Content creators you'd like more if you didn't discover their social media.
Pic related
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is this video games?
no this is civvie
Too many to count
I see you're still seething, gman. Maybe if you weren't an incompetent fuck who only pretends to know what you're talking about you wouldn't have been exposed for the fraud that you are.
>G'day lads, time to make a boomer meme while also not talking about boomer games and instead tawkin about modern shooter cause i got no fanbase haha fuck shit fuck! crikey!
Gman, your disguise is thin.
>using social media
Civvie has an okay youtube channel, I watch his videos usually, hes nothing special. He can be kinda cringe sometimes.
His review of Amid Evil got me to buy it, and he's right, its pretty fucking good.
Social media ruined the world, not just content creators.
Ross S. Gaemdunjin > Civvie 11 >>>>>>> gman
I'm going to regret asking, but what is his social media problem?
If I had to guess, heavy political involvement.
I agree. Fuck that guy. Keep talking shit and I'll shut down your channel.
his social media is all about video games, his videos, or the occasional bit of fanart that people make of him. Also shitting on Randy Pitchford
>his social media is all about video games, his videos, or the occasional bit of fanart that people make of him. Also shitting on Randy Pitchford
sounds like his channel
can i get a quick rudown?
He's consistent
And then gman sperged out on twitter about it.
problem is that ross barely makes fucking videos and haloween is far away
He got me to buy Dusk. I was not disappointed.
I feel silly for not knowing about Blood or Shadow Warrior. In fact, I realized the other day that as a kid my only exposure to Doom was SNES. My only PC gaming as a kid was Diablo and Unreal Tournament.
>as a kid my only exposure to Doom was SNES
Mine too. I still have very fond memories of it and even replay it every once in a while because kid me was deathly afraid of it. Sure brings back memories.
Civie11 is the only sjw I've ever found on the internet who's entertaining. And on top of that he seems to be the only sjw willing to make politically incorrect jokes. These 2 things are probably related.
But seriously he is a horrible, horrible human being. Legitimately one of the worst scumbag virtue signalers you could imagine. He is LITERALLY deranged.
I was also afraid of it. For whatever reason, I thought that episode 1 was the entire game.
I learned to stop looking at people's social media for that express purpose. I like Civvie and I am not going to willingly subject myself to whatever bullshit politics he rants about on Twitter so that I can continue liking him.
Studies have shown a correlation with mental illness and persistent social media use. This correlation is strongest with Twitter. It would be interesting to research it, is it just a coincidence they all spout the same political position? It is a coincidence its mostly women?
Is he though? I watched all of his videos and all of his political jokes were par for the course. There was a "Haha Trump is orange" joke, something about white supremacy content on Youtube, and a quick bit about how he hates Milo Yianopolis (however you spell it). Eh, the usual stuff.
Here's the best piece of advice you'll ever get in your entire life: No matter what you do, don't ever go on his twitter.
I just checked his Twitter, I didn't see anything political. It was all related to pc gaming.
>For whatever reason, I thought that episode 1 was the entire game.
Could be that, as younger kids do and as I did too back then, you selected easier difficulties, which locked you out of starting the game in chapters 2 and 3, and since the game had no save function, if you wanted to get to chapter 2 and 3 in an easier difficulty you had to play from the very beginning, which could take a lot of time before a kid would either have to stop or simply lose interest. I remember never being able to pass the third level in chapter 3 because I had to play it on Ultra-Violence to even begin there.
it's 100% vidya, what are you on about
>Here's the best piece of advice you'll ever get in your entire life: No matter what you do, don't ever go on twitter.
Made a slight edit to your post.
He heard someone on here say his twitter is sjw shit so he believed him like the fucking idiot he is and now parrots it.
Its more likely because episode 1 was freeware so a lot more people were exposed to it compared to the rest of the game.
Well that's only for the PC though, the user was talking about the SNES version.
Hurry up and get him 100k you fucks. I want Duke Nukem forever.
I also wish he would bring back his schtick of "guy forced to play games in a dungeon". It's disappeared in recent videos. I know the joke could run thin, but it's fun.
Also as a kid I had no idea that games could be beaten. I was objectively shit at video games. It blew my mind when I learned that people had completed Mega Man games. This also explains why I thought that episode 1 was the only part of Doom.
I can see the MST3K inspiration, but he makes it fun instead of just being a mindless ripoff.
>not knowing about Blood or Shadow Warrior
you never owned a PC? what a faggot, you missed out my man
too bad the creater is a commietard
I'm with you on wanting it back. It was great when paired with stuff like the Capstone games.
>Also as a kid I had no idea that games could be beaten. I was objectively shit at video games
I can relate, not to the first part exactly but being objectively shit at video games. Its really weird because I'm actually very good now. As a kid I had the tools to be good too but never used them. I used the internet often to look up like, cheat codes for games, but would never read strategy guides or articles or seek out more advanced knowledge. I guess because I didn't know it existed, and you can't know what you don't know, and its not like I knew I sucked at videogames either, even though I realized I wasn't getting very far in them.
People act like calling a game "hand-holdy" is a buzzword but the only way I beat games as a kid is if they held my hand all the way through. I could not get past the first world/area/stage/whatever of bomberman 64 as a kid so I just played the multiplayer with my brother all day. I was able to progress through GTA games quite easily though.
>Content creators
>social media
I think the "guy forced to play games" only works when he's playing games he hates
>using social media
It kinds of return in the MDK video.
he does a lot of his humor in a way that could be overdone but he toes the line. There are a scant few jokes and bits of his that fall flat. Him bitching at Katie always gets me.
As for what this thread is about, I know it's obvious that Civvie isn't the biggest fan of Trump, but it never came off as overbearing, more that he hates his personality and behavior more than his politics.
Yeah, I suppose that's why I'm looking forward to DNF
>discover their social media
who does this?
No, I was a console kiddie for most of my life. I don't recall having a PC until around 2001-ish. It was one of those HP toasters from Comp USA. Came with Windows Millennium, which ran like shit.
Meh, I can separate the art from the artist.
I follow 3D Relms on discord but that's pretty much it
Mostly for Wrath and Ion Maiden
Maybe this is civvie and he is trying to lose subscribers, so that he can postpone his DNF video, so that he doesn't have to suffer through that game.
Which is understandable but I still want him to suffer and I want him to make the randy rant to end all randy rants.
I don't like his videos.
The way they are structured feels like a fever dream
Why can’t he be like god tier Ross/Mandalore on Twitter and only post announcements, stuff related to vidya, and fanart. Him and Gman are insufferable on social media for completely different reasons.
Fuck. This is some big brain shit.
He also tweets shit like, "anybody who voted to support the galactic empire on a disney poll about star wars is a fascist"
>Civvie needs to stick to video games
I don't understand where this is coming from. I just checked his twitter. Every post is about video games.
I also got my first PC around the early 2000 and it was an old windows 98 instead of XP, there I played the games my uncle used to give me like Blood, Shadow Warrior, Duke Nukem, Shogo, UT99
Funny thing is that I didn't play Blood that much but my mom did played it a lot, she used to play those Build engine games and Doom but she mostly played Blood
>calls duke nukem problematic
I think Civvie's stuff would be better if he dropped the skits. Probably the first time I've seen /vr/ get namedropped outside of Doomworld too.
Fuck off, shillman.
gman may be a mediocre reviewer, but at least he has his priorities straight
I still like him, just waiting for his next video
At least everyone can agree that Spoony's dog had the best twitter account.
can I get a quick rundown?
Civvie's videos are pretty entertaining and well paced, the only criticisms I've read here is that he's "SJW" for doing Blood and Shadow warrior before Duke, but he's done Duke now.
Sure, here it is:
Ignore Yea Forums and like what you like since most of Yea Forums is trolling, underageb&, outright retarded, or some combination thereof.
Apparently its all a bunch of horse shit.
The skits are okay more recently since they're so brief. I like the running gags. "NICE FUCKIN' MODEL" gets me every time.
Eh, I think a lot of the political shit is just projection and /pol/ autism, really. Also he's on a few levels of irony so it's hard to tell what he's actually serious about.
Also sound advice. Yea Forums is just for shitposting. Never let it dictate your opinions or taste in anything.
I like him, but asides the trump thing, he really tries too hard to fit in sometimes.
Funny how much of a Bethesda shill he is. After the 180 he did on Prey I was honestly not surprised at fucking all to see him trying to defend Fallout 76.
How did he teach his dog to type? Absolutely wild, man.
i scrolled on civvie's twitter back to the beginning of april and 98% of it was tweets about video games and 2% assorted shit like a few tweets about how much game of thrones sucks. the only remotely political tweet was this: twitter.com
what the fuck are people talking about him being a massive SJW?
I can honestly see gman being scared of Civvie's channel.
Gman is so fucking boring the few times I've clicked on his videos, the dude does not know how to structure a video.
He sounds like he wishes he was making articles for Polygon or Kotaku.
Even as an aussie I can't stand him.
Few possible explanations
1. Gman is trying to sabotage his competition
2. 3. This board is fucking retarded.
Basically Gman and Civvie both reviewed the same game, Blood: Fresh Supply. Gman said the game was great and that it had no major issues. Civvie in his video talked about how the game was actually broken and showed evidence of how broken the game was. Civvie directly called out Gman's review in his own review saying something along the lines of, "I don't know what Gman is smoking." Then Gman got mad and cried on twitter. Basically Gman is both an idiot and a fucking pussy.
Well I know what I'd bet my money on
This 5 that's actually #3
Do you have the screencaps because I can't find shit.
I watched Civvie's video, seemed like a respectful way to disagree since comparisons were bound to be made.
Didn't know Gman actually threw a shitfit over it though.
...I just realized the abbreviation for Duke Nukem Forever is the abbreviation in motorsports for when racer crashes out, or has a major mechanical failure.
Just look at the patreon accounts of civvie and gggman. Civvie earns like four times what gggman does.
The Aussie hired a troll army to wage a meme war. Very exciting.
Alternatively, Civvie is sabotaging himself to avoid his 100k DNF review
>abbreviation in motorsports for when racer crashes out, or has a major mechanical failure
it means did not finish. its unrelated to accidents
Followed hutch from before machinima.
Saw his twitter a couple months after he came back onto yt after his hiatus.
It was a mistake.
Civvie puts WAY more effort into his videos so he def deserves to earn more. Gman just does boring dime-a-dozen 10 min reviews whereas Civvie goes through every single level in the game hes reviewing. Hes way more thorough on top of just being way more entertaining.
gggwomanshills is a thin-skinned beta faggot that grew up playing xbox and got a pc when he was well into adulthood and tries to pretend like he played doom when he was 3
Accidents prevent you from finishing a race.
Is he actually a commietard or is he just Not Republican?
Hey fellas is the Shadow Warrior remake any good?
The one from 2013?
I think this is based on the fact that New Blood is putting out a game that's like an Antifa beat em up or something.
>Be gaming youtuber
>Sneak in your liberal beliefs into reviews, including how you believe the Trump/Russia conspiracy like a typical NPC (Terminator Skynet review, not gonna timestamp it, you can rewatch it yourself fanboy fuckstick - and I shouldn't even have to mention the cringe cancer mouse shit)
>Get absolutely BTFO by the Mueller report
How will he react to it in his videos?
Reminder Blood is his favorite of the Build trilogy because it's the most politically correct (see: MK11). He called Lo Wang "problematic", the fucking faggot.
Thread also reported for off topic
It's great. The sequel is great too but it's a completely different kind of game.
i dont care about social media.
i consume theirs content only.
stop being a faggot
I thought it was okay, but I remember thinking the guns were mostly kinda weak and lackluster. The sword was great in it though, if that's your thing.
Eh I found it repetitive, it's basically
>Run down hallway
>Enter arena to fight enemies
The sword is neat but the guns are underwhelming
wtf i love civvie now!
I remember him getting really fucking mad about racism in Bad Day LA, came off as being really whiny when the game is already dogshit, no reason to get mad
he tweeted something about how capitalism sucks
found it
pinko son of a bitch
It's almost like someone's gunning for Civvie. Someone from a people notorious for shitposting. I wonder (((who))) could be behind this surprising turn of events.
never even heard of the guy before a couple days ago with all these threads popping up
Youtube belongs to the Strayans.
Civvie is one of the best youtubers on thr platform. Zoomers need to zoom somewhere else
I dont remember him being mad, just cringing / making fun of it.
We need to take the great firewall of china and put it around australia and canada too while we're at it.
hey Civvie, I know you're here
that's so BADASS!!!
Randy is a BADASS!!!
you've posted this before, you need to have sex already.
Eh, this came off as genuinely getting mad
Fuck if I played this shit till the end, I'd be so fucking tired I couldn't even muster up anger at how shitty it is
Pretty much. His Pro series is amazing and definitely not just "put random gameplay footage in the background"everyone else does.
that didn't come off as mad at all, it literally sounds like a spic doing a chapelle character.
Also follows it up with yet another Yea Forums reference solidifying he definitely comes here.
It always impresses me how people can turn literally anything into potential SJW oustings
>implying it doesn't
>implying any scarcity based economic or political systems don't fucking suck
pretty much. just watch their content and avoid the person behind it. all of them are annoying to some degree.
What do you guys use for white noise?
I just set this up and sleep to this youtube.com
I don't know why
You can see it in his MDK video that he has DNF installed.
So he wouldn't mind if I pirate his game.
Communism is all about equal sharing for everyone. :)
Wat. He's clearly joking and ripping on the game's own shit humor.
yeah but all the other alternatives are worse
Mad pol shitter detected
Please stop psycho analysing people when you clearly haven't got a single fucking clue.
Did he take his computer with him?
Now that's what I call watercooling.
He sounds like a SJW leftist in some videos, how close am I?
That's interesting and all but I watch him for the games he plays and for the gaming related commentary, not for his political beliefs.
Why do e-celebs always want to make a movie? Is it an overinflated sense of ego?
where do i get a doll like that
No you don't.
Ross started with making machinima videos so I can see where he is coming from.
Otherwise he's working years on it and not making progress at all.
Like he still is struggling with UE4 for some reason.
He's wanted to make it for years, long before he became famous. Honestly, he's really chill about it.
Not social media, but their subscriptions to other content creators.
He should focus on Game Dungeon honestly but at this rate we're gonna get 1 video after half a year and then it'll be another half a year.
google you fucking retard
>it'll be another half a year.
Would be better if he actually married a woman who can support him in some way instead of someone retarded who is afraid of cooking or going outside.
>Marries a fan who lives halfway across the world just because she's a fan
Her twitter is cute though.
I'd rather him take his time, he seemed to be really struggling to find stuff for last Halloween / Christmas, and honestly it didn't have much feeling in it. He really shines when he finds some bullshit dos game that he can rant about for two hours, while also getting developer interviews and is often times the first person to record the ending to a game. It's a quality vs quantity argument here.
No one is forcing him to do theme videos though. I don't care if he does a non-horror game on Halloween or non-Christmas on Christmas.
He's not exactly a prime catch and he doesn't speak the local language (and most of the locals don't speak his).
That's not the dev you stupid son of a bitch
ross > womble > civvie > sseth > dunkey
>creator sneaks political jokes in his videos
>is a gaming channel
Why? I don't care about your american sensibilities, even if I did, I'm here for vydia. That shit is a dealbreaker.
Ross>Mandalore>Sseth>LGR>>>Civvie>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Power Gap>>>>>>>>>>>>STDManlives
Did gggmanlives go crazy the past year? He’s descended into shilling and fucking terrible rushed videos.
well if your so smart then who is the dev?
Honestly, the advent of me joining twitter killed any respect I had for these guys.
He's always been fucking awful. I have no idea why people liked him other than "he review old game shooter and say good thing about it grug like"
where's mecha
He's made some shitty decisions that have shown him off to be a soppy whining cunt.
Some people can be stupid assholes in private and still be good at what they do, but sometimes people get insufferable enough that it leaks into what they do for a living and this is where we currently are with gman.
Yeah twitter is totes based right my fellow user?
literally who
The developer of DUSK is Dave Szymanski.
He has nothing to do with Tonight We Riot.
Both games are published by NewBlood.
Dave Oshry is the head of NewBlood.
Before his videos used to be like 5-7 mins long. Now they're 10+ minutes and full of padding, so I've started to dislike him.
Typical dumb nigger making an idiotic connection. You're free to look for yourself to see if he talks about liberal shit but I know you won't, and I don't know how that translates into me defending twitter or social media in general.
I'm going to say all of them. Especially 3.
he did a review of that one /pol/ wad and didn't immediately burst into tears upon playing it which made some twitter retards mad and so people thought he was based for a while
meant for
it is no secret that civvie 11 is a crypto fascistoid esoteric national socialist. why do you think he is under surveillance by government killbots and tortured with shitty games 24/7?
He still doesn't have a Daikatana video though