Okay I’m more than a little worried about the next expansion...

Okay I’m more than a little worried about the next expansion. Are they really going to have the Alliance and Horde become allies?

What the fuck happened to this game...fuck the writing, fuck the casual changes. I’m so heartbroken.

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Other urls found in this thread:


They need to reboot with Classic.

WOW2 would just continue the same gameplay and easy mode grind timegsating from retail.

Where did it all go wrong.

They really just need to completely redo the game. With Classic coming out, who would really bitch if they change it up too much? Just go and play Classic if you want the traditional WoW experience.

>split difficulty endgame so casuals could clear raids
>accelerated welfare gear
>ToGC was the first time that a patch acted as a semi-reset/catchup
>general lack of difficulty in both game and classes
>huge downgrade in crafting systems from TBC
It's just be doubling down on these mistakes since then

This happens literally every expansion OP, except for maybe Vanilla now where they ret-conned and gave the credit for certain dungeons / raids to one faction or the other. They've never been 'allies' so much as agreed not to murder-hobo each other whenever/wherever a setpiece character wants it.

Repent, WoWfags

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>Are they really going to have the Alliance and Horde become allies?
Where the fuck have u been?
>Last patch of MOP

No no no rumor is 9.0 they are removing factions and you can travel anywhere freely without going into unfriendly zones.

Where are my fucking playable Naga Blizztard?

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I am done with WoW. Just preordered shadowbringers and my estrogen and knee socks are on their way also.

LFD wasn’t in Waith you idiot.

that was fast rent free reply
on the look out like clockwork

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>people think Classic will save WoW

Why wouldn’t it? It’s the only thing people are looking forward to with Blizzard now.

totally removing factions is preferable to having every lore character be a complete fucking retard to justify continuing the faction war

Yes it was nigger
Layering and streamers are doing a number on the hype

Yes it was.

Because Blizzard can’t help themselves and they keep changing shit. The audience will remember how long it took to do anything and either give up because they are too boomer or zoomer to spend 16 hours a day playing a video game.
Classic is catered toward streamers and the audience will follow their mentality. Everyone will want to be the one ret Paladin in the raid because they saw McConnell do it.

The game just won’t be fun and the audience will abandon it

Cant even pretend to care about the story anymore, its a single player rush game, just play it like diablo3 user

Diablo 3 is more fun than current WoW.

This is also when Activision fully took over blizzard and they cashed in on WoWs growing appeal. They had to dumb it down for the wider audience it drew.

Ulduar, and parts of ice crown, were the last dungeons the original team made. TOGC was clearly filler content and that's when I knew WoW was dead especially after Ulduar which was probably the best dungeon.

Cataclysm was fun on release and had the most raid content then went the longest before an update for a new raid.
Everything after Cata was complete unadulterated shit.

>tfw all you want from next expac is pre-MoP world revamp, level squish and pre-patch event being a complete level reset so everyone spends the time leading to the expansion leveling in the new content and making friends

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I know :)

Big truth

It’s kind of funny that bfa has the strongest split between Horde and Alliance ever with World pvp booming and then they plan on uniting them next expansion.

World of BasedCraft

Alliance have been seething about wpvp nonstop because horde keeps crushing them without blizzards intervention

WoW classic isn't a reboot its a lifeline.


No one plays this

I don't get Blizzard. It almost seems like they are intentionally trying to off themselves. Just one awful decision after another when there are so many other directions they could go that would lead to success.

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>log in to 8.2
>go to nazjatar
>tiny zone
>complete quests almost immediately
>rest of story is time gated by a companion leveling system
>go to mechagon
>tiny zone
>almost no quests
>”just farm rares lol”
>log off

Shit even Argus had more content than this. How the fuck are they gonna say this is the biggest expansion they’ve ever done?

They have been building up for the removal of the faction restriction mechanic for awhile now. It'll be like Rift.

Success isn't measured in popularity its measured in milking whales
Farming rares and WQ was all Argus had as well don't kid yourself. It also took 3 or 4 weeks to even access Macaree

I’m starting to get worried about Classic more desu


That's a good thing

Horde is pretty organized man I’ll give them that. Been having a lot of fun with it with my Alliance guild though

No shit. I’m still correct that Argus had more content

How did Wraith LFD work? Did it find a party for you or did it teleport you there like CATA did

same as cata, it ported you there

Did they add LFD later in Wraith? Why don’t I remember using it.

Classic was a mistake

Garuantee you 99% of the dipshits posting in this thread didn't even try 8.2 and just jumping on the hate coolaid.

Can you brainlets ever think for yourselves instead of regurgitating opinions you hear from others?

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I fucking hate what they did to my alchemy, forcing me to rep grind AGAIN for flasks and potions

Even Preach said he was getting bored already and the raids weren’t good in beta.

Modern Blizzard





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>starcraft remastered
>upcoming classic wow
>after that warcraft 3 remake
the absolute state of modern blizzard

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>easy mode grind
When you have multiple alts for raiding, it's not easy mode.


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Yes it was added in 3.3
how does it have more content when it's literally just world quests as well?

Can someone explain what’s happening here?

Can always tranny it up in ffxiv if you prefer. Im pressed for time from school so I'm having a fun chill time leveling my zandalari. Enh shaman seems pretty dogshit though, ele do better in pvp?

What the fuck were they thinking? Why add it late patch life? Were they setting it up for Cata?

It was introduced before Ice Crown Citadel unlocked. The irony is that LFD made the encounter harder, since you had no clue who you would be paired with, and certain classes were MUCH better than others for certain roles.

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Because they were cashing in on normalfag money in Wrath and normies needed help making e-friends
Pretty sure Luck of the Draw was added very early on to offset LFD grouping. Also everything being piss easy in Wrath

I honestly don't hate the content I'm playing in 8.2. The new zones are neat, and if you enjoy the core mechanics WoW has currently (totally fine if you don't, but if you're not a fan, and resub for this, then what the hell are you doing?) it's something new to do.

That said, outside of time-gating, I am 100% sure I'll have blown through all this content in the next day or two. I am seriously wondering what the hell Blizzard's spent the last half year doing.

EVERYBODY plays this.

The gameplay isn't fun. Classes are overly simplistic. Abilities are "when below 10% health take 5% less damage" tier disappointing. The gear treadmill decimates the feeling of earning anything, and the gear itself is never interesting. It feels like a fucking phone game. With all of this in mind who gives a shit about the story?

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>With all of this in mind who gives a shit about the story?

If you've played WoW for some amount of time, you kinda absorb that shit through osmosis. It doesn't help that it gets so retarded that it's difficult to look away.

The real mistake was making faction war important to begin with. This game's a mmorpg, a theme park at that. There could've never been winners in the first place, yet they kept waving the warring factions angle like it actually mattered in the grand scope of things, while in truth it would always be tossed into the sidelines when the big bads arrived.
BfA is headed the same way, and at this point I'd rather they just dropped the pretenses and made the "World of Peacecraft" they wanted.

I'm that 1% that knew this would be a shitshow and it turned out to be just that.

To be fair BFA actually did something that would make peace logically impossible in a well written story. You don't fucking become buddies with a faction after you commit "genocide" (Blizzard's words) on an entire civilian population. The Horde are just straight bad guys in this expansion, and the story can't help but constantly wag its finger in your face for it.

I had guild members that went out and purchased/read every last semi-official novel released (Blizzard was too lazy to incorporate it into the actual game).

Yes 9.0 will remove the factions

world pvp basically died as soon as flying came out in TBC as there was no real sense of an open world battlefield anymore. they should have just joined the factions at that point.
when everyone can just fly right into the healer/caster from the sky then positioning doesn't matter anymore. likewise everyone can easily escape a potential pvp encounter by simply flying away, no more having to channel hearthstone for 10 seconds and hope you don't get knocked out of it

i mean the world pvp was completely pointless in vanilla, but it was a lot of fun at least. i was in a guild that killed c'thun and got several bosses down in naxx before TBC came out (whole spider wing, gluth, and the human guy where the priests tank with mind control) yet my fondest memories are the utterly pointless and extremely long world pvp battles that took place

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Who is this based middle aged man?

>World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth: Rise of Aszhara: Emptying of the give a fuck cup: The fuck wasn't Aszhara the name of the expansion?

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Well what do you want for endgame zones? This has been Blizzard MO since like Wrath. The story has always been time gated. It started in BC but it really started with the whole Silithus stuff back in Classic.

The endgame has always been about increasing one bar or another. Its just really noticable now because everything else is so terrible. When the systems are good and the classes are fun you don't give a shit about grinding out stuff and time gate shit.


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Music in 8.2 isn't so great. I like the callbacks to Vash'jir's themes, but they definitely didn't give Azshara a big, defining theme.

I feel like the music guys had way more fun in 8.1 when they were messing around with developing the music for the Kul Tirans and Zandalari.



nobody plays wow with ingame music on anyway

have sex

I do man, lmao. WoW's music is the reason I'm a composer.

Also WoW's audio weirdly works well to help my tinnitus.

>He never walked the Plaguelands just to hear that
>Doo - Doo - Doo - Doo
Get outta here

>Classic WoW hype is dead only 2 months into the BETA

And people were so smug on this dumb board for so damn long.

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>capped at 40
>small player pool

gee I wonder why it died after 2 months? I wonder if it has anything to do with 8.2 coming out.

What am I supposed to be hyped about? All I can do is just wait for the game to come out.

Preach is still trying to keep nice with blizz even though his banning has basically killed that for him.

Man, you're missing out. WoW's soundtrack is really good. Or at least it was back when I played in vanilla+TBC.

>Music in 8.2 isn't so great. I like the callbacks to Vash'jir's themes, but they definitely didn't give Azshara a big, defining theme.
>I feel like the music guys had way more fun in 8.1 when they were messing around with developing the music for the Kul Tirans and Zandalari.
You know they basically let the guy who oversaw the music side of things go at the start of the expansion right? That's why the BFA music has sucked total ass. Everyone is a contractor now.

ironic he was once laughing at people who get attached to the game

>caring about nu WoW

That's not 100% correct. Russell Brower is gone, yes, but he's been gone since Legion, and if I'm honest, Legion had one of the weaker soundtracks for the game. The current lead audio guy is Glenn Stafford, and he's been the main Warcraft composer for 25+ years. He did the score to Warcraft II, and even now he sticks references to his old work in the game.

Example: youtu.be/343UU-QsgKc

There's been no huge exits otherwise. Neal Acree is still providing much of the backbone of the music. David Arkenstone even came back, and that guy had been gone since fucking 2010.

>That's not 100% correct. Russell Brower is gone, yes, but he's been gone since Legion, and if I'm honest, Legion had one of the weaker soundtracks for the game. The current lead audio guy is Glenn Stafford, and he's been the main Warcraft composer for 25+ years. He did the score to Warcraft II, and even now he sticks references to his old work in the game.
>Example: youtu.be/343UU-QsgKc
>There's been no huge exits otherwise. Neal Acree is still providing much of the backbone of the music. David Arkenstone even came back, and that guy had been gone since fucking 2010.
Well fair point. I still find the music these days unmitigated shit and I never used to turn it off.

To each their own. I wasn't a super big fan of Legion's soundtrack outside of Anduin's theme (one of Neal Acree's best works), but I find BFA a step above. I love the music for the Kul Tirans especially, and I think a lot of that was David Arkenstone.

>Are they really going to have the Alliance and Horde become allies?
Remember when this expansion was suppose to be the war that ends all wars, the last big fight between the alliance and the horde? Bringing back the highs of the world PVP clashes between horde and alliance. Remember when it was billed as being the expansion that brought back the joy of screaming "for the horde" at alliance fags and it actually meaning something as you where filled with pride that you had clearly chosen your side and there could only be one victor left standing?

What the actual fuck happened.

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>What the actual fuck happened.
PvP is for people with brain injuries.

How'd he get banned?