Have gone through 3 fucking sets of these thanks to drift

>Have gone through 3 fucking sets of these thanks to drift

Revision fucking when, Nintendo doesnt even acknowledge there is a problem

These are the biggest hardware failures since the Red Ring of Death

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Treat your controllers better. Mine are still like-new and I got mine on day of release.

Pro controller

>Have gone through 3 fucking sets of these thanks to drift
Just as planned.

Get a pro controller, i will do that so i don't have to use those things anymore

>had mine for 2 years
>no stick drift
>R button starts acting fucky

Motion control is shit.

>fucking retard buys fucking retarded garbage then complains that his fucking retarded purchasing decisions keep landing him with fucking retarded garbage

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yeah pro controller is great for handheld mode huh

>First set's plastic locks broke and slip off the console
>Second set drifted
>Third set's lock broke, kept it, but started drifting
>Current set's casing cracked; my fault this time but still

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Works on my machine.

You can literally ship them to Nintendo and they'll fixed it. Worked for me.

Have you tried not putting it in your ass? I have literally zero issues with drift.

My pro controller had mushy buttons and it was an official one, has this happened to you or anyone, the A and B buttons feel clickier then the X and Y is what I mean

I have two pairs of joycons and they work flawlessly.

This exists? Are those sticks or circle pads?

>had mine since launch and was my primary controller for the first couple years
>rarely drifts, but when it does, is easily remedied by just waggling the stick

Take better care of your property.

You can't post Ito and not make this an Ito thread.

>Mine works fine so none of them have issues
wow, great input

Part of being a hardcore gamer is understanding basic maintenance of your electronics.

If my absolute backwater hick ass rural redneck flyover state retarded ass can buy a set of electronic repair screwdrivers on amazon and crack open his shit, then anyone can.

>t. just replaced his switch joycon shells with those seethrough ones on amazon
>bought new joysticks and replaced them in the process
>feels brand fucking new and didn't fuck it up, this was my first time doing something like this outside of replacing my PS2 disc drive a thousand times

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thanks doc

Or just ask the company to make a product which doesn't require maintenance. Its been a while since you've had to take out and clean your mouse's ball, right?

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The fuck are these? Looks nice.

>make a product that doesn't require maintenance
You're supposed to clean your consoles insides out, user.

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They were my launch joycons. I admit I had a dud of a launch switch that had to be replaced in a month, but it's been smooth sailing ever since.

Literally treat your shit better. It's not a meme. There's clearly something you're doing wrong you won't tell us. Either you're throwing the thing in a bad without putting it in a case, putting a bunch of joycons together in a bag, something. I have only three sets of joycons that I rotate out every couple of weeks when I feel like having a new color, I play my switch in handheld more than I do docked, I literally have to charge the thing every other day because it gets used almost to 5% almost every time.

tl;dr stop throwing it around like a gorilla. I'm a paramedic. I know people lie about the dumbest shit all the time.

Daemon x Machina Joy Cons created by Hori. Not out yet. Not planned to come out in the West yet but you'll still be able to get some by ordering from Japan, the controllers are region free AFAIK.
There's a little button on the back of each one that can act as whatever button you want, not sure if that's exclusively in DxM or if you can freely customize it for any game or whatver

That's awesome. I liked the demo they released for that a bit, so I might pick the controllers up and the game too.

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Stop eating your controllers


I'm not OP, I don't even have a Switch. My point still stands that its not impossible to improve a product. N64 analogs were notorious for wearing out, but that was improved for successive consoles. Is there something about Joycons that means Nintendo can't redesign them to not develop drift?

not that user but I suspect their small size, in particular the small stick ad the tiny mechanism for those, is a major limiting factor for their design and likely why drifting is so common

what a clumsy man

>Small size
>Cramped internals

It's mostly thanks to their small size and the fact that they have tried to cram as much shit into them as possible. But costs are probably another factor, they can't really make the sticks better if they can't raise the costs of them even higher.

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Moero Chronicle broke my fucking Pro controller...

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It's coming out in the west. It's up for preorder on Amazon right now.

that's exactly what they want