Curious. Have they persuaded you into installing their store with all the exclusives they have bought? Only game I was interested in is Satisfactory but I dont care enough. I will just wait a year for the steam version.
if by persuading me to install their software for exclusives you mean pirating the exclusives, then yes
I will just wait for the exclusive time to be up and they get put up on steam. Thanks for Beta testing faggots
Only thing I've bought was Metro Exodus; pretty much only because I have 150 hours in 2033 and 175 in Last Light.
the only thing I have been persuaded to do is stay far away from that store amd everything associated with it out of spite for how much it is being spammed
it almost makes me think all the spamming is done by false flags to encourage that sort of reaction. If that is the case then it is certainly working.
They persuaded me to go back to piracy, at least for the games that Tim already bought for me.
They persuaded me to start pirating again after Steam kept me piratebay free for more than a decade
Thanks for the free games, tim!
none of the exclusives made me want to get the software. and thats disregarding the constant controversy that follows that store
I've never bought a game in my life
No. I don't care for store squabbles. I just don't like how egs has no region pricing.
you shouldn't give your money to any of these faggots who perpetuate this bullshit
Dauntless was so bad I uninstalled all Le Ebin shit and bought MHW on STEAM
They have yet to pinch anything I want so no. At best I'll pre-order the DAH remake to get around the risk.
They persuaded me with Subnautica day 1
All that's exclusive is modern soulless shit thus far, nothing worth installing fortnite funded spyware for.
nope, and ive enlisted in the military for when the US finally invades china
Same. After all, that creepy wanker has already bought our copies for us.
I have had it installed since way before the autistic screeching started.
Gonna wait until any 'exclusives' I want on EGS come onto Steam like everyone else
I don't even care if they come to Steam and instead come to Uplay or GOG, I'm not installing EGS. Hell, I'd rather install Origin at this point.
so far just free games. Probably will buy David Cage games from it tho.
i can't even install it, get an error su-pqr1603
fuck epic
this I had it installed since it was a modding tool.
I don't buy games.
i care about only a handful of games and steam achievements are one of the only reasons (excuse) to play these games for me, personally. So egs has nothing I want, if I want egs games, I'll pirate them. piracy is a far better deal than egs at the moment.
Its funny because when origin came out people started whining about it "spying", not to mention the "exclusive" games that you can only get on origin.
What about Battlenet? Would you install that?
>using GoG in a derogatory sense
Opposite. They have actively ensured that I won't be installing it or using it ever again. I used to use it some years ago to play Shadow Complex and Unreal Pre-Alpha(which they don't give a shit about, another fuck you to them for that as well)
Not him but I'd do that just because I fucking hate chinks and their business tactics.
this was posted today btw.
origin was shit but not for the same reasons, EA has every right to put their own games on their own launcher to try and make money. It didn't work for them. there is no comparison to what EA did and what egs is doing. nice try though.
It made me appreciate piracy.
No because luckily for me, games they bought as exclusives didn't specially catch my interest despite of then being hyped.
And luckily for me, the only game I am hyped around is cyberpunk 2077 but this one I can have on GoG.
And my advice for you is: Use GoG
Thtas still not spying being done by EA, same shit a happened to PSN a few years ago
No. Haven't even pirated the few worthwhile exclusives they bought with Fortnite money.
I may buy Anno 1800 on Uplay, though, if they don't make it available on Steam next year, and if it gets a good discount during a sale. Missed the chance to get it before it was pulled, and I'm not going to give Epic a single cent.
GoG>Steam>Rotten eggs>Bnet>Dog barf>Uplay>Pile of shit made by forest animals for year>Orgin>Rimming Nurgle's ass while being covered in skaven shit>Epic game store
the concerns over EA was how they would handle your personal information. you're trying to conflate the meme of chinese spying (which EGS engages in) and Origin, but that not what was said at the time. People were concerned that given EA's track record of unbridled greed they would sell your private data or "accidentally" lose your information to hackers. That's completely different than openly working with the chinese government and having representatives sit on your board of directors like Ep*c. The link I gave is just one of many examples of EA not giving a single fuck about their customers.
This is alright, except uPlay and Bnet need to be swapped. Actiblizz is fucking awful and has nogames.
based phill lets me play that for 1 dollar a month
Will any of that matter once the GoG Galaxy 2 comes out and manages all your launchers into one?
this. the criticism of Origin was a lot more grounded in reality, even if it was still pretty dumb. The internet has turned into a sensationalist shithole
I had no preference for a digital game store front prior to EPIC bullshit making me appreciate how great steam is.
>you're trying to conflate the meme of chinese spying (which EGS engages in)
People were complaining because EA stopped selling their own games on any platform but their own. It was the same reason Ubisoft got a lot of shit for Uplay, before they realized exclusivity does them no real favors. It's why I said at this point I'd rather install Origin than EGS, because while it was shitty that EA decided to take their ball and go home, they at least haven't set out to buy up all the balls so no one else can have them.
you underestimate steam fanboy loyalty.
Yes, because I don't want to fund Epic. Not that I won't use GoG though, I love GoG.
steam fanboys or EGS haters?
Yes because I'm not supporting shitty business practices.
they are one in the same.
No and they never will. Fuck em
I have no loyalty for steam
I have every other launcher installed but I will never install the epic one
Any game that is exclusive to it I will just pirate or not play it at all
That's how much they managed to piss me off
I'm a giant faggot and new to this whole thing. Why are people pissed about the Epic Games store? Why is having two game libraries instead of one such a big deal? Not trolling, I'm legit confused.
Nope, I either pirate or avoid them instead.
You'll still need each respective launcher installed to play those games. There's absolutely no way GOG/CDP will be allowed to bypass Steam/EGS/Uplay/et al's respective DRMs.
I like Tim because he pays the developers for copies, and therefore it's morally justifiable to pirate the games as the developer has been paid. It's better and more ethical to steal an Epic exclusive game, however, rather than to support the subversive takeover of the western video game industry by the chinese regime which Sweeney is acting as an agent of.
meh. I have used it for free games so far. same shit different pile. I just use launchbox anyway so none of it really matters.
Well that's how people are absolutely retarded and fucking stupid, that's pretty much it
sure but it's like less than a gig of hdd space and 500mb at most of RAM. as long as it is out of sight, out of mind.
Epic store is owned by Tencent, a disgusting Chinese company trying to buy out as much of the gaming market as possible to establish a monopoly. Their tactics for swaying customers to the Epic store are shady bullshit, like paying publishers for exclusivity.
Because Epic Games is buying exclusives, including games which previously were due on the steam store and/or advertised as such on thier kickstarters.
It's one thing to buy an exclusive before it's been announced, that's fine, but to steal it from another store after it was advertised as being for sale there is amoral at best.
tl;dr is PCfags now have their own internal console wars.
difference is instead of Steam fanboys v.s. Epic fanboys, it is steam fanboys v.s. indifferent people baiting said steam fanboys and pretending to be senpaitachi of Epic. Also lots of schizos such as
I just got it for Unreal Tournament 4
game librarys at all suck unless you own the game and dont require the library to use it
however steam did a super neat job with its library so we all gave in origin got some good exclusives and muh free games so some people use it nothing compared to steam now epic wants to give us a shit library and sell all out data
if you don't think tencent doesn't have access to those servers you are seriously retarded. we can quibble over what, if anything, they do with that information but you're fucking retarded if you believe tiny tim when he says only he has access to your private data.
>if you don't think tencent doesn't
sry should be
>if you think tencent doesn't
>if you don't think tencent has
between Epic and Steam fucking up, I've been pirating and using GOG a lot more. It's nice.
infact you launch origin through games you buy on steam its a headache but still
im on gamepass, got to try out a lot of okay to mediocre games and also slay the spire
I'm not so sure about the store side of things but the UE4 team at Epic is pretty based. I usually only use Steam though
not really, you don't have to pay extra for any hardware DRM like consoles just installa stupid laucnher and thats it
No, haven't even pirated any
I bought Journey for $5, the PC version is pretty bad and I was disappointed.
>steam gets 30%! That's bad
Not accurate; Steam gets 0% when people buy steam keys from outside of steam, be it sites like G2A or from a dev's own site (e.g. get a drm-free copy plus steam code!)
pretty sure they take a small percentage from steam keys regardless
Surpisingly, no
>The reason for the discrepancy is Steam keys, which developers can generate pretty much at will to sell through non-Steam storefronts and brick-and-mortar retailers. While these key-based purchases are still redeemed through Steam and can take advantage of Steam's suite of features, Valve actually takes no commission from sales that don't take place directly through its own storefront.
they don't. They generate keys for free and developers and publishers are entirely free to sell them for 100% profit on their own site.
I don't have crippling autism and have had sex so installing a different .exe to play a video game i want to play is not an issue for me
Console warring was never about the $200 to buy the second console user
I'll never use EGS ever again
I would pirate a few of their better games but my backlog is still too big to even justify that. Why even bother?
Phoenix point might be the one to get me to pirate again, if it turns out to be good.
Not a big fan of Timmy Tencent buying out all the games but its whatever. I want to see it improve and become actual competition to Steam though, atm its a featureless wasteland, probably gonna use it for David Cage: The Game though.
if they go through the hoops and aids of PCI compliance, getting a payment processor and dealing with chargebacks that is, taking peoples money is suprisingly hard by yourself.
I installed GOG so I could get bloodlines when it goes on sale again, but I will never, EVER install Epic
No, in fact they've made me hate them for bringing console exclusivity to the PC market and I hope they go out of business.
The only free games they've offered that I was interested in were ones I already owned because I was interested in them.
None of their store lineup is interesting enough for me.
I can't think of a game that would make me install it. Maybe if the new STALKER game was exclusive, or Bannerlord was. But I'd probably just wait even then, because I'd be pissed they changed platform and went for monopoly deals.
To be honest, I may never have bought a game from their store if they hadn't done this exclusivity bullshit. The fact that they have has cemented my desire to not support them in any way.
I signed up for the free games and I ended up buying Metro when it was like $25. I already had the EGS downloaded for Unreal though.
I don't think there is anything else on the EGS that I am remotely interested in.
>Have they persuaded you into installing their store with all the exclusives they have bought?
I'm interested in Heavy Rain, but I will wait for the release. Journey too. So, no.
You don't have to install to buy and download games there.
Installed it when they gave away a free game a few years ago and for a few games of Fortnite. Uninstalled it after that and now I'll probably never install it again after the shit they're pulling
No I don't care
absolutely not
i pirated outer wilds and stopped playing it after 20 minutes
Why the fuck would I? Steam already works.
I mean I think I own shadow complex or something but they gave that out for free years ago.