Says you can not get edricks shield in 11
>says you can not get edricks shield in 11
>literally its the most op shield in the game
>wonders how mp works
>erdricks shield literally recovers mp
>people praise them when they could not even research the fucking game

I know people are retarded but still it hurts as a dragon quest fan being shown this video

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 226K)

This nigger didn't even bother researching or playing 11.
You literally get the shield after collecting 200 mini coins and any RPG codexian dipshit can understand how mp works in the DQ games

Attached: Drunk Delinquent dot jaypeg.jpg (650x500, 112K)

>smashfags are braindead secondaries who don't know anything about the characters they play as or the games they're from
wow shocker

>gamexplain playing anything but bing bing wahoos

Nobody gives a shit about your generic jrpg trash. Get it out of my Smash or else I'll continue to be a digusting secondary that will poison all DQ discussion

Who says I'm talking about DQ? I'm talking about Nintendo franchises represented in Smash in general.

>people will fall for bait this obvious


>when it's a proven fact that Smash poisons game threads with it's secondaries
uhhhhhhhhhhhh hows it bait? explain. Oh wait you won't you underage coward

Sup Andre

you're contradicting yourself

>asking a question is contradicting myself
Should've known that an underage wouldn't have the mental capacity to answer a real question. Begone.

this contradicts

>a question contradicts a statement
Aaaand the question remains unanswered. Typical underage. The lacking mental capacity is downright shocking

shitpost harder faglord

>Can you answer this simple question
Man. This underage must only have half a brain. It's so sad.


Does GameXplain have the dumbest review system or what? This looks like a 5 year old drew it

Attached: mm2review.png (1280x718, 1.26M)

The entire channel is for 5 year olds

>Calls 3's hero Erdrick
>Calls Solo "Four"

true, that's what they get for being Nintendo sycophants for review copies though