SGDQ 2019


Now: Dark Souls II
Later: Dead Rising (embed)

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Who else /here/

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I forgot this was still going. How's the run been so far?

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What a joke of a run.

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thank you lonely panda for the donation

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do not open

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I don't understand who was looking forward to this.

Complete trash.

how's the smell

>Yoo gawt tiss

Can we just ban PC games from GDQ?

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just tuned in, how has this run been? souls runs are usually pretty terrible in my experience

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What the fuck is wrong with their computer?
I played enough DS2 and that never fucking happened.


SSS!!: Punch-Out!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar // Titanfall 2 // Mort the Chicken // Glover // TRAG
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Shrek XL // Last Action Hero // Nex Machina
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Super Mario Sunshine // Silent Hill 3 // Nuclear Throne // Starcraft
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // Zelda Randomizer // Furi // Command & Conquer
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokemon Crystal // Splatterhouse // Sylvester & Tweety // Clustertruck
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist // Deltarune // Hylics // Laffy Taffy // Boogerman // Lethal League Blaze
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2 // We Love Katamari // Catlateral Damage // Castlevania DOS
ZZZ: Borderlands 2 // Zelda: Link Between Worlds
Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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When's the mercykill?

Why does she sit like that?

Solid A.

not me

Bland. There's also some memory leak issue every 15 minutes.

hinata cunny

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time for best boss lads

post dragon feet

computer has a memory leak that makes them restart every ~15 minutes. you aren't missing anything

why the fuck does this look like a ps2 game

I thought Dark Souls was supposed to be based and have amazing graphics and gameplay

Kill yourself.


>room is more fucking empty than before
>this is the prime time slot
uhhh, soulsfags??

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I unironically love Dark Souls 2 and Scholar is my third favorite From game after 1 and Bloodborne.

>dull commentary
>constant game issues forcing restarts
>bawk and the girl being terrible on the couch
This is a hard D

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I wonder what her shits look like

Attached: ThisDuckDontFuckAround.webm (720x1280, 837K)

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>skip every enemy
>cheese each boss
That's literally all this run is. Also these graphics look like absolute shit

what a qt

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I want to!

have you guys bought anything off the shop yet? I got slipstream and it was a solid hour of fun

So why did Proto get banned from GDQ?

I ain't clickn that shit nigga

Hijack the mic.


>jumps will occasionally be shorter than others for absolutely no reason
>speedrunners have to hope and pray every jump isn't one of them
truly a masterpiece

you forgot your spoiler, faggot

Normies don't like 2.

holy fucken based

Why aren't you shooting everyone


i like the order, but the letter grades are retarded.

everything SS and above should be collapsed into S tier, then make S into A tier, A in to B etc, with D and below all F. You know these scores are inflated as fuck when there are 26 runs at A tier or above

>prime time slot
>it's 5 in the morning

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Worse than D

Attached: SMASHED_AND_DASHED.webm (600x450, 663K)

>Oooo Monkas
>you stream dark souls? Keepo
>mi so horny
>yes, I'm a gamergurl how could you tell

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PS2 games look better than this shit.


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nice toes on that dragon


He’s been explaining everything.

>Constant restarts

Not his fault.

>bawk and the girl being terrible on the couch

Would you rather them meme all the time?

Man dist2 is one lucky man, he's getting that pussy for anyone who doesn't know.

It's weird, I am one of the few people alive who actually like DS2 but this run is dull as fuck.

why do theyneed to kill the cool old dragon :(

what did you expect, him killing all the enemies?

>every 15 minutes of a 2.5 hour run

please tell me you're exaggerating, jesus

me too user

Not in anywhere of importance.

For being a degenerate piece of shit and overall waste of both oxygen and taxpayer money.

Where is she from originally? I feel like she learned english from twitch which is why she talks like a retard.

It's better than 3, I will give you that.

take notes 3fags... this is what kino looks like

Have sex


this is unironically more empty than at 3 AM local time this morning, shit was PACKED late night yesterday


Why are so many gamers MTF trannies?


maybe her butt hurts?

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>mfw I read what is being run after this

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It's happened 4 times so far

go to sleep dum german

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what happened with Prime 2? It used to be a good run.

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Belgium, so yeah she learned it from Twitch.

Too many mentally ill people were obsessed with them.

half Belgian, half Chink (Taiwan I think), lives in Belgium

If I don't see some fireworks soon, I'm gonna be mighty disappointed in you.

she's definitely hot, but has very assymetrical eyes

re**it the post

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I so so wish I could stomp your fucking face in the pavement faggot.

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omg omg omg

PLEASE keep posting more of this ABSOLUTE beauty!

She is so CUTE, bros!

More more more more.


Cute cute CUTE.


you actually arent using twitch chat right?

>tune into the dark souls 2 run
>dead silent for like 20 seconds straight. just the game
>he ruins it by talking

The entire marathon should be like that.

don't be rude now

It's been real bad.

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He wasn't banned, he tweeted that he didn't have fun last year and was afraid of "muh bigots" so he and his closest troon pals decided not to come this year. Played the victim card really hard, no self-awareness that even a lot of non-transphobes think he's an obnoxious piece of shit too.

I expected him to be insanely skilled at this game but he has literally just memorized room layouts and probably just looked at a how to beat the boss easy guide


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She has that annoying hair swoop hairstyle that teenagers tend to do in high school.

Colonized or Colonizer?


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people probably getting bac k from bars



just because you explain shit doesn't mean it's not dull as fuck, some people have charisma and some don't

Budapest Hotel, right?

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kill the run
kill the run
kill the run

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>Blue smelter is shit
Fuck off, red n blue smelter swords was peak dark souls.

Why you getting pissed at me, bro? All I did was answer a question because she mentioned it at the beginning of the run.

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Bloodborne would be way more fun to watch. At least that game is designed to be fast paced.

>male Corrin

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Just end this already

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>another death

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he said in the beginning there's an fanmod for it, why he's not using it in a marathon I don't know.

>current year
>unironically watching trannies done quick

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Excuse me, but there’s like a 14 part system of Protos in place now. You don’t speak for all of them.

>average 20 fps
>fast paced


Holy shit where are those normally nosey announcers, its so uncomfortably quiet. the one time it would be appropriate for them to chime and nothing

nope, its an absolute shitshow, it even happened during the looking glass knight fight

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Her being a full autist is cute.

GDQ probably didn’t allow him to have it on their shitty PCs

holy shit that bird is cute

Where are the sluts

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This is legitimately one of the ugliest games ive ever seen. How the fuck did fromsoft even release this

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Just begging to be free use.


I would gladly watch her brown starburst sphincter lips hug her gargantuan gut ballast as it nudges slowly out of her ass

How do fellow bros who work full-time come home not exhausted? I feel like I always have to take a nap when I get home and then I stay awake for a few hours and just go to bed.

Distortion is extremely boring. He's only ever fun when he's absolutely chimping out and screaming slurs over fromsoft nonsense rng, which he obviously won't do at gdq.

don't know desu but I assume WMAF parents because that's what my intuition tells me



even his chokes weren't this bad, at least he had charisma

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>let's have a clean fight
>gets hit immediately

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Uhh Hope you aint shitting on my dead rising pal.

>buuuttt its only overtime

other runs are glitchy as fuck and dumb and 72 hour mode is literal 4+ hours and there is nothing you can do about it.

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Someone donate 9 dollars to male

This is my first time watching it, never played, and I think it’s mesmerizing. The guy being chill is a bonus to me just watching this ninja rapier warrior speed through this dark medieval fantasy world

I fucking hate her

Fromsoft A-team was working on bloodborne at the time as well


Feels F to me

Attached: FUCK THIS.png (768x768, 221K)

This is supposedly one of the most popular speedrunners too

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It came out in 2006


only good boss in the entire game

Hey guys cakeinferno just released a new vore video, there's a leak on it on pornhub uploaded yesterday

his streams are pretty decent, hes just playing it super safe here

Do you work literally all day? I wake up 40 minutes before work, shower, get ready and grab a lunch and come home by 4pm and I have 6-8 hours to relax at home. You need to start eating healthier and exercising if you're so exhausted

>dist is gonna come on Yea Forums after the run and see us bullying the shit out of him

Attached: cute-mai.png (334x501, 393K)

By not being a weak pussy. Hit the weights bitch.

Damn who is this elite Yea Forums hacker doxxing this couch QT. thanks for the dump Yea Forumsro

Friendly reminder that we'll be seeing this exact same run category for Dark Souls 1 in a few days

>gets hit
>audible laughter from audience


Exercise when you get home. Cardio is especially good for perking you up. I cycle. Come home, exercise immediately, cook, then chill. Really helps.

Haven't watched from the start, how is Bawk being terrible?

>he'll miss you most of the time
>gets hit immediately

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stfu up faggots

Nice hitboxes

>almost dies
rhe absolute state

ds2 hitboxes lmfao

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Oh! I LIKE that picture.
Do you have more, BRO?
She is really CUTE, bro.
I WISH she was my gf, bro.
I really really really really really really like this image.

Massive dead rising fan, was surprised to see it on the schedule. Thanks for dashing my hopes with the overtime only crap.


>that hitbox

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Dark Souls 2 is objectively a shit game, don't bother playing.


because they were making bloodborne and knew there literal kinopiece was gonna make up for it from the blundering g-team.


spotted the twink

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>Oh mein gott!

Literally why doesn't dark souls ship with a laugh track

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how many trannies so far? It has been comfy every time I get the chance to watch

This game looks like shit

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>hbomberguy actually tried to argue that this shit is good

have sex

Anyone here like wristwatches?

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>that 180 degree stab hitbox
dark souls 2 ladies and gentlemen




The autists at the Dead Rising Speedrun Community run Timeskip%. This basically allows you to delete time like you're fucking King Crimson.

You effectively run the cases in linear order and just skip all the waiting around. It's as stupid and dumb as it sounds.

If they wanted to be fucking bosses, they'd figure out something that you can actually do that takes advantage of the way Dead Rising is structured, or you know, just not speedrun it.

I dont think you realize how fucking boring 72 hour mode is, its literal "Do main quests and wait and do nothing for sometimes 20-30 minutes the run"


Dist is keeping it together nicely for someone that has to restart his game every 15 minutes "ha ha". Had this been his own stream the computer would have went flying out the fucking window.

>I have so much respect for ISIS SUPPORTERS

Ummm sorry sweetie, thats sir alonne.

Ewwww what the fuck is wrong with its legs?

bros stop I just jerked off please

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It somehow looks significantly worse than Dark Souls 1 vanilla.

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I'm wearing one while I'm volunteering at SGDQ right now!

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>all these hideous trannies trying to bully /ourgirl/ larxa
loving every laugh, keep seething

>too retarded to include cardio in exercise routines
I'm way too fucking hairy to be a twink

Posting girls
Draw this girl
Post results

Attached: 1553438728768.jpg (1080x1350, 154K)

>Clean floors Alonne

>my entire identity is built up around my politics and "white race"

Thanks Lori


>He doesn't cardio after lifting
Lmao heartlet. Bet you get tired after a few sets.

>tfw gotta pull an all nighter to see all the runs I want to watch tomorrow live

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what are you doing?

Wow! She is gorgeous!
She is very pretty and cute! Hahahaha.
Can you please keep posting more of her? Hahaha.
I really like the images your are posting. So post more of this ABSOLUTE CUTIE.

protomagicalgirl is here. sorry all of your runs got denied :^)

I don't think so

>Its the sepuku we like to call it

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I miss her, guys...

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That's what I'm talking about
I'd fug megumin with or without tits

>say poo koo

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Even trannies hate PMG

>We have $5 from Greg "Hey guys. First time watcher, many time donater. I am happy to be supporting such a good cause. ISIS fighters need all the medical help they can get, and I am glad that playing video games can support them. I'll donate $5 more if the runner dilates live on stream. PS: Save the frames kill the animals"

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has there ever been a GDQ soulsborne run that wasn't boring at best, trainwreck at worst?

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It really is great to know a wonderful humanitarian association like MSF is getting a large amount of funding because of speedrunning.


goddamn i remember having fun when i played ds2 but how are they managing to make it so boring
i think i've missed the last hour cause i fell asleep from the sheer dullness of this run and it sounds like the audience there is the same with how quiet its been

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A grown man should weigh at least 200 kilograms.

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how do I get a Larxa gf?

why do the enemies in this game spin around on their feet like theyre sliding?


The art direction in DaS1 is just amazing, to me it looks way better than DaS3.

thats how i feel about all modern art
fucking picasso ruining art forever

>seething tranny learns about reverse psychology

The problem with speedrunning it and filling in time(getting survivors) is so fucking risky, Dead Rising is legit one of my favorite games and 1 is still the best by far, but HOLY FUCKING SHIT is the survivor AI and trying to save them 1000x more of a threat than anything else in the game.

Because this game was poorly coded.

I was born in 1990 and never, never saw the appeal on these.
Everything has hours in it, so I don't care.
I can see people liking because of the accessory thing, but as a useful thing, I don't care.

dang why you gotta insult yourself like that? become statistic

burger pronunciation of Japanese is literally worse than poo in loo English

Nope, 'fraid not.

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Gamers are actually rising up for good. What a world we live in.

>clapping for framedrops

a poorly coded n64 emulator?


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>clapping for memory leak
this is what gdq has become

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tracking. it's unironic artificial difficulty.

Green card marriage

I bet she has daddy issues

This took me a while to draw.
Do you rike it?

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dam, tier-list fag's chest looks like THAT?

Be a popular speed runner that looks like a young boy that’s thin and slender as opposed to being obese and gross and she’ll find you.

>PC gaming

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Fuck I thought they pulled the plug on it for a second, how many times is he going to do something before ending the run

i feel stupid vomiting memes like this

>trannies done quick
>jewish music starts playing

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You're gonna have a good time during ESA.

I still need to do that survival challenge for the final trophy
just never have a spare 48 hours

>"Sir Alonne commits seppuku if you beat him with no damage, so cool!"
>he just awkwardly clips his long ass sword though his crotch, with its blunt side up
bravo B-team

Sorry guys I dropped my bowl.

Have money and let her fuck other guys.


This run is a fucking disaster, Dist is actually finished.

All I here from that oriental fella is CHING CHONG DING DONG ME RIKEY SOULU GAIJIN-SAMA

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Yeah, but it's at least interesting.

I know no one would do it, but if someone did 100% it'd be cool. Obviously you'd have to exclude 7 day survivor from that because fuck me, thats just 14 hours of AFK.

did someone break something?


Lowest bidder animation

shadilay brother



>americans getting shot again on stream


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Computer is shitting the bed. Been happening all run.

How old is this distortion2 kid

OMG thank you bro!

lick lick lick hahahahah

She is cute man like really fricking cute. So cute you should keep posting her.



This run is a lot like dying from cancer. It’s a shame that this is SGDQ and not AGDQ.

I wonder how much of the AGDQ donation pool has reached ISIS and other terrorist cells.

Attached: 05.png (1012x1432, 1.25M)


>a Touhou secondary
>runs flavour of the month garbage
>gives up categories when they become """toxic""" (meaning requiring skill to land skips like Shura ending)
>unironically uses the word "toxic"
>gets mad at videogames
>boring personality
>awful commentary
please, just mercy kill this runner. Dist is cancer

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Are ESA threads just as bad as this?



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Was this game made by pajeets?


ESA doesn’t have threads because it’s always dead

Basically, the game's memory leaks worse then the Titanic, and I suspect they are running old drivers that can not compensate for memory leakage. That or they refuse to use compatibility mode to force the hardware to use older (and less risky) support methods.

>people literally think Picasso was good
>or van gough

>See the actual real Salivador Dali paintings and one of his real masterpieces in Florida
>Shits on nearly everything ive ever seen from the famous memesters people praise.

This nigga went from painting fucking bowls of fruit that were "Saturday night paint fun night with wine with the girls!" tier to literally "A painting within a painting within a painting, the size of a fucking wall, that looks like Abe Lincoln when you see it far away"

Fun fact, hes a Psycho, but not a psychopath, its in the whites of his eyes.

Attached: lilboy.jpg (816x517, 34K)

I can't believe papyrus is a jew

PC is going to explode

Be white.

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cheating, he isn't aggro'd yet.

>a Touhou secondary
why was this important to note

100% the reason I won't donate at all. Why would I support US enemies?

choke incoming

Is thats sword properly proportioned?

Runner has some nice tits

this boss should try swinging the opposite direction, hed probably trick this guy if he did it

>emotes on a boss that isn't even aggro'd

Nah I'm not giving $100 for that.

its not the computer, its the shitty fucking DS2 game. This happened to a lot of people.

>We have to play on the 1.0 patch so we can exploit these bugs.
>Wtf the game has a memory lead and keeps freezing up.

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Can we get a translator for asianbro and emotespeak girl?

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you cant see his nose because hes a skeleton, but trust me its canon

>people actually like this game

Welcome to speed running

just spend a day in his chat and you'll see why

absolute snooze fest

Nigga, why you lying.

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He doesn’t aggro til you attack.

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touhouchads own this board

It's hard to tell because skulls don't have noses.

Ds2 isnt bad, would have preferred ds1 desu

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fuck undertale

it was outsourced to a bunch of 17 year old asians who were facing mandatory military join unless they finished the game.

Maybe try actually getting WRs kid.

He’s literally 14 sec off the Sekiro Shura WR?

Yeah it's pretty much a dead form of fashion. I just like having a mechanism on my arm that is completely devoid of electricity. They're all utterly pointless after 1980's

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>Close it to the public, runners and a few friends each only would

>drop the charities and get new ones have it in the contract that they have no involvement with the event besides taking the money

>fire most of the current employees

These 3 changes would basically snowball into giving us back the golden age of 2013-2014

yeah , so the emote for 100 dollars doesn't count.

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Maralfags, Sayvifags and that bunny bitch's fags plague the threads yes.

He meant in reference to doing an emote, probably.

When does ESA start anyway?

Attached: ESA winter 2019 THE CLUTCH.webm (1600x900, 2.83M)

skull no nose cause bone

Asianbro basically has only said “oh woooow” all run in various forms of broken English.

>playing on 1.0 patch
>with all the dlc

Attached: 1513488314427.png (499x338, 38K)

>Dark souls
Is abbreviated DaS

Attached: 238762837462746746234.jpg (655x527, 36K)

this is final patch iirc. the original had way more and cooler glitches.

>lmao drooping clocks

This guys a hack though.

I was hoping for something. Not quite as busted as but something

>insult trannies
>trigger tranny bot to say >kys
>report for botting
>another tranny kis

to be fair, it is fucking ass, but everyone is lying that doesnt say it had the best PvP, Covenenants(and they fucking worked) and build variety in all of the 3 souls.

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Woah! Hey!
Who is that cutie pie?????
She is very cute. Yes.
Do you have more of this cute girl?
I would love to see more of this cute girl, you know?
Wow! Very pretty.

This was so fucking hype to watch live.

they sometimes die in burgertime sleepy hours (ironic since its a yuro marathon), but most of the time there are active threads up

We own ALL boards

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>we need more helper's in world
>MSF is importing them illegally by the boat load

Attached: 1559106025972.webm (632x612, 95K)

Google o' clock

Not soon enough. This event just makes me yearn for a more entertaining marathon.

next month i think


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check the schedule

>3 hours over estimate

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I would have preferred seeing those tits but we can't always get everything we want

oh my fucking god END THIS

Attached: cant wake up.jpg (600x706, 41K)

>his surreal art is the only art.

Dude the painting I said at the end of my last post is one of the most jaw dropping things ive seen in person. His surreal shit isnt even the focus of his main exhibit, he painted a lot of different shit.

Not so dead as hats, for example, I like for this aspect.
Just not for me.
Are you super into it? Like spending hundreds and hundreds for new models and tinkering with it?

Some 25 days.

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Is touhou anime or vidya

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Attached: a31.jpg (680x793, 72K)

top tier shitposting

Why do people even do runner’s choice? Do they pick something before they event play so they don’t have to answer?

demon souls is DeS

it was a clusterfuck of bad luck but one of the best runs I've seen. The hype when he won was amazing

because Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, frogfuck.

how can any race compete with white girls?

Attached: wind.webm (1000x563, 1.67M)

is the camera in this game deliberately obfuscating what your character is facing around corners and such to make the game harder?

Tech issues.

garbage is what it is

Generally, yeah. Or they do it after their run.


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God those legs look so fucking soft I want them wrapped around my head.

How long has this gone on in real time?

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imagine how tight that pussy is

Attached: ESA winter 2019 TLAD.webm (1600x675, 2.79M)

Has there been a chibi/caveman moment yet?

this Let's Play fucking sucks

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Yikes, why'd they have the event in a flyover shithole?

far too fucking long

Attached: 1450675942466.jpg (306x273, 29K)

Generally yeah, but they’ll sometimes reply mid-run to make it clear

Woah! Is that?
Yeah it is!
Thank you for posting this cute girl, BRO.
I don’t know what I would have done if you stopped posting this CUTIE.
I really wish she was my girlfriend, you know?
Does she have a stream I can watch everyday?
She is very cute, and beautiful! Yes!

Attached: rs.jpg (900x900, 42K)


Attached: 1516722496800.png (1211x649, 1.1M)

Yeah pretty much, spent 300 on this and that's my 'wear until I die' watch

Attached: IMG_20180707_211857.jpg (1766x1325, 589K)

Who is the annoying gook?

Sinh > Kalaneet > that dragon from DS3

>shitting on picasso

Attached: picasso-early-work-6.jpg (750x587, 89K)

Would edo read my donation if I ask her to just deepthroat the mic?

What touhou has the best armpits?

I want to suck her boobies.

I want to fuck this 2hu

It was the final run of the day on the second stream that doesn't stream 24/7. It literally didn't matter if they went overtime which was good since the game's RNG can fuck you cross eyed.

He doesn't run it anymore. He gets extremely butthurt over ogreskip.

>used the wrong pronoun

Final Fantasy 3 is a cunt of a game user.

>Those glasses

Attached: jigglypuff attempts to escape this mortal coil.png (517x397, 90K)

Bitch got glasses bigger than her head

how long before someone has a mental breakdown and shoots up one of these things they always have them in the midwest so it cant be hard to get guns

That fucking honker jesus christ.

>she winces in silent pain
haha that's hot haha sure haha

Reimu obviously.

Forget those slags, Suzie is my queen. Best speedfu.

what is going on in this webm


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she looks like a rat and human had a child, please get better taste

Attached: 1530157879446.jpg (600x740, 467K)

hes the equivalent of a good and funny animator taking the easy route and making a lets play channel instead for more sheks.

tell me who this is RIGHT NOW

started watching some Larxa vod instead of the run

she seems literally autistic and she's so cute

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depth of field hiding all the tiling textures

Dick chopped like spring grass.
After fake vagina rots,
suicide follows.
- a haiku about trannies

Attached: pepe-glasses-1.jpg (750x740, 73K)


Attached: screamguy.jpg (1280x720, 241K)

F in chat for that man's fings.

They're on the final boss, one character with low HP, and are about to die, but manage to kill the boss with a hail mary attack

Attached: 1561518107702.jpg (900x1272, 379K)

Carci is probably making his way there soon to get revenge on Bawk.

dsfix isnt vanilla

me too

Attached: 1535730337169.jpg (810x900, 63K)

He fucked this fight HARD his last couple of runs and raged.


Attached: 1547100277351.png (740x580, 62K)

Attached: 17881692_119152441965971_7862141912562532352_n.jpg (854x854, 917K)

>lol this enemy is invisible


Wish you aesthetic pleasing watch, user.

which is one of the few times DoF is used correctly.

>carci shows up
>trenchcoat, hat and sunglasses
>silenty walks up to the couch
>pulls out a shotgun
>blows bawk's head off

tranny casual

>running out of budget
>just make boss invisible

Attached: 1324684888539.jpg (500x446, 31K)



Attached: rolf.png (901x758, 1.16M)

Who's the asian on the left?

Wtf, why did miyazaki copy the thanos blade from endgame?

>almost impossible speedrun because last part takes an hour and if you loose you go all the way back
>retard decides do submit run anyway
>fails multiple times
>about to give up
>bald bro refuses to let him give up, even runs the game for him for a while and then cheers him on for hours
>boss reks them and they think they're gonna die
>last desperate hit actually kills the boss
it was a great run

Attached: ESA winter 2019 FFX.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

>another restart

How can you gays not find this tense as fuck

Attached: 1524457065603.jpg (480x542, 41K)

do you honestly think anything in ds2 makes you NOT a casual?

>safety restarts
truly speedrunning has reached a new level

Dark souls runs arent fun to watch, they all run the
exact same frame by frame.

Attached: NN9oP4D.png (1500x2104, 3.59M)

Nah, you just go right instead of left at the start of the DLC and get an item that makes it visible. DS2 is still absolutely garbage except the literal final DLC boss.

i was during that fight at least


You can make it visible, based retard.

You can make it visible the real laziness is the secret boss of this area where its just two of them

she's the mistress how can she fire herself?

Attached: 1554768259490.jpg (914x969, 148K)

the final area of ff3 has multiple bosses and enemies that can easily kill you and you can't save in the final dugeon so you have to redo it entirely if you die. he died multiple times and almost gave up.

He's resetting because he can only play for 16 minutes before the game runs out of memory.

If the boss is invisible then why does it take damage?

what a terrible run for a terrible game



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dsfix doesn't change the textures retard

Happy Birthday to me!! Hahaha.
What a gorgeous girl. Very super cute.
I wish to make love to this cute cute cute girl.
Yes! Very beautiful and gorgeous and pretty and cute!
Aaaaaah! Cute!
Please post her streams to watch this cutie!

Attached: 1385432174807.jpg (370x370, 52K)

>stops the clock everytime he resets
what the absolute fuck is this garbage

did they know each other beforehand?

>if you loose
what if you're tight?

>two seconds of music
>dancing autist already at it

what an attention whore

Because we all played and beat DS2 multiple times and know how fucking easy and shit it is.

a new level no doubt about it

that's not even the top 3 laziest boss in this game.
they also recycle that boss by just putting 2 of them at the same time rehashing gargoyles/maneater

>the old chaos


Attached: 1556158352727.jpg (1362x2048, 290K)

R u ok?


any webms of him? I keep missing it

I'd spill everything all over this whore
If you know what I mean

Bored of trolling /pol/
How goes DSII?

Neat inviso-kill

it's probably one of those curryniggers you know
just ignore it

i want to sniff her fartbox

I use to wear my handmedown vintage seiko5 for some time until it started losing time by a lot and I'm just too lazy to get it fixed
also I really want a Sinn 556 but i cant justify the price

Attached: 1518132466541.png (236x217, 8K)

Ivory King is the best DSII boss.

>this is the most random number generator boss fight

fuck's sake JUST CALL IT LUCK

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It's a tranny going ballistic like Miles

I don't make webms of him.

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you ok there bro?

I bet she has delicious little toes.

Die die the Remi

Attached: remi_die_die.webm (960x720, 342K)

Attached: 1560127794844.jpg (560x750, 293K)

How based would it be if someone just got up and turned off the pc hahaha?

>each time you die to the secret boss you have to do an excruciatingly unpleasant run back.
Who thought this was a good idea? As someone who actually enjoyed most of the DaS2 dlc I just find that it's one of the worst areas in the game.

Pretty sure they didn't


>giant armored knight boss pulling off wood grain ring flippy shit
Who designed this game?

An Undertale speedrun would be over by now, no matter what route you picked

>shift banned for 2 years for calling someone a faggot in anger over a year ago, something he has already been punished for
what a shameful thing to do, thank god that he wasn't personally reached out to for a run this is sarcasm

Quite literally the ONLY time DS2 looks good, and honestly, its pretty fucking amazing.



That boss entrance was glorious

i don't think she'd like that very much

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A lot of the bosses just take getting used to the movements. The last couple were interesting though

Attached: DehuA27WAAA7E7V.jpg (750x1334, 182K)

do it

goddamn kino boss.

I mean it looked like shit but I understood what they were going for

only you

did the estimate for this take into account all the times he resets the game and the clock stops?

It's even better with music on

>2nd toe bigger than main toe
yikes and dropped

I wanna fuck the asian on the couch...
He cute

They stopped the clock every time he restarted the game

>literally unironically /s'ing your post

ugly feet unfortunately

Attached: 1528647472907.png (800x800, 683K)

That was a nice donation

Attached: 1525195889032.png (411x371, 137K)

Its a risk I'm willing to take
When you think about it its kinda her fault anyway

Did Moistgoulash get banned from the event?

Mmmmmm. Delicious.
Wow this cute girl is perfect. Very pretty and very beautiful.

I want to kiss her feets and bootie too!
You think so too, bro? Very super cute.

Cope, you pathetic nigger.

No? Why would he know the game was going to shit itself every 15 min.

>boohoo my boyfriend is oversees klling muslims and I watch tgdq while jamal is gets here

nice speedrun/video game related donation you utter fucking faggot

They really should just kick the couch niggers out. None of them add anything and even the retarded asian can't count.

That's the way it's supposed to be.

you have to do it for the summer children who legit can't detect sarcasm and assume you are a sjw


very rude

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Attached: 1415814594722.png (500x500, 61K)


because its a shitty game and he plays it alot?
should that be the exact thing he knows

not even a footfag but fuck those are disgusting.

>2nd toe longer than the rest.

No, and I know this is common, but no, so im sorry for the ladies(male) here.

Attached: 1234.jpg (625x351, 24K)

what does the announcer girl look like IRL?

I didn't know all you had to do to piss trannies off is post pics of cute actual females.

what was it?

Is this twink going to run out of time and sob like the Katamari penis girl?


Attached: 1554317426144.jpg (683x1024, 395K)


Hahaaha she tried to Photoshop he gigantic nose.

thank fucking god its almost over

fucking hate soulsborne runs

good thing some of us have evolved then

>pony plow town

Attached: 1530157342605.jpg (960x758, 78K)

bad rem

Attached: 1405591648773.gif (320x240, 123K)

why would he know that the GDQ computer has a memory leak

Attached: 1560128007313.png (670x850, 499K)


actually a cutie. 7/10 for sure. Could be a 7.5/8.0 with natural hair color.

>like the Katamari penis girl?
Wait, what and what?

Eh, not the best but not the worse either. Those flat arches are a bonerkiller, but I'd still fuck.

Attached: D71gJn3UYAAomYY.jpg large.jpg (1600x1067, 133K)

fuck off back to plebbit


This run is literally sapping all of my strength. I was interested in Dead Rising but I think now I’ll just go to bed. FUCK

>it's pony plow time
what did he mean by this

Attached: 1408937064636.jpg (598x336, 17K)

based ESL cuck

horsefuck valley bois

Suck suck suck!

Such cute feet! WOW
I am blown away how perfect this girl is, like totally beautiful!
I want to marry a her! And be the boyfriend too!
Suck my dick.

Based toe ratio evaluator


"It's Pony plow time"
What did they mean by this?

Attached: 1540701281532.jpg (480x542, 42K)


Stay the fuck up, dude. Dunk your head in cold water and meet me back here in 10 minutes.

>the summon helps get the ponies off....

cute butt

Attached: 1528180657397.png (454x600, 263K)

I'd this the forbidden alien picture I've heard so much about?

Attached: marisa_vs_sakuya 1.png (1142x1121, 358K)

sure bb

Attached: cutefeet.png (800x800, 626K)

Attached: 6.jpg (868x1206, 371K)


Mayubuns or Mayushii on twitch.

Attached: announcer girl.jpg (1080x1440, 266K)



That "yay" was pretty adorbz.

Wrong, theres multiple feet type, and that one is the worst of the 5.

Attached: which-foot-type-are-you-egyptian-roman-greek.jpg (650x238, 27K)

Horse pussy.

Attached: 1561560969983.png (782x779, 230K)

He did the same thing last ESA with RE2, dude is a black hole.

In the last 6 months I've gone from 20% footfag up to a solid 34% absolute footfag.

Attached: 1558800066898.jpg (1091x1544, 468K)

get out


Hahaha I want to donate to her streams. Big money!

You too, bros?


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