Hi there. I'm the best Yu-gi-oh video game ever made!
Hi there. I'm the best Yu-gi-oh video game ever made!
Other urls found in this thread:
not so fast, pal
>I play Jinzo xD
>fusion experiments: the game
it was really fun
But this one was waaaay better.
>no duelists of the roses
shit taste itt
didnt this one has the banlist?
*blocks your path*
>summon F.G.D
>snatch steal
i wish konami releases games with without stricted OCG rules, having to fuse random cards to get stronger ones or having effects that gives you a +1 card on the field that you didn't have on your deck was enjoyable, also duelist of the roses upgrade when?
All of you are wrong.
That was my favorite because several reasons
>generally played pretty fast and didnt look like eye cancer
>music was pretty good
>no restriction list let me use whatever cards I wanted
>didnt need to spend points to buy cards I punched the code in for
It did have some flaws like kaiba getting a fucking cyberstein>blue eyes ultimate>megamorph in turn 1 but you could usually stall long enough to draw a direct damage card change of heart or something like mirror force/dark hole
The one where you could walk around the city was neat but the restriction list and cards costing points was kinda aids, even if stairway to the destined duels random card packs after a duel wasnt necessarily perfect
Victory is mine.
there was also that time when you used magical hats but the ai already knew where you hid the monster or when the ai knew your set monster had higher defense so it skipped the battle phase otherwise it would immediately attack. ygo worldwide edition also had fun rules like deck not having monsters above 1500 or just use normal monster, etc. etc.
Yeah there was definately times when you could tell the AI was cheating because it would play "dumb" to avoid a trap hole or man eater bug or something
It couldnt deal with penguin soldier to save its life though
the only thing needed was increase the difficulty
My favorite one. Only flaw was it took place in the GX universe and not the OG universe.
This remix is an absolute banger that implies Ishizu is not fucking around.
I sunk way too many hours into this game
>mfw I got DM, DMG and MoBC and could the DMG combo attack with both if them.
This is the good shit. Man, what was it about early Yu-Gi-Oh! Everything just hits
>beginners strongest card
Reminder the Blue Eyes that came with this game goes for hundreds of dollars now.
>wanting to play with the same characters in the same universe over and over
what the fuck, when i bought the game it came with seiyaryu, acid trap hole and salamandra
I just really really like the Yugioh gang. Joey, Tea, Ishizu, Weevil, Odion, Marik, Kaiba, Yugi(s), Tristan, Mako, the list goes on.
If only duel links wasnt gacha garbage
It really isn't. I played it again recently and relearned that the AI is braindead and easily exploitable. And 3 Man-Eater Bugs, mirror force, 3 torrential tribute, ragieki, dark hole, etc. etc. in every deck gets boring very quickly.
The only other Yugioh video game experience I have is with the 2011 game for the DS, and it's way better despite the shitty racing minigame it forces on you at times.
It's the Egyptian elements mixed in with the modern themes, it gave it a very unique atmosphere that the franchise never really recovered once it went beyond Atem and what-not.
Duel Links has some cool themes. youtu.be
ZEXAL world and black cards SOON
inputting card codes really cheapened things tho. but it was difficult to go up against kaiba or yugi without the 1900 beaters
If only. Still, I can enjoy shit like this due to it
You know what, user? I think you're right.
It's sad that the songs from the gba games aren't even ripped and most likely would never see the light of the day.
Why are Yugioh OSTS always so on point?
I think there were six cards in total but Blue Eyes, Dark Magician and Exodia were in the first run.
I'm lucky to have the Exodia from that set but I'd kill for its BEWD.
I didnt have the internet so I was restricted to me and my friends IRL codes
Helped to get some of the rarer stuff that was kind of dumb and niche but fun like total defense shogun or one my favorites, beast of gilfer
>he doesn't like chilling out with the crew at the schoolyard.
I don't even know bro. God fucking bless.
Limited list. Nothing was banned at that point
>ZEXAL world and black cards SOON
Can't wait for the manlet.
Glad to be of help, user.
Seems like he's finding trouble and never looking too hard.
This game is amazing but no end game sadly. I vote Tagforce as my favorite.
i really wish we could go back to those concepts, now the series is too futuristic it became too boring
I loved the card game as a kid but I think yugioh would've ended up a better manga/anime if it had stuck with the "evil Egyptian Kaiji" angle with random games of death
i still unironically love this game and wish it had 3x the content in terms of challenge
what the fuck really? i remember getting this game because i wanted yugioh on the go and having huge buyers remorse when it had a bunch of retarded rules nothing like yugioh
Just like in the anime, 5ds has the best themes.
And it's the worst world in Duel Links
i'll still never understand the point of releasing monsters with those values
>that reverse layout design
wait a second. i don't remember 5D having a different design on the back of the cards from DM, what's that thing in the middle of the dark circle?
>what the fuck really?
No. It's just nostalgia. All the pre 2006 games were bad.
How would you reconcile it with canon? Atem's story is so integral to Egypt's history in that universe that doing anything else with Egypt would feel too derivative. On top of that, Egypt already had its big card pantheon on full display. If you bring in anything else, you'll have people asking "Well where the hell was this fancy new dragon when Zork was being a dick?"
Of course, I guess you could just go with another ancient civilization altogether. Might be cool to do Sumer.
It's a very early card released at a point in the game(in Japan) where 1400 attack was pretty damn respectable.
I only dislike links, because you're forced to play them if you want to do more than one SYNCHRO/YUUGO/XYZ SHOUKAN
Canon doesn't matter in a multiverse.
Would it be worth it to invest in a PSA 10 version of this card right now?
Found a capsule monster soundtrack
Wow these themes are amazing is this game fun?
Duel contains more traps than Yea Forums
Meaning to ask the user who helped with Tag Force 6 translation in case he's here now.
Is the english patch really delayed from August to December?
It's a non-grid based SRPG/turn based ROG hybrid.
You have multiple units that consists of yugioh characters who control ygo 3 monsters who have a regular attack and a special attack.
You deploy them on a 3d map with multiple foretresses.
If your foretress gets conquered you lose so you need to leave atleast one unit behind to defend it.
It'a pretty fun since you if you do shit like put DM and DMG in one team you can make them use a team attack or uf you have 3 BEWD on one unit you can use a polymerization in them to get an OP boss monster BEUD.
Yeah this is defentilfy the strangest Yugioh game I've ever seen. I want to play this one day thanks.
That's pretty cool that a team is translating this entire game
Reponse may be a little late but yes, it is worth it if you have the cash and time. The foiling on it is a special kind, sometimes refered to as prismatic secret rare. Regular secret rare goes diagonally, while prismatic is more of a cross hatch shape. Generally, prismatic secret rares are saved for special occaions, and used only in certain sets tcg-wise like world superstars, which was an ocg import set. Due to not only the fact that blue eyes is an iconic card, and a fan favourite deck that has won the prestigious world championship back in 2016 high rarity blue eyes, especially those with the old artwork, will always hold some value. Since the dds blue eyes was a limited run game promo, has prismatic secret rare foiling and is in short suppy, I'd say buy 1 if you have lots of excess capitol and are willing to hold onto it.
world championship 2006 will forever be the best GBA yugioh, the AI is surprisingly competent for an oldschool yugioh game
Have we seen anything from the upcoming Switch game?
it's been out for japanese for a while, including with english support
konami are just being stupid as always and not releasing elsewhere it for a while because reasons
it's also got the same problems as the original legacy of the duelist and is a slog to play
Havent played a yugioh game since GBA. Whats wrong with Legacy of the Duelist?
it's slow as shit and getting cards is more grindy than usual for a yugioh game
stick to tag force, world championship or ygopro
>Garbage tier user interface
>godawful grinding
>DLC out the ass
Enough pretending guys, we all know what the real best YGO game is.
You mean that game that's kinda like duel monsters?
True, played my copy until the battery in it died. Playing it again on a flash cart but am just too lazy to get all the cards again.
2004 was slow as fuck.
I havent been keeping up with the new nintendo consoles. Is there a new version of yugioh game similar to world championship in ds? I remember playing the shit out of that and getting high on the online score boards was cool.
Aw man, this game was my childhood.
This was the best Yu-Gi-Oh! game I've ever played, though.
I still have soft spots for the games that let you befriend the cast and use their decks, though, like Nightmare Troubadour and Spirit Caller. Nightmare Troubadour had a really shit translation, though. Also, Tristan didn't exist in it for some reason.
Nightmare Troubadour was nice, but it had some problems.
>game expects you to register every duelist, but they unfriend you after a while if you don't duel them
>it takes forever to friend some duelists, like Kaiba who needs 30+ wins
>traveling at night is a bitch after a while because of the Shadow Games
>specific rule requirements to win a duel (Draw with Possessed Joey to not kill him, don't defeat Marik until he summons Ra and then defeat Ra with your own God Card)
100% true, game is a fun time waster for when you're taking a shit back in the day. I loved how fast it was and when I tried to play any of the other GBA yugioh games they were PAINFULLY slow in comparison. Although that might've just been Eternal Duelist Soul since 2004 seemed to be the same speed.
It's also a shame modern yugioh has too many card rules and such where every action requires a popup to ask you if you want to do something, at least this game didn't do it that much and it was easy to drop it down. Playing through LotD can be really slow sometimes even if the gameplay is fast.
I remember getting Sacred Cards back in 2003 or so for my birthday and really hating how it wasn't WE. Like the fucking rules didn't make any sense and they changes a lot of cards to fit the anime (e.g. Mystical Elf became an effect card that would remove 700 atk from Blue Eyes, random normal monsters became effects for no reason), the game had type advantages/disadvantages where a Light monster with 700atk could destroy a Dark monster with 1000 atk because Light > Dark. Field spells could only go in the magic/trap zone (since there wasn't a field spell zone).
Plus there was a weird "deck limit" where you would have a limit of 400 points or something and every card you'd put into your deck would increase the value of your deck and once it went over you couldn't put more cards in your deck and it really confused me as a kid.
I mean, I finished the game and everything back in the day. The music was nice and it was cool to have a game that was close to the anime, even letting you be part of the main yugioh cast and all, it was unique and fun to some degree but its far from the best yugioh game.
>It's also a shame modern yugioh has too many card rules and such where every action requires a popup to ask you if you want to do something
You're giving me Reshef of Destruction PTSD.
>specific rule requirements to win a duel (Draw with Possessed Joey to not kill him, don't defeat Marik until he summons Ra and then defeat Ra with your own God Card)
That sounds awful
It's pretty shit, yeah. Something like that happened in Spirit Caller, too, where you can't beat Kagemaru until he summons his discount God Cards.
Hey, that's my YouTube channel.
>That Jwitts guy really wanted Dark Magician Girl
>Have the guide
>She costs equal to Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
>No sell price
Waifufaggotry even before the term existed
What the fuck even games are these? Do you niggas play this trash? In half of these early games they dont even follow the actual rules of the fucking card game they're just licensed trash trying to get a quick buck
trash but nostalgia
who the fuck cares
fucking BASED
contrarian shit by people who don't even like yu-gi-oh
t. incel
this is the best yugioh game. all other answers are wrong
I really enjoyed this. I liked that they let you play against a ton of one-off characters from the manga. I sunk so many hours into DDM as a lad.
Duelists of the Roses though
>obscure shit only released in japan is based but somehow duelist of the roses is contrarian
Wasn't it SttDD that came with those?
>because a game isn't well known that inherently makes it contrarian to prefer even if it's a great game that just happens to be unknown because faggot Konami didn't localize it