini wini?

StarCraft 2 followed this.

Great sales for the first game then was mostly ignored.

look, first episode will only have midgar. thats like 1/5 of cd1. you being optimistic about it being complete at 3 episodes in this pace.

Why doesn't everyone just wait 3-6 months for the game to go on sale for 20 bucks on amazon?

Attached: 1546931598050.png (1736x1226, 1.13M)

>t. squenix shill

because Nomura is jewish and is splitting ff7 like how the hobbit was split into 3 movies, which just means 7R is going to be full of filler and bad original shit

It’s unironically not even a 1/10th of the game though

>introduce a final villain
>you don't beat him in the 1st game
>you don't even beat him in the 2nd game

Yeah, "full experience" of getting fucked in the ass.

you don't even actually meet him either when in midgar, cloud just see's hallucinations and you only hear the name


Great, $300 for a full game.

why did he kill himself?

Because he's paying half a thousand dollars to play a video game.

I wonder a couple of things with this dumb move they're pulling. The people who are hyped as fuck over it, how long is that going to last over the course of several 'games' of it being released and waiting for each installment? Will there be a heavy lull in attention and want for it in the middle then suddenly the end is there, rushed or just forgotten? Also, with it being broken up and a bad idea in the first place, are they just removing the whole open world and putting in segments of 'needed story' in place?

Overall, I'm not even close to interested in buying a clearly unfinished product. What I am interested in is to see how this all goes down in the end. I also kind of wonder if there's no real freedom in it now and just a Point A to Point B with a couple items sprinkled between just to initiate a fight/cutscene then repeat.

yeah FUCK nuDOOM for doing this

>how long is that going to last over the course of several 'games' of it being released and waiting for each installment

Game started development in 2015 and is coming out in 2020.

Considering only Midgar is in the 1st game, they still haven't done any of the other places. They could reuse character and enemy assets, but there's a lot they till haven't done. So maybe they can save 1 year of production time.

So maybe 4 years for the next 2 games. And this is if there game is a trilogy. Production began in earnest in 2015, final installment in 2028.

Square have been doing this with KH for more than one decade, did with 13 and 15. You can see how successful that formula is, right? Obviously god Nomura wont fail and 50 yo gamers will be happy in 2030 for waiting a Remake since the PS3 era

the entire second half of the game is revisiting locations so the last game will not take 4 years lol

How are they going to fit all that shit into the games? Are they hoping the PS5 can accommodate 1TB of space?

>they already confirmed they didnt even started or planned anything at all
>they confirmed it will take about as long as midgar did
>"they wont take 4 years lol"

Of course not[raughs]

I would laugh so fucking hard if it ends up being a "Insert Disc 1" thing for revisiting them and they just patch in the 'changes' for it.

I sure love buying 10 games to see the ending.

>no content will be cut

So each game would be about 20 hours worth of gameplay? I beat the entire game is ~60 hours as a kid.

>3+ separate games

enemy skill is going to be a nightmare to fill up.

>new enemies confirmed
>new materia confirmed
new enemy skills guaranteed

Attached: Cloud_sweat.png (1200x1183, 696K)

shut the fuck up nomura wear a more professional attire next time you show up in new york.

Who is even going to care about the 3rd game 20 years later? The people who grew up with the original would be 50 years old.