Stop being fucking fat and have sex

Stop being fucking fat and have sex.

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I lost weight after I graduated high school, but it was too late. I never got laid in high school, never went to college. It's never gonna happen bros

Shitty parents produce shitty kids.
>spend the first 10 years of his life teaching him bad habits
>wonder why your kid becomes a broken mess

Fucking boomers.
>kid turns out well
>kid turns out shit
>boomer: NOT MY FAULT

I had it just a couple hours ago and I can safely say it's pretty overrated, play games instead

seethe more

Thanks, I will

Can't be fucked changing my diet

Is all of their content about fat people? I mean seriously.

I'm pretty skinny but I greatly prefer guys. I'm afraid of getting pozzed, so I think I'll just roll a monk character.


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>My 3000-lb. Family

Jesus fucking Christ how is this anatomically possible?

If I hate video games would I hate sex?

They also have trannies and midgets. TLC is literally a modern day freakshow.

Gay here. Just find a monogamous boyfriend and get tested together just to be sure. It’s really only the crazy flamers who are at risk.

I dunno, if you hate oranges would you hate riding motorcycles? That's the kind of stupid question you're asking user

what would it smell like if this guy died in a house fire

How old is this guy?

take 20 150lb people and add them up


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I'm glad I never lived near fast food joints


How the fuck does a shut in neet lose weight

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stop eating
its that simple

stop eating garbage and stop drinking sugar


calorie deficient is a start

It's 3000 collective pounds between all members of the family (ie five family members who weigh 500lbs each).

OP must be a fat fuck projecting this shit lmao

user i'm 51 kg but i'm only 1m68 so that's fine.

>tfw 5’4 128 lbs

Am I fat?

The two guys I’ve been with were crazy rigorous about getting tested. Good to know more are like that.

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dietitian is a qt

>muh boomer boogeyman

>I'm afraid of getting pozzed

That's why you don't do the degenerate hookup cruising bullshit. Get to know someone and develop some level of trust before you fuck them.


>muh "muh blank boogeyman OBSESSED" meme
create your own response

is that the Yea Forums mod?

Isn't that the same channel that had Honey Boo Boo and Toddlers and Tiaras and the two-headed siamese twin sisters?

I am 5'11 ft and almost 71 kg

Is it a good weight?

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>hes fat because he plays vidya all day argument by boomer mom that watches tv all day meme

If you don't have any weights or exercising equipment basically watching what you eat is the only option you have left. I guess you could also try just lifting heavy things around the house 30-60 minutes a day.

I stuffed my freezer full of frozen broccoli and chicken. I ate that every day. It wasn't that bad, really.

you literally stop eating. i lost almost 100 pounds by literally just not eating as much.

My boyfriend and I got tested 3 months into our relationship before we went raw. Both of us had only done oral before we met but we just wanted to be sure.