Why is the Switch exclusive library so underwhelming and uninspired? Has Nintendo given up on taking risks?
Why is the Switch exclusive library so underwhelming and uninspired? Has Nintendo given up on taking risks?
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>b-but no one bought a wiiu!
incoming ninceldo cope
>portfags still exist
>i-its ok when sony and xbox have ports from old conso-
>current gen
>last gen
Switch and WiiU are both 8th gen. Also you cherry picked the fuck out of that picture. You left off dozens of great games
>rehashed kiddyshit and worst version of ports
Calm sown snoy
Stay mad.
Stay mad manchild
Not even out.
i bought a wii and hardly used it
i bought a switch and hardly use it
why can't i learn
You're right. I do own a PS4, lol
>b-but sales
Nincels will defend full priced Wii U ports so long as it makes Nintendo money.
lmao. still fucking salty the Vita died
>Sony trannies will never know what it's like to be a PC/Switch idort
>Sony trannies will never what it is like to play a videogame
>Sony trannies will never ever know what it is like to explore parallel universes
You could hack the switch day one you fucking retard.
>Sony trannies will never know what it's like to be a PC/Switch idort
why would anyone ever be a "pc/switch idort"? why do nintrannies always have to ride pc's coattails?
>b-but PC
Meanwhile Nintenfatlards cry their guts out that BoTW is better on PC than Soitch
The funny thing is that PS4 still outsold Switch FY18.
A 6 year old PS4 beat Switch in its prime with both Smash and Pokemon.
Cemu is the better Switch emulator. Plays 99% of Switch games perfectly.
>what is Mario Kart
>what is smash
>what is ARMS
>what is Splatoon
>what is Mario Maker
>when is Generations Ultimate
>what is Pokemon
Maybe some people want to play online games because its 2019 and not 1999
>Switch emulator
It's awesome that more people get to experience amazing nintendo 97s in a variety of ways
why would anyone ever want to play online games on nintendo's garbage online service? especially now that you have to pay extra for it?
Sweet. I have both :)
>Nintendo "online"
Nintenfatties crack me up
>why would anyone ever want to play online games
Because I have real life friends, lol
>on nintendo's garbage online service?
Nah, I have equal latency issues whether its Smash or Kart on Switch, or Rocket League and battlefield on PS4. Maybe your internet just sucks
>especially now that you have to pay extra for it?
Not poor. Don't care :)
damn nigga, i didn't know we were still in 2011
>what is Pokemon
What is Pokemon, Alex? Can any among us truly say we know what Pokemon is anymore?
Look. He's doing it. The Ninten-drone is defending paid peer-to-peer online with massive lag. He's doing it.
>Because I have real life friends, lol
your fellow discord trannies aren't "real life friends."
>CEMU for switch single player games
>Switch for online
>PS4 for multiplats amd movies
Damn life is great lol
Yuzu can't play most games though.
>Switch for online
Switch has hands down the WORST online experience of any platform. Just download Steam for free and get something vastly superior.
>peer-to-peer online with massive lag
No noticeable issue for me. Like I said I play a variety of online games on a variety of platforms. Maybe your internet just sucks? What games are you having problems with?
No I'm talking real actual people that I have meaningful connections with that I hang out with all the time. Try leaving your basement
Is anyone seriously going to play Doom on the Switch let alone any other console? Why even bother porting it?
why do you lie and project
no one is fooled
>No noticeable issue for me.
well, yeah. when you're used to playing every game in potato mode on nintendo's shitboxes, you tend not to notice those issues.
>just don't play these awesome switch games online
Nah, Smash and Kart alone is worth the online.
>b-b-but those games don't count!
Nice, I already made your argument for you :)
>w-works on my tablet
There is objective data that Smash is unplayable laggy shit. Made worse by the inherent input delay and shit wifi only chip.
When will you learn, Nintendo hasn't been good since 2001
Believe what you want. I don't care
>when you're used to playing every game in potato mode on nintendo's shitboxes
Just ignore the fact that I already mentioned I play a variety of games on a variety of platforms, lol. Only game that has ever given me issues was ARK survival on PS4, and that game is fucked even on PC
we as gamers must rise up against the nintendo threat, we can't let them just keep making gameplay-focused games and not cinematic expedriences
Do you have a switch or smash?
>playing kiddy party games past the age of 9
>gameplay-focused games
cant we be happy and just enjoy video games
CEMU is a Wii U emulator that can run the Wii U version of BOTW. It is not a switch emulator.
>playing videogames
Bethesda said they were happy with DOOM's sales on Switch.
>we can't let them just keep making gameplay-focused games and not cinematic expedriences
I laugh every time I see that image of the joker it's just so stupid
Lol, did you forget about Toio and Wonderbook already?
You're the one claiming Nintendo focuses on gameplay. Meanwhile they shit out shallow, gimmicky cardboard minigames.
Every single time I jumped forward in the vid it showed a battle or walking like any other JRPG. You literally had to search to find any actual cinematics in a video that was supposed to be entirely cinematics. Also, comparing 2 games to 1......LOL
>consoletards still fighting for 2nd place
Obviously obsessed and jealous
>trying to call Nintendo's lineup "kiddieshit"
>when the PS1 and PS2 were headlined by characters such as Crash, Spyro, Ratchet & Clank, and Parappa, all who wouldn't look out of place on Nintendo platforms
By the way, it's an objective fact that the PS1 and PS2 exclusive lineups are infinitely better than the PS3 and PS4 exclusive """"lineups"""".
lmao keep defend $80 cardboards, nintentranny.
Because nintendies are loyal and would never criticize their overlords. If it had mario or zelda it must be quality
>all who wouldn't look out of place on Nintendo platforms
Yeah they would since they weren't just soulless rehashes of bing bing wahoo shit.
>thread has been up for an hour
>feigns boogeymen and victim complex
Lol, nice redditjak
>continues with buzzwords
Didn't wonderbook teach you any bigger words?
>thread has been up for an hour
Uh oh, looks like one nintentranny has been furiously spamming the report button
>Labo isn't $80 cardboards
Take out Iwata's dead penis from your mouth
>5 different games on 4 different consoles spanning 8 years
>hasn't had a sequel in 7 years
>i-its bad cuz mushroom kingdom looks loke lushroom kingdom!
>i-its bad cuz the logo wasn't completely different
So easily confused my friend. Also, there are 14 GoW games released in the last 15 years. Lol
yes, pokemon has tons of cutscenes now.
Not even. Love dabbing on you haters
ESL. Probably south america
The point is retard, PlayStation is a former shell of itself too. Everyone liked the PlayStation at first because for all intents and purposes, it was "the cooler Nintendo." Now? It's cinematic game after cinematic game after cinematic game, much like how modern Nintendo is rehash after rehash after rehash. The point is, you're calling the kettle black, and both companies desperately need fresh blood, because I legitimately am upset how unvaried the PS4's selection of exclusive games looks in comparision to the myriad of fun and innovative titles that graced the PS1 and PS2.
Look. He's doing it. He's defending the soulless bing bing shit rehashes.
XC2, M+R and Odyssey are better than every game in that image except DKCTF
Who talked about Playstation before you did?
Now explain the video showing nothing but gameplay
>much like how modern Nintendo is rehash after rehash after rehash
>shitposting mario maker 2 fails
>snoysois fall back on their typical shitposts
>s-s-stop counter arguing!
Throw in the towel, friend
i have zero interest in cinematic games and still have plenty of games to play on ps4. locoroco, patapon, and parappa are all on ps4, medievil is coming later this year, and now they're hinting at an ape escape revival. you're just confusing Yea Forums's shitposting with reality.
Defending soulless bing bing rehashes is hardly arguing proper.
ACfag leave
>New Mario bros U Deluxe
Includes New Luigi U, which is a nice bonus
>Mariokart 8
Technically "was" made for Wii U, but since Switch was being made it was Ported, wouldn't 100% consider it a must own as the switch was just in
>Smash bros
What? I think Ultimate is pretty fun
>Captain Toad
>Monster Hunter Generations
>Mario maker
Completely different game, new version, wasn't ported
>Dinkey King: Tropical Freeze
Yes (Funky mode hurdurdjuihshfe)
Considering they were ported was because lots of people never owned a Wii U because it was trash at the time and still is shit, but there were lots of great games since nintendo was so competent the Wii U was the /g/ nintenfag console, I don't think the Wii U's lifespan said "Make even more games" for the switch, their sales were declining rapidly, so they didn't have a choice, they couldn't remake all these games for a ton to enjoy at day 1 of release, so they were ported
>t-the switch saved nintendo!!! theyre back!!! they blow sony and xbox out of the water in sales!!!
imagine being this obsessed
I'm sorry for knowing stuff.
Why are you comparing an exclusive to a multiplat?
>multiplat of 150+m install base generates 2 million more views than an exclusive
>multiplat of 150+m install base generates more sales than an exclusive
>6 year old consoles have more sales than 2 year old console
Thanks at least for providing the sales numbers at the bottom for refuting your own fucking post you dumbass
>Nincel retardation
You kind is fuckin disgusting, just stop no matter how much ported shit and rehashed shit your lords spout from they asses, Nintendo is shit since 2007. Everyone is just waiting to move to ps5, Scarlett, Stadia (sadly yes) and pc.
Pokemon Gen 1 sold 48M and it was exclusive.
>from they asses
Spot the negro
Walt Disney World opened on October 1, 1971. See, I can do it too!
lmao at your life, you are nincel subhuman, even niggers are above you
>even niggers are above you
Hanging from ropes
The fuck does Disney World have to do with this?
I will never take you Ninteniggers seriously.
doubt that, nincels like you barely cant lift a onions bottle
>getting btfo by a filter
What the fuck does pokemon have to do with mario kart?
how new are you redditor?
I brought it up to prove that Pokemon still sold all the copies despite being an exclusive, ergo, nu Nintendo has no excuse for these pathetic numbers.
redditor confirmed, no wonder why you like nincel shit.
So the Switch was supposed to sell 16 million more units of software than units of Switchs currently on the market? Absolute fucking retard
Just stfu already nigger.
smash ultimate alone sold more units than WiiU sold hardware units in total. seethe cope dilate have sex
Make out already, shit. This isn't twitter
Same. I'm considering selling it but I'm holding out for a few titles that I will probably end up barely playing as well.
how mad are you nincel?
You are both fucking retarded