What do you think on Neil's contribution to gaming?

What do you think on Neil's contribution to gaming?

Attached: Neil Druckmann.jpg (400x400, 23K)

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being a kike


TLOU is one of the best games of all time. It will probably top my "games of the decade" list when we inevitably post those late this year.

I think he has some explaining to do about why Amy Hennig left the company, before he started running the show entirely.

I'm a Sony bro, but it is literally a movie game (think Xenosaga) but with pretty graphics. You watch a cutscene, navigate a mouse maze and when you get to the end, you watch another movie.

He was pretty based for this, but fuck everything else

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What contribution?

SJW faggotry from here on in sadly.

and this, Jewish subversion.

Jak 3 and X are great. Uncharted and TLOU have cool stuff going on, but are mostly wasted potential. For wanting to focus on stories and characters, none of his games are anything super special.

I've read Blood, Sweat, and Pixels, and it definitely feels like Druckmann and Bruce Straley had conflicting ideas with what they wanted to do with Nathan Drake. Hennig didn't want any guns until the halfway point.

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Nevermind that he's one of the greatest video game creators of our time; the fact that he's those two things is enough to send the troglodyte /pol/tards into a frothy rage.

I actually thought TLOU had pretty good gameplay. Which was a shame because the devs did everything they could to deemphasize it and make it about "muh cinematic experience" where you're slow-walking with NPCs talking and setting up ladders.

t. jew

Man makes career out of ripping off movies and putting them in to video game form.

He's a piece of shit and I hate him

I can't help but feel like this guy is more insecure than the average Yea Forumsirgin by the way he carries himself

pedo jew in a bad way

TLoU is pretty good. I expected the multiplayer to be tacked on but it was actually really fun. I put 30-40 hours into the multi and played through the story three times.

I can't play it anymore. That opening 2 hours or so is slow as shiiiiiiiit. These kinds of games would be more replayable if they had like "fast forward me through the story bits"modes that unlocked after a first playthrough.

Heard the multiplayer was fun, but never got to try it myself. Fuck ND for implementing that jewy "multiplayer pass" bullshit where if you buy a game used you have to pay an additional fee for a multiplayer access code.

The multi got pretty jewish for sure and I bought it new on release so I had the pass. The pass things are shit, I agree and all the microtransactions for weapons and skills for loadouts was, at the time, pretty heavy. It seems saintly compared to loot boxes, but still, it's full of microtransactions. I'm sure the Remaster on PS4 still has people playing the multi desu. It stayed populated on PS3 for awhiiile.

>mouse maze
You can apply that description to any game ever made, if you really want to. First a game teaches you the rules of its maze, then it tests you on them. You suspend your disbelief and allow the game to convince you that you're somebody powerful, doing something important, somewhere interesting.

If you weren't engrossed by the story and/or didn't find the exploration/stealth/combat engaging, that's fine- you just prefer a different kind of maze. You don't need to come up with a bullshit reductionist argument.

he chased out amy hennig, so he's a complete idiot

The gameplay is good but i suffers from the cinematic experience game design

I liked the Uncharted series, TLOU was alright for what it was too, he and the people he works with seem talented, but holy shit why is Neil, and Naughty Dog in general, so pretentious now? And did they ever explain that "you can't say the word fun" thing?
Also this makes me laugh

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I didn't know he had involvement in Jack 3 and X actually. I'd love to see ND go back to Jak but for some reason it feels like they think they're "better" without it, like it's beneath them.

Thats not thief faggot.

>And did they ever explain that "you can't say the word fun" thing?
>"For us, with The Last of Us specifically (Uncharted is a little different in our creative approaches), we don’t use the word 'fun,'" Druckmann told Buzzfeed when asked if the team ever tries to make the combat less serious. "We say 'engaging,' and it might seem like a minor distinction, but it’s an important one for us."
I actually agree with him. I don't get the same experience playing an arcade than an horror game.

He has became a pretentious fuck. Now he has guilt to make fucking fat jokes.
>t. fat fuck

I don't like any of his games and any time I hear him speak he is astoundingly wrong about everything.

He ruined the uncharted series and a lot of the changes he made were done specifically to fucking it, fuck him.

Which one did he start on? When I bought my PS3 back in 2010 it came bundled with Uncharted 2, and I really enjoyed that game. Then later on when UC3 came out, I played that and just remember it being a lot more lackluster and tedious. Never bothered with UC4 because didn't buy a PS4.

I respected the visual technical side to ND games, not now that even bores me when they just use it for post apocalyptic back drops.

What exactly happened there? Did TLoU taking off as much as it did give him so much clout that he was effectively able to marginalize Amy Hennig's role in the company?

He was on the series from the first one.

Feel like he's telling me off all the time and yet he still wants my money when all his hectoring is said and done.

Henning wrote Uncharted 3 so that's a fair thing to do tbqh

>Neil's contribution to gaming


pretty much

upper management went for druck because his meme is still new and fresh compared to stale uncharted. he made a powerplay and it worked. but henning is always more talented

Zionist cuck lord

Spreading faggorty and kikery

didnt he direct conker? im sure thats worth something

Only good thing this guy is responsible for is cunny, though untintentionally.

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I've played the original Uncharted and TLoU and neither were anything remotely special in the TPS genre. Nobody would give a shit about them without story.

Has he worked on anything else or just those turds?

>the last of us
truly an amazing contribution to gayming as a whole

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he's a pompous twat that makes subpar movies with gameplay

He's an sjw faggot sure, but he makes and writes better gayms than that overrated hack kojima

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Making the top sfm cunny. It's why he made sure all the females look as ugly as possible in the 2nd game

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He took a gigantic jewish SHIT all over based Amy Hennig's creation.
I still loved the gameplay in U4 and TLL when there was some but it's pretty much guaranteed this jew had nothing to do with the actual gameplay, and shoe-horned "muh diversity" and wrote a shit story for Uncharted 4 no super natural elements cuz it's "unrealistic" that included WAY too much down-time for a game like Uncharted.
If only they had kept Hennig on until 4 was finished.
This jew bastard is too focused on shit that doesn't pertain to making an actual good game, which sucks because that's what Naughty Dog has been known for since Crash 1.
Fuck this guy.

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The gameplay was fantastic and the multiplayer was one of the best of the generation. Shame most people only talk about the story, that multiplayer was fucking god tier.

This is the problem with U4 and TLoU, great gameplay bogged down by BULLSHIT.
FUCK I just wish these games had the pacing of Uncharted 1-3.

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to be fair he's pretty much solely responsible for making Naughty Dog relevant way past it's PS1 and PS2 era where it's sister Insomniac completely failed.

he kicked out a talented woman of her game series, mutilated it and then claims he's a feminist

Literal movies and walking sims are the definition of great video games? Kys

>to be fair he's pretty much solely responsible for making Naughty Dog relevant way past it's PS1 and PS2 era
No retard, that was Amy Hennig. Apparently you didn't even read my post concerning the fact that Neil Cuckmann is shitting all over her legacy for keeping Naughty Dog the top dog throughout the PS3 era.

>“Fun” is such an interesting word. We took it off our focus tests. It was just a weird word that people were getting hung up on. How do you rate the dive sequence at the beginning of Uncharted 4? Is that fun? There’s no real challenge. There is a perceived threat, where they talk about oxygen, but that’s just weird narrative fluff. You can’t really run out of oxygen. But that level is important, to set up how mundane Nate’s life is. Just rating it on its own, one through five, that was constantly the lowest-rated level. But it kind of had to be. We’re not going to change that.

basically he hates the word fun because it's a buzzword that doesn't describe anything, so he's basically Yea Forums. Why do we hate this guy again?

she directed the worst mainline Jak game which is unforgivable

naughty dog didn't even have anything to show for this generation. No new IP, more rehashed uncharted game play in tlou 2 and uncharted 4 and 4.1.

Even Uncharted 3's pacing was pretty shit. U2 is definitely the most balanced.

That's my point. When Neil Cuckmann took over, everything went to shit.
If you're talking about 3, then fuck off. I have an unpopular opinion on that series- 1 is the worst, 2 is the best, and 3 is the second best.
Hennig did a good job on 3.

The pacing was fine in 3, it just had kind of a shit story compared to 1 and 2.
2 is definitely the best in the series, in all aspects.

Attached: U2 Chloe.jpg (997x741, 168K)

Neil did chase out Amy, dunno what he was thinking going after the person who wrote this: youtube.com/watch?v=t7SQ2Wu6PvI but whatever, he made his bed. I just hope ND's technical staff aren't going to waste because of him. Hopefully their work is spread far.

Who is this guy

What worries me is how quickly he has risen in the Naughty Dog hierarchy.

Niel was buddy-buddy with Bruce Straley before either had important positions. When Bruce was chosen to direct U2 which turned to be a huge success, Bruce grew higher and higher and eventually wanted Neil to head projects with him,

LoK will never be topped as best story telling in a game. Theater is a better influence for games than movies will ever be in regards to story in games.
