How do we fix the horror genre?
How do we fix the horror genre?
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Thought it was Junko for a sec. who is this?
More futas
she looks normal
maybe you should just pick up a book and stop expecting people to be afraid of stuff you find personally invalidating
more atmospheric sounds.
its a yellow roastie, they arr rook same
more focus on writing/narrative besides EVIL THING BAD FLASHLIGHT GOOD, also make it hapoen someplase thats not a fucking old house
comfy ost
>she looks normal
what girl looks normal? no picture of girls have been posted
Rely on darkness. What's a good game that is totally lit but horror
The problem is nobody can agree on what a horror game is
Game or genre? They're different things.
Hurr durr, you know what's fantastic and conducive to the exploratory nature of an adventure game? Why don't we put in a dude that finds you every 10 minutes then forces you to run around for 15 until you can enter a loop that has a hiding place on it's path! Then you can spend another 5 minutes running to and hiding inside of it, just so you can wait for the chaser to go away.
You can't fix being dead. Horror just isn't profitable outside of the rare streamer bait trash. Nobody wants to take the risk to revitalize it either
What happened to horror threads? Why is Yea Forums acting like it doesn't exist now?
Jannies keep deleting them for being too scary and on-topic.
Mr. X is done user. They brought him back to show why he sucks specifically.
>Horror just isn't profitable outside of the rare streamer bait trash
He is great though.
Resident Evil 7 and 2 Remake have done great.
Mr. X is literally the reason why Capcom opted to make RE4 into an action shooter.
He freaking sucks. Being afraid stems from accomplishment, not from an overridden desire to stay alive. If the player can't feel accomplished, he can't feel afraid, especially if there is a monster chasing him constantly through the game which can't be killed.
You are thinking of Nemesis.
Those aren't streamer games
make it scary
No, Mr. X is up there too. He is in the interviews for RE4 being less of a mystery/horror and more of an action game.
It is scary unless you're a psychopath
they need to stop being so bland and predicable
re-used settings, jumpscares, and having an entire orchestra fall down the stairs when said jumpscares happen, need to go.
b u m p
>being afraid doesnt come from the desire to feel alive
I ask this. What is worse, for a horror game to be too easy and have little tension from the standpoint of failure on the players part, or for it to be too hard and force the player to repeat the same segments each time they fail ad nauseam?
Nobody likes Siren. There's your answer.
Different types of horror
We need body horror games, for example
You don't feel afraid by pursuing a dead end. You're already alive. You're not going to feel any more alive by having that confirmed by a video game. Giving you a monster you can't kill only establishes the relationship between player and response to be moot. Nothing you do changes the gameplay, nothing you invent can change an outcome, in effect novelizing the experience.
This was free on PS+, so I gave it a shot. Went in expecting to laugh at a dumb walking simulator.
Best horror game I've ever played. Full stop.
and RE4 is the reason why RE5 and RE6 exist.
Is that bad? RE6 is terrible, but are you threatening a series' integrity because bad games exist in it?
What’s wrong with Siren? I’ve heard good things about it and just started playing it
Yes it is bad. Capcom opting to make RE4 into an action shooter was exactly the push that made Resident Evil garbage as a horror series. Mr. X and Nemesis were great and notice how they are both in the best RE's. RE7, the game that brought the series back to its roots had a chaser. Now I don't want to imply correlation = causation here, but its important to note that chasers are being used often in the more horrific games, probably because they are fundamentally scary.
Not to be a dick but it sounds like you're just disagreeing because you don't have any ground to argue from. If you truly believed Mr. X and Nemesis weren't shit you wouldn't act like they suddenly stopped existing altogether.
>If you truly believed Mr. X and Nemesis weren't shit you wouldn't act like they suddenly stopped existing altogether.
What the fuck are you talking about?
You're talking like an idiot who expects the series to favor your irrational perspectivism. There's literally nothing realistic about your objectives for the series, RE2: Remake just launched this year, if you truly felt like they were market paradigms; Mr. X and Nemesis, you wouldn't argue like a nine year old off his risperidone. They revived the game to show off how much the genre has changed over the last two decades, Mr. X is a kind of tawdry jacket, a little fashion icon from an older era, a relic used to establish a major no-no in basic game design.
If you really felt like these characters were revolutionary you wouldn't argue as if you've already agreed with me. You wouldn't argue as if "chasers," were going the way of fossil fuels.
Don't have a horror genre, have horror elements in other genre
>You're talking like an idiot who expects the series to favor your irrational perspectivism. There's literally nothing realistic about your objectives for the series
> if you truly felt like they were market paradigms
>If you really felt like these characters were revolutionary
>You wouldn't argue as if "chasers," were going the way of fossil fuels.
I don't know how exactly you got any of those ideas out of what I said. but you are severely off kilter. RE4 started a trend of more action oriented Resident Evil, which in turn led the series to focus less and less on the surival horror aspect. That is what I'm saying. Chasers, are a great mechanic for survival horror, and I do happen to enjoy Resident Evil more as a survival horror then I do the as a garbage Hollywood movie action piece so I enjoy Nemesis and Mr. X and think they are both great and scary.
I don't fucking think chasers are going out off style or don't exist anymore nor do I think they are some apex of horror mechanics. I just think they have been generally effective in RE respectively.
Well there you are then. If you don't feel like that and your evidence for all the clamoring is a slice of anecdotal evidence I shouldn't need to tell you to practice some citation.
Evidence? I'm stating an opinion. What exactly are you expecting me to back up with evidence?
Yeah if you're telling people they are genuinely good for the series, I'd expect a better answer than, "I found it fun with my bros."
For someone making the statement of
>you wouldn't argue like a nine year old off his risperidone
It's hilarious that you utterly failed to see what I was even discussing, which was primarily RE4 and the action oriented trend of the series past it. But okay I fundamentally disagree with the statement that
>Being afraid stems from accomplishment, not from an overridden desire to stay alive
Due to a the desire of staying alive is to avoid the inverse of accomplishment, which is failure. You generally feel accomplished when you don't fail, and mechanics that have a higher threat level of causing that failure are inherently stressful. Due to the constant pressure chasers pose and their seemingly inability to die, they become much higher stressor than your average enemy.
It's dead, Jim. The public consciousness has an in-grained notion of what horror is, and that's slasher gore jumpscare long-face ghost demon nonsense, probably with a single mom as the MC in a movie, walking simulator nonsense with a faceless, personality-deprived blank slate you don't care about in a game. Deviation from this is met with divisiveness, and us artsy fartsy types can praise something and it and it can get critical acclaim, but Blumhouse can shit out something made for 4million, the kiddies go get spooked at loud noises and rake in a tidy profit therefore showing the industry what's profitable. Fuckers can make another Amnesia clone, another Slender clone, another walking simulator and it will rake in Twitch views because it's easy.
Yes, yes. Very funny that you're arguing about the organic qualities of unkillable enemies in a series which rewards you for proper resource management.
>Very funny that you're arguing about the organic qualities of unkillable enemies in a series which rewards you for proper resource management.
Notice how I said
> their seemingly inability to die
Play close attention to the "seemingly" part. I will somewhat agree with you however with
>proper resource management
A big gripe I have with Mr. X of REmake2 and Jack is that you get nothing from killing them like you did in the older titles.
You're grasping at straw because you lost an argument and you want to seem like you have some caveat for acting like a licensed pediatrician on an Anonymous imageboard.
I don't nor do I need to care about your silly little bants.
>grasping at straws
I implicated a verifiable fact on how you can kill chasers in RE then agreed with one of your points. I didn't realize you just wanted to shitpost instead of having an actual discussion. My bad.
Implied. the verb is implied, "implicated" infers a cause.
Don't do it to yourself, Yea Forums is a society!
Is this a joke or serious? What's scary about it?