Now that the dust has settled, was he based?
Now that the dust has settled, was he based?
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No but Ibooky was based!
0 and Ibuki is trash
absolutely, he was the best
He was incredibly based, redpilled and gay.
Kokichi's ok, but Nagito Komeada the ULTIMATE HOPE, is the most based of them all!
>danganshitter wasting more space
Retard Kokichifag is retarted, what a shocker
He was the only smart character of course he was based
I found him incredibly unlikable and annoying. Hopeman is better.
He was retarded and a by far worse nagito. God damn case 5 in v3 still pisses me off.
best character in the game
does she have a better personality in the sub or something? played dub and i found her pretty insufferable. dont get why she has so many fans
suck me off harder incel
>Worse Hopeman
Who cares?
He's the perfect representation of why the themes of V3 falls flat on its face. Reminds me a lot of "The boy who cried wolf". Because he's always lying or telling half-truths, people just stop giving a shit even when he's actually serious. After all, it could just be another lie anyway so why bother. That's why Komaeda is significantly better.
And what left a bad taste (in hindsight) is the ridiculous trick to the players at Chapter Four's epilogue. He kept up the evil act when he's ALONE, building up the false impression that he's actually evil in a vain attempt to make Chapter Five's twist more shocking. What a load of shit.
Komaeda is great because he genuinely believes he's doing the right thing. Kokichi sucks because all he wants to do is one-up the mastermind and get in everyone's way. He's just a brat. And the piss-poor attempt at redemption they tried to give him is laughable after all the bullshit he pulled for no reason other than to make things harder for everyone.
Worse than Hopeman.
Would still bang.
Where's danganronpa 4 bros
V3's themes are a mess in general. The tweest meta ending is basically a crutch to hide how bad the plot was before that point.
Why is every character in these games so obsessed with friendship?
But everyone loves Kokichi because he is fujobait.
>this will never be you
Yeah I'll never be Kyoko
Kokichi is so much of a fucking retard as a rival
Extremely based, even almost as based as hopeman
Pretty based, but not as based as incest seesaw man.
He was based but not good
He's not even the best psychopath in his own game.
He was the Ultimate Supreme Leader that used his wit to lead a fucking circus
He was not a bright man.
ouma is trash, post good characters
Kokichi knew he was in a fictional story
Don't call my wife a psychopath, she's wholesome
you start
Tenko best girl
Himiko best girl
Tsumugi strong second
Right away, sir
why do people hate him again?
Try to keep it together when calling someone retarded.
Who is she…
he replaced a better character
I can't think of a more pathetic fanbase than Danganshitters. Imagine devoting your life to one of the worst mystery franchises on the planet where every single character is so one dimensional it hurts. Their character trait is their entire personality. And don't get me started on le epic hope man, the most overrated character in the entire history of video games. Danganshitters standards sure are low if Nagito is the most beloved character of the entire franchise.
Take away the one dimensional shitty Japanese pop culture reference characters and what do you have left? An insanely easy game where the """"""""""""""""mysteries"""""""""""""" are laughably easy to figure out. Not even once was I surprised by it's """"""""twists"""""""""""". It's all so easy to figure out and by the time you've figured it out, you're just waiting for the retarded characters to exposition dump their retarded reasoning behind the mystery. It's a mystery game where you're forced to see bumbling retards trying to figure out babbys first mystery and there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing to speed up the process other than holding the skip button.
Imagine unironically liking Danganronpa. Imagine unironically eating shit.
nice copypasta incel
JESUS GOD ALMIGHTY WHY why even live knowing that you will NEVER go down on Sayaka and feel her thighs wrapped around your head. these images are just pushing me towards suicide, holy shit i just CANT take it anymore FUCK
Makoto calm down.
post it
user please, they are just thighs. Very soft, squishy thighs.
>he replaced a shit character
>a shit character
How so?
Of course I was!
literally an even more optimistic makoto
>an even more optimistic makoto
That's written as a flaw, though. She's so optimistic that she'd force others to try escaping over and over even when they're all sick and tired. She's so optimistic that she'd kill someone trying to free the others trusting Shuichi's intuition on who's the mastermind.
>hurr durr she didn't actually kill anyone by the way
which is extactly why she wouldn't be a good protagonist
That was the lamest copout in the series. It doesn't matter that she didn't kill him, she still intended to murder someone on a guess. Trying to "redeem" her by having Tsumugi actually kill him was so fucking lame.
She still tried to and believed she did, which is what matters in a character standpoint.
Oh I agree, I'm not the original guy that said that. Even if Kaede didn't try to murder the mastermind, she'd be one of the first ones to break. And even besides that, someone like Shuichi is a much better character to help you know and get close to other characters.
It was never so much about the "redemption" so much as the proof that the game was always rigged from the beginning.
She still tried to kill a person and in a way, she did by giving Tsumugi the critical moment.
In chapter 5 he's shit and coincidentally that trial is also kind of shit, but prior to that I like him.
No, he was a retard and a bad attemp to recreate Komaeda
It was shit because of him, it wasn't coincidental
good but the dub is shit compared to the sub, at least for ouma
>dub: one emotion, constantly sounds like a whiny faggot
>sub: constantly switches between tones, low, high, pissed, sad, happy, actually fits his lying/mask theme
If anything, he seems like a shot at Komaeda. He's this super intelligent, antagonistic schemer, but in the game's climax you learn he is a literal fucking clown.
There was just some retard elements that seemed to be needed for the narrative. The script, the voice changer, and the clothes in the toilet.
How the hell did he write all that shit? Why is there now a voice changer in the mech? Why wouldn't they put the clothes in the press?
And yet fujos love him even more than Nagito
>Why is there now a voice changer in the mech?
That was something that should have been shown much earlier, but not implausible.
>How the hell did he write all that shit?
Kaito did say he improvised, but yeah.
>Why wouldn't they put the clothes in the press?
I guess to show Maki shot him maybe?
Fuck that trial.
based on what?
Why does Yea Forums hate Ibuki so much? Even that user who made that weird futa penis chart bullied Ibuki for no reason.
Not to mention she has a crush on fat togami. Ibuki fans are just plain autistic
She's a LULSORANDOM scenekid with zero relevancy
Kodaka just wanted to end the whole series in a meaningfull and memorable way. And conisdering thats the only thing people are talking about after 2 years since its ending, i say he succeeded
I actually liked him more than Nagito
God that doujin where she grew a dick and rationalized fucking Shuichi in the ass was so hot.
she got a zero
He suppose to be just a red herring for entire game to make Tsumugi less susipcious. I get his points. I just dont understand the whole purpose of MakixKaito ship in canon. It felt like another PekoxFuyuhiko getting more screentime than in DR2 except Fuyuhiko was replaced by Hagakure
>she has a crush on fat togami
That's just good taste, Imposter is one of the best boys in the series.
>classic overused "not that I like you or anything b-baka" Tsundere trash
>good character
Kind of
he is the only protag that actually had sex with all of his classmates
Fuck off CinnamonToast Ken, your lets play was just bad
just do it
Just go to f-list or a /trash/ thread and find someone willing to RP as her for you. It's not that difficult.
Shes just a freak with fat fetish and who wants to be bossed around
I feel like 2 overall just had the most well balanced cast, interesting twists, and the best mysteries. V3 was good and I'm one of the few who actually really liked the ending but sadly the rest of the game tends to lean on some tired series tropes.
Its still doesnt change that this is her character. You didn't mention the real pre brainwashed Maki but her assasin character. And even then she's literally an extension to Peko subplot along with her assasin backstory and a crush on another dude.
Only good youtuber to watch for a playthrough is justonegamr and he doesn't even talk
>CinnamonToastKen put spoilers in the thumbnails
>NicoB's oh so funny "impressions"
>TheRPGMinx literally fucking quit after chapter one because Kaede died
If you werent a brianlet you would figure out that every act and murder and plotline is based or a reference to previous murders and acts in Danganronpa 1 and 2. It was suppose to use tired tropes and make everything seem familiar. It was the finale nail in the Danganronpa coffin after all.
Yeah I've heard that before and it's smart in a way but I don't know, it still doesn't sit all that right with me, it feels more like an excuse in some ways.
Pretty based, but I'm still fucking mad they killed Amami too early. He seemed like the most interesting character out of the V3 cast.
Fresh Plays and Nyan Cave are pretty based and entertaining. Lucahhjin is a 40 year old mom so it is also fun seeing her playthrough this series.
I also like Ibeerleezy since its entertaining to see a dumb negro trying to figure it out and failing miserably.
NicoB was the biggest WTF since this retard didn't anything but screech so loudly i stopped after the first video. I cant understand why even kids would watch him.
>implying dangan ronpa's hope and despair theme hasnt been a oomplete farce of retardation
the over arching theme has never been particularly good, thats why every ending has polarizing reactions, because it doesnt answer anything or tell you anything of signficance other than friendship is magic and hope for the best
It would have been a very shitty and cliche game if this was not just a one big setup for the meta ending. IM pretty sure Kodaka planned the ending before constructing previous chapters. He wanted the player to never expect this ending so he thrown a lot of predictable plotlines about ultimate hunt and other nonsense while often giving hints about the real ending with Monokuma talking about audience and ratings.
The main point of the games were always Phoenix Right tier investigation and trials. The plot and cahracters in Phoenix Wright were also ridiculous and comical just like their portrayal of overall justice system and district attorneys or prosecutors.
If i would make an HBO live action tv series about Danganronpa, I would obviously not adapt anything from that game beside of the basic concept of "bunch of people trapped in a Big Brother setting forced to kill eachother". Im not even sure if even investigation and trials would work in such tv show. It would probably be just a tv series of Battle Royale.
its not like the writing condemned her actions. she was willing to risk her life to protect the rest of the class and she was ashamed to have drawn first blood, she didnt need redemption when her whole purposes was to kick off the game and inspire shuichi
This fucking fujobait faggot cock sniffing retard goblin only exists to make ugly unshaven fat women wet and he was a knockoff Nagito in every respect. Anyone with a brain should have killed him
I've tried. You're never going to get an answer that isn't dodging it or seriously overblown.
people literally thought shuichi was wrong for calling him out and telling him that he'll be alone after the chapter 4 trial
even though he was literally acting like a horrible dick during and after that trial
this is the mind of a fujoshit
>B-but bad boys make me wet
entire appeal of Nagito and Ouma
Am I the only one that never found the gravel in the swimsuit that big of a leap in logic?
Togami was their equivalent in DR1 but since he was also an Incel he was never that popular
Nagito is an actual good character despite that though
joseph anderson was ok, although his super arrogant approach to how a mystery should be presented can be annoying. he gets most of the jokes in the dialogue like maki's baneposting line which is pretty good
Ok let's get to the real meat and potatoes here, who's your favorite DR protagonist?
Joseph could be really grating at times, particularly in DR 1 and V3. Remember the sprinkler shit? The guy is so fucking arrogant and goes of on the littlest shit refuses to admit he is ever wrong.
He was pretty fucking bad at mystery solving though, for a person who focuses on everything you would think he would be able to solve all of them
He is, personality comes before appearance in this case. I would Twogami any time.
he figured out the culprit in V3-1 but then says he doesn't like it because the game lied to us even though it drops plenty of hints and it's the fucking theme of the game. Unreliable narrators are some sort of sin in Joseph's eyes I guess.
ranran is my husbando
I hated how Danganronpa 3 anime butchered all the little details of character relationships
>Ibuki ignores Twogami
>Mukuro ignores Naegi
>Nagito ignores Hajime
>Nekomaru and Akane are not build upon beside Teru Teru rape drug comedic moment
i mean yeah the appeal of the series has always been the over the top mysteries and hilariously quirky writing far more than a cohesive narrative. and i think westerners wouldnt be able to adapt it to live action, japs can definitely turn it into something like "as the gods will" or "tag". those movies exemplify japans tendency to embrace over the top violence in ridiculous fictional settings
there was never a Danganronpa 3 anime, what are you talking about user?
It kind of is. If were in the murderers head, we would learn more inner thoughts about her reasoning and motivation
say something nice about him
The only thing it did right is shown some Hagakure moments with Togami and Asahina bonding with Kirigiri and Naegi
Mukuro was the biggest waste and turning her into incestious murdering retard completely ruined her Danganronpa IF scenario
Best boy and best DR character overall.
i lost interest in the game when he died
They may have fucked up 99% of the characters but honestly I felt Kirigiri was a way better character in 3 than she ever was in the original game. Until they fucked it up and went "naw just kidding she's alive"
>Nagito ignores Hajime
Nagito would've made Hajime kill himself. You didn't see how fast he started to shit on him the moment he found out that he had no talent.
>Mukuro ignores Naegi
Why would she notice him?
CHAD Hajime > Shuichi > Makoto
I actually was convinced he was inside of that exisal because It seemed like such a waste to kill him before the final chapter. I'd have loved to see his reactions to the last revelation. He probably already suspected everything could be a lie, but would he still have despaired like everyone did?
Why didnt he used the exisals to break out?
At any rate, the moment he announced he was the mastermind i knew he would be the next victim...the only question during the trial was if Kaito was also dead and the whole robot thing was a cruel joke by Monokuma
I don't understand why Nagitofags get so triggered and defensive over Kokichi. It's not like they have anything in common other than being antagonistic and messing with the trials, which Byakuya already did in DR1.
Is it because he made Nagito lose his position as the overwhelmingly most popular DR boy? Are they jealous? Is that it?
Hot voice
Can't. Haven't played v3 since its launched and I honestly don't get his appeal.
It's a lie!
Based siscon
He's hot
Did you play any DR?
IF was a glorified fanfic anyway.
He sucks at it.
He feels like a discount Komaeda.
> Nagito lose his position as the overwhelmingly most popular DR boy?
Source? I thought V3 was the most unpopular game since it barely has any merch.
someone pls post tenko with hair down, she looks so hot
he's funny but VERY stupid. he made the chapter 4 trial really fun as well
So Tenko is based on that Kung Fu bitch from House (1977) right?
Tenko is based around everything my dick craves
Twitter, Pixiv.
>He feels like a discount Komaeda.
But why? As I said, they have nothing similar. Nagito is a mentally ill boy obsessed with hope and despair. He's socially awkward. He thinks of himself as trash. He's clumsy. He sucks at understanding other people's emotions and reading the mood. His goal is to kill all the participants except Chiaki.
Kokichi just pretends to be insane but he's actually sane. He's a people's person. He constantly hypes up his talent and his evil organization. He can manipulate other people because he's good at reading their emotions. His goal is to end the killing game.
Their similar points are... that they are smart? They went too far to reach their goals? And that's it. As I said, the only reason I can come up as to why every time Kokichi is brought up people also HAVE to mention Nagito too is because of their similar popularity.
why was his motivation so fucking bad
him (and mikan too) were just given a random shitty reason to kill not just one but multiple people because that's what needed to happen, and said factor was only revealed at the last minute in the trial so it couldn't even be considered even remotely reasonable or discovered beforehand
i don't have anything against him being bipolar and i even think it's interesting because his whole talent and actions were pretty cool and interesting for the most part but nope now he just killed 2 people for this nonsensical shit
I'm gonna say it!
It'd have been better if he targeted Angie because with the student council thing he saw she was worthy of being his sister's friend or something like that. But instead everything was super random.
to bad she hates men
i like his design and his voice is pure sex
i wish he'd stuck around more because the whole him not knowing his talent/trying to figure out stuff on his own could've been interesting but it all happened after he died
none of the case 3s are perfect but which one do you guys prefer the most?
>AH. AH. AH.
First one for how laughably obvious Celestia was. That robotic "scream" never gets old.
How can I learn to do that facial expression?
Y-yeah. Imagine how dumb you have to be to not notice it. haha
>Twitter, Pixiv.
So nothing important? Okay.
>they have nothing similar.
Their roles as the MC’s rival and how they fuck up class trials is enough to compare them.
>Their roles as the MC’s rival
Uh? But Kokichi's rival was Kaito, not Shuichi.
Is V3 playable without having played the other 2 games?
>Is V3 playable
No, you have to play the first two and watch the anime.
>can you play the finale of the series without playing anything else
You can't be this retarded
Not really unless you want to get even more mindfucked at the end, you won't really get the ending either. Play the first two first. They're great as well
>watch the anime.
No. No one should watch that.
she had a crush on him in canon
DR2 case 3 was the best one imo, only shitter was the dumb execution.
It's fun seeing the characters actually happy interacting early in the despair arc tho, don't watch anything other than that.
You mean DR1? Wasn't she dead before they even got to talk?
DR1 and DR2 are essential but you can skip anime and Ultra Despair Girls
I love my gorgeous wife!
Free time events reveals her real motivation, it is also implied in Danganronpa 0 and in Danganronpa IF. All of them were approved by Kodaka unlike the anime
but she was a confirmed lesbian
>kills the two most annoying characters in the game
Absolutely based.
Why didn't Tsumugi ever dressed up as Mukuro if she was going to act like characters from DR 1 and DR 2?
Doesn't V3 stand on its own? If someone watched the anime I think they'd be alright to play V3 since they'd get the Hope's Peak references .
>unlike the anime
What? I always thought Kodaka wrote the script for DR3.
He was the most based character, Kirumi most boring and Tenko most cringe.
The cool thing about Kokichi was that he was pretty much the opposite of Nagito, who actually was just an absolute madman. Kokichi was just someone who tried to cope with the situation of a killing game by pretending to be a nutter, you can see that he gets a lot angrier than Nagito when things don't go his way and I don't think all of that is his charade. In the end Kokichi and his plan to end the killing game was exactly the kind of dumb shit Kaede pulled, proving that the two of them aren't so different and Kokichi was a hypocrite all along.
But so am I, your point?
No, because entire premise and ending depend on player knowing what happened in DR1 and DR2. You will get absolutely nothing without playing previous games. All characters will never stop referencing past games
If you were born with a male body you will always remain a man, no matter how much you want society to appease you.
Sure you can also watch Avenger End Game without ever watching any Marvel movie or previous Avengers movie, but it is not advised.
Why didn’t she dress up as imposter dressed up as mukuro dressed up as junko
It seems you are under the impression that I was born a man, sorry to disappoint.
Yes extremely. If he had lived, he would have named and exterminated the Jew.
Based Mahirufag
>implying that you're a girl and not a larping faggot
The the last remaining step is showing us titties. Thats what a real girl would do.
Believe what you want, I'm going back to work~
Kokichi is easily one of the best danganronpa characters in the whole series but his trial got pretty bad at the very end
How are you supposed to tell that the crusher got him first? The poison could easily have got him first making Maki the blackened. Neither Shuichi nor Monokuma had evidence or resources to do an autopsy, so Kokichi should have "won."
Nah he was just a shitty Nagito (though with better fashion sense I guess).
3-5 sucked.
the point is you don't know but kaito wanted to take the blame because he was going to die anyway so it didn't matter, monokuma didn't really give a fuck though because he didn't know the culprit either and chose whatever the trial went with
So you're saying Lucahhjin is actually Kirumi
Wait a sec, Based Mahirufag is a lesbian? I always thought it was just a really committed dude.
A different situation bred different results. It's not implausible.
You don't need to be righteous to have a good character
Ouma-kun was an awesome character because of how much of an asswipe he was while still managing to carry half the trials.
Also his sprites had some absolutely gear timing with his voice lines
The difference is that Kaede got along with everyone and died like a hero, while Kokichi got everyone to hate him instead. I respected him a lot for the enormous balls he had to try going against Monokuma alone, to put up with everyone's hatred, to throw away his life for those same people who despised him, and to die alone in such a gruesome way. And the impact is even bigger when with his motive video you realize he was a normal guy with his moral compass working just fine.
yes, shes a female boomer and she think that all of DR characters she likes are her children
There were no tit pics so your idea might be true
There goes another one Yea Forums good job.
Never thought she'd be capable of killing someone, even if it was virtual.
She's one of the better players too since she's pretty smart, hope she starts V3 soon
She definitely had the mindset for it.
shes going to watch anime and play despair girls so it will probably take a year before V3 which is why now im watching Berlin
I'm surprised she was the only one who wanted to kill Ouma that little shit. She should have convince Kaito to help her.
it was a pretty weak attempt honestly, she put a lot of effort into it but she was shitting herself when the time came to do it
also if she had done it would've been super obvious because of how suspiciously she had been acting around the manlet in any case
Kaito is way too optimistic to consider killing Kokichi.
1-3. Even though Celeste was obvious as hell, the goose chase prior to the trial was fun, and the figuring out when the bodies and hammers were actually used was pretty interesting
Rip my nigga taka
>unlike the anime
You mean the anime that he was the script supervisor for?
Script was too dumb to be his idea. His friends who wrote manga wrote the script
He indeed made it so the culprit was impossible to determine, but his objective was that Monokuma made a noticeable mistake to the audience. The culprit didn't really matter since Monokuma could just bullshit it and nobody would be able to prove him wrong either. So Kokichi wanted to get him to mistake the victim and prove Monokuma's wrong once Kaito got out of the Exisal.
If she had chosen another victim she could have pulled it off. If she had told Shuichi to meet her in the rooftop I don't think he'd have been suspicious of her at all and she could have killed him.
And he literally approved of it all.
If she went with it nobody would be able to suspect her because they wouldn't have access to the rest of the supercomputer. Miu would easily dispose of the evidence. They said something like this in-game
Maki tried to kill him three times, at least.
She wanted to eliminate the most knowledgeable person and the one who was working with her because he could blow the lid off her plans.
She probably chose Kokichi because she knew nobody would believe him if he tried to cry wolf for real
The only thing he approved was stacks of money on his account for signing his name under this anime
Monokuma could always bullshit and say he had access to the logs and give them the access.
Also he would have died a completely different way from being poisoned, as the poison was supposed to cause bloodshot eyes on death.
Well she did. Its just he decided that Kaito should finish him off before her poison did.
Oouma wasn't very popular with the hottest girls
The author made his own studio so never ever
I thought it was weird how Shuichi assumed the murder happened in the virtual world. Even if Miu (or Ouma, if it had gone according to her plans) hadn't died by poison, Kaito still had plenty of time to strangle her, so he still should have been a suspect.
Fucking Maki. I wish Kokichi would've just let her be the blackened and get punished. He could get another shot for his plan later.
And the madman is doing a killing game based story along with the writer of Zero Escape games and Ever17 Out of infinity game. Basically preteen kids trapped in underwater theme park. Can't wait for all the loli porn.
There was no sign of injury to Miu in the real world.
>He could get another shot for his plan later
He literally wouldn't get a second shot. No one would ever trust him to run off alone again.
I think Kaito would have kill Oouma to un-black Maki because he knew he was dying from Aids
At least Nagito managed to completely utterly fool me until the last minute.
But he still had the exisals and everyone still would have believed him to be the mastermind.
Assuming Kokichi drank the antidote, that would do nothing because Kaito's murderer would still be Maki. In that case I think he'd kill himself to un-black her.
>random thread has more DR discussion than /drg/
Monokuma's actions during that trial made it clear that even if Kokichi survived, he would have no chance to redo his plan.
>recreated the Monokubs to take over the Exials again
>outright told everyone Kokichi wasn't the mastermind
He had only one chance.
Good point. But couldn't it have been other poison, then? Did they investigate Shuichi's lab? I don't remember.
S-Screw the plan, then! Just Maki getting punished.
No, but if Miu died by poison, people inside the VR world would be aware that Miu suddenly stopped.
All the events in the VR World wouldn't have happened if Miu was killed by poison, especially the way the body was moved, because it required that the person inside the VR World be aware of the loop.
That would accomplish nothing except Kokichi being even more hated.
/drg/ is a cesspool of refugees from tumblr, fujos and fucknuts
Yeah, but if Miu had killed Ouma as she had planned she'd have had a fair chance of blaming Kaito and getting away with it. She just had to leave the corpse in the rooftop.
I'm still pissed at myself for getting spoiled about Chiaki being 2-5's culprit. I wasn't able to enjoy it the way someone who played it blind did. Thanks to that DR2 wasn't that memorable for me and I can't agree or disagree when people say it's the best shit.
Damn sucks for you dude.
That was THE case for the game.
>yeah but the poison specifically said red eyes
>but he could have killed him with another poison and hid it
>but then why did he bring out the one with red eyes if he wanted to hide it
>based retard forgot that the despair side takes place even before the first game and that we see them in the future/hope side for like 20 mins total
>because Kaito is dumb
>or the opposite, maybe he did it so he wouldn't be suspected because they wouldn't believe the culprit would be that dumb as to not get rid of the evidence
Okay, that's a bit of a stretch. But I don't see how they'd be able to prove Miu as the culprit either. The only one who knew about the loop was Ouma.
You genuinely don't get Impostor at all.
The reason why a loop was discovered in the first place was because Shuichi found critical evidence that there was a loop, the cardboard sign being on the house side even though the river was flowing towards the church side.
And Monokuma would probably bullshit a way to get Monotaro to betray his "mom" and help the rest.
From what I recall Ouma helped Shuichi quite a lot in understanding the virtual world, but fair enough. I still don't think Miu's plan was that dumb. She screwed it up with the poison, though.
They were all terrible
the first game it was way too obvious how differently the killer was acting , in the second game the killer literally confesses 25 minutes in and nobody calls them out on it , and in the 3rd one it is the most obvious character then they dropped the ball with the double killer idea too which really pissed me off,i was actually hoping Tenko was the killer of Angie out of jealousy
in short , Kodaka is a shithead
Tenko wasn't that petty, user
There's the fact that Gonta saw her go through the "wall". If not for the memory glitch, he would have blown apart her case.
Of course, if they discovered that during the trial, Monokuma could have brought him in to tear Miu's testimony apart.
>just the brown ones
Which is exactly why it would have been interesting
But that wouldn't be fair to Miu. Monokuma doesn't really intervene the trials to that point. Take 3-1 for example, they were about to vote Shuichi as the culprit and he didn't intervene.
V3's third case will always be retarded in my mind.
I struggle to comprehend how it was possible for a person to move or jump, let alone stomp, in that small room without anyone sensing it. You don't need eyes to feel that. Yet not one motherfucker sensed his movements at all? None of it? Bullshit.
Tsumugi also said she saw Miu through the window and Ki-bo did say he saw Miu and Kokichi talking about meeting in the rooftop.
Even without much help, they could extrapolate something about Miu.
I've seen a few tier lists recently as well which were also great because they did stuff like listed the protagonists as having no genitalia and characters like gundham and akane with 9 inch dongs
They were in 4 separate corners of the room, how where they supposed to know what that noise was?
That is content made by Yea Forums for Yea Forums. I don't go to the shitholes that are generals.
The only real reason why Miu got as far as she did was because Gonta was working with Kokichi to begin with.
If he wasn't, or if someone else was outside, they might have spotted Miu walking out the wall and reported it to Shuichi.
They were also singing.
Because this is exactly the sort of content that goes there
yeah i hated that one too because it ruined one of my favorite characters by giving him a weakass motivation at the last second which just felt like an excuse to have the murders happen rather than legitimate in any way
the sound stuff also rubbed me, i know they were singing but that wouldn't fully cover the sound of moving around but what struck me more was WHERE the sound was coming from- there's no way you wouldn't be able to tell that he wasn't 1. moving around within the room and more importantly 2. that the height he was at was changing- he would've been going low to feel his way around and there's no way you wouldn't notice if one person's voice was suddenly coming from below you instead of in front of you
I think you're giving Shuichi too much credit. He really was lost without Ouma's hints during the first part of the trial. Then again maybe I'm giving Miu too much credit and she probably sucks at acting.
I don't know if you're just new but it's also the kind of content that goes here.
Out of all games this was the cruelest murder , just pure fuckin evil
And Kaede's execution,it's like Kodaka hated her or something
They didn't suffer much, at least.
The other three was also singing loudly, so it could have escaped their notice because they were distracted.
Tenko was probably choking a lot, which is pretty bad.
It severed her spine, she died pretty much instantly.
Apparently to the rest, not instant enough for her to somehow lift up a block of wood and toss the sickle to a corner.
While probably hurting from the pain and the sudden lack of air when you puncture the neck deep enough.