Expected redemption and edgy plot

>expected redemption and edgy plot
>end up playing sonic adventure 2's plotline

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Dare i say, rather based

This game is older than sonic

it's also better

sonic predates ff4

What an astute observation.

no it isn't

Old FF was never edgy. Also isn’t it weird Kain is the cover art?

Anyone know why?

Its easily the worst of the 2d era next to II

Cecil is the edgiest ff protag

>worse than 6

FF6 brings nothing to the table. Forgettable soundtrack, one-dimensional characters we rarely see, linear story, and a bland villain.

6 is the most overrated. It was pretty much a lot of people’s first jrpg and they still miss the SNES era, so it became the hipster choice to signal you did nkt start with VII.

V was the best 2D game

>V was the best 2D game
absolutely BASED

Nope, that's Squall.

I didn’t like it at first, because I sucked, but once I learned the proper non-wasteful way to progress through jobs it became a breeze.

In essence: do not try to maximize a job while playing the game’s plot. You never will. Stop when you get a good skill, switch to another job, equip whatever the best skill you have is.

You're gay

>worse than I, II, or III
Nigger what

no its cecil the dark knight

2nd era is 4-6

The 4th era (ps2) was pretty cursed

You said 2d in the original post

It's the most soulless. FF12 was a nice change of pace at least.

not him. also i misread, sorry

4 and 6 are terrible.

Underrated entry. Zodiac release really helped it. They definitely cared about the world of Ivalice when making it

It's okay, user. You seem like a nice guy.

is the remastered version worth playing

it's Vincent

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Squall doesn’t go out of his way to be a sociopath. He just doesn’t care. That’s not really a good example of being edgy

I think so. You’ll pretty much just leave it on 2x speed. A lot of fun side content that can be challenging, main story is pretty easy if you pick solid classes and combos

I heard some of the rng was broken like X-HD but it’s still a solid game

This is an interesting, but cringe, take.

>collect the chaos emeralds, go to space, become super saiyan, and kill evil reincarnated with the power of friendship

Who did it better?

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Between SA1 and SA2 for me