oh my gosh!!!
zelda: ocarina of time has gotta be the greatest video game ever made!!!
what!? you don't agree!?
you just don't get it! you had to have played it when it first came out!!!
it was sooooooo revolutionary for it's time!!!
i'm getting nostalgic just thinking about it!!!
Oh my gosh!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
You okay pal? Need someone to talk to?
I can't imagine the sadness you must feel in your life to have to post this.
I like how you keep spamming this same thread
>other one gets deleted
has to instantly remake it
but why???
Nincels love remakes so maybe they would love this thread
majoras mask is the best
I am so fucking tired of wojak
Welcome to the post irony age.
impossible question:
what's worse, nintendofags or wojakeditfags?
Sonybro here, no other console game had a similar atmosphere at the time. So yes, Lil Zoom, it was a very important game at launch.
>posts feelsguy
>calls it wojak
>Came out when I was 13
>Still haven't beaten it to this day
Just didn't do it for me
Shitpost thread but,
Mario64 and Majora's Mask are better N64 games
Link's Awakening, Breath of the Wild, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Legend of Zelda, and A Link to the Past are all better Zelda games.
It was atmospheric, and had great music, but those dungeon designs were pure bullshit. Especially the one where you have to carefully adjust your joystick, and the slightest movement would send you to your doom.
this but unironically
> 20 years later, still mad
oh my gosh!!!
Final Fantasy VII has gotta be the greatest video game ever made!!!
what!? you don't agree!?
you just don't get it! you had to have played it when it first came out!!!
it was sooooooo revolutionary for it's time!!!
i'm getting nostalgic just thinking about it!!!
Who hurt you?
Which one are you talking about?
The Fire Temple has sections like that, but I don't know if that's the one you're referring to.
Anyway, OP drinks gorilla cum.
>game has difficult part
>makes it bad
Get good faggot.
Its not "good for when it came out, but-"
its just a good game. Doesn't matter when you play it. Only people who hate it say "it mighta been good when it came out, but-"
if you hate the game theres just something wrong with you, and this is not Yea Forums - mental help & psychiatry. so take it somewhere else.
Me too, friend...me too.
They're not even targeting Nintendo fans, necessarily, they're just trying to annoy Yea Forums. They don't even care if you respond to them since having to look at it at all accomplishes that. If you reply then all the better.
If there was ever a “you had to play it when it was new to understand the hype” game, FFVII is absolutely that.
i've seen people talk like this about OOT in real life even,never seen a post like that about ff7 though
this guy actually typed all this
here's your (you)
It’s not anything particularly special compared to a lot of games that came out after it, but it’s still fairly enjoyable.
>3. Nier Automata
this is a bigger issue than FF7 and OOT
>Nier Automata even in the top 1000 games of all time.
Absolutely shit list.
On a unrelated note is Gravity Rush 2 actually good?
Is this from your newest rigged poll, listfag?
>made on allourideas.org where you can revote infinitely
whats the point?
It is if you like the characters, but you're kind of too late since they took down one of their core features cause lmao servers down
Do you idiots ever get tired of threads like these? Don't you ever just want to have a real discussion without bait and shitposts?
> Implying it was rigged when you faggots were responsible, just because you don't like the results
Imagine being this pathetic, i never voted once, just posted the results after every hour since it was up for like 15-20 hours. Otherwise if it was rigged, outdated pieces of shit like Doom, Deus Ex, DMC3, Half-Life, Pokemon, New Vegas, System Shock, Donkey Kong, Mario RPG & Morrowind wouldn't even be in the top 1000
I honestly think it's BotW fans who sperg out about OoT
MM, SH2 and SOTC are the only good games on this list. Prove me wrong.
Ha.ve sex.
I know this is anecdotal and thus to be taken with a grain of salt, but since I didn’t play 7 when it was new I didn’t get what was so great about it. Hence why I consider it one of those games.
It’s fucking weird too because I like JRPGs but couldn’t get into this one
The Yea Forums one was just from a thread with 300 + comments, i merely sampled the games with the most (you)'s
fuck off wojak redditors
It will still be better than whatever your favorite game is 50 years from now, get over it.
It just doesn’t happen like that user. You need to bait people into a conversation now
oot is the best game of all time as far as citizen kane is, i don't even like citizen kane but the public influence isn't deniable. same goes for oot. also, the formatting of this post goes beyond bait, you actually seem mentally ill, seek help.
What if my favorite is the remake on the 3DS?
If you want real discussion you go to /vg/, Yea Forums is for shit posting only.
Then you probably weren't the one that made this thread
>muh feels the movie
fuck off with that gay shit,the best movie of all time is clearly and definitely kungpow
But I'm just do sick of it. It's the same shit over and over again. I'm so tired of looking at wojak and Pepe. I'm tired of seeing the same 3 or 4 words used for everything (cope, cringe, based, seethe, etc). How do you fags do the same shit over and over again everyday and just not get sick of it?
I’ll call that and raise you Big Trouble In Little China
>How do you fags do the same shit over and over again everyday and just not get sick of it?
It’s just like grinding in a video game really. You do what works
I'll just go right on over to the Metroid general then and discuss that.
I don't care about most or the generals on /vg/
based zoomie
cope. your fucking cringy.
have sex you little basedboy faggot.
God save you user.
no its still the best movie objectively, or as close as it can get with opinion goes. just because i didn't like it doesnt invalidate the taste of concensus of kino no matter how fallacious it may be, it's the only valid argument to make in my opinion.
Nice edit you did to the Wojak.
It was brave of you to come out at such a young age, how did your family take it?
Booty is good but not enough to go down as a classic.
I played it when it first came out, and it's not my favorite. I prefer the unorthodox ones, Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, and Breath of the Wild
Having consensual sex with an adult woman is so great!
we just had this thread and the the zoomer OP got btfo when approached with no rebuttal against the "you had to be there" argument.
> Time at the beginning of the Thread: Sat 11 May 2019 15:36:39 (35,000 Votes)
> Time At the end of the Thread: Sun 12 May 2019 03:44:25 (110,000 Votes)
All i did was use a Picture of NieR Automata as the OP for clickbait purposes, i didn't think that it would attract as many NieR fans on Yea Forums that it did
>Wind Waker
yeah because Zelda 2 and Majora's Mask were so conventional
>Yea Forums has ZERO mario games or traditional platformmers in the top 10
>Nier A Tomato
Jesus Christ was Toob's ass that good?
>Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, and Breath of the Wild
those are as by the numers as it gets. majora's mask is far more creative and original in its concepts.
this is about the same logic as OP tbqh
*tips fedora*
According to some of the people were voting, yes
> t's a really good video game. It uses the fact that it is a video game to the fullest extent, and takes full advantage of its gameness. The things it does could not be replicated by a TV show or a movie or a book. Not even a CYOA book or that episode of Black Mirror that let you choose the options. Also the girls are cute and the music is grand
> One of the only games that actually uses the medium of videogames to do something special. It's one of the few games that wouldn't really work outside of vidya even though it's a story oriented game.
> It's one of the very few games that tells a story in such a way that wouldn't ever work as anything but a video game. It's unironically the Citizen Kane of video games.
Have sex
What's with the sudden OoT hate out of literally nowhere? You faggots trying to push a narrative or something?
It's because this retarded eceleb review youtube.com
The credits to Nier Automata is unironically one of the most kino moments in video game history.
you can dress it up all you want but you cannot deny that a lot of the votes were made purely because of that tush.
>it's another HURR HYRULE FIELD IS EMPTY episode
>I'll take a million Hyrule Fields over any Ubishit open meme game
Here are the potential scenarios
> 1. BOTW zoomers assmad that OOT is still considered the best Zelda game
> 2. FF7 Remake renewed the cancerous OOT vs FF7 faggotry
> 3. Sony fans just continuing their console war bullshit
> 4. Nintendo fans falseflagging to make Sony fans & BOTW fans look bad