Character creation screen

>character creation screen
>"are you a boy or a girl?"
Choose "girl" without hesitation

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>b-but I dun wanna look at a man's ass!

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Are you literally me?

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I'm gay but I always choose boy because boys are cooler

Same, always.
Just so much more fun to be cute.

You are lonely, not because you lack friends, but because you are unhappy with yourself.
You are unhappy with yourself because you are useless and pathetic, and you haven't achieved any of your goals in life.
Even if you had friends, you'd still be sad, because friends won't fix what's wrong with you.
You try to escape into your fantasies, but you imagine yourself as a weak anxious screwup. Even in your own fantasies, you're still a failure.
You are going to kill yourself one day. The sooner you do it, the less of a burden you'll be on the people around you.

wew, haven't posted this in a while

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I always make a girl character because I tend to identify with them more. Which is funny because I'm a guy irl, but whatever.

be my gf, sataniafag

>go to chargen
>2 hours of fine tuning later
>still looks off

>choose boy because that's what you are
>game gives you a male character
but I wanted to control a female character, fuck you

Choose a gender whereas fit better in story

I never once thought to do this, the idea literally never occurred to do that it's so foreign to me. People who do have issues honestly, probably comes from abuse.

>tfw gay
>tfw pick boy
>tfw so i can look at a man's ass

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literally the most based man i have ever seen in my life

>tfw gay feminine boy
>pick girl
>so I can date the guys

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Were either of you "abused" or socially pressured growing up?

girls > boys desu

>play as a female characters all the time when i was a teenagers so i could ask beta males for free items
>mfw i turned out to be a fag

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I was bullied growing up for being girly for a boy, otherwise no.

The simple fact of that matter is men can do everything women can but 10x better.
A cute boy is vastly superior to a "cute" femoid, likewise a woman could never even hope to achieve the same level of cool as a real cool dude.
Its as simple as that.

I only play female characters if there's a lesbian romance.

Play Mario Kart with GF
>She always picks Daisy or Baby Peach
>I always pick Waluigi or Funky

I wish I was a cute grill, but I will never be and I will never try because I'm not an autistic tranny faggot.

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Playing a girl is fine as long as you're not self inserting as the character

>play as a female character
>gets to date, romance and make love to other female characters

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What's wrong with immersing yourself into the game?


>Pick the girl every time
>Wear girl clothes 100% of the time in private
>Use female pronouns online and set my profiles to "female"
>Practicing a girl voice
I'm not a tranny I'm not a tranny I'm not a tranny I'm not a tranny I'm not a fucking tranny

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You're literally not a tranny

You're a cute femboy

It's just role-playing, user. All guys do this.

also lillie and chicken is besto ship

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I tell myself this too.
It isn't working. Not chopping my cock off though.

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based yurimind

It's childish. And if you're immersing yourself into the game while playing as a girl then it's childish AND gay.



>>character creation screen
>>"are you a boy or a girl?"
>Google to see if there are notable stat/skill differences, story changes, or anything of value beyond cosmetics

Just start HRT. It will make you cuter and you'll smell nice!

user I've got some bad news, I've heard that story from at least 10 other trannies telling me about themselves as teens

>one month after taking hrt pills
>gaming ability improves drastically

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>play as a female characters all the time when i was a teenagers so i could ask beta males for free items
I did this too but instead of turning gay, I became dominant and abusive towards my partners.
Shit is cash tho so I like it.


hey a word of advice from a faggot to a faggot

dont turn into a tranny, most of them look way uglier then just normal femboys


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>play Rune Factory 4
>choose girl
>can't romance girls
>you need marry a guy and have a kid in order to clear the rest of the game

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>play male
>romance dudes
Love playing villains.

your fault for picking girl on RF4 nigga, who in their right mind picks girl on RF? holy shit lmao

It was the opposite for me...

>game let's you choose gender
>has romance options depending on your gender
>want to be the girl but also romance the girls but also don't like yuri and there isn't even a yuri option anyways

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>caring about how other people enjoy games
Jeez user, just talk to a gender therapist already.

Just as God intended.

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how can one be so based

That should be the required ending to all girls in all games, because that is all their good for.

Nah, I choose girl because given the opportunity, I'd rather be a girl.

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Hey, same.

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>that feel when you aren't a tranny, a faggot or insecure about your own sexual identity
>always choose girl when given the option
>have had sex, have a wife

It's seriously just more stimulating to look at the opposite sex while I play the game. It's honestly the only reason I even finished Nier:Automata. (What a shit story by the way)

>saving an autistic rant about le tranny boogeyman

based and sameboatpilled

you're pathetic and jealous

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>play female character so I can do the right thing and pick a good man to have lots of children with

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Haha dude you're gonna kill yourself.
>Wear girl clothes 100% of the time in private
This is how I know.
Actual IRL girls do not do this. In private they wear whatever's easy and comfortable.
You aren't actually a woman on the inside. You're deeply insecure and unhappy with yourself and are trying to live out a fantasy, but that fantasy doesn't reflect the reality of either sex.

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>Actual IRL girls do not do this. In private they wear whatever's easy and comfortable.
Which are still girl clothes user

I want to rape Satania.
Also can you trannies stop fucking using anime girls to shitpost? I don't want to even remotely associate artistic idealization with the most disgusting of 3D pig variants.

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>I need an excuse to play as a girl in a videogame

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You'd have a hard time convincing me that sweatpants and a singlet are girls' clothes.
Face it man, you're not a girl on the inside
You're a deluded and sad man looking for an escape from your own sad feelz. But the problem is, no matter what you wear, you take your feelz with you.

>tfw weak chin and 5'6"
yeah i think im gonna make it

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of cops beat their wives

>Jimmies status: thoroughly rustled

Not possible because of androgen blockers; androgens are what gives you your drive to git gud.
I could see estrogen improving your energy levels and thereby improving your gaming skills, but the androgen blockers will kill that 4 times over.

Why are you so invested in what he wears in his private time?

those retards deserve it lol

You will never be a woman.

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Perhaps if you actually knew real women, you'd know there's still a difference between female lounge clothing and male lounge clothing.

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