>Be Sonic Speedrunner
>Go to GDQ
>get jumped
>hotel kicks your ass out for getting jumped
>GQD bans your ass
>can't speedrun Sonic no mo
It's not fair bros...
Be Sonic Speedrunner
Other urls found in this thread:
There are pieces of this story that are missing.
Mostly the pieces between
>Get punched
>Get thrown out
Was he assaulted by a tranny or something?
No user, clearly the hotel staff kicked him out for being punched, just like how schools suspend you for fighting back if someone attacks you.
It's hilarious how the retards following him immediately say it's not his fault even though he's clearly not telling the full story
I highly doubt some guy was just stalking him and waiting to punch him for no reason, hes hiding something
>get sucker punched 8 times
You get punched once, alright.
Twice maybe, you're dizzy, trying to have a grasp on what happened.
EIGHT fucking times?
This nigga's intentionally misleading people as to what happened.
GDQ kicked him out for being attacked? surely he forgot to check his privilege
>sucker punched
>8 fucking times
>apparently still standing
lol which of you anemic fat weaklings did this?
Here's his twitter, tweet is real. Also >twitter.com
Something is up here.
>lol which of you anemic fat weaklings did this?
funny you say that
He was hit by a rush of blows like in Anime
>guy says thing
>it's automatically true
>this is the guy who did it
>posts a picture of two guys
>Took a picture with the dude who attacked him prior to the attack
Hmmmm, yeah of course, this totally isn't staged or anything, no way.
>Thinks people just punch you once and walk off/start talking shit
You watch too many movies.
Please learn to read. Hotel kicked him out. Not GDQ
well aren't you such a baby that needs to be spoonfed on everything?
5 seconds it takes to look who is dr fatbody and who isn't
he lying I can smollett.
You've never been in a single fight in your life, have you?
>says absolutely nothing about the reasoning hotel staff gave as if it was just a couple of service golems pushing him out wordlessly
not buying it
I dun see pls help
always remember 2 sides to every story.
the top 6 results are videos you fucking idiot
look at these fucking spics, these people have no fucking business being at an event like this, these aren't gamers, these aren't "nerds", they're at GDQ thinking they can be the cool popular guys, and apparently one of them is there to sell drugs, these 2 wetbacks belong on a street corner in Miami
I have been in 3 situations i can remember where a drunk dickhead started a fight with me or s omeone I was with. I promise you, there are lonely, angry drunk men out there that go to bars and pick fights. I knew a kid who had his jaw wired shut for like 4 months because he got sucker punched standing outside a bar with a girl. It happens everyday. It is very much within the realm of possibility. I haven't gone to a bar in a very long time.Drama lives at the bar.
You're late for the Klan hoedown, Bubba.
Maybe 8 the dude did it like 8 separate times. He kept like, sneaking back into the crowd.
>t. Dr fatass
no one is going to watch your videos
>sonic speedrunner
should have been killed tbqh
But why would dude he took a picture with suddenly punch him?
>punches him
>disappears for ten minutes
>comes back punches him once more
>disappears for another ten minutes
is this the spic that speedran sonic last year and was niggertalking and thanking his grandma all the time?
That actually happens in schools all the time though
He was jumped by Kenshiro.
Probably ate a Senzu Bean afterward
Yeah, I'm surprised too, usually that truck only works if you're a girl.
>Tries to buy drugs from stranger
>Gets jumped instead
take your meds
3 sides, you mean.
Yours, mine, and the truth.
It's more like, have a personal beef and then go public with it to try and get people on your side. The dude might have gotten kicked out for a legitimate reason but he wouldn't mention it if that's the case.
Yes that is what happens at schools you fucking retard
This is one possibility. Or owed him money. Or promised him he'd need something for sure later that night and then flaked and dude gets mad about that.
It's his Stand
How did he know this guy was stalking them, and looking like he might start some trouble? Sounds fishy.
so is a spic who tried to buy drugs from this dealer or maybe owed him money and the dealer jumped at him when he realize he had money to spend it on booze or waited for the right chance to attack him for not having his money.
those are my speculations
Was it because of drugs? I'm guessing drugs.
isn't this the guy who's always causing drama at gdqs? the one who wore a maga hat one year or something.
>be Sonic speedrunner
>couldn't just run away
What did he mean by this?
Im trying to imagine someone getting sucker punched 8 times, how does that even happen. Is it still a sucker punch after the first?
Fatbody was the most entertaining runner they had left. His Sonic run a few years ago was the best one in ages. Fuck them.
he was haunted by the punch goblin
Yes that is how schools handle bullying. The world is not a good place.
Word for word how happens in school. Bullies also attack when the teachers aren't watching so when the nerd fuck gets angry and fights back in tears it looks like he attacked unprovoked.
Dawg how stupid is you and also these people talkin' like it's impossible to punch someone more than twice in a row. I don't even care if you've never been in a fight, just watch any random video or gif or webm or whatever of an assault. It's always a rush of blows. If you go down to cover your head you may get stomped on as well. People don't have epic stories or revenge boners where they stop when you're only slightly winded to talk shit for ten minutes. You get smacked and you weren't in fight mode so you don't react fast, get smacked again, now you're dizzy, now you're getting just fucking beat down. If your dumb ass ever starts a fight, maybe 'cause you're nutting up to white knight for some chick, please please PLEASE, if you get the first hit, DON'T STOP HITTING THEM. They WILL punch you back if they don't go down and they WILL NOT stop punching you if they get the chance.
Damn nigga, i bet you think there's no possibility of any damage when falling from a two story drop as well. Also this fat speedrunning bastard probs set it up for online fame or something, idk, i have no sympathy for speed runners. Not cause trans, or even autism, just cause it's fucking stupid and draws way too much normie attention to the least interesting part of gaming as a hobby.
He kept trying to use attacks when he should have used Defense Curl or something instead.
He was being sarcastic you retards
so his faggot friends didn't help him lmao
The only retard is the person who thinks using sarcasm online in 2019 is a good idea.
to be fair, I suspect they got unironically triggered by that post
Yes, and we're correcting his sarcasm because stuff like that does actually happen.
An event with that many people, all in their teens and early 20's, I'm surprised there's not more stories of fights breaking out. The world is full of angry young men, it always will be.
is2.Yea Forums.org/wsg/1561105221762.webm
I think this picture sums it up nicely.
i cam smell the beta stink comin off you boy
These made me chuckle.
Yeah but speedrunners don't have the test, pardon my /fit/ or /pol/ memes or what the fuck ever. I usually don't like spouting off about test or soiy but i think it actually applies here. Very non confrontational hobby. Very much about control and repetition in a defined and contained zone. I mean gaming isn't the gnarliest hobby ever as is, but speed running is extra weaksauce.
>Go to GDQ
There's your problem, unless you want a hot, and by hot I mean fugly, piece of tranny ass there is 0 reason to go to that shill event.
based on the little info I gleaned from this thread, the aggressor doesn't seem like a speedrunner, just some dude who showed up and got drugs with him too. You know what type of dude that is.
>young men
But you see, it's full of young trannies instead of young men.
>Duck Duck Go
what the fuck
t. assblasted spic
But the picture posted of the 2 guys aren't trannies. I mean, I get what you're saying and all, but in all seriousness, this fight didn't involve 2 dudes wearing dresses.
>just like how schools suspend you for fighting back if someone attacks you.
But that's exactly how that works you fucking retard
meanwhile drunken boxing is a thing that has been going on for quite some time
Not him, but Google is shit now.
>Constantly have to put all your searches in quotations, because google tries to "correct" your every word.
>Advertisers dominate the top of all search results.
>Image search was severely gimped years ago, and never recovered.
>Keeps your search history for advisers.
This post is the [Glass Him] of Yea Forums
「D E S P A C I T O」
Yeah, the assaulter seems like a drug dealer who realized a buncha kids would be far from home and too crowded for cops to care. Also, he may or may not have figured people would be too autistic to rat him out if they weren't down. Don't wanna speculate too much on how savvy this dealer was. Either way, I'm fairly confident that he wasn't a runner. At most, a fan or something. Drug dealers can be hella chill or they can be absolute fucking psychos or anywhere in between. Not surprising that he went ham on a man. What's most surprising is this report. I guess fatbody is hoping people won't ask too many questions and just jump to his side, or maybe he wasn't thinking ahead and legit wants pity points from the internet to help his bruised ego or whatever. Pretty sure he bought some mad drugs from this guy, or something. Fuck, maybe dealer-san was a a mega fan and asked to suck that D, but fatman was like "i'm not that kinda guy" so he busted him up.
That's pretty fucked up if the advisers don't even offer any advice in return for the search history
Why has nobody shit this fucking place up already and ended it for good? I mean, I'll do it. I just need to get the gun and ammo, and it's not convenient.
Communication was never google's strong suit.
Yep mass shootings solve everything
One mass shooting in a mosque in NZ and the country has now permanently closed all mosques and begun forcibly emigrating its Muslim population as well as begun dispensing free automatic rifles to all white citizens
I did not say it would fix everything, but if done enough damage, it would close down the convention. The only problems are: I don't own an M1921, and second, I would have to hitchhike 1,300 miles.
bruh if somebody "sucker punches" you 8 times in a row and you're still standing at the end of it that wasn't someone punching you hard or well enough that you have any excuse to let them punch you that many times without it at least resulting in something like both of you in a pile of limbs on the floor trying to confused grapple each other
Yep, that mosque that all those people died in sure was permanently closed down
They also shut down Columbine high school
And the Jacksonville Landing
They'd never hold a GDQ ever again, you're definitely right and not a dumbfuck nigger nosiree
This sounds about right. It was a stalky gay drug dealer
>be speedrunner
>get taught your place
Nothing to see here. Speedrunners are barely even people
Not even spics like eachother. You’re the trash of the trash world
I punched you because you looked like a faggot, and the hotel kicked you out because of the tard rage fit you threw immediately after. Get fucked kid.
Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda
You won’t do shit, that’s why you hide behind a VPN
>me gusta
okay but who is this guy and why should I care
and where are the video games
>watered down le 56% mutt gangster signs
the state of america
holy shit man, how do you go through life? AFAIK there are like zero details. could you really not construct a reasonable scene? I'm not saying i even believe fatbody i'm just saying what he said isn't far fetched. check it:
>get sucked punched once
>too stunned
>get fucked up 7 more times
>pass out
>friends/onlookers help you come to
>you report to staff
>staff doesn't wanna deal with spergy retards, so they kick you out
>cry online
>be so retarded that you write out "got sucker punched 8 times" even tho that's improper grammar.
Like do people have to type it out perfectly for you to parse the scene? Did i miss the part where he said "this happened 37 seconds ago" or "and then i walked away after the eight punch landed"?
can you image unironically being the fucking loser who defends this?
literal 5'7'' spic wannabe gangsters galvanizing a westernized county into a 3rd world hellhole
Why do you intentionally imitate your speech impediment in the way that you type?
why didn't he fight back?
Fucking underrated
Bretty sure.
Fuck off Pablo, our meetings are online now. And the name's Cletus. Bubba is this guy.
Should I learn box if i'm a manlet?
lmao what the fuck are guys like this doing at gdq
I'm not, i'm putting affectation on it cause it's more fun. That shit is not how i talk in real life. Why do you post like a robot? It's 4channel! Say faggot for funsies. Big brother is already watching you so who the fuck cares?
>dumb whitenigger talking tough shit on the internet can’t even drive his own car
You’re an embarrassment, turn off your computer, have sex with your sister, and go to bed.
>I was assaulted for no reason and got kicked out for no reason
Cool story faggo
>actual gangbangers in GDQ
Next year they gonna invite crips or MS13 ?
How do people attain 18 years of age without being in a fight
I'm a huge fucking nerd and I've been in fights
It’s possible to say faggot without acting, typing, and being one.
This. Pic related is his attacker
I bet you can’t even sucker punch someone 3 times in a row. My record’s 9, it gets really hard to maintain the element of surprise around the fifth punch, because that’s when they start to feel like something’s wrong and begin searching for the presence of an aggressor.
my sides user
my sides
Am I really supposed to believe this faggot actually counted the amount of times he got hit in the face, while getting hit in the face? lul, this faggot is lying about everything.
Holy shit nigger are you literally triggered by the way someone types? If the wall of text is too long skip it. Go blow a mossberg.
idk dude do you keep track of how many hits you land like you're counting frames or do you just keep them coming?
I can easily see hitting someone a number of times before they get ahold of themselves enough to respond
>if you have healthcare
god fuck me for derailing this but this never gets old
Yes, ju jitsu if you're really serious
Convince me to watch one piece
>gets scary skin thing
>rushes to america because 8month waiting time means dying
Never gets old
i'd rather have a room filled with these cabrones than with a bunch of cucked white males and stinky trannies
get fucked
he was counting the hits cause he told the guy he would let him get 10 punches in before he took him out.
I don't own a car, faggot. Not everyone in the world owns a fucking car.
man, american schools are retarded
What about the mange then? Is that good?
You wouldn't find it funny if you were on the receiving end of that, and couldn't see a doctor for years. Even in college I can only see a doctor for consultations, any operation or medicine costs money that I don't have.
Honestly I hate it when foreigners go, "LOL americans don't have free healthcare!", laugh at my misfortune some more because I don't have it bad enough as is
theres 800+ episodes
sorry for implying that I found it funny with the never getting old line, I feel more surprised
The anime is meh, read the colored manga, some story arcs are better than others. Characters are pretty straightforward, Luffy is the only guy who knows what's up. Currently taking a break, just finished Thriller bark.
I started watching it this year for the first time and it's still good.
some of the best world building in media and it's still just as good at episode 800 as it was at episode 100. unironically has soul too
The user you responded to has never left his Mom’s basement, how would he know that?
unlucky bro
stay strong
>never been tough enough to attract attention
>never been weak looking enough to get picked on
>never did anyone wrong
I can't imagine how anyone who instigate a fight with me, especially post-highschool and post-college.
I'd have to literally be targetted in the street.
everything after thriller bark is A+ kino
No, either read the manga or don’t bother.
The anime is for people with low quality standards and too much time to kill.
Fatbody has the best fucking Sonic Speedrun of the entire GDQ you idiot, go back to /thedonald/ oh wait you can't lol
So some guy bit down on the nigger dick he was supposed to suck after snorting drugs off of it, and then he got beat up and kicked out? Is this supposed to make us feel bad for him?
Fuck off, fucking beaner.
It's fine, just a reminder of how powerless people are sometimes that hurts
Why was he kicked out of GDQ?
Yes, cars are marks of financial stability, responsibility, and social status. Anyone who actually leads a real life should have a car.
I’m not at all surprised that someone like you doesn’t have a car.
what the fuck
He's not saying it's unrealistic that someone gets beaten without being able to even retaliate, we all have seen niggers videos and niggers IRL.
He's nitpicking that after the first one or two "sucker" punches, you are no longer being suckered.
I dumped all my points into speech
Surprisingly effective
>things that never happened
At least you can feel better about the state of your shithole.
>stream gets hijacked by MS13
>get executed if you choke
>"shoutouts to the tech crew"
>ju jitsu
Thought you had to be tall. What about muay thai or kickbox?
You've never had a conflict with someone that needed immediate resolution and that got physical?
Good taste, fuck people shitting on the New World arcs because they only caught up to reading weekly during the New World and can’t handle the weekly drip-feed of story.
Because he was punched of course, why would you think there’s any more to the story!?
Weird. I guess I'm just a naturally aggressive person.
I got a 2 week suspension for spitting in someones face as he hit me in the stomach as his brother and cousin held me by the arms
Only the guy hitting me got suspended the other two got off for free
This was in like 2007
I live in a first-world country and deal with civilized people exclusively, sorry I can’t relate to your experience.
Don’t people leave you alone in your country if you pay the local druglord’s protection fees?
yea, I know how it feels to have terrible healthcare, people say that canada has it bad with months of waiting but I'm also surprised because to me that's a short period of time, and I think even the private sector is lacking in manpower
and at least you can go to college
Spics are notorious for prowling around entertainment centers like arcades and conventions to sell drugs. It's easy to openly deal because you can slip through almost-maze-like setups and hide among crowds, plus they see kids/manchildren as easy to prey upon even if the rate of people refusing is very high. They're also naturally fucked in the head and sometimes just randomly attack people, they don't even need to be confronted or anything.
And it's always them regardless of the neighborhood's racial demographics. 90% white? 90% black? 90% hispanic? Doesn't matter; it's almost always one of them. That Fatbody guy is lucky he wasn't stabbed, those fuckers love knives.
you sound small
Not that user, but I live in Osaka where there aren’t any filthy niggers and homeless people pissing on the subway, and there’s no room for parking. There is absolutely no reason to own a car here.
>school had a zero tolerance policy about bullying or some shit
>they unironically told kids that you should talk it out with your bully and not fight back or they'll punish you too
>like the sheltered dumbass I am, I believed them
>this big fat kid hated me for some reason and tried to constantly start shit
>told teacher about it, teacher was like "we'll look into it" but nothing ever happened
>he started to get more violent and attacked me when he could find the chance
>be a cowardly little shit so don't really fight back because I didn't want to get in trouble
>told him to chill the fuck out and leave me alone
>he just assaulted me more
>eventually got sick of it and kicked him in the dick when he wasn't looking and kept at it a few times while he was on the ground in pain
>left me alone entirely after that and never told teachers after that incident
I realized at that day that zero tolerance policies are just there to cover the school's ass and give them way to avoid any responsibility if some shit goes on between two students. Only way bullies learn to leave you alone is you constantly fight back even if you lose since they only really want targets that don't fight back\
Though aside from that I haven't ever really been bullied in school, just been ignored or maybe some kids talk shit behind my back but other than that, no big deal.
If you’re implying that big people never get into fights either, then you’re absolutely retarded.
Cars are only practical in the US where public transportation is trash and the towns/cities were built for them in mind.
I'm with you, guy. I got into a lot of fights in gradeschool and middle school. I probably would have gotten into some more in highschool if I wasn't so big.
Exactly, they exist only to reduce the school’s liability. I went to a hick school in Florida that encouraged the teachers to not break up the fight until, no joke, first blood. But they got sued and implemented the zero tolerance policy.
>why didn't he fight back?
Wasste of frames
Not using a browser hijacker is Reddit now?
your aggression is why i suspect you're small
little tyke
Are you a Swede or something?
I'm not trying to flex on you I'm just somewhat confused. I get the other user saying he was a good talker but I have difficulty imagining not getting in a few scraps in school. You never fought with one of your friends over a girl or beat someone up for stealing/breaking your shit?
Bigger boys exert an aura of control, they don't need to actually fight because it scares people from trying to start anything
Short boys are just yappy little doggies that need to prove their bite is as bad as their bark.
Fishman Island feels like a filler both in the manga and the anime.
Luffy punching the huge boat many many times was awesome in the anime though. About as good as 7 page muda in Jojo.
10/10, would watch & donate.
You’d probably get in more fights if you had any semblance of a backbone. I probably would have avoided a ton of fights as well if I just pulled down my pants, bent over and cried.
some nigger was making fun of my mom in middle school when I was in a shitty mood so I told him to go back to the cotton fields and no one ever talked to me again
I get what you’re saying, but you’re also implying that big people don’t fight. They do, in school fights, bigger people are almost always the instigators. In almost every single street fight I’ve ever seen, it was a big guy picking on someone small.
most true statement uttered this thread
How diverse are the places you went to school anons.
Even with these ratios niggers were still 90% of the trouble
Democrats are anti self defense and anti individual. They'll put you in prison for getting stabbed in the back to preserve public order. You are an acceptable collateral casualty in pursuit of that objective.
This. Look how they run the school districts they control. They're fucking evil.
I’m not aggressive just because I called you retarded. I avoid fights whenever possible because I like having all my teeth and no criminal record.
The place where I spent most of my highschool was predominantly white, but my second highschool was something like 80% black or some shit.
Only went for a semester, that place was hell.
Read the manga or watch it I guess. It's still one of the best stories out there with incredible word building. One piece does get shit video games though.
I was small as fuck till I was like 16 and can attest to this. Not necessarily to "prove how bad I was" but because youll eat unrelenting shit if you dont do anything even as a 120lb 5'4 shrimp
all of it is kino until the timeskip
after the timeskip everything becomes soulless
Yes, but what if said big person is also a bully?
>120lb 5'4 shrimp
I can't imagine being that tiny as a man, my condolences.
>do best Sonic speedrun ever at a GDQ
>be a great couch member
>have a great personality and keep the mood light
>get booted out of GDQ
sounds about right. GDQ can't do anything right anymore.
Shit happens man. Fag suckerpunched me a good 7 times before I got my mind around what was happening and blind raged my forehead into his nose. Luckily there were people around cuz getting your shit smacked makes it really hard to put up a fight.
I'm 29 and never been in a fight
idk, I'm fat, lazy and don't have any friends. Always been like that. Why pick a fight with the lonely quiet kid sitting in the corner playing game boy?
Read it dont watch. They drag the anime out far too much trying not to creep up on the manga.
Its just a fun world that knows how to not take itself too serious while at the same time not being entirely childish.
>was a mutt in 99% mexican schools for most of my schooling (minus 3 years ina predominately (((white))) elementary school
Felt like an odd man out if not for the fact that I have a twin bro to make it easy to break the ice for conversations with new people.
la creatura, dios mio
some actual insight for you guys
my fiancee is a teacher
they aren't dumb. they know who the bullies are. 99% of the time it's just easier to punish the fucking nerd so next time he doesn't fight back or at least tries to make it so subtle that they don't have to step in. it's actually pretty kinda sad and I had an argument with her when she told me lol
so you're not the self admitted aggro guy from just above?
also yes, fights are a net negative in most cases for all parties involved, nice opinion on fights
by the time I was 19 I hit 6' and was like 170
I fluctuate between 190-210 now in my mid/late 20's
It was definitely some shit during school though. Part of it was just malnutrition from living in poverty and my mom selling like 70% of our foodstamps though
Nah that's me. I don't remember being consciously small in school, I just kind of thought I was hot shit when I wasn't.
Watch One Pace after Enies Lobby
And people wonder why people pull drastic shit.
Real talk, my high school had "bully bullies" who would vandalize the cars and houses of known bullies. Shit ended up getting really bad.
Had a pretty even mix of races but we were predominantly Indian kids, and poos never start anything. The only kids to ever start shit were the white trash or the black kid who definitely was in a gang
>Why pick a fight with the lonely quiet kid sitting in the corner playing game boy?
Because you are prime easy target to fuck with?
Like thats exactly what they would be looking for
>look at this loser fag with no friends playing with his gameboy in the corner
Is sucker punch something frowned upon? Let's say some guy tries to pick a fight with a friend of mine, can I go to his direction and just after call him out and punch him with not much time for a reaction?
some further points
there is literally no incentive for the teachers to step in at least in germany
if the bully wants to and is smart, you're fired
if you're doing anything, you're fired
if you try to talk to the parents, they ignore you or get you fired
if you try to involve the goverment, chances are they'll doubly ignore you and the bully and his family will try to get you fired
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
then why did nobody ever fight me?
not that user but I'm 30 and that tall, feels bad man.
Maybe you went to school with less niggers than I did or something
only elementary school. In middle school and high school there were plenty of spics and niggers.
Actually on several occasions fights broke out during lunch so while everyone crowded around to watch the fight I took some deserts off trays
Sorry you were born American.
Who is this guy tho?
Is that guy a tranny? Is he a sperg? Not saying he didn't get punched just that he's not telling the full story.
Depends if the person receiving it has it coming or not imo
Otherwise fighting in general tends to be frowned upon.
Granted Ive always felt this weird balance where I go from 0 to 100 on the anger scale where its either not worth doing anything over or I want to shoot the fucker and be done with it so Im not the best source since every fight Ive ever gotten into was self defense
I stopped expecting GDQ to be anything other than trite after they banned fumos.
Hard to say. This is out of the context we're discussing. You can't really hit someone without expecting to get hit, so I guess if your friend is really a victim (completely unsolicited violence) then yeah, it's probably be fine.
To be honest, when I was still in junior high about to go in to high school, Columbine happened and immediately overnight, attitudes changed around the place. Bullies were suddenly far too worried about reprisal to continue their troubles, most people mellowed out entirely, and any class weirdos were given a wide berth and treated with fear. It was a great time in school for several years because even though no one wanted to talk to you (which was no different than before), everyone was far more scared to provoke you in any way for fear of getting bullets in the face one day.
It's a shame a few people had to die, but Bob and Dillon probably made life easier for countless others throughout the US with their actions, and I'm not ashamed to say I enjoyed the benefits it provided for a while. I'm sure with the frequency its occurring these days though, shootings have lost their shock and no longer scare anyone in line, especially as bullies realize it's usually not them who pay the price and instead just some random classmates they probably don't give a shit about anyway.
oh yeah it was.
okay now i'm 100% on his side, that guy was fucking great.
Same dude, I have this bad habit where I laugh when I'm nervous, so I've literally been backed into a corner by 2 guys glggling to myself. That's until I get hit in the face, which tends to hit my autismo blind rage button.
Don't let him get to you bro, being large is only attractive for societal reasons. There are some benefits sure, but they are greatly outweighed (heh) by the impacts on health and longevity. I pity these "chads" that will have serious muscle and joint issues when they get older because they don't understand that being larger requires even more knowledge of proper mechanics, especially because most everything is designed with a more... economical point of view. Ever see a big guy sit on a stool or modestly sized chair? Shit looks mad uncomfortable, and prolonged use could cause issues. Tl;dr being big is fun until age starts kicking in and you realize you're stuck with your big ass self for life
Fugg I'm exactly like this with the anger thing although I contain it and either punch the fucking car seat(dont ask why because I don't know) or the wall when I get home. I feel like if I ever actually snap I'll act like a chimpanzee, if the other person doesn't knock me out first of course.
As someone who has grown up around schooling and its systems i never understood why the fUCK when i came to violence between students if a TEACHER breaks it up they are liable to be sued by BOTH PARTIES for essentially assault
instead teachers legitimately, besides a few old nuts who will still step in because its the right thing to do and fuck its just kids fighting, teachers in a lot of cases just yell and say shit about expelled and principals office because of the aformentioned legal shit but ALSO they're not protected in most cases if THEY suffer an injury so it gets even more sticky if an old librarian type gets her nose broken, leads to a lot more problems, PCS then THEY might try to sue the family or someshit because the government doesnt protect the teachers for SHIT
im being over dramatic there are things in place for all parties involved but the basic gist of it is if you touch a student you're taking your career into your hands and the whim of the parents involved
in addition to the outrageous shit parents claim about their angels, like no we say jimmy hit sally in the face with the bucket, yell at her and storm out of the sandpit
i dont care how many times you say he would never do such a thing she must have done something to provoke him. shut the fuck up your kids shit and its probably because you're shit parents, but we cant say that because shits KEKED
>street fighter 2 intro
Some fucking 5'11 sheboon broke one of my teachers hands and gave her a black eye with an elbow when she tried to pull her off some other girl
Nignog got expelled and was threatened to get charged with battery if she didnt go to juvie or YCP or some shit
i remember this guy now, he did a good sonic 1 run at agdq. that sucks
jubeat, maimai, initial D, sometimes actual speedrunning
i remember that run, forgot who did it and that sucks he got kicked out then
i was the literal 1% of white students at my middle school.
That's actually how schools handle bullying. They call it a "zero tolerance policy".
I think looking after my posture is pretty easy vs grinding mental health issues from not getting respect or sex as a tiny man.
when are people gonna flat out say it. When people say they are triggered means they are throwing a temper tantrum?
naegleria got booted out of GDQ?
Muslims out the wazoo.
But we also had a decent amounts of blacks to keep them down.
I mostly find it funny because Americans are always so unwaveringly certain that they live in the best most developed place ever while living im the worst shithole that could still be considered first world.
I don't like hink it's that bullies only want targets who won't fight back, that's just something people blindly say.
What bullies want is somebody they know they can beat. If you fight back every time and present zero challenge, he's not just going to leave you alone.
To him you're not showing you have the heart of a lion, you're the autistic kid who thinks he can win, and that doesn't ever get old.
T. Former bully
>Bob Dillon
At least we can use Knives.
im an ausfag that went to a private high school. only had a handful of abos, plenty of trashy women though. still got in plenty of fights, being a skinny quiet dude attracted people looking for a fight for some reason.
they got a hell of a shock because they didn't know i had been doing various martial arts for a decade.
watch anime until time skip then read the rest. Do not even attempt to watch it Post time skip it’s not worth it.
>social status
Burger in action
It's not happening more frequently, media is just reporting it more often.
School shootings weren't really a thing before Columbine were they?
"Must've been the wind"
But they're not? A loud contingent are, but you're mistaking that lot for the whole. The fact that such a generalization seems obvious to you makes me sad though, not for your sake but for how fucked up things are and how those people help ensure things never change. I'll just take my leave when I can and hope the decent people don't suffer for the corrupt elites.
Nah it definitely works unless you're a completely weak shit. I guess if they're constantly 3v1ing you, you'd have no chance and you'd have to bring in your own friends but even if you're weak, you can drop some haymakers or assault them back.
isn't this just gang warfare at this point
WCI was full of soul.
Why are you laughing? Did you read your link?
School shootings has different connotations than shootings in a school unless you want to be a pedantic retard. People shooting someone in particular at a school over a quarral has no relevance to a discussion about teens angry at society in general murdering indiscriminately.
There may have been plenty of school shootings before Columbine, but no one gave and shit about them and no one ever feared one might happen at their school until Columbine happened.
-t. fag who was in school at the time
think before you post cletus, what you just wrote made zero fucking sense
Nigga even in the 90s, years before columbine, there were several that fit the school shooting stint, they just didn't kill as many and weren't popularized as much.
Yeah that user is retarded, his targets may have never fought back but no bully would want to get punched (even if not so badly) every day trying to bully a kid, they'd rather bully someone else who doesn't fight back.
>El gringo obeso que se proyecta y no consigue novia
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was created by and for manlets
>BJJ is founded on the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent by using technique, leverage, and most notably, taking the fight to the ground, and then applying joint locks and chokeholds to defeat the opponent.
Literally the city with the highest population of immigrants in my country. 76.3% visible minority.
Definitely this. At least my school wasn't that retarded and I screwed over people who tried to fuck with me
Hey Yea Forums i've been getting bullied my whole life and I'm not sure what to do about it.
They bully me in the most legal of ways just pushing the limitations of legal annoyance but don't abuse the limit with anything they can get actually in trouble for. It's been going on for years and I don't know what to die.
I have a very high morale standard and am basically a punching bag for everyone
>This is not your fault
How the fuck does this faggot know?
>sir what were you doing while he was punching you
Now there's a blast from the past reaction image I haven't seen in a long time.
i've seen this webm with sonic, shrek, and several other 3d models within the past week.
Doesn't put you in a search bubble and filter your searches. Doesn't track and log your search history.
Oh so you truly believe mental health issues stem from lack of sex alone? You have much to learn big boy. But that's alright you will be put to good use in your prime years as a construction worker or some sort of security officer, and discarded when you quickly lose what little youth you have left, just as we all do. But hey here's some wisdom chief, bigger body=more care. If you don't spend time each and every day taking care of your body, it will degrade far faster than normal. Use this knowledge.
Read what I actually said before calling me retarded, faggot.
I didn't say any of that. Of course bullies PREFER a target who won't fight back, but that user was saying they only want ones who won't fight back and I'm saying that's bullshit. They want to lash out at somebody else, of course they'll minimize risk but this idea that bullies can't take a punch, like if you fight back they'll automatically treat you like a bad ass and go somewhere else is nerd fantasy.
Tell kids to fight back, but teach them how to fight back properly because it's not a solution unto itself.
>Oh so you truly believe mental health issues stem from lack of sex alone?
No, you just need me to think that so you have a straw dummy to lay into. Cope any way you want with your stature little guy, but you can't beat me by taking what I said to an extreme and hitting out with some women-tier argument.
Protip: guys who are better than you in some way aren't guaranteed to be inferior to you in another way. I know you need that crutch, but it's not based in reality and one day you'll have to come to terms with that, squirt.
not everyone's a third world shitskin like you