Can the Switch port be saved?

Can the Switch port be saved?

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How bad is the framerate? I want to play handheld but if the performance is this bad, it's not worth it

Witcher 3 is being ported to switch, if that's possible no way Bloodstained runs bad

Doubtful. The only good thing we're getting from this is that IGA won't waste time on a Switch version when he starts on the sequel.

30fps with drops, and tons of input lag

It's shit, almost unplayable at the twin dragon tower. Do yourself a favor and get the PC version.

Or he'll work on the Switch version personally to make sure it isn't subpar.

>Over three Kickstarter emails about the switch version
>It's still apparently shit
It's fucked, jim.

He's no doubt going to learn the hard way that there's no saving shit.

You should probably check this

It's absolutely fucking atrocious. They released an alpha. The fucking game on the physical cartridge isn't even version 1.0, it's 0.1 and has to update to fucking 1.01.

>Play it docked because I heard how bad the port was
>It's serviceable, haven't even got off the ship yet, but it seems fine, very obviously sub-30 fps though
>Surely it's not as bad as people say
>Take it to bed to play
>Almost a full fucking second of input lag between pressing the button and the action

I would have fucking expected it to have input lag when I was using my pro controller, not when the fucking joycons are connected to the god damn thing.

I know it runs like shit, I meant "no way it should run bad"
brain fart

>Can it be saved
People still seem to think gameplatform limitations are a hardware problem. It's all about optimization.
>Will it be saved
probably not. Iga might have the money, but will it be worth the trouble for them is the question.

That’s what I keep saying. There is no reason for this to be missing effects or run below 30fps. It shouldn’t even be less than 60fps. All other Unreal ports are fine and if Doom and Witcher 3 can run on this thing, Bloodstained has no excuse. It has simple geometry and effects. Fucking Pac Man Championship Edition 2 is more complex and that’s full 1080p with barely any dips (bought it at launch and it used to dip lots but not anymore)

Both joycons and pro controller are wireless though, what's the difference there dude

it's awful, I never complain about framerate or graphics but this goes too far. The game has a ridiculous amount of input lag which explains why it feels so sluggish and unresponsive, and the resolution and textures are N64 tier, not even exaggerating, it looks fucking horrible.

I pirated the game and I was mad as fuck when I played it.

He'll try his best, but will have to accept the fact that the Switch was a total mistake.

Bloodstained 2 will be staying OFF the Switch, guaranteed.

>Iga blew 5 million and cant even optimize a switch port
not saying bloodstained wasnt fun but it feels really fucking sloppy for the amount of cash they got

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What this guy says. I'm an absolute idort who owns every console so I buy whatever I want for whatever I want and the switch port is a steaming pile of fucking hot garbage.

I have no fucking clue dude. I just know that the controls when using the pro controller were fine, but when I took it into handheld mode it became literally un-fucking-playable.

It's not input lag from the controller being wireless, it's input lag from the game processing the button press.

lamo this looks like a DS game

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Can it be saved? Probably. Will it be saved? That remains to be seen!

>I just want a port of Kid Icarus Uprising on switch since the 3ds's corpse is rotting in nintendos basement
or better yet a port of GTA V on switch but due to Nintendo and rockstars relations its just a pipe dream. Its just the fact nitnendo is putting more mature games on switch like DOOM 2016 and Skyrim

Attached: i want.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

So...we meet again, 480p...

don't mind me, just collecting another transparent Luffy

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>literally only preordered the Switch version for the steelbook from Best Buy
>this shit happens
>"fuck it I'm pirating it"
>PC version has issues too

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>He keeps trying to blame the switch hardware

That's a hard fucking sell, user. Good luck with pushing that.

DS Castlevanias looked better though

Does the PC version not run on toasters? It runs pretty well on my 970 and 4690K in 1440p with all settings on Cinematic. I think the blood fountain room for some reason ran a little shitty, but I didn't have too many slowdowns or stutters elsewhere.

>PC version has issues too
What issues are you talking about, exactly? So far I've seen random crashes when reading a book but that doesn't happen that often, at least not often enough to hurt your experience.

Runs fine on mine, but it heats it up bad.

If you never played or saw the other versions it wouldn't seem bad. Some bosses you can notice input lag and there was an instance or two that the screen froze for a sec due to an explosion during a boss fight.

However as a port it is atrocious, some times when entering a new room it takes a few seconds to load which can mess you up. This is avoidable and it feels like the port was rushed. I have only played handheld not docked due to hearing it is even worse. If you want portability the switch version is worth it just know you are paying in frame rate and some hiccups. Though I have faith that they will fix it, especially after they overhauled the graphics due to complaints.

There's really no reason why this runs as bad as it does on Switch.

>PC version has issues too
I really didn't have any really bad issues personally. Really the only notable problems I had wth Bloodstain in my playthrough were:

>It would stutter at the start whenever I started playing
>The item drop shit
>Sometimes loading would take longer than normal

But I do know some anons had some messed up issues playing Bloodstain on PC so I guess it varies.

Blame DICO, they're the source of everything that went bad for this project.

Yeah I'm sure Iga personally has the coding skills the technical experience with the Switch to be able to make the switch version run better, that seems like something he'd have in his toolbelt.

No, but he probably knows how to say "Hey, this needs to be worked on" and then the people who do Switch work get on a patch.

Life always finds a way.

He's got a cowboy hat for a reason

>my copy just came in yesterday
>it's a fucking paperweight

piracy it is then. at least the case looks nice.

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It's gonna take a good while

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Fine words, from a man who also said "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."

Let me just add that, as a proof of this, in the last update about Switch fixes and optimization there was no mention of DICO to be found:
It seems like they god kicked out of the project. Well, at least I hope so.


explain why

IGA probably had the whole DICO staff burned at the stake

Preferably ignited with one of those Molotov wine-glasses he likes smashing so liberally.

A game crashing every fucking hour is not the system's fault. Its the devs.

Remember to save before reading books in the levels, they can crash

>Unironically thought "this will be perfect for Switch" in a non-meme way
>Port is fucking garbage despite being a goddamn side-scroller with subpar graphics

What the hell happened to the art of optimization?

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If I payed for the shitty ass switch version and can’t get a refund cause digital and lol nintendo, is it morally ok for me to pirate the pc version? I mean, I already bought the most expensive version of the game and it’s unplayable.

I would say so

Never get anything that's underpowered compared to a console if you care about ports not running like shit. I learned the hard way with the Vita, and things will only get worse for Switch starting next year when there'll be next gen versions of things as well.

There's literally no reason that all PS4 games cannot have graphics and performance as good as RDR2. All devs except Rockstar have an agenda with Sony.

Prove me wrong.

I thought since the game looked crappy graphics wise it would run on switch... mario odyssey and breath of the wild are definitely more graphically intensive than this crap. Hell my PC that is barely more powerful than the switch and DEFINITELY not as powerful as a PS4 or Xbox One plays the game at highest settings in 1080p 60fps.
The same computer I have to play MH World on lowest settings and 720p to barely get 30fps. This is bullshit. They should have outsourced the port to the company that did Skyrim Switch. Those guys knew what they were doing.

>breath of the wild
>graphically intensive
Bait, the environments have nothing going on and they look worse than this game

Sure, with a big enough patch. I won't be buying the game anymore, though.

modern devs just can't optimize for shit on any platform
on pc you have stuff like mgsv running at 4k60fps on middle of road hardware while the evil within 1 has framedrops at 1080p
the move to HD really alienated most japanese devs and they've been trying to play catch up for 10 years

>worse than this game
Now THAT’S bait

Seems like they're dedicated to fixing as much as they can at least

As a backer, I'm pissed about the switch port. Thank god it's still a good game or I'd actually be livid.

My PC problems (not the guy with Ralph) is that random freezing when the zone loads first. It's really weird and doesn't seem to be a graphics problem since it happens at all settings.

Who would win?

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The game itself can be saved. There will be a time where the Bloodstained Switch version will run and look great in the future.

But the damage is already done at this point. Word spread and people talk. People talked that the Switch version is bad. So almost all sales for the Switch version is gone at this point.
Even if the Switch version gets ultimately fixed, they don't have the advantage of releasing the Switch version later as other publishers do. Where people would be hyped for the release date, and people tend to double dip.