This game sucks ass. What's with all the praise?
This game sucks ass. What's with all the praise?
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suck my dick cracka ass bitch
>Sucked at insurance fraud
You don't have to shitpost if you want to talk about Saints Row 2.
That's a weird way to say "is fucking awesome."
Gay and cringe
OP here, I meant sucks ass in a "yuri futa femdom" way, not in a bad way
have you seen the awful sequels?
I found this game for 3 bucks on PS3 about 2 months ago. I created a character and played it about 20 minutes. I don't know man. While I know this series has always been liked and everything, I was starting to think Saints Row 2 maybe just isn't fun to play in 2019. Maybe it doesn't hold up. Anyone here actually played it recently? Or are you all just basing your opinion on memories from 2008.
I saw one awful sequel, one passable sequel, one dogshit predecessor, and one half-baked spiritual successor. Pretty shitty track record across the board and if anything from this series deserves praise, it's the 4th one. Great note to "end" on, has the most features and best graphics and gameplay out of all them. Available on PC and every 7th & 8th gen console excluding the Switch and actually runs perfectly on every one without a bunch of mods. It also had a great DLC to top it all off. It's amazing how polished it is compared to the rest of the series and how much it's overlooked because of "muh 2" and 3 being so bad.
I agree. 3 was my first SR game and my friends told me to play 2 after because it was better. Tried it for an hour and thought it was fucking awful. Everything about it was bad.
By the way, that's only excluding the Switch for now since they put 3 on there for some reason. They might put 4 on it too eventually.
Unironically a better GTA than GTA V.
Yeah dude, the jank level is so high right from the get-go. It feels really clunky and the graphics are blocky as shit and pretty ugly desu. I'm usually pretty good about sticking with a game to see if I start to enjoy it, but something about this one felt so off to me.
>SR1 and 2 Remastered for PC never ever
The Saints Row series is damn near perfect.
>Agents of Mayhem can fuck off though
>2 decent games out of 5
>damn near perfect
>they don't perform this song anymore because the word whore is used in it
Paramore is kinda dead anyway right?
they will crawl back singing the song.
I like the sound and feel of the gunplay in 2 more than 3 but that's about it. Everything else feels aged out
I finished 3 after an hour because it only had that much amount of contents.
I replayed this recently and noticed that the dead bodies would enter a static state. I swear they would stay ragdolly before.
Nah they're not dead, they just do a completely different style now. So they alienated a lot of the fanbase that listened to them when they were in middle school. It's one of their more popular songs but they have plenty others and can live without performing it. It's just the reason why they don't perform it that upsets me.
blame volition for being a bunch of incompetent fucks
reminder cd projekt fucked the dog on the pc version and the source code to even attempt to fix the game was """"""""""""""lost"""""""""""" the day volition hired idolninja
>Insurance fraud with low gravity on
unironically some of the funnest shit I've ever played
I hate people who play games 15 years later and then talk about how shitty they are in retrospect. You didn't experience at release, so you didn't really experience it.
SR1 and 2's code is supposedly a fucking maze of cobwebs wrapped in some jumbled christmas lights
3 was where the lol toowacky garbage really began to fester, with the fucking wrestling move asset swaps and walking dildoes.
I'm playing Saint's Row 3 for the Switch.
I've just been screwing around in the city for the past 40+ hours having fun fighting various groups.
If these are the characters from 2, it does feel like I've missed out on their relationship building. I felt like a complete third wheel during the first mission in the city where your character and the black guy are singing along with the song on the radio. But the banter does feel organic.
2fag here. I wouldn't mind 3's wackiness, but that game jumped the shark on:
>map size and diversity
>amount of activities
>campaign length and having a third of it consisting of activity tutorials
>customization in general
You can unironically jump in Saints Row in ANY one of the games except 4.
4 is literally the only continuation where you needed to have played the 3rd game.
Almost nobody except Gat is back in 2, and if they return they have no significance other then a reference.
In 3, almost nobody is the same and since it's a new town the world builds itself.
Most of the supporting characters and their relationships are retconned to hell. Playing the second game really doesn't help any with that. The dialogue is pretty good though because the writing is pretty solid in all the games outside of the more LOL SO RANDUMB moments and the VAs are decent. Each half of the series is basically it's own continuity but just sharing some names and character designs. So you'd have to play 1 to really feel involved in 2 and 3 to feel involved in 4.
Reminder: 2 worked because the missions were 100% serious but the side activities were wacky. There is not ONE mission in SR2 that relies on wacky humor. It's dark all the way through and serious.
3 is just okay.
I prefer 2 because there's just an insane amount of things to do and they all tend to be fun.
>fun bodyguard activity
>running head on into traffic activity
>covering everything in shit
It's just fucking fun.
3 lacked those, but was really, really smooth to play compared to 2's PC jank.
Ultimately, I didn't find myself wanting to finish 3, but I wanted to finish 2 because even the plot was entertaining.
>maero did nothing wrong
>those weed guys
>that spoiled chink burial
2 had subtle black comedy in some of the main missions IIRC.
Maero did everything wrong, the boss would have been fine with a 50/50 deal, he was arrogant and believed he was no threat because he was a washed up gang banger
Samedi simply fucked with the wrong people and thought empty threats mean't something to a psycho.
Shojo would have unironically defeated the saints had his idiot father not stepped in. Shojo killed Aisha, Injured Gat, and found the saints hideout.
All Akuji did was die.
Vogel thought he had power, but in reality the power from Ultor came from the board of directors whom he killed because they didn't like his plans to infest neighborhoods with gangs to kill them.
Maero offered a number, the boss was being a gangster boss believing he's owned more than that and immediately begins to become confrontational instead of giving a counter offer.
Maero gave that number because at the time, the Saints were just starting up again.
Ah, it just felt like 3 was supposed to be a continuation of 2 where the Saints reached stardom, but then rested on the laurels and the Syndicate moved in while the the Saints were fucking around to make sense from a gameplay perspective where you have to retake everything.
I'm going to guess Gat is dead or gone and they magically bring him back in 4 or something.
>People saying the it being serious with wacky side missions is what made Saint's Row good.
I went into the game expecting it to be a less serious GTA, and it worked out great. One of the few times i'd see something like this and declare it a feature, and not a bug.
Yeah, but it controls better. Especially on foot.
It's also because the chick's voice blew out one of the last times they did that song and it fucked up one of their tours.
It's just fun, a bit janky and unpolished but doesn't take itself seriously kinda like the old gta games
just pick up and play
That reason you just gave is also why they've never performed All I Wanted live or the screamo version of Emergency. Anyway, I don't remember hearing that reason for Misery Business but I guess it kinda makes sense. I mostly just heard that she didn't want to sing a "slut shaming" song anymore.
>tfw *bat country scream*
>that super secret mission and dlc that reward your knowledge of SR1 with story content about Julius and Dex post-SR1
>SR3 and 4 never followed it up
>Dex is just a fucking diversion in Gat out of Hell
It hurts man
It's the multiplayer that was good in the first two games that was it
hmm you're going to need to give me some examples of such a thing to let me be sure it does suck
/r9k/ancer like you is why things have gone to shit.
Dex was never interesting and the only reason you care about him is because of some loose end that made him look like the fucking holy grail of saints row lore.
Go back to making videos flippy
I played 3 first and, besides the controls, I always thought 2 was the superior game
>Great weapon variety
>High vehicle and character customization compared to it's sequels
>Map is dense and no district looks the same
>Little details such as being able to pick up coins from broken newspaper stands and payphones
>Multiple melee styles
The final mission of the Sons of Samedi was a load of bullshit.
>Real Muthaphuckkin G's was on an ad for the game but not actually in it
>le other evil board boogeyman
No it is people like you that have turned things to shit. Just talk about the game and leave the dumb meta shit out of it.
I think it was just okay. What I did was to immediately go up a level and proceed to shoot them down below. But I can see how it's bullshit.
This cutscene was incredible at the time
>Ah, it just felt like 3 was supposed to be a continuation of 2 where the Saints reached stardom, but then rested on the laurels and the Syndicate moved in while the the Saints were fucking around to make sense from a gameplay perspective where you have to retake everything.
You're spot on
>I'm going to guess Gat is dead or gone and they magically bring him back in 4 or something.
Gat is dead as fuck and doesn't come back until his own mediocre spin off game
>>People saying the it being serious with wacky side missions is what made Saint's Row good.
Personally me, and lot of other fans dislike 3 because it TOO fucking goofy to its own determent, none of the story outside the initial first couple missions when you skydive to the pent house and slaughter everyone, after that the game's story take a nosedive imo,
2's had good balance of seriousness and sillyness which made certain story beats stick more, it's been nearly a decade since 2 came out and Carlos's death and "...Get up..." still stick for while on the other hand in 3 I can't remember anything pass Lauren's death, why they decided to kill of the villain they spent so much time building up in the first 2 hours of the game is fucking beyond me
Generally 3 is disliked because its story went full pantsu on head retarded and had far too many steps down as far as player customization is concerned
>Maero offered a number, the boss was being a gangster boss believing he's owned more than that and immediately begins to become confrontational instead of giving a counter offer.
IIRC Maero offers 20%, the boss takes 20% as an insult, instead of going higher Maero keeps 20% on the table and tells the boss they should be thankful he even consider offering that much, then he fucks off and send the brotherhood to ambush the boss
Maero grossly underestimated what the boss was capable of and lived to regret it, literally none of this bad shit would've happened had he just offered 50%
It's actually really fun, you just have no taste.
This unironically blows modern GTA out of the water
hamfisted "muh realism" faggotry where devs all have a hardon for making things seem mature
>then he fucks off and send the brotherhood to ambush the boss
IIRC boss fucked off and because he was so butthurt from the offer, he proceeded to fuck with Maero's cars. That's what started the whole conflict between the 2 rival gangs.
It's jank as fuck
>why they decided to kill of the villain they spent so much time building up in the first 2 hours of the game is fucking beyond me
"SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS," an omen of things to come really
Steelport is also a big pile of shit
Still the point stand that if Maero would've offered 50% He and the brotherhood would still be alive
But I guess you could argue the boss is such a fucking bloodthirsty sociopath he/she would've turned on Maero eventually for 100% control of the city
Agreed. Fun game nonetheless and they're great characters.
I wish Gat wasn't killed in 3, and off-cam at that.
Bounce like my cheques did back in the day
This, Steelport is an incredibly shitty map. It all looks the same. Stilwater has distinct neighborhoods and regions.
>Generally 3 is disliked because its story went full pantsu on head retarded and had far too many steps down as far as player customization is concerned
How so? I'm a Nintendude so i'm not used to level of character customization, how was 3 a step down in terms of being able to mess with every facial feature?
Stilwater also has a bunch of secrets and easter eggs scattered around the maps, along with cribs and stores having unique interiors. Steelport in comparison, all stores of the same type have the same interior, and all the cribs/safehouses have the same interior, along with having like no easter eggs on the map.
You can't make a black fat bald-headed bearded woman in 3. Hell, you can't even make fat people at all.
More options really, losing layer clothing options was a hit
For example you used to be able to choose a coat, an over shirt, and under shirt, and a variety of bras, and all that is just your torso
Generally very option had way more depth in 2 then it does in 3 and 4, hell they even let you customize your characters walk cycle and fighting style
You can make a fat person, just not morbidly obese.
Well that would be seen as a step backwards.
Also there's like fuckall interesting rewards from doing side-stuff in 3. I think the most interesting thing (in the base game) was the reward from cyberblazing, which was a couple vehicles.
help anons i am thinking about buying it, will i like it if i have no problem with GTA 3/Vice City/San Andreas controls?
is 3 worth it too? i have no problem with wacky humor
>just not morbidly obese.
See, what's the point then?
>Shojo would have unironically defeated the saints had his idiot father not stepped in.
Shogo was an idiot, Jyunichi was the real strength of the Ronin. As soon as Shogo fucked him over out of jealousy over his father's approval, the Ronin were all but guaranteed to fall. Then Akuji was stubborn and severed all ties with Ultor in such a way that Vogel gladly sold out their hotel hideout to the Boss as soon as business was concluded.
What a fucking ride the Ronin missions were though. Except for the start of One Man's Junk with the forced fucking jetski approach to the docks while the invulnerable chopper drops homing explosive crates on you.
Buy 2, my friend. It actually blows PS2-era GTA controls out of the water.
I'd get 3 at a very low price. It's a pretty short game, light on content. But muh controls tho.
Go away fatty mcfatass
Don't buy it. Game is old as fuck. Pirate it and download Gentlemen of the Row so you can actually play it. On foot controls take some getting used to and are quite different from GTA, especially the older ones. Driving and shooting are pretty similar though. I'd recommend 4 over 3 since they are pretty similar but 4 is just better in every way and the humor, while wacky, is way less Reddit randomXD than 3.
But I wanna play as a rainbow-haired half-bald 300 lbs nigger speedrunner and 2 let me do that. 3 ironically went no fun allowed in terms of customization.
Yeah its kinda hard to describe the full scale of 3 is missing in compassion to 2 to someone who hasn't played 2, there's a serious lack of videos i could pull up to show you, but not having stuff like customizable icons that you could put on every piece of clothing as you pleased, or being able to choose multiple different rings to put on each individual finger was really nice to have and 3 got rid of for seemingly no reason other than volition being lazy
You're forgetting the best part of 2 that 3 left because ???: multiple layers of clothes
Kept trying to make my guy look like PROTOTYPEman in 3 and all I could get was either a dumb jacket or a dumb hoodie, not both
>>maero did nothing wrong
He didn't understand who the fuck he was talking to at the very least.
>mfw Bank Error in Your Favor
>it does feel like I've missed out on their relationship building. I felt like a complete third wheel during the first mission in the city where your character and the black guy are singing along with the song on the radio. But the banter does feel organic.
the characters in 3 are basically completely different characters from the ones in 2 and all the callbacks feel like cheap nostalgic cash grabs
I just finished a run on the PS3
It's still the best sandbox crime game ever. The cutscenes and graphics look like ass by modern standards (except for the explosions), but the game is still super fun overall.
Get a rocket launcher and fuck him up.
It's the best GTA clone by far, and that's including all the actual GTA games in the running. Great intentionally ridiculous story, fun and bizarre gameplay that comes with insane variety, great city mayhem and co-op madness. It focuses on being fun and funny above all else rather than whatever the hell Rockstar thinks they've been going for with the last few GTA games, and unlike the later Saints Row games all the humour and even the actual heart in the story lands pretty consistently and doesn't become obnoxious.
Jank is a good thing in an intentionally ridiculous and funny game like Saints Row 2. It just adds to the mayhem and bizarreness.
(Unless you're talking about it being actually broken with the PC port, in which case fair enough)
>he didn't carry his heavy ass crt down the street to his friends house to hangout and play through sr2 lan all day throughout the weekend in 2008
There's nothing fucking charming about the opening boat escape of the game running at 3 fps or that when driving around the city sometimes it forgets to load the map.
>>that spoiled chink burial
honestly one of my favorite vidya missions of all time. No snappy one liners or "hilarious" quips, just a brutal revenge killing. I really liked the contrast between whacky side missions and dark main missions played straight. The Aisha death scene was fantastic too.
It's a passable GTA clone that kept a fun, campy atmosphere while Rockstar was crawling up their own collective assholes with Niko "im going to cry about having killed two people in my backstory in this cutscene that the player just murdered 60 oedestrians in the street driving to the access point to view" Bellic
Although granted, saints row eventually went too far in the other direction and really lost sight of itself.
The music fix for the PC port as well.
A more important ingredient in 2 is that while the crew was stupid and wacky, MC was their straightman foil.
Making the player character every bit as stupid as them, if not moreso, really took the fun out of it.
Best The Third tune incoming:
I don't know if straightman is the way to describe him, he's basically a cold blooded psycho. A cool cold blooded psycho, but still.
>That cutscene in the Vogel missions when you get ambushed at the bar and you basically grab the innocent bartender chick and throw her over the bar as a human shield
>MC was their straightman foil
Why do people keep saying this? The MC was absolutely not a straightman in SR2. They were more than happy to go along with whatever nutty shit the gang came up with and they came up with a few nutty things of their own as well. The MC, in SR1&2 at least, is a complete and utter psychopath. It's a major plot point that they are a complete and utter psychopath. Want to know who the straightman for the saints was in SR2? Pierce.
Sucks to be you. I enjoyed the fuck out of it on both console ports.
Why the fuck did they kill him off so early? He should’ve been the main antagonist.
I'm back in the thread, I read everything you guys said. Alright you convinced me. I'm going to give this another shot. Admittedly, I probably didn't play it long enough to have a solid grasp on everything the game offers. That's unfair of me, and I want to enjoy this game. I'm going back in.
Because 3 had to sacrifice writing for muh graphic fidelity and controls.
Nu volition fag
So Hulk Hogan could steal the spotlight as fucking usual
expectations: subverted
They rather remastered 3 and 4 on the switch.
because they did everything they could to "break the codes" because "it's so WACKY and RANDOM XD"
honestly it's fine, the trope of the big bad evil coming in to taunt the character just to leave with his evil laugh while your character just shake his hand in anger is stale and boring.
the bad part was how he died, it's random and ridiculous, having the boss putting a bullet in his head would have been miles better
Different division.
>"I know you want the best SR games, but you can have the shittiest ones on the only sub 720p console guys"
Saints Row IV had some comfy store music.
Did they bring back the adult swim radio?
This. this is my main problem with the new series.
The Third seemed to have a problem with shooting its wad too early.
>Land in a brand new city after skydiving off a plane, cut off from Stilwater and the rest of the gang
>Nah nothing to worry about just gonna go rob this Armoury while Pierce and an army of Saints fly into Steelport by chopper
>Spend barely 5 minutes in the shitty apartment owned by Shaundi's ex before you decide to just take over a luxurious Syndicate penthouse downtown
>Plenty of beef to be had with Loren, hyped up in pre-release material as the main antagonist
>Just take over Powder then assault his tower before he gets squashed by the tuned mass damper
At least I could play through The Third as The Mask. Shame they didn't get Shaughnessy back to voice the cockney bastard but Atkin Downes is a solid replacement.
>tfw Flippy is still fucking dead
I hate volition so much
He's alive but Youtube has gotten sketchy as a distribution system.
>the source code to even attempt to fix the game was """"""""""""""lost"""""""""""" the day volition hired idolninja
The source code was not "lost". Volition actually lost the rights to the code during the THQ liquidation. They still have the console source code, CDPR has the PC source code.
pretty much why people don't like it, there's almost no build up in everything and once loren is dead you take ages to beat what are supposed to be his underlings
Have you let them know, user?
There's the social media accounts and the Twitch streams have restarted.
>and controls
>as if this shouldn't be a priority
SR2/360babbies are so fucking weird.
No point in that amigo
SR2's engine is ass. It looks and runs like shit in 2019, which is a shame since it's so good underneath. This is the one game that needs a remake and an updated PC port.
*destroys your disc*
I don't get it
From what I know, they'd have to remake the games from scratch basically, because they lost the code (>Volition) back during the bankruptcy auction
>At least 1/3 of SR3's story is introducing you to the activities
>Took out fun activities like Fuzz and Septic Avenger but left in boring as shit helicopter activities
Nope. They lost the source code for the already existing PC port made by CDPR, they still have the source code to versions of the game Volition made. Volition has done several streams with various different build versions of SR1&2. They kept everything.
The reason why they probably never did any more ports is because, by their own admission, the code is a mess of broken shit.
But user you get to ride a tiger around in a car, what could possibly be more fun?
Oh. Shit, then.
How did CDPR make a port as shitty as the SR2 port though? Is the code that bad?
Dammit, I keep typing CDPR when I just mean CDP. The port was done by a studio called CD Projekt Black, not CD Projekt Red. The port is terrible partly because the codebase was shit, partly because THQ cheaped out on QA but mostly because the studio was shit. The studio was closed down a while ago.
>Even in video games, Hogan politics himself into the main event
Thanks for drawing the house, Hulkster