So that guy has a Twitch channel now? lolwut

So that guy has a Twitch channel now? lolwut

Attached: bernie-sanders-twitch-1176564[1].jpg (696x390, 24K)

Faggot Communist.

Millennial faggots love twitch. He wants to get the millennial voters before 2020.

so who is going to pay for it?

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zoomers paying with bits using moms credit card

>How do you do, fellow kids?

Fuck off you old senile tard

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will he read out my name if I follow?
what can we get him to say?

>a known socialist using a site that is capitalistic as fuck
I wonder if normalfags will see the irony in this

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While It would be highly amusing to watch a crazy communist play video games, I doubt he its going to be that.

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its set to just chatting
so he's probably gonna get almost naked and sell feet pic for subs

FREE ONLINE[/spoilers]

he is a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST. it's different

link to his channel ?

This guy is just resorting to any measures he can to get publicity and votes, just google his history on gaming and it's just the same as any other fat boomer politicians

there is a commie who streams all the time on twitch and he's apart of the young turks. they dont care.

Isn’t Bernie wealthy as fuck? Doesn’t he live in a mansion or something?

socialism is when nobody has money or does business
-garl marx :DDD

How do we get Trump to play minecraft with Bernie?

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He has 3 actually.

Instead of debates, how about a 1 vs 1 on final destination.

I guarantee you the country will be in a better place after that.

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So When is AOC becoming a twitch thot?

He is wealthy by average person standards but compares to other career politicians is pretty tame
>millionaire by his late 70’s
oh wowwww what a greedy pig

Trump finna tweet about Gaymer Gayte

Saigon was right

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he has like 3 or 4 homes and leads a bunch of retarded millennials in a battle against "the rich", collecting their donation money and then giving it all to establishment candidates like hillary
ultimate IRL shitposter


Man, the Russian slavnigger shills are starting their pro-trump propaganda early this time.

he literally made his twitch to appeal to the "millenial vote". he better stream himself farming wheat to make bread on minecraft because that's how this country will look if he wins

It's actually pathetic seeing real boomers (not Yea Forums meme boomers) try to relate with young people
Especially rich ones in power who don't actually care about young people and just use them as a platform to power

Politicians love to talk about fighting "the rich" but bring up the banks and watch how dead silent they become.

is Yea Forums a trump board like /pol/?

gib him twitch bucks, no refunds

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This old fuck had his honeymoon in the USSR. Russia would love to see him get elected.

>Bernie wins
>everyone gets a UBI so they can stay home and play comfy Minecraft all day
Sounds pretty based desu

it is, and that's the funny part of it.

It is though
Show me one wealthy communist country, there's never been one because socialism was designed by (((them))) to turn the world into an impoverished shithole

Russia wants whoever will destabilize the country the most to win
At this point, either Bernie or a second Trump term would create a shitstorm in the country

What else would he be?

Attached: Feargus_Urkuhart_at_KRI_2013,_Russia,_Moscow.jpg (1280x853, 214K)

boomer-tier opinion
kill yourself

Dude never smiles, How can you trust that?

Bernie is against UBI, he believes it anti-work and anti-jobs

yes, and that's a bad thing

What's this old man going to play? C&C? Crusader kings? Banking simulator?

We truly live in a society

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Ask that when the next defense budget comes up.

Why? Do you have any good reasons why we should suddenly become Socialists?

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nice argument cuckmunist nigger

the soviet union was based,redpilled,and white,if you think otherwise you are a cuck
pol pot did nothing wrong

I get people making jokes about this but people who are honestly shocked or confused are truly retarded. They're just going to use it like a live streaming site. Probably going to just simulcast speeches and shit. No one is surprised that politicians have YouTube channels where they upload them talking.

That means he's anti technology and anti progress so I think I'll not vote for him. Time for stagnant boomers to leave politics

nothign to smile about

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I wouldn't trust anyone who smiles

>mfw victory royale

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>jews are white
nice try


i like trump and im not even american , but other than the "hes a commie" why people dont like this man he propising to pay your student debt if it were me i would be all over voting this dude i mean american student loans are huuuge you end up paying them for years and this dude is proposing free you from that burden , so my question is why burguers dont like him hes giving you free university studies

get a job

Sweat shop workers can either earn 10 cents a week under capitalism, or nothing at all
You wouldn't deprive them of those jobs, would you? Monster

ew, why would you want to be wh*te?

most of these are amplified in communist countries. Have you fucking seen Mao's regime?

I can't imagine how Bernie would do worse than Trump. Economic projections are already fucked due to the government shutting down, budget spending and tariffs.

because they're all empty promises, I kinda want him to win just so everything hes been spouting for a lifetime doesnt come to be.

t.southern european

Fuck you guys, I laughed way too hard on this

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they are so desperate this time around, I love it. Orange man put the fear of god in these souless commies.

Paying/cancelling debts is classic demagoguery