every game would be improved by 80s/90s character design
Every game would be improved by 80s/90s character design
Other urls found in this thread:
Monkey paw wish granted, but the artist for all your games is now the artist for Saber Marionette J
This looks worse, though.
That's great though
>90sfags will defend this
Wait, whos the blonde?
I wouldn't complain.
you can never go back
you may not like it but this is what peak 90s soul looked like.
80s/90s anime girls are so fuckin cute.
>is a zoomers larping to be nostalgic and depressed episode
What is it about these songs and 90s anime that mesh so perfectly?
That's fucking awesome.
It wasn't that great.
>you can never go back
What? You niggers were born in like 1998 at the earliest. What the fuck do you know about living in the 80s/early 90s?
That's not how monkey paw works, you stupid fuck. It's supposed to be wish granted, but something bad to go with it. Not something good to go with the good.
Is this projecting
Some of us do remember the world before (((the party))) took control.
weebs must die
The tripfag means going back to being a man. It's a tranny
Are you telling me you're like 40 years old and you're STILL going on Yea Forums to shitpost about le nostalgia anime OVA art?
So you were born before world war 2?
This is the peak of anime art style. I'd love a game that looks like this
fuck you queer 1990.
Die tranny tripfag.
This artstyle makes my pp hard
This is fucking awesome and I love it and I'm fapping right now with both hands.
The Sailor Moon anime took all the soul out from the original manga, all of its personality was sapped out. Toei was never good
>tranny poster thinks he's getting another (you)
nah f am you gotta work for it
You sure are queer you piece of shit tripfag.
I'm not sure anyone that's so enthusiastic about vaporwave was cognizant, much less alive, during the time it's supposed to represent
post more 80's nessa
I was born in 1987.
>you can't be interested in anything from before your time
This is zoomer mentality.
Peak 90s.
makoto and minako make a cute couple
haha this reminds me of Girls Und Panzer
>Artist is female
>People fawn over her like some idol
Why do people get so thirsty over women they will never meet?
There are series that became objectively worse in the 90s
That's called an art style, you fucking retard. Stop feeling nostalgic for something you never experienced.
Fucking zoomers.
Soulful as fuck
>>you can never go back
There's nothing to go back to you retard you can't go back to before you were even born you fucking faggot, you can't have nostalgia for shit that you didn't experience
Take away your Reddit memes.
Shame that the show started pandering to SJWs later on in the story
Best Tendo daughter prove me wrong, you can't niggas
It wasn't that good
It was fantastic
I been thinking the same lately, just like cuphead tried to emulate old cartoons, but how would you represent this aesthethic on a playable field? character models would be too small and hard to reproduce with this kind of visuals. All you could get is the average newgrounds look with vectors and maybe add a filter that makes it look 80s-90s.
I mean, there's probably a way, I just don't know how it can be made without a literal japaneese studio animating on cells.
>Things that didn't happen
This is 70s though, the true GOAT era of anime.
It's unfair for the rest, there's no point in comparison.
>you can't have nostalgia for shit that you didn't experience
People see thing and experience feeling, you can't just put label on feeling and tell people they aren't allowed to feel feeling
Is it time to start posting vaporwave?
>Toei was never good
But that is just wrong
Cheek tumors are a very lovely aesthetic! You simply don't understand!
Whatever that feeling is, it isn't nostalgia. Nostalgia, by definition, can't be felt about something you never experienced. Fuck your "telling people they aren't allowed to feel" tumblrite bullshit you cunt.
The SM manga is horrible
>vaporware and muh aestheticsfags are already here
Damn, it was such a good thread
Toei's only mistake was basing SM Crystal on the manga even though nobody ever cared about the manga.
>im allowed to feel nostalgic over things no one born on that time would feel nostalgic
this is peak zoomer faggotry.
I still think Darkstalkers counts as part of the 90s "renaissance era of animation," despite being a game. It embodies a lot of the same trends and philosophies of movie and TV animation of the era.
I don't understand the fascination with the 90s even though I lived through them.
Nobody ITT has talked about nostalgia except you.
I still fail to understand why 80's/90's anime is used so much for vaporwave songs. It's not fair that people know Lum as "That vaporwave girl"
Fuck off you retarded tranny tripfag.
my nigga.
God damn I can't remember the one old anime. I remember it having like 3 magical elemental girls or something and the opening song was kick ass. Had a stupid name too
better to be known for vaporwave than the shit she's from, desu
Where was this traced from?
Its fair because Lumfags are cancer to retro anime discussion only to be matched by LOTGH
Magic Knight Rayearth.
Elemental or elementary because if you mean the latter
While the 80s Dirty Pair is definitely better, I didn't dislike Flash. It's just different.
Should I watch Evangelion, there is a dub on Netflix
Take that back
This one?
god bless, that's the one
>That ending
I'm still mad
Corrector Yui?
Don't watch the dub you retard. Don't watch dubs in general. If you want to watch the dub, watch it subbed first. Experience works in their original language first, that's how they were intended to be viewed.
Also fuck Netflix, they don't even have Fly Me to the Moon. Just pirate it off TPB or something.
vaportrash is a dead genre that didnt last more than 3 years. The rest of the people making videos are actually making future punk and use fake style attempting to be deep, by definition, they are normal faggots imitating, monkey watch monkey does, and they only know very basic anime and is the content they constantly use.
actual vaporwave coming through.
Watch the sub.
>Don't watch dubs in general
Fuck off, retard. Samurai Champloo dub is a million times better than the subs. Same for Panty and Stocking.
It's been like 2 fucking centuries since Napoleon emancipated them, dude.
poor character from a poor series
the only blessing they got was having an artist and having animation
So sorry but this is bothering me. That girl needs to have her spine pulled up.
which is which anons ?
Marry, Kill, Fuck for me
>Don't watch dubs in general.
Where do I start with retro anime, anons? I only really started watching shit from 2006~ onwards
This is a case of the artist wanting to show all the parts of the body that makes his dick tingle and ignoring human anatomy in the process.
A man of culture.
art is original and started from scratch.
>don't watch dubs in general
You don't watch retro anime.
You read retro manga instead.
Watch Urotsukidouji
PsG dub is pretty good, BUT the constant English swearing in the original is pretty funny
Watching dubs seems like a good idea until you hit 4-5 shows and every english voice actor has been reused at least 3 times.
I immediately then said
>If you want to watch the dub, watch it subbed first.
So, I'm saying don't watch dubs FIRST. You can have your opinion on the dub being better than the sub but it's best to watch things in their original language first because then you're seeing the creator's vision. Dubs are inherently different from the original creator's vision since they use different VAs, and if you go back a decade or so, will often have replaced music and shit like that. I'm just saying I think it's better overall to just watch it subbed first. Unless you just don't give a shit at all and are only mentally capable of watching things that are in your native language
my nigga
Watch all the classic magical girls.
>game has many changeable 90s outfits
homo anime
Tumblr calarts style.
As opposed to the hundreds of japanese voice actors who all sound the same?
it looks like sonia
>and if you go back a decade or so, will often have replaced music and shit like that
Funimation goku > japanese goku And I'm not just talking about the voice acting either
Well memed my friend haha hiroshima nagasaki best day of my life
>It's bad to hear the same english voice actors
Someone for the love of god, post more Ranma OVAs stuff.
man i always though cuttey honey was first, i need to catch on.
I'm a fan of shoujo manga/anime
The first one I watched, back in like 2015, was the original subbed version of Sailor Moon
I love Jupiter/Makoto and think Usagi is a good character in general and has a good arc, and it had some fun moments. Overall it was boring. It was very repetitive and basically every episode hovered around a 5-5.5/10. I remember something about an episode focused on cats that was a lot of fun but that's about it. Oh yeah and the Nephrite storyline was fantastic and the best thing in the show. By the time it got to R I just gave up on Sailor Moon because I was so bored.
Only a handful of dubs are better than subs. Besides the ones you mentioned, FMA and Yu Yu Hakusho have really good dubs. Most dubs suck ass though, and for a show like Eva it's probably best to watch the sub.
seething, cope, diearly
Quite frankly, I don't believe adult goku is supposed to sound like an 80 year old grandma. Nor do I believe that was Toriyama's vision for adult goku..
At least the american actors are trying to sound different and not just playing off of like 6 different character archetype voices for everything.
This is a fallacy.
>he can tell jap voices apart
>Love Samurai Pizza Cats
>Watch the subbed original
>Dog boss guy has a very distinct voice
>End up watching Zeta Gundam later
>Hear dog boss guy EVERYWHERE
I want her to order me around and scam me while wearing this outfit
FMA:B is exactly the same quality whether you watch it dubbed or subbed, which I find pretty interesting. A couple voices are worse but they're offset by a couple voices being better.
Why is this style so damn comfy?
ChaCha is best
God damn it everything around me is so soulless This is like a beacon of light!
Anime was a fucking mistake.
1988. Suck my wrinkly old dick.
Goku is a dumb kid raised alone in the mountains and he sounds like one.
I wonder why people don't complain about adult naruto being voiced by a japanese grandma desu
If we're talking specifically 90s:
>Patlabor TV series
>Cardcaptor Sakura
>Gunsmith Cats
>Yu Yu Hakusho
That's a few decent ones across multiple genres. Yes, half the suggestions are mecha. I love mecha.
>tranny telling anyone to die early
>we are reaching 00s territory
Fuck no
Naruto shares the same issue, as does Luffy post time-skip.
Japan is obsessed with keeping the same voice actors for the same character, even if it means making them sound like absolute shit.
Flash is good though
>draws Sailor Moon except it barely looks like Sailor Moon and there is practically no attempt to retain the original style/proportions of the original
What is the point?
Your life was a fucking mistake of the abortion clinic.
Naruto is voiced by a grandma in the english dub.
i bet you are a cellfag.
It's the artist's style you fucking dope.
>completely off-topic thread is still up
This website is literal trash. Why even have rules? Why even have boards at all? Just have every board be /?/, post whatever. Jans are fags.
Not to offend or anything but as someone who is foreign to both countries and languages, it's american voice actors and actresses who sound all the same to me. The only english voices I can tell apart are the ones who appeared in MGS series. Heh, always funny to hear colonel campbell in something else.
and how does this thread affect you tourist?
>posting Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums
>he doesn't think the same as I do clearly they're a tranny
you are everything wrong with Yea Forums lmao
>Toriyama's vision
Like that ever mattered, let alone in the present, he's a hack surrounded by a lot other hacks. See DB super for reference of his hackness.
>cant pick between Jupiter or Mars
Not yet.
finally a proper mariya takeuchi
>can't pick between best girl (Jupiter) and worst girl (Mars)
I'm confused
>oh no a thread that isn't about smash or twitter!!
>Every girl can show a different outfit in different episodes that can reflect their personality and style choice.
Literally the modern animator's nightmare
What a fucking long-ass song.
Mid 80's to mid 90's was peak anime, before then things had charm but could be very rough, after then saw a large decline in skill along with going digital.
patricians know dr. slump is toriyama's masterpiece
Where do you usually hear it? The acting talent in games/dubs/cartoons are basically three almost entirely exclusive pools.
why is every post you make about you seething after someone called you a tranny?
This looks like trash.
>worst girl (Mars)
Fuck you asshole.
>neuters the MC while fucking other guys
Oh my Cuckness
Holy shit, fuck off to a forum.
Why is Carl wearing a heart necklace? Also, I would like to see other ATHF characters in this style, would be freaky.
>"hey guys lol i made it like retro anime!!"
really don't like this guy's shit because it just all looks like shit trying to recreate cels digitally
More big titties and less clothes certainly would not hurt any gaming franchise if used appropriately.
The thing I really don't understand is the weird 'turning mouths into hearts' thing. Why is there a heart shape to the top part of the mouth? What the fuck?
i actually hate how the lo-fi hip-hop scene has appropriated muh anime aesthetics
it plum pisses me off
You should have better articulated that the first time. When you say "don't watch dubs in general", it comes off as though you're saying that as a general rule, you should not watch dubs.
Literally the greatest titty physics in 2D animation
Yeah, remember when Pokémon had soul?
>>vaportrash is a dead genre that didnt last more than 3 years.
>we still see release of important Vaporwave albums to this day
What did he mean by this?
I only watch true kino.
Okay it's not really THAT great but I like it.
Yes I've watched like 800 episodes of Detective Conan, how could you tell?
Xe's a shitposter, just filter xem.
You look like trash.
depends on who you listen to really though.
I do
This is one of the best Future Funk songs of all time, but I've always hated this video. It's so lazy. I know it's not the official video, I just kind of hate how people associate this fantastic song with this lazy piece of shit video.
I remember thinking she was the hottest girl in Tench when I was a kid.
it's something everyone should do
and he's succeeding at it
Why do you hate things that should be the norm?
Because tumblrinas think it looks cute.
Congratulations, you had taste as a kid
Yes but it would require actual artists and that profession hasn't existed for 20 years
maximum aesthetics
Stop posting this shit you fucking tranny turd.
Not even zoomers have taste this bad
lazy but beautiful
i like future funk but i wouldn't call it vaporwave
it's a spin-off that conveys a much different aesthetic
personally i like my mallsoft and weird shit like DDS and 猫 シ Corp
Good to know I still have taste now then.
Underrated Good - 70s
Overrated Good - 80s
Overrated Bad - 90s
Underrated Bad - 2000s
Ywn make that Yu Yu Hakusho ripoff you imagined as a child
Goddamn it would be so cash money
whats the deepest magical girl anime?
i have only watched very few and so far i think persia is the most mature one.
How the fuck does he accomplish this? Some kind of filter?
>Yes I've watched like 800 episodes of Detective Conan, how could you tell?
What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
Why is that bean with a hairdo talking to Sally-chan?
90s is underrated good because shitloads of anime that get labeled as "80s" are actually from the 90s
Artze forever
>Girl is folded over, because she's slipping inside of the float hole.
>Overrated Bad - 90s
kys yourself
this is why phantasy star is the best rpg series
that's what you'll be doing
evangelion will forever taint the 90s as overrated trash.
>what i like GOOD
>what i dont like BAD
Fucking faggot.
>Underrated Good - 70s
I've been realizing that this applies to literally everything. Anime, movies, music you name it
Did he ever explain his process for making his art?
Majokko trickle and Cutey honey was ahead of its time
Final Fantasy is better, that's why it's the best RPG.
Does that show ever progress? Wasn't the end goal "get Conan back to his normal self and stop the guys who made the de-aging poison"?
it's underrated for sure but none of it is as good as the 80s stuff
It was a bad decade
I think Eva looked nice though
>tfw mechafag
>tfw good robot shows in every decade
I don't remember that.
I was born in ‘86. Shit was dope
Mako-chan, the one from 1970, was unironically ahead, it has some dark episodes.
lmao no, there have been no good robot shows since the early 2000s
You might wanna look up the meaning of nostalgia once more.
In photoshop, add static -> blur.
>does the 80s/90s style but doesn't do the 90s pokemon style
What did the artist mean by that?
This is still unironically better than 95% of modern anime.
no, actually the static thing doesn't have the same effect. Use a cel filter instead.
Trannies getting dunked on by anime since 1980
Nice, thank you.
Reminded me of the one time I had an argument with someone on Yea Forums saying that the 80s didn't have a distinct style of animation
the 80s/90s style is even better than the 90s pokemon style
Nostalgia, by definition, CAN be about something you never experienced.
What's the oldest manga/anime you've read/watched? Mine would be Kinnikuman from 1979.
80's was a very mass market decade for most forms of media, the 70's was where the experimentation of the 60's into more cohesive and products. Compare 70's sci fi to 80's for example
And that is why 80s stuff was better.
70s stuff just experimented, occasionally resulting in things that worked, and in things that didn't work
80s stuff took what worked and ditched what didn't work
>All those fags posting memewave instead of actual 80's music
Step aside plebs
Eventually the goal sorta turned into "Stop the Black Organization" and boy do they faff about in-between the good shit. Black Org related arcs are usually great despite taking forever to get around to, tho.
both are needed
starting to think watching older anime closer to it's original quality, at least dvd/hd-dvd is better than blu-ray
watched through initial d season 1 recently and going through his and her circumstances and something about it just feels a lot nicer
plus blu-ray releases for older anime are usually huge as fuck
lmao zoomer
Also good: any episode with Heiji.
Usually. You never know.
>Trying to unironically discuss with a 80s fag
Trannies hate Urasei Yatsura because it painted nazis in an overwhelmingly positive light.
This looks like hentai, and hentai art in the 90s is the worst.
this is a clip from 1980s anime bubblegum crisis
anime today looks like shit in comparison
the reason is because japan was at the height of economic success in the 80s, they had money to burn on art like this
just a few years later and japan goes into recession, and anime starts looking like trash
more like
>unironically using the "experimental = good" fallacy
character design and artsyle are not the same.
>80s stuff took what worked and ditched what didn't work
Which mostly took the form of pop media, easily digestible to most people. Basically comparing star trek to star wars.
which is silly, since decadent crossdressing nazis were all the rage at the turn of the 80s
>both are needed
The originals are always better. Vaporwave is just reverse nightcore.
I don't think much of Star Wars, but the original trilogy is unequivocally better than Star Trek.
the same star wars that started in the 70s?
Is that supposed to prove that pop media is worse?
which is pretty good
They don't look similar.
Core 80s anime is just boring, the good stuff is either the earlier 80-82 anime like Minky Momo or Tokimeki Tonight or the 88-89 stuff that is already one feet into the 90s
People have a completely warped view of the decade thanks to a few memed shows, they don't know what the average 80s show looks like.
It was more an argument to variety than anything else.
just had a very nostalgic dream about pokemon a few hours ago.
going back to palet town and enter the Pokemon League, both in the anime and games, what a great feeling.
That's not the whole explanation.
Another piece of the equation is the worsening of taste.
80s/early90s character designs are simply better. People started preferring uglier things in the late 90s.
the original Lupin III series, it's actually pretty fun.
Also watched random episodes of Astroboy as a kid, but hardly remember anything.
Nobody cares about your tranny revisionism
Mid to late 90s was peak anime design
I guess it's episodic, like Doraemon, but at least I can digest Doraemon easily and their yearly fucking movies.
Jesus christ, how many warehouses full of writers and animators can have for one single anime?
No, that's what the ORDINARY 80s anime show looks like
what the AVERAGE anime show looks like is more along the lines of the Dirty Pair OVAs
The 70s didn't have nearly enough high quality stuff to counterbalance the sheer amount of excellent anime from the 80s
Pastel Yumi wasn't THAT bad
This is a forum.
What makes old Anime look so appealing? It's not like there aren't well drawn or animated modern Anime.
Is it the "fuzzyness" that old Anime has? Is it the general art style of the era?
Post the fucking source
that's mid-80s to early 90s
it's not mine, it's simply what was popular in the late 70s. Nazisploitation it was called. All about degenerate sex weirdos of the 3rd reich
It looks more organic, too much color correction
The best of the 80s > The best of the 90s > The best of the 00s > The best of the 70s
Cream Lemon
>squirtle is a literal beta orbiter
No it's just the artstyle.
The artstyle is better, which is why 80s MANGA also looks better.
>they had money to burn on art like this
True. But there were also a comparatively larger number of anime consumers, fewer anime to choose from, and a willingness of Japanese animators to work slave hours for slave wages for the sake of Making Art.
>overwhelmingly positive light
You've never seen the show you retard.
they don't you are just a novelty-seeker so you've started digging through your grandfather's footlocker
just a better artstyle. The way people and things are drawn.
There's also a bunch of other technicalities like the color palettes and the cel animation but they won't make a more modern artstyle significantly better.
This is exactly what I said, some anime is memed into being "great" and this somehow excuses the low quality of the majority of the stuff. Its the sort of mentality that makes lame consoles like the 64 be considered "the best", even though outside of the 'critically acclaimed games' it has way less to offer than its predecessor, its successor and its rivaling consoles.
>seeing the creator's vision
but if im watching subs i'm looking at subtitles that might also lose the creators vision due to things being lost in the translation to english
Thanks user.
I have communication on cd, such a good album
the bay city album is always expensive
it was made but people that wanted to get shit done.
Nowadays even with the tools and resources animators cant fucking follow simple instructions and try to be experimental over nothing.
Art style and colors
They're actually drawn with ink and paint
I tend to not give a shit about less than great anime because the standards are so low and the shows/ovas/films are complete shit even compared to American Hollywood schlock.
It is what it is.
That's not revisionism, that's true, Berlin was full of fags back in the say.
Also a bunch of nazis were also fags
I disagree because I don't have a problem with any decade of anime, in general, I prefer simpler styles anyway, like comedic 80s anime or late 2000s.
Reading comprehension.
I'm not talking about historically accurate portrayals of the 3rd reich I'm talking about popular depictions of the 3rd Reich in 70s entertainment.
Line variance that is lacking with digital, more highly skilled in country animation than outsourced lower skill animation, digital coloring is too flat and uniform when compared to traditional inks/paints, those kinds of things, a mix of tools and skill of animators.
no then youre talking about yearning for change
Japan peaked in the 80s because most of the society was seriously bought into the 'give 100% of your effort all the time and Japan will succeed' meme. Then the bubble burst and it was over. But it was amazing while it lasted.
then your taste needs improvements
"Lum's stormtroopers" isn't a Star Wars reference
Post forgotten ludo.
Look up the cel animation process.
Short answer is that the fuzzy edges and the nature of the process makes flaws harder to see and is more pleasing to the eye in general.
Add to that differing artstyles, visionary directors, etc.
>bathing without clothes makes you a slut
Modern anime is all drawn on computers with vector art, so all the lines are perfectly even thickness and have perfect mathematical curves.
Having sloppy lines just looks better. There is beauty in imperfection.
good anime didnt need great animation to be good
I'm talking about nostalgia.
Romantics were nostalgic for the middle-ages, Classics were nostalgic for ancient Greece, Neoclassics were nostalgic for the Roman empire.
Better shading. Modern anime looks flat as fuck.
>my taste>your taste
Nice argument.
I love this gal, reminds me of F6-402
The lower quality of the image reminds you of better times, that's all.
Damn, I just watched Neo Tokyo today. What an odd movie but the animation was great.
lmao zoomer.
that's true, but there's also the fact that 70s artstyles are a lot worse than 80s artstyles.
so that only leaves the 70s with storytelling as a point of competition and there isn't that much of a difference?
You're talking about some niche shit nobody's ever heard of because you're a tranny revisionist.
Japan sympathizes with nazis, they didn't just change all their beliefs overnight because America nuked their civilian cities.
Less is more. I prefer simpler designs that go straight to the point instead of the bloat in stuff like OP's pic. I mean, my preference includes Lum, so it should appease most 80s elitists, right?
As much as I love the old anime style. Sometimes dead is better when it comes to stuff like this.
Watch the good ones and skip the overrated ones like Sailor Moon. Watch Gundam 0079, Urusei Yatsura, Hokuto no Ken, LoGH, Raynearth, Lodoss and Slayers. That's like a year's worth of easy to get into classics that are all great.
I'ver heard trannies saying that they're more beautiful because they're broken because of this filosophy.
And by 'I've heard' I mean I just made that up, I like to create fake facts about trannies so people on Yea Forums believes them and then repost them in other threads.
Japan's economy was starting to finally stabalize in the 80's after WWII fucked them for decades.
>bathing with the curtain open whit a perverted pig lusting you around in front of the open window makes doesnt makes you a slut
How is it Reddit if it didn't start there?
I'm not trying to argue I'm just telling you how things are.
Not everyone has to be arguing 100% of the time.
Read more manga
make sure to pass the word on and abide by it yourself, ho
That was in the 60s you tard, 80s was its peak, that's why they called it a miracle.
I was born the day after MTV debuted. I think I remember the late 80's and 90's just fuckin' fine.
glad you've come to your senses newfag
You're wrong though. The color girls job is mostly correcting lineart by hand so they can use the photoshop bucket.
Please don't call me a whore.
The only real tragedy when it comes to animation is what happened to Western animation
I can do this all day. Urasei Yatsura is nazism the anime. Which is why you'll never see it dubbed or re-aired.
well whats worse? this or side mouth?
GGG is one of my all time favorites, but it's hard to call it retro when the Finale OVAs were half digital coloring.
So you're like 38? Jesus, and I thought I was at the tail end of literaloldfags with my almost 32.
good god
It's a niche but it's a very noteworthy one that encompasses most depictions of nazis in the 70s and 80s.
>Japan sympathizes with nazis
They do. Doesn't prevent them from depicting them as foppish people.
As a matter of fact Japan was a hotbed for the whole nazi crossdresser thing, because nazism has a very romantic flair that makes it compatible with sexual decadence in general.
GGG is one of my all time favorites, but it's hard to call it retro when the Finale OVAs were half digital coloring.
What other anime have nazi good guys?
is this a picture from a 720p rip of UY? do you have a torrent for this?
Tank Police had that peak style as well
I do, in fact I tend to read more manga than I watch anime
what in particular do you consider "memed into being great"?
that specific poster was actually drawn and painted by a western artist IIRC
unironically GOAT dubbed anime
the irony of course being that you are the little zoom that only likes this shit because you are discontent with your reality
Just turn off your internet and cell phone to recreate the 90s lifestyle. Wow, so hard
Early 2000s is underrated, I love the washed out color schemes common between 99-04, makes me feel like I am watching some old family video VHS/DVD I guess, and most of the stuff from that era has a melancholic tone as it was when the wave of directors from the 80s reached their midlife.
I was too young to remember, but there was an anime I saw somewhere in the 90s where there was monsters with human faces on its body and floating in space after consuming humans from some spaceship. That's all I remember from it, any of you know what it is?
You sound like a fucking insufferable faggot
>memed into being "great"
Fuck off you special snowflake
Char is literally a sieg heiling space nazi. He starts as the antagonist but later becomes the deuteragonist.
well i would only say the artstyles were less "realistic" and more cartoony but they were also a million times more varied than today
god I love casual nudity in old school anime
80's anime has the best look out of every era.
Can this style even be done in modern engines? Gg xrd is the closest thing we have to real anime
the rest of his stuff doesn't look like that, it's an imitation of Masamune Shirow's style
it may be underrated but it's still MASSIVE TRASH
There are many more problems. Anime makes more money than ever, but where the money gets spent and who allocates funds is the problem.
I miss sugimori old style
good things still happen sometimes, Over the Garden Wall is borderline masterpiece.
but we aren't comparing the 70s with today we're comparing the 70s with the 80s
I am the snowflake? Not the people who can do nothing but talk about the same shows over and over, attacking anyone out of their clique who dares to question their opinion?
Koto is fucking perfect.
wtf did the series continue beyond the campus defense episode?
>You sound like a fucking insufferable faggot
And what about people like ?
then the 80's were when things started moving toward homogenization
>Early 2000s is underrated
Yeah it is, especially when zoomers completely ignored that era in general save for the Big 3.
No matter what the answer to that question may be, it doesn't prevent you from sounding like a fucking insufferable faggot
>does an ice skating triple axl on the dry ground.
Metal Slug's director saying he didn't rip off Dominion made me laugh.
It was hot trash.
oh bros we can no go back it hurts so much bros why can't anime be good again
that's true, but it was being homogenized towards something much better. Then in the late 90s you had a short phase of diversification that was then homogenized into something worse.
Not really, he's more like a space Trotskyite.
>yyh s4
>He can't do an ice skating triple axl on dry ground
bad from the 80s is endearingly bad; bad from nowadays is annoyingly bad
is SM actually good?
Correct, but they living in a simpler, nobler time before we were enslaved by ethics committees.
If you don't have massive nostalgia for it, no. It's actually not very good at all. Hell, even most fans will tell you it's not good.
Astral Chain is 90s as fuck.
I'll bite. Sauce?
Sieg Zeon.
Look, I get your a commie but you can't go around retconning everything that doesn't embrace your Starbucks bathroom-tier philosophy.
shit taste
Man i wish dr. Slump had a dub
nigga that's fucking zetman and he was from mid 2000s
though is that the same dude that did video girl ai?
you'll compare some high-budget ova to seasonal trash shows and be madder about about the seasonal trash because you still watch it
>that piece of shit
I guess you are blind.
my wife
that example is from a short series so they had money to burn and show off with
Stop trying to force it, 2000 forward was trash and that is it.
but I don't
who the fuck watches seasonal trash aside from Yea Forums? Even zoomers know better than to do that and stick to a handful of high budget shounenshit shows
Most of the stuff in this thread is from OVAs and such, anyway
Contolism/Zeonism as philosophized by Char's father is basically space socialism with an environmental twist complete with a "new man" concept and everything. The Zabis are arguably closer to Napoleon/Stalin-esque "traitors to the revolution" in that they took a class-based revolution and turned it into an autocratic cult of personality revolving around themselves than they are like Nazis. Gihren is the only one who ever gave it a racial supremacy angle (which Char never espouses himself)
>Hating on the Punk Rock aesthetic of FLCL.
>tfw got banned for a day and a half just for simply replying to an off topic post
Jannies are indeed fags
Fucking Komugi had an episode all about mocking idol anime, and then she gets a fucking idol reboot twelve years later, kill me.
Why do people lump the 90s with the 80s?
The early 90s was sure like the 80s but the very later part was more like what we see in anime and game today.
>No shading whatsover
>Basic as fuck design
not a punk rock aesthetic, more like a millenial pop rock Scott Pilgrim Invader Zim aesthetic.
Those are 2 completely different styles.
I agree.
Opnions on this op
for the reason you just mentioned
cultural decades never line up with chronological decades anyway. The turning point of the 90s in Japan was 1995
holy shit it's so soulless i hope it's all a fanart
Yeah whatever, I like how out of this world early late night anime was, the crazy dumb twists of the serious ones and the meta and nonsense of the comedy ones. You can't change that, but I guess you can rage about people daring to discuss something other than the same 10 shows from the 80s
It's the official "remastered" art from the modern port. The classic art isn't available in said port of course.
No. Late 90s is different from early 80s but the 80s/90s style is pretty homogenous
And culturally the 90s ended in America quite abruptly.
Komugi-R was fucking gold though.
>They got the MC's VA to voice the DQ3 Yuusha in Smash Bros
Fucking based
Anyone remember this godess?
fucking garbage
Good for you for liking it, to me it felt like a missed shot.
That dithering is good shit.
Actually the holy grail of panty action anime. KLK, HSotD and DxD all wished they were as good as OG Agent Aika.
So was this supposed to be a parody of fanservice shows?
True, same with gunbusterfags. Watch something else, you're worse than harry potter fans.
Project a-ko. Entirely.
Lodoss wars, too.
no they're considered boomers if they are "le born in the wrong generation" fags. Get your memes straight.
Are you guys just listing of popular old anime that are actually as good as they're made out to be so you can complain that people like them? Might as well add in Ashita no Joe and Turn A.
No, a real monkey's paw would make the artist Rebecca Sugar, the creator of Steven Universe.
>Implying the Holy Grail of anime fanservice shows isn't Project A-Ko.
>needing dubs
>needing subs
This one has sidemouth too, look at the guy
Please, do not remind me. It still hurts.
Strap your butts in for this
They're fine, although LotGH is fujoshit. Using them as your examples of "when anime was good" is basically cowboy beep booper tier. Watch something else, get your head out of your ass is the point.
Why do people do this?
I'll do ya one better.
I'm 笑うing right alongside you at all the EOPs who don't realize how awful most old fan translations are, how awful all dubs are, and how much stuff they just never have the chance to watch or read.
since we're on Yea Forums: observe the only faithful animated adaptation of GitS
>replying to dubfags
They both come from the same mind, it's okay.
because no one is going to buy the left
Remember when Masamune didn't make weird CGI techo porn?
crimson is more faithful
Gundam 0079, and if you watch it and like it absolutely check out Space Runaway Ideon
Devilman (read the manga specifically)
Getter Robo (again read the manga, though Getter Robo Armageddon is a really fun and well-animated adaption)
Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Armored Trooper VOTOMS
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (it's very long and full of important dialogue so you can't just passively watch it though, maybe save for later)
I don't really watch non-/m/ stuff so I can't give a lot of recommendations outside that. Yu Yu Hakusho is as good as the other anons say, it does start to drop in quality and you will immediately know when it starts, trust me, but it's still good after that point and fantastic before it. Dragonball (specifically OG Dragonball, Z is okay but has a lot of dumb shit after the Saiyan Saga) is also a must-watch.
00s toon style is also great.
it doesn't even use the character designs Shirow came up with
Watching this then the 2014 update is a real lesson in soul vs soulless
>trying to surround superior when you were also one of those people
>being proud that you spent several years of your life learning something just so you can play eroge a few months earlier
That's the point of gits, crimson is the most accurate gits adaptation to date.
Yfw you found out the song was about love
Why can't the world be this nice and friendly and trusting anymore
When zoomers also think it's trash but have watched none of it or just plain ignore it, I think it's time for early 2000s nostalgia as well.
Get the fuck out of her, you know full well that it's an adaptation of a run-off-the-mill moeshit manga that happens to have a handful of GitS concepts and references slapped on purely for brand recognition purposes.
God I'm so tired of the whole "I'm gonna say something blatantly wrong in a brazen tone to convince everyone that I honestly believe it" thing.
>why can't we have the crime rate of the 80s
better contrast, colors, doesn't have that shitty blur and bloom
some of them still went full retard and made everything look glossy and plastic wrapped as shit though, and i don't believe the "it had better variety" meme when artists stole each other's formulas even more than they do now. there's a reason you could identify that shit collectively as "N era's style".
glossy gals are beautiful
>out of her,
no can do, balls deep. Sounds like you completely missed the point of GITS.
no, skin shouldn't look like plastic.
GitS has no singular point, it tries to do ten different things at once and koukaku no pandora only achieves maybe two of them.
You already know that anyway, you just wanted to bring it up because you like it but you know it's wrong
are you people for real? You'd rather watch shounen shows than decent seasonal ones? Are you out of your minds?
If anything that only makes his point even more. In reality the world is safer and better in every single way, but we're more miserable than ever
I appreciate your honesty user.
But still, something being more similar to a product of 20 years later than to a product of 5 years earlier doesn't make very much sense to me though.
Pic related is from 1998.
>it tries to do ten different things at once and koukaku no pandora only achieves maybe two of them
And that's more than enough. Making it the most faithful adaptation to date.
Finally, some class in this world