Tales Thread

Hello this is a Tales Thread.
This is a type of thread that will die within 100 posts do to inactivity. But until then can You explain to me when the fuck I can start changing together techs in Vesperia?
Is there a level 1 - 3 tech system that I can use to string them together even?

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Nigga just learn to block.

faggot didn't give me a chance to block though. Answer my question. I'm tired of doing three strikes and then a single tech.

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I think only Base > Arcane can be naturally chained together but you get skills as the game goes on to switch up the order and add Altered artes into the chain and stuff

What do people mean when they say the game's combat only really opens up when you get to the end of it?


You'll have everyone's combo skills so learning that and advanced tech like manual cancelling and a good otg game will give you the most control and options

The Skills you need to be able to chain artes more freely only come from weapons that are available at endgame. You get them a little bit earlier for Yuri, but he's the exception. Judith is used as an example of Vesperia's aerial combat, but she can't actually use some of her staple artes in midair until you grind up their usage for a bit. It gets even more annoying when you realize that she burns through her TP lightning quick.

Got any advice for Yuri?
So far all his skills seem pretty much the same.

I don’t know why I never noticed but is Estelle like a really light brown? Or is that just in contrast with her hair?

Overlimit fist weapon, enter overlimit 1, spam shining fang until you get overlimit 3 from the fist weapons then end with a mystoc arte. Or spam destruction field.

I don't think I've reached the point in the game where they explain that stuff yet. My only OL knowledge comes from Symphonia.

git gud faggot

LE? What's that?



Oh no she's a cunt.
Oh well. Smelly lesbian just joined my party. Is she one of the characters that will have a permanent seat in my party?

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rita is probably the second best character after karol
i like her attitude

What's good about Karol? He just seems like a decent melee DPS.
>liking tsunderes
it is a curse isn't it?

This reminds me I need to hack my PS3 so I can play Graces undubbed

Is the graces dub bad?

How do I prevent gattuso from ramming his dog dick into everyone's ass?

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take Rita off your team. she likes dog dick.

You don't. All you can do is ram your dick in it harder

>You get the sorcerers ring in Vesperia
YEYEYEY also FUCK that means 'fun' puzzles.

What the fuck is even going on in this thread? Is OP just going full blown retarded?

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I've only ever played one played two tales games. Symphonia and its sequal so I only have knowledge of that. The overlimit shit is different and the only party members you get in Dawn that are worth a shit you basically raise yourself.
This shits new to me. Also tales threads are comfy and I enjoy talking about it.

sorry, i meant to say he's the best character in the story, not in combat
i only play with >estelle so i can't help you much with battle questions

Do people typically play as other characters? I had always been used to playing the main character in the ones I played.

Is the 3ds version of Abyss any good?

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flynn > yuri

i always play with the magic knights, but flynn is gone for 99% of the game so i have to make do with estelle

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Every Tales dub is atrocious

I've played Symphonia and Vesperia so far, both were really good.
I'm currently playing Dragon Quest 4, after that I plan to go through Abyss as well.

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I mean its the same as the PS2. Literally nothing different, no performance issues, and i played it on the OG 3DS.

Fuck me, I didn't even see this thread. Please help.

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Come here instead. Abandon your thread as this one has enough in it.

You can kill any of the giganto monsters at any time I believe, but if you're paranoid you can just come back to Zaude later.

I bet Estelle smells really nice

she smells as good as rita smells bad

just got vesperia. what am i in for?

Comfy time.

I'm here now.

>I believe
Fug, at least now I know I can come back to Zaude and just kill the 11 giganto monsters when part 3 comes up. Thanks and take this cute gondola, user.

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She somehow managed to be an annoying character the entire game

I wish we were back in earlier 4chin where I could appreciate the "13337" in this post.

I mean, I've always killed any Giganto monster I could on sight, and I've never had trouble completing the sidequest. I haven't used the guide you are, but I imagine it just separated the monsters into a different section for organizational purposes if anything.

A great JRPG, I really enjoyed it

how complex/hard is the combat system? how deep can i go with it?

Symphonia but a bit deeper.

Judith is the best girl.

never played simponia onkly played berseria

Oh okay.
Well then it's Berseria but actually good.

I've been avoiding every single one after Green Menace just in case as to not mess something up, even if the guide doesn't say anything about it. It's only a side quest guide however, so it won't cover everything. Well that and a secret mission guide because you clearly need to buy a guide in order to figure out some of these secret missions that you'd be hard pressed to deduce correctly.

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I haven't played Vesperia in 3 months and I forgot what was happening. What do I do?

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There's a recap function in the menu, no?

but in berseria i was mostly spamming shit and not getting very technical like say, DMC combos and stuff. thats why i was asking if it was different cus berseria was super spammy

Write what you were doing in a text document (side quest progress), in terms of the main story the synopsis option in the menu should help.

read the in-game synopsis

How long will it take for Vesperia's sale price to drop lower than it is?
I figure if this is the lowest it'll go for a while I might as well buy it now.

I was told in a previous thread to stay at a desert town's Inn for Estelle to give me something. what is the towns name? I just came back to the Tree Village for the second time.

I'd say jump on it now. Usually price doesn't drop lower than it is unless it's a special event or on Christmas.



Can I not do guard cancel if I finish an attack string with Yuri? It feels like it takes him too long to go into freerun.

Please tell me Karol gets that Nan puss.


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Is Rita chaotic Neutral?

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Mages have no sense of right or wrong. Also no she’s just a cunt.

Not that guy but thanks. I mostly play or read in the living room with my parent so I don't feel alone in my room

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You are old enough to be here, right, user?

Is Tales of Symphonia any good?
Yes. I don't live in the US, in my country its normal to live with your parents when you're in your 20s.
I'd gone crazy because of the loneliness if I had moved out.

Is Tales of Symphonia any good?

Symphonia is one of the holy trinity of Tales games. The other two being Vesperia and Abyss.
It's also the first 3D tales game, so its battle system is a bit more jank. It also doesn't have free-run.
It's full of cliches but they are well executed ones. It's also an honest-to-God journey JRPG and probably my favorite of the three.

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Does Vesperia have a romance option like Symphonia does?

Oh god this things going to rape my ass isn't it?

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Vesperia really shouldn't be considered part of the "holy trinity". Now that more people are exposed to it, more are realizing that it's fucking awful in terms of story. Even some game design choices are fucking bonkers, like needing specific items just to change your overworld avatar or equipping a skill to use items on other party members. It's also the game that started having certain costumes as DLC exclusive.

>ate up all my Life bottles
>barely actually beat it
>karol missed out on EXP
>>this happens after
Are you FUCKING kidding me

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Graces f port when? I really wanna replay it. Hopefully with the Haseo costume this time

I'm sure Yuri just tides the whole thing over, he's a very good character. I'm not sure what should be the third holy trinity entry, but it's definitely not vesperia. Phantasia? The newfags aren't going to play that and while it's good and it set the stage for everything else, I don't think the story aged very well.

for a time. gets replaced with the pirate later.

>Estelle finally gets back to Flynn
>Flynn drags her off to the Inn
>they're in there for a while
is he just bending that over and giving it to her the moment he finds her? What a chad.

I like Phantasia for being more simple and straightforward; newer Tales games start to feel like they add way too fucking many systems and quirks.

Estelle is pegging him, of course

Give it to me straight boys. On a scale from 1-fucking whore how often is she going to fuck with me?
This is like the only other character I know through just lurking in threads.

>forgot pic

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I haven't played vesperia since the xbox, who the fuck was this, how are vesperia side characters this unmemorable

sodia is a good person!

She's a slut who wants Flynn's dick. Or possibly Yuri's dick too. It's not too clear.


Yuri Lowel...

Vesperia really suffers from the "too many characters" problem. With how many people there are, the game barely has time to really go in depth into any of them so everyone's various degrees of shallow.

She’s crazy

Haha, you faggots all probably hate Beseria but its my first Tales game and I love it. Looking forward to getting the PS3 and 3DS games.

Can someone give me a list of the games I should play? I lost my google button.

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The battle system, unfortunately, really shines end game/new game plus. It's perfectly fine for simplistic combos that the series is used to, but you need the skills from the near end game weapons to fully utilize all the combination of artes.

Less loading times and lower resolution on the 3DS otherwise they play the same. I doubt you can do the glitch where you can walk over water in the 3DS version however it doesn't change anything.

I hope you enjoy Abyss. The story is a little jagged at first, annoying in the sense of how Luke is, but it all comes together and the battle system is definitely one of my favourites. Amazing boss fights too.

He's really not that bad, just make sure every is set to attack different enemies. I felt this made the boss smoother when everyone was attacked the little pups.

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Vesperia. Symphonia. Abyss. Graces. Xillia 1 and 2. Phantasia
That’s it desu.

I killed ths small dogs first. That was easy. The wolf is the hard part.

I can see ignoring Legendia for reasons (should still play it), but why would you not include Eternia? That game is amazing.

Oh strange, I always thought the hard part was the pups. Have fireball set to one of your commands and combo every time the fireballs connect.

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you're going to be stuck doing basic 3 hits > tech > other tech for most of the early game. however if you learn to attack cancel with free run and block then killing stuff gets a lot more enjoyable.

Who is Estelle for?

yuri sex
take that as you will

We have reached 100 posts. You may now die


And I don't know about you but the story is legit uninteresting. And honestly fuck Rita and her Blastia crap. Never wanted to mute a character so much ffs

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Third act kind of shits itself. I don't think they should have dragged on that act. Also, Vesperia, from what I can remember, has one of the worst final dungeons.

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I play as all the characters for the trophies.