I'm looking for a game similar to Fallout

I'm looking for a game similar to Fallout.

Should I get UnderRail, Wasteland 2 or Atom RPG?

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You should get all of them but UnderRail is purely combat focused and one step away from being a turn based diablo-clone. Wasteland 2 was great until ammo became a non issue. Atom is fucking rough. Wait for version 3 or 4.

underrail is great but like above said pure combat and the setting may be hit or miss.
I haven't played atom yet but it looks good and I've heard nothing but good things. I'd narrow it down to underrail or atom rpg, wasteland 2 was kind of meh

>UnderRail is purely combat focused
I always like to do mostly non-combat oriented skills, with one weapon skill as a backup in case shits gets fucked, and Underrail is definitely not a game built around that. I put in about twenty hours before I got irrevocably stuck, so my options were to cheat/edit the save, or start over. I couldn't find a way to do the first option, and I didn't feel like doing the second, so I just stopped playing.

underrail if you like games, the other two if you don't. underrail has a big expansion releasing on july 22.

Wasteland 2

Is Wasteland 2 bad then? I want another game that has the feel of Fallout 1/2 and heard the Wasteland titles would fill that void.

>the feel of Fallout 1/2
this is exactly underrail and the people who say it has no setting lore or story got filtered by depot a. wasteland 2 is crap. atom rpg is buggy, unpolished crap.

>atom rpg is buggy, unpolished crap.
So was New Vegas. Will I like Atom RPG if I liked New Vegas?

Wasteland 2 is just massive wasted potential. It's serviceable but as an RPG it's just really lackluster and doesn't really allow for experimentation.

have you tried Fallout Tactics?

i thought i was enjoying it but i just one day stopped playing it and never went back. it has enough dialogue checks to satisfy your craving for what you probably liked about new vegas. one thing i've noticed that could be a positive or a negative for you is that because there's a small number of highly populated locations pretty much every second person you talk to in one of the cities will dump quests on you

I have not, but I've always heard bad things about it.

it's ok, final levels are kinda annoying because of tanky enemies.

I just wish you could pause to issue orders though

What is Wasteland? Why does it just look like Borderlands and Rust?

it's not the best, but I liked Fallout 1/2 and it was fun for me. you're never going to get a straight answer from Yea Forums or steam or wherever because everyone just has too many different opinions on it. I liked Wasteland 2 more than Underrail, personally. But some will say the exact opposite. You really just have to try the games yourself. I know it's not the same, but a good game of XCom 2 usually scratches my turn based combat itch lately, if you haven't tried it.

I really liked ATOM, but stopped near the end when the enemies power spike and can one shot you even with good armor on. That and shop items are pretty much randomized or tied to your level, so it's either quick save and reload to level up or just uninstall in anger.
It was fun until, again, near the end when everything can one shot you for no reason.
I played it when it first came out (pirated it) and enjoyed it but it's pretty combat focused like everyone said.

>I just wish you could pause to issue orders though
Why didn't you just switch to turn based if you want something like that?

the maps are ridiculously big and the game flows better in real time. It's just that real time with pause is pretty much the standard for games like these.

sounds like you like crap guy

It's only turn based during combat.
>It's just that real time with pause is pretty much the standard for games like these.

yeah, but AP costs are way too high in turn based so combat takes a fuckton of time to get going. I mainly switched to turn based when I wanted to do some fancy maneuvering, otherwise I just set everyone to burst with a formation that kept my squad from shooting eachother.

New vegas is a AAA masterpiece compared to Atom RPG.

Can't wait to start my machete-wielding, time-manipulating psycho playthrough.
What are you guys gonna roll?

I did a stealth sniper for my first build so ill probably roll the same exact build because im terrible at leaving my comfort zone even though i know i should try something different

You guys say combat focused as if it’s a bad thing. What gives?

Honestly, the only thing it does better than the rest of the titles is the combat but Undertail is more flexible because it has shields and spells, and the lore+factions. The greatest problem with it is stagnant character progression brought about the fact that you're controlling 7 guys.

Of all the titles OP posted, Atom is the closest to the Fallout experience but it has shit setting and writing. Mechanics are straight up the same.

Underrail comes up mostly when people are looking for Fallout-likes. And unless you specify that it's heavy combat focused the casuals start whining and just quit at Depot A.

Anything like Fallout but not turn based?

Fucking run and gun with a shotty I can't wait.

As in post-apocalyptic, or just rpgs in general?

Both, preferably. But mostly post-apocalyptic.

Arcanum, if you havent already played it.

Play Fallout:Nevada , it's a russian made fallout standalone mod , it's a prequel to fallout 1 and it's fucking amazing ( i'm just about to finish it)

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