You think the lead character and art designer of a AAA game studio working for a company as big as Nintendo will...

You think the lead character and art designer of a AAA game studio working for a company as big as Nintendo will recognize you and pay you respects when you die one day?

Attached: Character Designer of the xeno series pays respects to Etika.png (773x254, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Whos etika

no, because i'm going to find him, kill him, then kill myself



Who the fuck would ever wanna be recognized by Saito fucking M? Disgusting.

nope, but I will have reproduced

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>Gonna kill myself because everyone hates me
>kill self
>everyone loves you


Shut up about that nigger already

That's cool of him. Etika loved XC2 and someone probably showed Saito clips of him freaking out during his playthrough.

No body hate him before you dumbass


someone misspelt etikka

Why did this guy kill himself? It seems everyone liked him.

whos saitmasatsugu

The designer responsible for making the biggest milkers of 2017 Nintendo exclusive

bipolars do crazy stuff when they're in the mania phase and if they're sufficiently medicated they can have the will to kys themselves during the depression phase.

>Character designer of the xeno series
But Saitom only did one game. If you wanna assign a single character designer to the whole Xeno series then Kunihiko should fit the bill better.

I did.

>l-literally who
Yea Forums btfo
Zoomers always win.

We need to open up asylums for these people. He probably had the money for a luxury private treatment center. Perhaps loving these people after the fact is not enough. Maybe suggesting they take a few months to sort themselves out is better. I dunno

Only cure for some illnesses is death.

E-celeb killing himself is not video games. Take it to Yea Forums or better they should create new board called internet celebrities /incel/


please don't

There are plenty of places like that. He was admitted to places like that 3-4 times, but every single time he just spent 30 minutes talking to them and convinced them that he wasn't crazy, so they let him go.

Mental illnesses aren't taken serious in the US in any way. It's also why there's so many school shooters and why the suicide rates are on the rise.

this was just promotion for the next dlc fighter

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>but I will have reproduced
>he says this on fucking Yea Forums

How is not wanting to be locked up in a hospital for the rest of your life a bad thing? I'd kill myself too if that was my fate.

this I fully supported his decision. in europe you can be locked for years if you have depression

My second cousin, a German lost his license just because his parents reported that he was "crazy". Fuck that Orwellian nonsense.


I wish Saito would immortalize me in a drawing alongside Mythra.

>He thinks an artist working at a children's videogame company recognizing you is something worth striving for
Why is this board full of underages?

Hence, nobody hated him.

>someone probably showed Saito clips of him freaking
It's more that Etika was pretty big on the jap internet / niconico in general, because they love watching gaijins react to japanese stuff.
Though they generally call him "guile-kun" rather than etika.

If the only way for you to survive is to be locked up or bouncing in and out of wards the rest of your life, you wouldn't want to off yourself?

Why condemn people to a shit existence or one with a very poor quality of life? I'm honestly glad that guns are legal here, because I have severe depression and it's one of the reasons I own one. Knowing you have an easy means of sudoku at hand is comforting as fuck.

I was surprised the dude had such a Japanese following

Attached: D98q4ipUwAEdIBI.jpg (943x893, 103K)

on Yea Forums we always did admit that the japs made good shit, but had the universes worst taste.

>even though he was so excited for banjo
no he wasn't lol

literally who?

Oh shut up, adults are talking.

>If the only way for you to survive is to be locked up or bouncing in and out of wards the rest of your life, you wouldn't want to off yourself?
See, this is the problem. American have this mentality that it's either 0% or 100% and there's nothing in between. A person like Etika, could have potentially been saved with proper treatment, because he had plenty of moments of clarity.

This is a case where he could have potentially been helped, but that option was never even explored in the first place, because the doctors just sent him away as soon as possible every single time.

In his case, assuming that he actually did have Bipolar, it could have maybe been treated with a combination of therapy that would teach him how to deal with it + medicine to restore a baseline for his highs/lows so his mood wouldn't be swinging so wildly.

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They are just pretending to like him to not seem as racist

What about a cosplay thot?

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>For years he's just been the crazy black guy with funny hair who people laugh at
>Everyone suddenly pretends to care about the crazy black guy with funny hair

You'd think people have nothing going on in their lives

>excited for BK
no he wasn't, these nips only commenting just to look good wtf. what the fuck did etika even do?

lmao in most of europe you can be locked up for YEARS if you have depression or ever wanted to die. you can't even have a driving license if you're mentally ill. There's a case in Norway where some girl has been locked up for ten years because she tried to kill herself a bunch of times. The article was on and posted to /pol/ about three years ago. I can't find the link or the thread in the archive which is gay.

Anyways the only two nations in Europe that treat the mentally ill with dignity are Belgium and the Netherlands where they allow people with severe mental illnesses euthanasia:

Japs like exagerated reaction videos because it's exactly like their variety shows. Though they can't detect the fakeness of his acts. Just like his child worshippers that think he actually played video games and wasn't using their money for drugs.

I'm seriously gonna miss Etika, his streams were fun to watch on days when I had nothing to do while working. Rest in peace JoyConBoy.

>dumb ape who overreacts to games e never played is mourned by multiple people who worked on one of the games he faked excitement over
fucking retarded

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These people don't have a stick in their ass, so yeah. They're cooler than you will ever be.

He wasn't overreacting though, he used to have a heart monitor on during E3 and whenever anything hype was revealed his heart rate when up by like 30%.

That doesn’t mean he wasn’t faking it, you can get your blood pumping in plenty of ways. If you pretend to act a way your body will respond, and when you rock back and forth like a retard and shout over every little thing of course your heart rate will spike up

how do I become charismatic as him?

Attached: a in 30 years.png (360x480, 347K)

Why are you so mean to someone who just passed away? Are you 12? Even if it was fake, why do you pretend to give a shit?

>he faked excitement over

He fucking loved Xenoblade 2. One of the only online gaming personalities who was so fond of that game.

I don't know why you keep thinking that mental illness means that you are 100% fucked no matter what. It's a spectrum of varying degrees. There's tons of people who can live their lives relatively normally even with mental illnesses if they get proper help.

The cases you are talking about where people are locked up against their will are the people who are a direct threat to either themselves or people around them. People who have passed the barrier of being sane, reaching actual insanity. Once you reach that point, I do agree that something like euthanasia is probably better for that person.

Surely they're talking about nip heaven since I'm pretty damn sure the conventional christian heaven ain't exactly lenient with an heroing cases.

You're not charismatic on Yea Forums towards your favorite video games and anime? Just exhibit your excitement irl on camera.

again if you're going to spend the rest of your life bouncing in and out wards, how is killing yourself a bad thing? He liked his freedom dude and did not want to suffer such an existence

his gf is streaming and laughing her ass off right now

>no he wasn't, these nips only commenting just to look good wtf.
It was one general statement in a sea of adoration. Come on user.


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>there's tons of people who live their lives normally with treatment
because most mental illnesses are not severe conditions like bipolar or schizophrenia. if you're talking about run of the mill depression or anxiety, sure.

Cocaine will do that to you

>games e never played
XC2 was one of the few games he actually finished.

Because if Etika "only" was bipolar, then that is something that he could potentially learn to live with if he got the proper medication and care. You make it sound like all people with any sort of mental illness, no matter the degree, is going to be locked up in a straight jacket inside of a rubber padded room.

The reality is that he could have probably gotten by with just seeing a psychiatrist/therapist for 45 minutes every 2 weeks or so and that could have helped him immensely on how to deal with his situation. However, because of all the stigma and how piss poor the care is in the US, he never got that chance to even try it out. He was just sent away 3-4 times after they declared him sane.


Do you know why many bipolar or schizophrenics stop taking their meds? Because antipsychotics turn you into a numb zombie, increase weight and constantly make you lethargic. That's why so many of them end up as neets living with their parents even at their forties like terry.
You are essentially fucked if you have something as serious as bipolar or schizophrenia. How does Europe treat the mentally ill better by locking them up for years? I'd honestly rather be miserable and free, than locked up in a gilded cage like norwegian prisons. That's just me though. I like my freedom too damn much

t. nigger lover

Read his family bio.

Unstable family. His father was extremely promiscuous so Etika has a bunch of half brother and half sisters he never met before in his life.

Also, Etika said he and his mom were never close and only with his youtube career did he patch up with his mom.

Father lived in Ghana for most of his life while he lived in America for most of his life.

So Absent Father. Possibly Distant Mother.

In Etika's youtube videos, when he shows his apartment, the place seems pretty empty looking as well.

>Doesn't know that nips love to watch gaijins of all races react to their media

Japan is generally xenophobic, doesn't mean that foreign personalities don't have their followings over there.

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>his dad was an actual niggerian politician
oh noononon you cant make this up

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>Japanese-only plebs pretending to care this much about a guy they can't understand
>let alone a guy who uses negro dialect

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Hey user.

Attached: sans undertale.jpg (690x356, 26K)

>adored by nips, meme editors, and weeb thots

Would have loved to be in this guy's place, excluding the mental illness shit.

Attached: -swimsuitsuccubus-775480.jpg (610x915, 402K)

They'll recognize me. But they wont pay respects.

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>can't understand
His videos had translations, though not entirely accurate I'm sure.

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got your ip sicko

>etika's uncle is the fucking president of ghana
what the fuck

>funny guy that could have easily made a career out of being funny
>kills himself because he can't handle the banter online
What an idiot.

>Japs likes a blackpilled defeatist streamer

Christ Almighty

>why do you pretend to give a shit?
same reason he pretended to give a shit, attention and laughs

He should have watched It's a Wonderful Life. Mandatory viewing for anyone that's depressed.

I'm not surprised at this - it seems to be a japanese meme (trend) to watch foreigner streamers get excited for their games.

A literal nog nobody, drugged up and full of himself, commits suicide. I hope it's a growing trend.

Seriously. Who are these people and why should i fucking care

Yikes. What a horrible soul you are.

>kills himself because he can't handle the banter online

Not really what happened here. Just a horrible combination of mental illness, viral popularity, and edgy shitposting.

Do you know where you are? Better men than him die everyday. He kills himself off and because he has tons of subs and followers we're supposed to care. I hope he reincarnates in India.

Spare me your angsty teenage philosophy.

I only know of Etika because niconico videos. They call him Guile Kun and like watching his reactions to things

imagine being this consoymer
thats asians for you though, always just following the latest trend set by marketing companies for billion dollar companies

Attached: asians.jpg (306x433, 25K)

Westerners have worse taste at this point. They like trannies, political garbage, and are no fun allowed.

See here

Why can't Yea Forums accept that Etika isn't a literally who and that they were just living under a rock this whole time? I'm sick and tired of you all trying to discredit his legacy, the man is a cultural icon.

Why couldn't it just have been Sonic Fox?

I'm older than you, bud. That nigger was nobody and the world lost nothing. Go cry on reddit. I'll bet they care.


Virgin neets will end up even more depressed when they see that kino romance and how respected the mc was

Fucking lol the nips adopted the "F" meme

>*lunges off chair*
>*jumps up and down*
>*unintelligable babble followed by grunting noises*
I don't know how anybody understands it

Is your death going to trend on Twitter user? I don't give a Shit about him but he's definitely not a nobody.

your layers of irony is showing

Something interesting is that he was mainly known as "Guile-kun" over there because of his hairstyle.

What is the point of saying "Lmao nigga didn't learn how to swim" on an edgy place like this? What? are you kids afraid of being banned from reddit?

I for one will miss Etika.
At least he brought fun to the community and was not a corporate shill like most youtubers or the EPIC contrarians that regurgitate Yea Forums posts in order to find a niche.

Attached: 1505395849057.gif (234x159, 315K)

It's nice to know even if he has passed on, Etika brought Yea Forums together. It's been awhile since the majority of this board actually united.

>An autopsy after Desmond Amofah's death revealed a colon that was 5-6 inches in diameter and 8-9 feet long. A normal colon is only 2-3 inches in diameter and 4-5 feet long. The autopsy also revealed stool that had been in the colon for 4-5 months and would have certainly presented a tremendous toxic load on the Internet personality’s physiology.
>This same autopsy performed after Amofah’s death purportedly revealed that the YouTube content creator’s colon weighed 42 pounds at the time of his death. 37 pounds of this was dried fecal matter and only 5 pounds was living tissue.
>Allegedly, this extreme constipation was a result of his drug usage, particularly opioids.
>A former close friend of Amofah’s has claimed that he possessed very little control over his bowels, and that he would often accidentally defecate himself around her.

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Meant for

>Is your death going to trend on Twitter user?
Fame is cheap these days. His suicidal baby fit will be forgotten by this time next week.

>posts wojak
>will reproduce

Attached: 1587246895421.jpg (640x463, 24K)

I don't want Sonic Fox to die...but....
No but really folks, why are all depression treatments killing people quicker? I mean dead is a final solution but I don't need a prescription for that.

Isn't fucked for the big pharma to get away with treatments that either drive people insane or turn them into trannies?

>tfw will probably die alone and people will only notice when the smell becomes too strong

On one hand Yea Forums stance towards e-celebs is not wrong but it is not called for here.

On the other hand, I guess it would be similar to Chad Warden dying or Birry, if you did not grow up with Yea Forums you might find hard to say anything on the matter.

It seemed yesterday when Etika was doing the megaman reveal video...fuck.

You could stop wasting your time here.
Just by doing that you are going to increase your likelihood of not dying alone by a factor of 10.

Why didn't he go back to Africa? I mean, black people are probably happier there.

>Who are these people
People weebs like.
>why should I fucking care
You shouldn't.

>leaving your friends behind

>he would often accidentally defecate himself around her.
Oh geez

Attached: ugh.jpg (640x803, 41K)

>user is your friend.
user is your enabler.

hope not, imagine being used by some faggot to boost his popularity after you died

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He was hyperactive and bipolar from little I've seen of this guy, I guess people just never picked up on it as a cry for help until he took it to the extreme and just saw it as a joke
Kinda reminds me of Robin Williams, like these people have money and fame and come off as overall happy and that's what you think until this happens

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Holy fuck.

Attached: etika-jojo.jpg (720x1138, 88K)

You sound like someone who nobody is going to miss when you are dead...

That doesn't concern me in the least. I don't even want an obituary.

Man I really hope it was instant when he landed in the water. I read up on brigde/cliff suicides and a lot of times they don't die from impact but from drowning. If you land feet first you'll break your legs but you'll be conscious and in pain while water fills your lungs. I pray to God that's not how he went out.
Suicides are never as clean as they are in the movies, don't even think about it guys.

I thought the an hero meme was based in mocking the subject. Now it seems like the internet really does worship people for killing themselves.

It seems like life made you bitter as fuck. Don't you have anybody importent to you in life? When was the last time somebody said "I love you"?

>It seems like life made you bitter as fuck.
That's how it goes. And there are still a handful of people that care if I exist. But I don't need the world there to mourn my passing when it comes.

And you sound like a passive aggressive prick.

shut up

>>Guy who screams at smash
>>>people pretending he's the second comng of christ

Who that?

This copypasta got old and stale years ago

Why do butthurt?

Cant believe a jap is doing this for a dumb niggershit
Also thinly and badly veiled niggershit thread, sage + report

Actually sonifaggotfox should be killed in a public event with hd video
Mental illness should not be tolerated or encouraged

You need to be a subhuman retard like him to laugh

>faking reaction

>Yea Forums
>also Yea Forums

Keanu has a real life with tons of problems, made good movies, is humble and is NOT A NIGGER
So fuck ecelebs, fuck etikatards and GO KEANU
Also kys

>Keanu is the only human being that ever suffered!!

>tfw one day used that as an example for myself on how meaningless I feel
>told myself if that happened to me nothing would change, no one would care, and the world would go on
It actually hit me so hard it convinced me to go to therapy so I'm less suicidal.

Whites are the worst tho. They are a bunch of trashy Sjws who can only virtue signal and show some gay shit.

Every suicidal person should watch It's a Wonderful Life + Death Parade. Seeing both of these, man I don't think I could ever kill myself. Especially not over no dumb shit the youth keep killing themselves over.

He killed himself because he felt immense guilt over misleading his fans. I am unironically convinced those fags like Sky saying he's manipulating people actually dug it into his head that he was being intentionally manipulative. Then he made a deicision he couldn't take back. I doubt it was simply "people said mean things online."

I think today's generation growing up is going to have a hard time coping with reality because the way our system is set up college is seen as the be all end all goal when in reality the world is a lot more open than that. Then you have these kids rushing into debt because their parents probably said some shit like "it's necessary and when you're done with college you'll get a six figure job n' pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and then they'll be disillusioned by actually not even knowing what they want to do. Or I'm just projecting.

>he didn't grow up when Bill and Ted or the Matrix were big

>watching black and white movies

Fun fact
He was known as guile-kun in Japan because of his hair.
And also because nobody knew his name

Attached: 94B4EC1F-F357-4AE2-8FF3-B12F4105A920.jpg (364x637, 34K)

>Death Parade
You mean the anime?

Hating ecelebs is totally right but this nigga is just something else.
I'm not black or American btw

Immense hommage to Etika. A better man than all of you sociopath teenagers. He will go to paradise and you will go straight to hell when you die. Because that’s where trash goes.

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No its not different you dumb nigger lover

Spotted another subhuman niggershit dicksucker
Kys so you join him in hell where he belongs

Go to bed you little faggot.

based and voidpilled

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Holy shit, no wonder. Those people have the worst view of mental health in their country, and one of the most spiteful and narcissistic people too. Considering I'm an Ghanaian, and hate them very much.
Just an unstable country.

Hahaha read the rules. Niggershit subhuman kys

Youd think he'd want to stay alive long enough to see Banjo get released since he "screamed" and "reacted" so """"sincerely"""".

Sucks the dude offed himself though. He may have been a fake but that's hardly worth a kys.

You're lower than shit on a jannie's shoe.

All africans are subhumans and useless

Who? Did he make any good games?

STOP TALKING SHIT OF LE FUNNY FACES NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A bunch of third world monkeys itt

Fuck those spics posting some racist shit everywhere . Go back to your third world shithole

You either kill yourself or live long enough to see yourself become a tranny.

Just in case anyone reading your stupid post takes this seriously
Don't just report people for saying nigger, you'll probably just get banned yourself for abusing the reports if you piss off the mods enough.

There is a difference between.
>The key is UNDER the bridge you nigger, look UNDER it
>God I fucking hate niggers, I can't believe this game has subhuman niggers in it. I said game so this is vidya related now, please allow me to explain why I think we should kill all niggers. Here let me post 14 graphs I got on 9gag while I explain how everything in america is bad because of niggers

Context is important.
Saying "nigger" means literally nothing unless you're actually trying to be racist, anyone that thinks calling their friend a nigger for eating the last slice of pizza is racist is a fucking nigger and needs to calm down.


/pol/ btfo


>etika dies
>Lol a nigger drowned lmao
>Japanese mourns him
>wtf I love etika now
You weebs are some of the most hypocritical niggers on this site, kill yourselves

>Yea Forums is one person

Yea Forums is a board full of retards and third worlders that can't interpret their way out of a paper bag and call anything that even threatens to challenge their double digit IQs pretentious, I don't see why you thought this was a worthwhile post to make when they're so separate from the rest of Yea Forums with how far up their own asses they keep their heads

>Even the guy who made the best Jojo OP and Torture Dance song tweeted about Etika

He'd be smiling if he knew.

why did people like etika so much
like all he did was react to shit what the fuck am I missing?

A literally who that no one would have given a shit about if he was white, but he was black so everyone feels obligated to pretend he was some major figure in the gaming community and that his death was some huge tragedy.

That's it, he was just a goof on youtube, and it's sad that he chose to end his own life due to mental illness

People generally gravitate to those who are fun, genuine and enjoy their lives. Watching Etika streams was like hanging out with a great, fun loving friend. That may not be for everyone, but the fact that his absence made news on CNN and other major news sites says a lot.

>bawww they didn't like my 2deep4u animu!!!

Older than him, but as mature as a 10yo child.

>He'd be smiling if he knew.
Yeah but instead he's rotting on a stainless steel gurney while everyone in twitterspace pretends to give a fuck that he ever lived.

Un-ironically have sex and leave the house more often.

its because he isn't white. Who gave a fuck when jew wario an heroed

lol white """men""" most of whom are soi-infused or beaten by sjws and frustrated third worlders like br monkeys btfo

>"Guys, I posted it again!"

Attached: sg.jpg (843x473, 57K)

Unironically follow in Etika's footsteps.
You can't meme for shit nigger gtfo.

> literally who nigger
> literally who twitter faggot with anime female profile pic
>200 posts
The fuck is wrong with /v?

Nothing, you're just ignorant.

If you don't know him it just means you are new to Yea Forums and should go back.

What the fuck do you know, squeaker? He was a literal unknown lower-middle tier youtuber and now he's wormfood. Cry more.

Attached: dead-nigger-storage.jpg (240x240, 11K)

Xenoblade is overrated piece of shit

That's inhumane and barbaric tho because it robs people of physical freedom. So it's better to let them become a threat to themselves and others.

These seem to be the reasons fro. What I've gathered too.
An example of one of the many problems of social media and putting our lives online.
A lot of people seem to forget a lot of these issues stemmed from people guilting him over pointless shit.
It's basically a suicide induced partly by cancel culture.

All of this thread is the latter though.

>A literally who that no one would have given a shit about if he was white
You're delusional. A lot of people would give a shit if PewDiePie or idubbbz an hero'd.

I wish I had the balls to go through with it. The self-preservation meme is too strong.

Based. Whites and /pol/acks ABSOLUTELY BTFO

I know atleast some of it was relatively acurate cause they used to laugh over how he called Masahiro Sakurai "Daddy Sakurai." They also made him in stage builder for Smash 4.

Trended on nip twitter too

Attached: Etika's death trending on japanese twitter.jpg (473x1024, 62K)

>most likely died last Friday
I wonder what kind of state his body was in when they found it.

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>People weebs
As opposed to what other type of weeb?

I've been here longer than you and I'm still a "newfag," was called one ever since I got here. I've been here much longer than you.

This is less funny when you realize it's not even an original copypasta but taken from an actual article about Elvis's real health issues.

You're pretty cool for virtue signalling over a dead nigger's corpse, brah.

>no way you can genuinely feel bad for something

Can't believe no one else responded to your bait. Here you go retard, now reply to me on this website made by a white man, little monkey.

As I said, you're virtue signalling over a dead nigger who isn't video games, and on top of that you're doing it on the VIDEO GAMES board.

did that make you feel better about yourself?

Imagine, hundreds of people kill themselves every day, yet it takes just a single zoomer e-celeb nigger for all those reddit trannies to shed estrogen tears while singing kumbaya and talking about depression.

Virtue signaling over a dead e-celeb nigger.
Dilate on your way out.

Attached: 1553467959605.gif (415x311, 2.22M)

I heard about him when he died, that was literally his biggest accomplishment

>Though they generally call him "guile-kun"


There plenty of people who are bipolar or even schizophrenic that live normal lives. You can have a low degree of schizophrenia where you just hear soft voices sometimes. With medication and therapy many of these people live their lives.

based. white ecelebs are just boring. every one of them speaks like some shitty journo or gger. they can get attention and rile up some faggots but cant be loved. they eventually only virtue signal in a different context.

Yes user, it’s a lot easier to see mental illness as a problem when someone public who you know about kills themselves rather than a blanket statistic. You’re autistic if you can’t grasp that.

that is incredibly sad and i hope this post isn’t sincere. please get the help you need

extremely unethical. the state should not support suicide

I wouldn't care either way.

fuck off square enix

Imagine beyond a joyless husk with no compassion who thinks cynicism makes him look cool.

>Thanks for your hard work. Please play lots of games in Heaven, too.

Attached: 2ygr2kho_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22K)

I am certain that these Japs are "mourning" him in the same way people "mourned" Harambe.

high energy that didn’t seem pure onions despite being nintedo, because he was a high test 6 foot black dude


>mild schizophrenia
This doesn't apply to most cases of schizophrenia.
>Live their lives
Few schizophrenics actually have independence. Many of them live with their parents or family, Terry for example lived with his parents when he was in his forties.
Have you seen how antipsychotics work? They're tranquilizers which knock you out making you constantly lethargic and gain weight. That's why a shitton of schizos stop taking meds.

wow the one time an etika thread doesn’t get pruned by seething jannies is when it’s some chink twitter post. makes you think

I already have and tried to kill myself twice before. Save your "DUDE IT GETS BETTER BRO XD" for someone else.

why did you fail? you must be here for a reason or was the attemps just for attention?

It's a wonderful Life is the movie I watched on the Christmas I tried to commit suicide. So it's not good for everyone.

lol nigga in hell

Daily reminder that e-celebs and, in particular, youtubers are the closest human equivalent to vultures and maggots.

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other threads about this dont either you fucking retard. they were just deleting them yesterday

1st failed because the rope got loose
2nd tried to use the meme exit bag method but it's a load of shit
that's why I got a gun now, not failing the third.


they have been consistantly deleting them since the event. even just a couple hours ago

>Character designer of my most beloved game ever acknowledges some dumb literal who nigger

fuck man, it's even worse knowing that no character from xc2 will ever be in smash either, maybe this will motivate them to do it now

He literally was /ourguy/ and even managed to get a sticky
But of course you'll always find retarded contrarians here who will pretend not to know who he was

thats because they were shit threads or just bait. some decent one had over 500 posts

not sure if I'd call it dumb shit.
>social isolation due to often meaningless interactions
>everything has become complex as fuck, you don't necessarily have to work harder but the stuff you have to do to get anywhere is much more difficult
>at the same time many parts of life have been automated to the point that you have too much free time thinking about how much you hate everything
especially the complexity part hits hard. if I have a simple problem I know exactly how to tackle it, all I have to do is put the effort into it. if the problem is so complex I don't even fucking know where to start, it becomes a lot harder to begin.

I feel like lots of people don't understand that it's not just physical effort that can be draining, mental effort takes quite the toll on you, too

I hope he did a flip

feel free to hit me with an archive then. i made a sincere thread about 5 hours ago and it got deleted in minutes

similar for me. I'm not from the US but my parents always went on and on about how I should study some STEM field so I can live a better life than them eventually.
now I graduated, with pretty good grades too, but I still feel like I know shit all, have no idea how any of this could be useful and just want to do some simple task where I don't feel like an idiot every single day. I don't see how these studies provided me with a real world advantage over an apprenticeship.

>>Mental illnesses aren't taken serious in the US in any way.
Feels like that's a massive problem everywhere.
>could get counseling if I decided I want it
>healthcare would even cover it
>still can't go because I'd be obligated to tell insurance companies and certain kind of employers and it would immediately disqualify me for everything

What show did you make a purposefully obnoxious thread about then get upset when people told you to fuck off?

some commies convinced an entire country that guns are the reason for everything and not mental illness

Wait, Ghana isn't a real life wakanda? wtf bros, i'm sure the whitoids are behind this

Me too. It's very comforting to have it. If everything comes crashing down, there's an easy way out, so I tend not to stress out too much, what's the worse that can happen? Nothingness?

Honor thine niggers.

>why do glorious nippon mourn over a dead nigger
>they must just meme about it
not everyone there are subhumans like you