>wow the day after their "major" content patch 8.2 releases
>/who stormwind
>3 people show up
Wowbros, what the fuck went so wrong??
>wow the day after their "major" content patch 8.2 releases
>/who stormwind
>3 people show up
Wowbros, what the fuck went so wrong??
Other urls found in this thread:
blizzard is done
Not even joking
Went to Nazjatar and saw maybe 2 people at most doing the bejeweled world quest
It's not even funny at this point, WoW is legitimately a single player game now
>Went to Nazjatar and saw maybe 2 people at most doing the bejeweled world quest
That's more an issue of sharting than the population, but either way it's terrible
Shadowbringers servers are already maxing out.
FFXIV is 90% ERP.
>FFXIV is 90% ERP.
Still is more active than nuwow
why do you still play that shit?
you're willingly letting blizzard waste your time, and you're paying for it lmao.
either through gold, or irl money you're paying for it.
it's time to quit, guy.
At least people are playing the game 8.2 I couldn’t play for 3 hours straight. I think I’ll try it again this week and when the raids are out but I think I’ll unsubscribe until Classic. Preach and other YouTubers have already said that the raids are not very good in the beta.....oh joy
Too bad the 14's population was either filtered by FFXI or were just too fucking young/stupid to play peak FFXI.
I have a serious problem, been subbed since 2007 unironically
Send help
>source: my ass
Did you get the statue?
The ragnaros one? no it sold out
Haha yeah that's why XI never broke a million subs and is fucking dead now, right?
I was in your boat, but WoD was the last straw for me. I went to FFXIV and never came back. You should too user, it's so much better now. You'll be happier.
I'm not a tranny tho
can wow not even keep its ERP crowd anymore?
No there was a statue they sent to people who had been subbed for 10 years straight or something
You had to be subbed everyday since the first year 2004.
I enjoy the constant hateboner Yea Forums has for WoW, seems like every so often the discord crew just spew out bullshit and parrot incorrect stuff.
WoW is ugly as sin compared to xiv, and there are way better options for furry shit in xiv
your server choice
Call me when they make PvP fun (or at least on the level of Legion PvP which was at the very least tolerable)
There are no such things as realms any more
All the realms have been merged into one big clusterfuck of a shard
It's being culled.
wow is a case study on how sjw writers and beta orbiter devs can turn a good game with decent lore into complete shit.
>game dies after almost 20 years
I have resubbed for every expansion. Usually for at least 2 major patches. Didn't even last a month in BFA. It's trash.
not just writers. when you hire based on gender instead of skill, the product suffers
>posting the shit version
how can a person even act like this? he's obviously not a complete autist too because he has a job
Is it really worse than WoD?
I only played in vanilla and then legion and BFA
they are both ugly as fuck
no one can handle kino conan exiles ERP so i will just be alone
That's what deep, deep neurological depression looks like
That guys probobly offed himself already
t. psychiatrist
nice mods degen filth
it is funny and well deserved
fuck nublizz, activision, and the retards that still keep this company afloat instead of supporting actual game developers who care about their community
Blizzard has to be intentionally killing WoW so they can finally release a sequel. Theres just no other explanation for this amount of ineptitude.
lmao wat in the absolute fuck
That is some country ass bullshit
>Theres just no other explanation for this amount of ineptitude.
Sure there is, a bunch of out of touch suits who need to please their investors are pumping as much low effort garbage into the game to keep their pod of whales satisfied
Even if they did the story is beyond fucked
I haven't checked out Mechagon, but based on Nazjatar... What the fuck took them so long for this patch? Like, Jesus Fuck, it's the same old shit as always, PLUS a bunch of reused assets from Azsuna.
By that logic you're saying they do that to OW, SC2 and D3 b/c of the same reason
If there aren't streamers-excluded realms, them be sure to do your part and corpse camp all streamers 24/7.
unironically there is a guild that was going to do that but they thought all the battles between fans and the guild would only make the stream more popular
>I haven't checked out Mechagon
Good, because there is no reason to go there
I'm so happy Shadowbringers is fucking WoW this hard. It's so pathetic it's awesome.
Classicchads win again, can't wait for retail to completely die in august.
Classic will follow retail soon after, don't fool yourself.
>check how many people are in a currently irrelevant city because a new zone got released
might as well /who old dalaran while you're at it
You're supposed to /who in Boralus, tard
>auction house
>what are banker alts
Uh, where do you think those alts are?
Have sex retard
cope more wowfaggot.
i would rather play with all the trannies than buying a resub for this dead game
Why the fuck would people be in storm wind when new areas are released.
You're fucking retarded.
Play FF14.
they didnt just let it fucking die, like it should have all those years ago
its literally part of the undead race now, will of the forsaken n everything
It has been single-player for some time now, the only interaction with another player you need is to ask to join a raid guild and after that, just sign up on calendar, turn up, and listen to voice chat on what to do.
>Uh, where do you think those alts are?
Never logged in for more than 5 minutes at a time
Have sex retard
Wow is a case study of how greed and misunderstanding can ruin something great.
>blizzard hired psychologists to figure out why so many people were addicted to wow
>they probably told them it was all about grinding numbers, not a unique social experience
It's going to be saved by the next expansion.
>Faction merger/cross-faction play
>Level squish
>Everything pre 9.0 available at all levels 10-60
>The Lich King
>Return of Dragons
>Prestige classes
We're going home boys
>going from vanilla to leejun
Holy shit what was that like?
I used to be a huge vanilla fag and Nostalrius was some of the funnest multiplayer i've ever had. I can't even comprehend a single reason to play that trash anymore.
>source: my ass
yo that guy has a twitter btw
ask them yourself
why are FF14fags so smug when their game was so shit they had to literally reboot it?
Retail IS a sequel. Every "expansion" is treated like a sequel that overwrites and replaces as much of the game as possible. You know, the opposite of an expansion.
This is why people want wow 1 back.
At least the devs realised how shit it was, and spent money, effort, and talent on fixing it.
Blizzard - not so much at all.
Because what's good now is more important than what was good years ago.
Have you not been paying attention?
Because they actually fixed it
WoW has only made itself worse with every expansion
What kind of retard are you OP
OP knows this, he is just baiting people who don't play the game and they accept it as a fact because of their hate boner
>blizzard employers not allowed to talk about FF XIV to not bring negativity to the studio
Remember guts, no negativity in the dojo!
This, even if you try to be social nobody will socialize back outside of guildies and even then it's usually just meme spamming.
Are you retarded? No Blizzard employee of that level would know about EVERY PROJECT IN BLIZZARD. Original leakfag is the only right leaker. Besides if you read both of their WoW sections the second one ripped him off.
So why should I believe any of this?
They should just make it free to play
Dude... it has 247 upvotes.